United States Presidents And The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure

I have always seen list's of famous Masons. To just look at the name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the beginning. Another interesting fact to consider is that of the 37 Presidents of the United States before Jimmy Carter, at least 18 or 21 (depending on which source you believe) were close relatives. That comes to somewhere between 48.6 percent and 56.7 percent-far to much to be coincidence, as any conspiritologist (or mathematician) would tell you. Of the 224 ancestors in the family tree of 21 Presidents, we find 13 Roosevelt's, 16 Coolidge's, and 14 Tyler's. Another source manages to relate 60 percent of the Presidents and link most of them to the super-rich Astor family. This data does not include genealogies of the five most recent President. Psychologist G. William Domhoff claims that a large part of America's Ruling elite, just like that of Europe, are related by marriage. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
This article is not intended to defame this country's forefathers. See Secret Societies All I am doing here is listing the facts. I will list other authors articles for you to refer to as corroboration. These names were compiled from the Masons own list of famous names posted on there websites. (See Links Below), along with other reputable sources. The names used in this document have been used from that list along with a brief summary of who they were,(*Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition.) and the role they played in our history.
Keep in mind, you can not be a Christian and a practicing Mason, its an oxymoron. There are those who would write history in a form to hide its true meaning and agenda's. Rewriting U.S. History So it has been from the beginning.  (The Masons write most of American History, for example the Mason's own Encyclopedia Britannica). The red dates are confirmed Mason Power years over this country as far as the Presidency, or Vice Presidency is concerned. This Page will be updated often. Please revisit.

Legend: (A) American; (AI) American Independent; (D) Democrat. (F) Federalist. (DR) Democrat-Republican. (Ind) Independent. (IR) Independent -Republican (NR) National Republican. (P) People's; (Pr) Progressive; (R) Republican. (S) Socialist; (SR) States Rights (W) Whig. (U) Union.
(S.C.J) Supreme Court Judge
I will let the facts speak for themselves.
As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rite, he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god, the gods of Persia, gods of India, Greek gods, Babylonian gods, and others.  As you come to the 17th degree, the Masons claim that they will give you the password that will give him entrance at the judgment day to the Masonic deity, the great architect of the universe.  It is very interesting that this secret password is "Abaddon". 
Revelation 9:11 They had a king over them, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon"  The 'angel' of the Abyss (Hell) is really the chief demon whose name is Abaddon.  Masons claim then, that the deity they worship is Abaddon! 

 "The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public."
 Benjamin Disraeli, Victorian-era Prime Minister of Britain,
Mat 21:42] Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders (aka Freemasons) rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'?
[Mat 21:43] Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.
"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands... A Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order into any state where we are yet strangers." (as quoted in John Robinson's "Proofs of a Conspiracy" 1798, re- printed by Western Islands, Boston, 1967, p. 112)
1534 Church of Jesu. ( aka Society of Jesus, Jesuits the power behind Freemasonry) Also headquarters of the Knights of Malta.
Founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola founder of the Illuminati, to combat the reformation and propagate the faith. (Reformation being salvation thru grace instead of the Catholic Church.) The Jesuit General, and the other high Jesuit Generals, they are sorcerers. They are LUCIFERIAN, and they worship what they would call Lucifer. They do not believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer. This society is the power behind the Presidents, and the rest of the world.. The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion,because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. They have carried everything out. The Black Pope
1590's - Sir Francis Bacon, beginning in the early 1590's, began the detailed plans by which North America would be colonized.  He was the supreme adept in the Rosicrucian Society, and established the super secret Knights of the Helmet [Ibid., p. 123-129], a society established along the lines of Rosicrucianism.  And, finally, Bacon was responsible for the modern birth of Freemasonry, as detailed by Masonic author, George V. Tudhope, in his book, Bacon Masonry , ISBN 1-56459-108-5, reprinted by Kessinger's Publishing. Thus, we can see that the occult activities of our original occult Forefathers mentioned above was merely the outworking of an occult plan originally conceived "thousands of years before Columbus ever sailed"!  Our Masonic forefathers were merely following the details of the occult plan as envisioned specifically by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1590's, operating according to the vision provided him by his Guiding Spirit. Masonic Forefathers
1733 - In the United States, the first Masonic circles began to appear in 1733; by the time of the American Revolution, nearly 150 lodges existed throughout the colonies.
