Mp3 Conspiracy Files

“JFK Truth will Unravel It All” Part 1

“JFK Truth will Unravel It All” Part 2

Occult Symbolism - Freeman - Part 1

Occult Symbolism - Freeman - Part 2

Indianapolis Gateway to Hell - Part 1

Indianapolis Gateway to Hell - Part 2

Waco/The Oklahoma City Bombing

Secret Societies/World Mysteries

Collapse of WTC Building 7

Secret Societies

The Illuminati Part 1

The Illuminati Part 2

Signs/Symbols of the Illuminati

911: In Plane Site

The Moon Landing Hoax

Doc Marquis

Eric Jon Phelps

Anthony Hilder

John Costella - The Zapruder Film

Alan Watt on the NWO Part 1

Alan Watt on the NWO Part 2

Alan Watt on the NWO Part 3

Jerome Corsi on the NWO

Bruce Gagnon on the NWO

Directed Energy Weapons

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New World Order Conspiracy Videos

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New World Order Conspiracy Videos

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The New World Order

Q - Web Map (Deep State Map)

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'They Live' - The Movie

'They Live' is a 1988 American science fiction horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Roddy Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster. It follows a nameless drifter (called "John Nada" in the credits), who discovers the ruling class are in fact concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed, and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media. Based on Ray Nelson’s short story Eight O’Clock in the Morning, the movie is one of those rare subversive stories that forces viewers to question their world and their surroundings.

Right from the beginning, as we see Nada walking around Los Angeles with his backpack, the movie sets a particular mood: Something is not quite right. While Nada appears to be a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, the city is not happy and it is not too kind to happy-go-lucky kind of guys. Quite the contrary, there is a sense of impending doom in the air: Poverty is rampant, helicopters fly around the city and street preachers speak of soulless beings ruling the world.

A preacher’s description of the "masters" is applicable to the Illuminati.

Seeking shelter Nada enters an empty church and discovers a hidden box. In an alley, he opens the box and finds dozens of sunglasses. Taking one, he hides the box of remaining sunglasses in a garbage can.

Nada discovers the sunglasses have unique properties. After putting on a pair, he sees the world as it really is and discovers that it is not what it seems. Media and advertising hide constant subliminal totalitarian commands to obey and conform. When viewing those of wealth and authority Nada discovers they're not human.

When he has his sunglasses on, Nada sees through the smoke and mirrors projected by advertisement and mass media. He only sees the core of their message and the only reason why they exist. No matter which magazine Nada flips open, he sees the same subliminal messages, which tells a lot about the true function of "celebrity" and "fashion" magazines. Despite the fact that they are all different, they all ultimately serve the same purpose: To reinforce messages from the elite to the masses.

We’re living in two worlds, you and I.

There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media. Indeed, what most people perceive as life in a privileged, progressive and free society — is a far cry from reality, where economic inequality is growing, real agendas and real power are buried beneath layers of Orwellian doublespeak and corporate obfuscation, and "freedom," such that it is, is meted out in small, legalistic doses by militarized police armed to the teeth.

All is not as it seems.

5G: Psychotronic Warfare, Mind Control, Killer Frequencies

5G (fifth generation) wifi technology is nothing less than psychotronic warfare waged against the masses of people on the planet.

This is a global military assault on the minds and consciousness of the people of Earth with unimaginable levels of microwave radiation. Such intense levels of high frequency electromagnetic microwave wifi radiation is extremely dangerous and damaging to the health and well-being of anyone living and working in such an environment.

5G will provide previously unimaginable download speeds to electronic devices such as tablets, smart phones, laptops and mainframe computers, but it will come at the cost of people's physical, mental and spiritual health. 5G will be built out in the large cities first and foremost, with the placement of literally millions of micro 5G transmitters interspaced roughly 800 to 1000 feet apart anywhere and everywhere, so that connectivity can be concentrated and ubiquitous in any city environment. Rural areas are likely to receive web connectivity via low Earth orbiting satellites such as with Iridium, SpaceX and One Web, supplemented and interspersed with ground based satellite relay stations.

Overall, this 5G network will be tantamount to a massive high tech electromagnetic psychotronic military assault on the hearts and minds of the masses for the purposes of mind control (entrainment/enslavement), as well as for an elimination/extermination eugenics based depopulation agenda. In a nutshell, these are 5G global mind control/killer networks that are being rolled out worldwide.

In addition to mind control and health destroying depopulation objectives, we will also see a 24/7 surveillance police state arise using connectivity to the "internet of things" (iot) build out over the years that will occur simultaneously with the big 5G rollout. 5G will only aid and abet the massive spy and surveillance camera network that has been spun like a spiders web throughout our communities over the past 2 decades. We will all soon be living in a Big Brother/Orwellian/Police State/Penopticon, powered, enabled and run by 5G.

Electromagnetic radiation constitutes the greatest level of pollution, in addition to CO2 and methane emissions, to our global environment today. It is the most prolific and most insidious form of pollution, because it is largely invisible. Microwave wifi radiation, as envisioned through the global 5G network, will destroy human health, that much is certain. On an environmental level, its destructive potential (in addition to global CO2 and methane emissions) is a clear and present danger to human civilization and the biosphere. Artificially enhanced electromagnetic environments are unnatural and detrimental to human physiology which naturally resonates with the Earth's natural background resonant schuman frequency of 7.83 Hz. 5G will artificially and unnaturally amplify the resonate frequency of any surrounding environment billions of times, literally destroying the minds, hearts and souls of anyone interfacing with this new artificially created technotronic/electromagnetic mind control/kill grid.

5G is, in essence, a full scale psychotronic military assault on the health, well-being, psyche and survival of the human species. It is truly the height of madness and insanity to deploy these lethal weapons into our cities and communities. The global military industrial intelligence security complex, which includes the world's telecommunications industries, are pathological/tyrannical murderers and genocidal control freaks of the highest order. There is absolutely NO PLACE on this planet for this level of psychotic/debased/deranged/demonic consciousness to exist and operate any longer here on this Earth.

Corporations and military establishments are funding and building the global 5G network. The new high level frequencies they are implementing through 5G will synergistically create a high frequency resonance platform/matrix through which high level forces will be able to interface, interact, manipulate and direct the future affairs of mankind. This is precisely why this high frequency global electromagnetic grid is being created. It is all about getting control and possession of the hearts, minds and souls of a large segment of humanity. Let it also be noted that the high frequency/high level heirarchy operate from a hive mind (similiar to how insects live and operate), for this is precisely the type of interconnected, ubiquitous electromagnetic communications grid they are trying to help create here on Earth.

In summation, the global 5G network is EVIL to its very core. It is nothing less than a control grid used to manipulate people. Simply put, 5G transmitters are lethal psychotronic mind control electromagnetic military warfare weapons of mass manipulation and destruction. The corporate, military, security and telecommunications establishments and the global elite who fund, direct and operate these enterprises will have their way in this world.