You Will Get Chipped Eventually, Orwells 1984, America Is Babylon, Illuminati, Satans Nation,You Will Get Chipped Eventually, Orwells 1984, America Is Babylon, Illuminati, Satans Nation, You Will Get Chipped Eventually, Orwells 1984, America Is Babylon, Illuminati, Satans Nation,You Will Get Chipped Eventually, Orwells 1984, America Is Babylon, Illuminati, Satans Nation, Project Mkultra, Bohemian Grove, HAARP, War Of Gog And Magog,Project Mkultra, Bohemian Grove, HAARP, War Of Gog And Magog, Project Mkultra, Bohemian Grove, HAARP, War Of Gog And Magog,Project Mkultra, Bohemian Grove, HAARP, War Of Gog And Magog, google, netflix, google, facebook, bing, amazon, gmail, ebay, yahoo, craigslist, netflix, google, facebook, bing, amazon, gmail, ebay, yahoo, craigslist, netflix, google, facebook, bing, amazon, gmail, ebay, yahoo, craigslist, netflix, google, facebook, bing, amazon, gmail, ebay, yahoo, craigslist, netflix, google, facebook, bing, amazon, gmail, ebay, yahoo, craigslist, netflix, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, new world order, the new world order, virus, conoravirus, covid-19, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing,Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing, Haosou, google, msn, yahoo, Shenma, Sogou, Baidu, WeChat, Youdao, Weibo, bing, secret societies, illuminati, new world order, nwo, secret societies, illuminati, new world order, nwo, secret societies, illuminati, new world order, nwo, secret societies, illuminati, new world order, nwo, secret societies, illuminati, new world order, nwo, secret societies, illuminati, new world order, nwo, end is near, 2012, end, new, end near, end is near, 2012, end, new, end near, nwo, new, new world order, new order, new order, new order, conspiracy theory, freemasons, mason, bilderberg, illuminati, antichrist, pope, catholic, religion, biometrics, id, rfid, chips, 666, prophet, 9/11, national id cards, rfid chips, 9/11, cops, riot, anarchy, Surveillance, conspiracy theory, freemasons, mason, bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, WTC, pentagon, terrorism, conspiracy, conspiracies, aliens, jeff rense, talk radio, weapons, secret weapons, nwo, viruses, crop circles, end is near, 2012, end, new, end near, end is near, 2012, end, new, end near, nwo, new, new world order, new order, new order, new order, conspiracy theory, freemasons, mason, bilderberg, illuminati, antichrist, pope, catholic, religion, biometrics, id, rfid, chips, 666, prophet, 9/11, national id cards, rfid chips, 9/11, cops, riot, anarchy, Surveillance, conspiracy theory, freemasons, mason, bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission, WTC, pentagon, terrorism, conspiracy, conspiracies, aliens, jeff rense, talk radio, weapons, secret weapons, nwo, viruses, crop circles
The Bavarian Illuminati are going to bring in a New World Order. When a real power move is to be made it will be done suddenly. These men have unbelievable power and they have spelled out their agenda in advance.
Here are some vintage photos showing the Eye of Horus (one eye showing). The Eye of Horus symbolizes the sun/satan/lucifer. The most famous example is seen on the back of the US dollar bill, floating over a pyramid.
As you can see below, the main methods of showing the symbol in the past were by using an eyepatch or winking.
Obviously, any picture of a face can be cropped into an Eye of Horus. None of these photos or screen saves have been altered, they are all as they originally appeared.
What is the point of all this? To expose the cultural icons we foolishly worship as the pawns of evil they really are. The rest is up to you.
A few of them are unaware of the symbol's meaning, but not many.