1761 - James Otis, born in Mass. Known for his famous challenge to the British -imposed writs of assistance- general search warrants designed to enforce more strictly the trade and navigation laws in North America. At this time he also reportedly coined the euphonious, oft-quoted phrase, " Taxation without representation is tyranny." He was chosen as speaker of the house in 1766. Confirmed Mason.
1764 - Samuel Adams, born in Boston. A major propagandist, opposing British officials and policies, as well as British taxation in the colonies. In 1773 he participated in the planning of the Boston Tea Party. Adams also signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Served as delegate to the Continental Congress until 1781, and became governor of Massachusetts from 1794-97. Confirmed Mason and Illuminatist.
Other Parts of the World England. 1765-1795 Edmund Burke, born Dublin Ireland. Entered the House of Commons in 1765. As a member of Parliament he became known as a Political thinker and important in the history of political theory. Confirmed Mason.
1773 It’s just like Freemasonry. The lower Freemasons have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General. They think that they’re just doing works and being good people. But the bottom line is that the high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the Jesuit General because the Jesuit General, with Fredrick the Great, wrote the High Degrees, the last 8 Degrees, of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry when Fredrick protected them when they were suppressed by the Pope in 1773.So, you have the alignment with the Jesuit Order and the most powerful Freemason they had in the craft, Fredrick the Great, during their suppression. That is an irrefutable conclusion. And then, when you see the Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars carried out by Freemasonry, everything Napoleon did, and the Jacobins, whatever they did, completely benefited the Jesuit Order. The Black Pope
1775 - Joseph Warren, born Roxbury, Mass. Solder and leader in the American Revolution who sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to Lexington and Concord on their famous ride to warn local patriots that British troops were being sent against them. Helped draft a group of protests to Parliament known as the "Suffolk Resolves. "Confirmed Mason. In December 1769 Warren, received commission for the Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Master of Masons in Scotland, appointing him Provincial Grand Master of Masons in Boston and within 100 miles of the same. The commission was dated May 30,1769. When the Earl of Dumfries succeeded Dalhousie as Grand Master of Scotland he issued another appointment to Warren, dated March 7,1772, constituting Warren "Grand Master of Masons for the Continent of America," thus extending his original limits.
1775 - Paul Revere, born in Boston. Hero of the American Revolution whose dramatic horseback ride on the night of April 18, warning Boston-area residents that the British were coming. Confirmed Mason. GRAND MASTER GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS A.F. & A.M. 1795 - 1797
1776 - John Hancock, born in Mass. Wrote and the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, and served nine terms as the Governor of Mass. Confirmed Mason.
1776 - Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston. Was one of the diplomats chosen to negotiate peace with Great Britain, and who helped draft the Declaration of Independence, one of the 56 who signed this document, and was instrumental in achieving the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Was also a Mason. Franklin was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and published the first Masonic book in America. Was also a member of Sir Francis Dashwood's Hell Fire Club, along with the Collins family of Satanists. Both Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)

"Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home"
Workmen have dug up the remains of ten bodies hidden beneath the former London home of Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of American Independence.
The remains of four adults and six children were discovered during the 31.9 million restoration of Franklin's home at 36 Craven Street, close to Trafalgar Square. Researchers believe that there could be more bodies buried beneath the basement kitchens.
Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster coroner, said yesterday: "One cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest." Ten Bodies Found Under Ben Franklin's Home
1776 The Illuminati formed a committee entitled the Biblical Destruction Group. This committee disbanded 50 years later. To Eliminate the Opiate" (out of print) by Rabbi Antelman.The APOCRYPHA
1776 "From the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect." [Occult Theocracy, Lady Queenborough, originally published in 1933] On May 1, 1776, the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded in the old Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria. The Company would now use the Jewish House of Rothschild to finance the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon the Freemason with his Jesuit-trained advisor, Abbe Sieyes. In spite of the historical writings of the Jesuit Abbe Barruel, who blamed the Rothschild's and Freemasonry for the Revolution, it was the Society of Jesus that used these very tools to carry out the Revolution and punish the monarchs who dared to expel the Jesuits from their dominions. The Jesuits, having been expelled from the Spanish Empire, found refuge in Corsica. From there they raised up their great avenger, Napoleon Bonaparte. The Black Pope
1776, Adam Weishaupt, a famous Mason, had developed the Illuminati, a secret society within a secret society. One Masonic historian himself has stated that the goals include "found[ing] a new Hierarchy, to overturn all authority, and to press down all the Social Order under the level of Equality." Another Masonic historian stated "the express aim of the Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government." In Weishaupt's own words, the Illuminati "will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States, and make use of those means for this purpose...." illuminati_faq.htm
1777 - Baron Von Steuben, born in Magdeburg, Prussia. German officer who proved indispensable to the cause of U.S. independence by converting the Revolutionary Army into a disciplined fighting force. While in France as agents of the newly formed U.S. government, Benjamin Franklin, and Silas Deane, learned of Steuben's plight that he had been obliged to leave for unsavory conduct, from Hohenzollern Hechingen, where he was made a knight of the Order of Fidelity in the neighboring margravate of Baden and Durlach, which brought about his availability. This prompted a letter of introduction, from Benjamin Franklin, and Silas Deane on his behalf, introducing him to Gen. George Washington as a "Lieut Genl. in the King of Prussia's service," who was fired with " Zeal for our cause. Confirmed Mason.
