16 Reasons Why You Should Be Concerned About 5G Network

5G Danger 1

Wireless carriers companies are installing millions of 5G cell towers all over the world. People are concerned about the health effects of 5G radiation. Having a poll with 5G antenna very close to the house does not sound good. This cell towers are being installed close to people houses.

5G Danger 2

The government is claiming 5G is perfectly safe. And we know how many times government lied to us. At the same time, the military is using almost the same frequency in biological non lethal weapon called Active Denial System, with Frequency  95 GHZ. This weapon is used to disperse protesters, troublemakers, prisoners and used in war. It makes people panic, shock, disperse and run away from intense heat it causes in human body. 5G range is from 24 GHz to 90 GHz. Imagine that. I would never trust the government.

5G Danger 3

International Association Of Firefighters claims that firefighters complain of various health problems after the 5G towers were placed on the top of their fire stations. Dr. Gunnar Heuser claims that this is a direct effect of being close to 5G cell towers. Firefighters complained of being weak. They had no energy, they felt confused and had memory problems after the 5G antennas were placed on the top of the fire stations. Dr. Heuser claims he saw abnormal brain functions in firefighters when he examined them. Some firefighters claim that all their symptoms disappeared after they moved to another firefighters station without the 5G tower on the roof.

5G Danger 4

The wireless companies will have the courage to install dangerous cell towers very close to where we live. The 5G antenna could be placed just across the street from your home, or outside your window. First they started to install smart meters, which have a hundred times stronger EMF emissions than a regular cell phone. Now they’re planning to install 5G towers in close proximity to our homes. In fact they already installed and turned on 5G antennas in Geneve Switzerland and people there experience some serious side effects of 5G radiation.

5G Danger 5

They haven’t done any proper studies to prove that 5G is not dangerous. And still, they try to force us to have these cancer towers near our homes.

5G Danger 6

There are no proper regulations regarding 5G network and where these towers can be placed.

5G Danger 7

FDA still claims that mobile phone emissions are perfectly safe. They think the same about 5G radiation. The World Health Organization international agency for research on Cancer has classified mobile phones to be possibly carcinogenic to humans. And still FDA does not care.The government does not care. If the speed of the wireless network is more important than our health than this is very concerning. Can we rely on FDA and other government agencies? We have been lied before, remember the days when doctors claimed that cigarettes are perfectly safe. Just remember the days when they even had the audacity to claim that pesticides were harmless. Apparently, the government lies to us again.

5G Danger 8

There are currently 200,000 4G cell towers all over the United States. They plan to install millions of new 5G cell towers all over the USA and inside the residential areas.

5G Danger 9

Psychological effects of 5G wireless network. This study from National Institutes of Health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3042390/ confirmed that wireless technology causes adverse psychological effects on people. The study proved that exposure to wireless emissions caused sleep disturbance, stress and even depression. Presumably, 5G will have even stronger effects on our psychological well-being.

5G Danger 10

The launch of new Internet-enabled devices. More and more devices will support 5G network. We will be bathed in high-frequency fields in our houses. Every fridge, home appliance will emit wireless radiation, and 5G network will allow this to happen because of its speed and better connections. More cars will use 5G technology in the future. That is another concern. We will not be able to get away from 5G emissions anymore.

5G Danger 11

National toxicology program showed that there is a correlation between wireless technology and cancer in rats. And still, the government ignores studies like this. The study showed that rats were infested with new kind of rare brain and heart tumors after being exposed to wireless radiation every day.

5G Danger 12

The 5G waves are shorter than 4G waves. The 5G waves don’t travel as far that is why we need more 5G antennas to transmit the signal to end-users.

5G Danger 13

You will not be able to move away from these 5G antennas. Currently, when you see a 4G antenna, you’re able to move away, move to another location. 4G antennas can be placed far away from residential areas. But the 5G antennas will be placed inside the residential areas.

5G Danger 14

There is going to be a new study on 5G health effects in humans done in New Zealand. My prediction is that the results of this study will show how dangerous wireless technology is on humans, especially 5G network and still nothing will be done to prevent the spread of 5G network http://tne.massey.ac.nz/

5G Danger 15

2011 study done by International Agency For Research On Cancer IARC showed the increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma. Radiofrequency radiation was classified as Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen. In 2014 World Health Organization released a statement that non-terminal biological effects from radiofrequency radiation have no adverse health effects on humans. But five of six members of World Health Organization core group that released the statement are affiliated with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an industry loyal NGO, and thus have a serious conflict of interest. Apparently, World Health Organization is trying to hide the truth from us. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504984/

5G Danger 16

Adverse effects of 5G radiation on human skin. Peter Kälin, president of the Basel-based Doctors for Environmental Protection group claims that 5G uses much shorter waves, which will be completely absorbed by our skin. Peter Kälin says, “The human skin is already exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. 5G could present an extra cancer risk”.