1777 - Lafayette. French noble who fought with the American colonist against the British in the American Revolution. Confirmed Mason and a member of the Illuminati. Appointed a major general by the colonist, he quickly struck up a lasting friendship with the American commander in chief, George Washington, also a Confirmed Mason. Charles Taze Russell (founder of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society), also a Confirmed Mason. His stepmother who was executor of his will. His mother was the one chosen to dance with famousMason and Illuminati Lafayette when he was in Philadelphia. 1.(Nevin, Adelaide Mellier. The Social Mirror A Character Sketch of the Women of Pittsburgh) 2. (Vicinity during the first Century of the County’s existence. Society of to-day. Pittsburgh, PA: T.A. Nevin Publisher, 1888, p. 19.; b. The Pittsburgh Directory) 3. (1878-79 showing Elizabeth the widow of John, and c. John Russell in the 1850 Census, and John Russell’s Will.) Secrets Of The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society
1779 - John Paul Jones, Scottish- born navel hero in the U.S. War of Independence, renowned for his victory over British ships of war off the east coast of England (Sept. 23 1779).Confirmed Mason.
1782, On July 16, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans,  representatives of the world's secret societies convened the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe and formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati. In the next four years the Order was able to secretly establish several lodges in America. In 1785, for example, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt ...(p.92 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990)
"When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly handle energy." (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 124; )
The question of precisely what fires the will of the wealthy supranational elites seeking to manipulate and control world events, has not escaped the attention of serious students of conspiracies and cover-ups. The late American Professor Revilo P. Oliver, a confirmed atheist, was forced to conclude: "A theory that a conspiracy has been working consciously for many centuries is not very plausible unless one attributes to them a religious unity. That is tantamount to regarding them as Satanists engaged in the worship and service of supernatural evil. The directors of the conspiracy must see or otherwise directly perceive manifestations which convince them of the existence and power of Lucifer. And since subtle conspirators must be very shrewd men, not likely to be deceived by auto-suggestion, hypnosis, or drugs, we should have to conclude that they probably are in contact with a force of pure evil." (Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, Conspiracy or Degeneracy?, USA)
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
(President Franklin D. Roosevelt)
In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama" or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. The Illuminati Protocols
1783 The Revolutionary War was fought and concluded when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. As Americans we have been taught that we defeated the king and won our freedom. The Treaty of 1783, which totally contradicts our having won the Revolutionary War. This Treaty was signed in 1783, the war was over in 1781. If the United States defeated England, how is the king granting rights to America, when we were now his equal in status? We supposedly defeated him in the Revolutionary War! So why would these supposed patriot Americans sign such a Treaty, when they knew that this would void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War?The United States is still a British Colony
By the way, Prince Charles Coat of Arms has another symbol--The Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, world-wide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles. The Bible gives us 42 signs of the Antichrist
1785 President George Washington, in a letter written to the Reverend G. W. Snyder:  "Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati -- the principles of Jacobinism -- had not spread in the United States.  On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."  Shortly before he died, President Washington was well aware that the Adam Weishaupt radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to America.
"It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us".
                                          - Illuminati Statement -

United States Presidents Who Were and Are Freemasons
The United States of America was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation by Maryland whose delegates delayed its ratification over a western border dispute with Virginia and New York. Upon the March 1 ratification the President of the Continental Congress officially became President of the United States in Congress Assembled.
To make matters even more perplexing some historians claim that John Hanson was the first President of the United States as he was the first person to serve the full one-year term (1781-82), under the ratified Articles of Confederation. This again is incorrect.
The ratification occurred during the term of Samuel Huntington who served as President from September 28, 1779 to July 6, 1781. Consequently, Samuel Huntington was thefirst President of the United States in Congress Assembled. The 1st President of the United States

1789-1797 George Washington, 1st. President of the United States? (F) Confirmed Mason. Initiated: November 4, 1752, Fredericksburgh (Fredericksburg) Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brother Washington became Worshipful Master on December 20, 1788, and was inaugurated President of the United States on April 30, 1789, thus becoming the first, and so far the only, Brother to be simultaneously President and Master of his Lodge. Washington took his oath of office as President, April 30, 1789, on the bible belonging to St. johns Lodge No. 1 of New York City. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) The New Age Magazine is a Masonic publication. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Washington was a member of the Scottish rite, performed the 'Rite of the Mystic Tie' in a cave-complex near Winchester Virginia during the French and Indian war. (Masonic Assassination, Michael Anthony Hoffman pg. 4) "The United States is in no manner founded on Christian principle." (George Washington Treaty of Tripoli) No Vice Presidents at this time. George Washington Nominated 11 Supreme Court Justices. 6 out of 11 were Confirmed MasonsWashington wearing his Masonic Apron Washington was related to the following Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, maybe Grant, Van Buren, and Taft's. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
Note: In Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey extermination was officially promoted by a "scalp bounty" on dead Indians. "Indeed, in many areas murdering Indians became an outright business," ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.182) Indians were defined as subhuman, lower than animals. George Washington compared them to wolves, "beasts of prey" and called for their total destruction.( David E. Stannard, AMERICAN HOLOCAUST; COLUMBUS AND THE CONQUEST OF THE NEW WORLD (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992). ISBN 0-19-507581-1. pages 119-120)
Note: Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew Cannabis sativa (marijuana) on their plantations. (2201 Fascinating Facts by David Lewis, Greenwich House pg. 46) See Also: The Hemp Conspiracy
Washington, the Freemason who did not go into that Masonic Lodge that last 30 years of his life—in his own words—who was a Baptist and a Calvinist. He was baptized in the First Baptist Church of New York by one of his captains, Pastor Gano, all surrounded by Calvinists. That’s why they didn’t surrender at Valley Forge; that’s why, when they were naked, when they went through the snow, barefoot, they endured that because they were Bible-believing Calvinists and they refused to submit to the tyranny of King George, who was controlled by the Jesuits. The Black Pope
1789 John Robison warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and on July 19, 1789; David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating-class and lectured them on how the influence of Illuminism was acquitting on American politics and religion, and to top it off; John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings. He wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia. In short; Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party; we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today. THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNSEL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS
1789-1795 John Jay, S.C.J. (Supreme Court Judge) Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.
1790-1791 John Rutledge, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Chief Justice 1795. Nominated by Mason President George Washington.  Confirmed Mason.
1789-1810 William Cushing, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies.. Some say murdered by the masons for revealing Masonic secrets in his opera The Magic Flute. Confirmed Mason (Born In Blood, John J. Robinson, pg. 177)
1795 John Rutledge, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Rutledge became Chief Justice while the Senate was not in session, and when they reconvened he was rejected. Still, he did serve for a time in that position. Masonic Trivia and Facts and The MSA 1940s study say he was a Mason, without identifying his lodge, but 10,000 Famous Freemasons does not list him. Confirmed Mason.
1796-1800 Oliver Ellsworth, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1789-1798 James Wilson, S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.
1789-1796 John Blair Jr. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia from 1778 to 1784.
1790-1799 James Iredell. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.
1792-1793 Thomas Johnson. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status. Non Mason Replaced by Mason William Patterson.
1793-1806 William Paterson. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1796-1811 Samuel Chase. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status. This is the only Justice ever impeached, acquitted in 1805.
1796 Thomas Jefferson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Illuminati.
1797-1801 John Adams, 2nd. President of the United States (F) Unknown Mason Status. Vice President, Thomas Jefferson "Democratic-Republican."1797-1801. Confirmed Illuminati. Adams helped in the design of the Great Seal. Was related to F. D. Roosevelt, who put the seal on the dollar bill. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was initiated into Army Philadelphia Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon's Grand Council of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Confirmed Mason.
1798 Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor of rural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and member of a Freemason lodge, said that he was asked to join the Illuminati. After studying the group, he concluded that the purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his beliefs. In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy," which states: "An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments.... The leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors." Operation Paper Clip
1799-1829 Bushrod Washington, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.
1800-1804 Alfred Moore, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.
1800 John Quincy Adams opposed Thomas Jefferson for the presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive Illuminati purposes.  The information contained in those letters is credited with winning Adams the election.  The letters were held in the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.
1800 Aaron Burr, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason.
1800 John Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Confirmed Illuminati.
1800s The Collins family had a branch that shot off from it during the early 1800s which was the Todd family. The Todd family branch remained an important part of the Illuminati.(The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)
1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson, 3rd. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Illuminati & Mason. (Masonic Edition, Holy Bible 1951 Edition) Poor records kept by the Colonial Lodges, the destruction of records by fire and war, make it impossible to consult original Lodge records. Jefferson may have been a Member of Charlottesville Lodge No. 90, Charlottesville, Va., since his name appears on the Minutes of this Lodge on September 20, 1817. Jefferson was also a member of the Lodge of the Nine Muses in Paris and the Beenan Order (Order of the Bees) known outside Bavaria as the Illuminati. Vice President, Aaron Burr (DR), 1801-1805. Confirmed Mason. Was also a member of the Collins family of Satanists who called themselves the Hell Fire Club. Thomas Jefferson was one of the members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1805-1809. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. De Witt Clinton N.Y. Gov. was Georges nephew. Confirmed Mason. Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury. Confirmed Illuminati. Jefferson was related to the following Presidents: William Henry Harrison, Jackson, Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
Thomas Jefferson had an affair with Sally Hemings. One of his slaves who it is said was his mistress for thirty six years, but after the death of his wife. Recent scientific DNA evidence strongly suggests he was the father of her youngest son, Eston Hemings. Presidents and their reputed Affairs External Link
Note: Andrew Jackson, whose portrait appears on the U.S. $20 bill today, in 1814 supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses, the bodies of men, women and children that his troops had massacred, cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead, slicing long strips of flesh from their bodies to tan and turn into bridle reins. ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.186) The issue in these days were Indians. The issue of our day is Gun Control, militia, and according to Janet Reno Christians. Janet Reno reflects the issue's of the Clinton administration. Cultist Definition by Janet Reno, Attorney General USA
1801-1835 John Marshall, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia, from 1793-1795. (However, there is evidence that John Marshall was not proud or enthusiastic about being a Freemason, at least later in his life.) Confirmed Mason.
July 11, 1804: Gun-barrel Politics
Vice President Aaron Burr confirmed Mason, mortally wounds former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel near Weehawken, New Jersey.
1804-1834 William Johnson, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.
1807-1823 Henry Brockhoist Livingston, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.
1807-1826 Thomas Todd, S.C.J. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Confirmed Mason.
1801-1814 Albert Abraham Alfonse Gallatin. Fourth U.S. Secretary of the treasure. Instrumental in negotiating an end to the war of 1812. Confirmed Mason.
1804 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.
1808 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.
1809-1817 James Madison, 4th. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Madison is said to have been a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a Lodge which had only a short existence, and whose records are lost. (Was married to a Todd, of the Satanic Collins according to The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1809-1812. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. Vice President, Elbridge Gerry 1813-1814. Unknown Mason Status.
1811-1835 Gabriel Duvall, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President James Madison. Unknown Mason Status.
1811-1845 Joseph Story, S.C.J. Nominated by President James Madison. Story is listed as a member of Philanthropic Lodge in Marblehead, Massachusetts, in 10,000 Famous Freemasons and the MSA 1940s study, but not in Masonic Trivia and Facts.
Other parts of the world during this presidency: 1811-1821 Jose de San Martin. Soldier and Statesman. An officer in the Spanish army for 20 years. Led South America's independence movement for confirmed Mason President Simon Bolivar. Confirmed Mason.
1812 De Wit Clinton, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) DeWitt Clinton, who was assoc. with the Illuminati very early in the history of the United States. George Clinton, vice president to Thomas Jefferson, was De Wit Clintons Uncle.
1812 Winfield Scott. Grad from West Point. Fought in the war of 1812 and rose to the rank of major general .Fought in the battle of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane in 1814.Supervised the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Southern state to reservations west of the Mississippi River. Unsuccessful Whig candidate for President in 1853. Confirmed Mason.
1814 Francis Scott Key, lawyer and the author of the U.S. national anthem. Confirmed Mason. Officially adopted in 1931. 
The Federal 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati last week in a 30-page decision, stated that references to God are not permissible because they are clearly Christian. The state of Ohio wanted to use the motto "With God, All Things Are Possible" on its official seal or anywhere else. The US Circuit Court said, "In God We Trust" comes from "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key and is not a reference to a specific faith.  (C-span 4.20.2000)
1816 Rufus King, served in the state legislature, and in the Continental Congress, where he introduced the resolution calling for a convention at Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution. Was elected as New York's first U.S. senator. Was also the loosing (F) party running against James Monroe for the Presidency. Confirmed Mason.
1817-1825 James Monroe, 5th. President of the United states (DR) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: November 9, 1775, St. John's Regimental Lodge in the Continental Army. Monroe was not yet eighteen, but "lawful age" had not yet been universally fixed at twenty-one. Later, Brother Monroe took Membership in Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins 1817-1825. Unknown Mason Status. President Monroe was related to President Richard Nixon. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1823-1843 Smith Thompson, S.C.J. Associate justice. Nominated by Mason President James Monroe. Unknown Mason Status.
Other Parts of the world During this Presidency: Argentina. 1819-1830 Simon Bolivar, President of, New Granada, 1819, Venezuela, 1821, Ecuador, 1822, until finally with the liberation of upper Peru, which became Bolivia after Bolivar, already President of Columbia, his rule on the continent became complete. Confirmed Mason.
1820 John Quincy Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (IR) Unknown Mason Status.
1824 Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury 1801 -1814. Nominated for vice presidency. Withdrew in fear of weakening ticket due to foreign birth. Confirmed Illuminati.
1824 Andrew Jackson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.
1824 Henry Clay, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. Very good friends to the Illuminati Dupont's. The Dupont's were already one of the primary top families, it is rumored that Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. The Dupont's played a role in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns. Clay also became the leader of the Whig Party. It is from this info the Presidents who were on the Whig Party are in question.
1825-1829 John Quincy Adams, 6th. President of the United States (DR) Unknown Mason status. (Rumored famous Anti Mason.) Vice President, John C. Calhoun, 1829-1832. Unknown Mason Status.
1826-1828 Robert Trimble. S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Quincy Adams. Also was Master of his lodge, Union #16 in Paris, Kentucky. Confirmed Mason.
1826 CAPTAIN WILLIAM MORGAN, of New York, an intelligent man, and an inflexible republican, convinced of the dangers of Secret Societies, in a free Government, resolved to use his best endeavors for their suppression. Being a Royal Arch Mason, he had witnessed the corruption of the Institution. He saw it was an engine of personal advantage and political aggrandizement; that it gave to its members unfair advantages and extra privileges over the unsuspecting community; that its insidious influence extended to every transaction in society, raising as it were the Masonic combination unto a PRIVILEGED ORDER, who, under the Royal Names of GRAND KINGS, Grand Sovereigns, and Grand High Priests, in darkness and secrecy, ruled and plundered the people. CAPTAIN MORGAN was a soldier and a brave man. He saw this detestable conspiracy and he dared to risk his life by bursting its shackles and warning an injured people! Morgan wrote a book exposing the Masons, (Illuminations of Masonry) He was arrested  by a gang of Masonic desperadoes, at the insistence of the Master of the lodge of Masons in Canadaigua. (B.J. Lossing, The Empire State, American Publishing Company 1888 p. 471) who came 60 miles after him, in the morning about sunrise, Sept. 11, 1826. Morgan was bound and weighted and drowned in the Niagra River by the Masons. An Account of the Savage Treatment of Captain William Morgan, by Edward Giddins A monument to William Morgan, thirty eight feet in height and weighing forty tons stands in the old cemetery in Batavia, New York. On its base are carved the following inscriptions:
"Sacred to the memory of William Morgan, a native of Virginia, a captain in the war of 1812, a respectable citizen of Batavia, and a martyr to the freedom of writing, printing and speaking the truth. He was abducted from near this spot in the year of 1826, by Freemasons, and murdered for revealing the secrets of their order. The court records of Genesee County, and files of the Batavia Advocate, kept in the recorder's office, contain the history of the events that caused the erection of this monument, September 13, 1882. The bane of our civil institutions is to be found in Masonry, already powerful and daily becoming more so. I owe to my country an exposure of its dangers." - Captain William Morgan.
Following the murder of Captain Morgan, three state legislatures investigated Freemasonry. New York, 1829; Massachusetts, 1834; and Pennsylvania, 1836. In addition to obtaining corroborative testimony from other Masons who left Freemasonry, as to the nature and substance of the oaths, the investigations revealed that an operative criminal empire had entrenched itself in America. Obstruction to the investigations was encountered at every level.
1829 John Quincy Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (NR) Unknown Mason Status.
1829 The Massachusetts  of 1829. This convention passes resolutions stating that: "No Mason is worthy to receive the votes of free men or fit to serve as a juror." 
1829-1837 Andrew Jackson, 7th. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: The record for Brother Jackson has not been located. He seems to have been a Member of St. Tammany Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee, as early as 1800. It was the first Lodge in Tennessee, organized in 1789, under a Dispensation from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. The name was later changed to Harmony Lodge No. 1 on November 1, 1800. Brother Jackson is officially listed as a Member in the Lodge Return to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and Tennessee for 1805. On December 27, 1813, the Grand Lodge of Tennessee was granted its own Constitution. Brother Jackson was the sixth Grand Master of Masons of Tennessee, serving from October 7, 1822 until October 4, 1824. Strengthened Presidential Veto Power. Vice President John C. Calhoun, 1829-1832. Unknown Mason status. Vice President, Martin Van Buren 1833-1837. Confirmed Mason. Andrew Jackson was related to the following Presidents: William Harrison, Jefferson, Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1829-1861 John McLean, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President Andrew Jackson. McLean is listed in 10,000 Famous Freemasons as having been a member of Columbus Lodge #30 in Columbus, Ohio, but he is not listed in Masonic Trivia and Facts or in the The MSA 1940s study. Confirmed Mason.
1830-1844 Henry Baldwin, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President Andrew Jackson. Also was Master of Lodge #45 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1805
1830 September 11. Anti-Mason Convention Held in Philadelphia.
 The Proceedings of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention  
1830's and 1840's most Masonic lodges in the Northeast had to surrender their charters and disband. Radical doubt was cast on the American Revolution because of the involvement of the "Founding Fathers" in Masonry. In a booklet by "Tubal Cain of Utica, was information concerning the involvement of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and the Marquis de LaFayette. These facts were widely circulated according to letters and diaries of the period.
1831 The uproar of the public at the outrages of Masonic treatment of William Morgan is probably the greatest popular uprising in American history and resulted in our nations first national political party conventions in (The Anti-Mason Party Convention in Baltimore). In Syracuse, New York, Lincoln's future Secretary of State, William H. Seward, remarked in a speech: "Have you not seen Freemasonry thus stained with blood." (William H. Seward, Oration of 1831, University of Rochester, Library Archives).
1831 Henry Clay, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (NR) Confirmed Mason. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. Very good friends to the Illuminati Dupont's. The DuPont's were already one of the primary top families, it is rumored that Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. The DuPont's played a role in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) See also You'll never think the same way again
 1831 Guiseppi Mazzini 33° Founder of Italian Freemasonry. Revolutionary Terrorist Leader. Sicilian Gangster. Mafia Founder. Confirmed Mason. Took over for Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati. America's Subversion The Enemy Within. Chapter Supplement: Treason Giuseppi Mazzini was in close communication with the Confederate General, Albert Pike, who was the head of the Illuminati in the United States.
1832 It all began at Yale. General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft put together a super secret society for the elite children of the Anglo-American Wall Street banking establishment. Skull and Bones. William Huntington Russell's step-brother Samuel Russell ran "Russell & Co.", the world's largest OPIUM smuggling operation in the world at the time. Alphonso Taft is the Grandfather of our ex-president Howard Taft, the creator of the Forerunner to the United Nations. skull_and_bones.htm
1832 The Anti-Mason party challenges Mason Andrew Jackson and his running mate Martin Van Buren for the office of President of the United States.
1832 William Wirt, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency. Confirmed Mason. This one is not in the history books.
1833 John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, wrote a letter to W.L. Stone which is one of the most devastating analyses of Masonry on record and demonstrates clearly, by a man who should know, the extent of the festering cancer in our courts and newspapers. Letters on the Masonic Institution, by John Quincy Adams
1835-1867 James Moore Wayne, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President Andrew Jackson. Unknown Mason Status.
1836-1864 Roger Brooke Taney, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President Andrew Jackson. Unknown Mason Status.
1836-1841 Phillip Pendleton Barbour, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President Andrew Jackson. Unknown Mason Status.
1836 William H. Harrison, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (W) Unknown Mason status.
1836 Hugh L. White, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (W) Unknown Mason status.
1836 Daniel Webster, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (W) Unknown Mason status.
1837-1841 Martin Van Buren, 8th. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason Vice President, Richard M. Johnson 1837-1841. Unknown Mason status. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, who was blood related to both President Martin Van Buren and to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is on record.
1837-1865 John Catron, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Martin Van Buren.
1838-1852 John McKinley, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Martin Van Buren.
1842-1860 Peter Vivian Daniel, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Martin Van Buren.
Other parts of the world during this Presidency: Switzerland: 1839-1858 Jonas Furrer, 1839 Leader of the Zurich Liberals. 1842-1846,Vice President of the Swiss Confederation. 1846-1858. President of the Swiss Confederation four times. Confirmed Mason.
1840 Martin Van Buren, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.
1841 James Shields. He was an Irish immigrant who settled in Illinois and became an active Mason in January 1841. Shields was a Democrat who became state auditor in 1841. Lincoln and the Whig party protested his policies, and several satirical letters appeared in the Springfield newspaper questioning Shields' honesty and mocking his physical courage. Shields was told that Lincoln had written these letters, and he challenged Lincoln to a duel. (Lincoln's 'Duel'", by Thomas O. Jewett, at page 142. Also see Collected Works of Lincoln, volume 1, at page 292.)
1841 William Henry Harrison, 9th. President of the United States (Whig ) Son of Benjamin Harrison one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Died one month after taking office from Pneumonia. Unknown Mason status. Vice President, John Tyler, 1841. Unknown Mason status. However Henry Clay, Confirmed Mason was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09, and the leader of the Whig party, and I believe the power behind this President. Very good friends to the Illuminati DuPont's. The DuPont's played a role in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns. Harrison is related to the following Presidents: Jefferson, Jackson, Tyler. Benjamin Harrison, (William Harrison's grandson). (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1841-1845 John Tyler, 10th. President of The United States (Whig) after the death of William H. Harrison. Confirmed Mason. (Masonic Edition, Holy Bible 1951 Edition) No Vice President during this term. However Henry Clay, Confirmed Mason was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G. L. 1806-09, and the leader of the Whig party, and I believe the power behind this President. Very good friends to the Illuminati DuPont's. Tyler was related to the following Presidents: William H. Harrison, Jefferson, Jackson and Benjamin Harrison. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40) 
1845-1872 Samuel Nelson, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President John Tyler.
1844 Henry Clay, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (W) Confirmed Mason. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. Very good friends to the Illuminati Dupont's. 
1844 Murder of Joseph Smith. Also a descendent of Joseph Smith, Jr. who was Satanic Ritually Abuse victim, has quietly told certain people that her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline. Further, I have mentioned other confidential pieces of information about how the leaders of the Salt Lake City Mormon church (LDS) are working with the various parts of the Illuminati's empire, including the Jehovah’s Witnesses.1944 Brigham Young takes command of the Mormon Church. Young's first name was Brigham. It was given to him because of the importance of the Brigham family. His grandmother was Sibil Brigham. Sibyls were prophetesses of the ancient world, and the name is a semi-common occult name. Brigham Young and his family practiced magic. They were also intimately aware of their genealogy, which goes back to the Merovingian Dynasty! 
One wonders if it is coincidence that the Merovingian's primary symbol, the bee is also the symbol for the Mormon church and Utah. Look at a Deseret Industries (Mormon thrift stores) building in your area and you will see the bee on their side. But not only does Brigham Young have Merovingian blood from at least two lines of blood (and possibly as many as 6 lines of blood back), but he also is related to the Collins (Illuminati family of Massachusetts) Further, Brigham Young is also a blood relative of the Wheelers. If Young's Wheeler relatives are related to the Satanic Illuminati Wheelers, then we have an example of how 3 strains of top Satanic blood have interwoven and resulted in the birth of the Freemason, Witch, and President of the LDS Brigham Young. Although the public split occurred between Mormonism and Masonry before the Mormons went to Utah, that was only for public consumption. The leadership have coordinated activities. The Mormon religion is really a high rite of Freemasonry, and this explains why when the Mormons went to Utah, the Mormons held Masonic schools. (Hosea Stout mentions these Mormon Masonic schools in On The Mormon Frontier; The Diary of Hosea Stout, ed. by Juanita Brooks, 2 vols., Salt Lake City: Univ. of Utah Press, 1964, 2: 415, 423.) After going to Utah, Brigham Young contacted the chiefs of Freemasonry in England and proposed that Mormonism be granted a public charter to become its own Masonic Rite. The hierarchy told him no. The Freeman Bloodline "Yes, Mason's, it is said, were among the mob that murdered Joseph and Hyrum Smith in Carthage Jail. Joseph, leaping the fatal window, gave the Masonic signal of distress. The answer was the roar of his murder's muskets and the deadly balls that pierced his heart". (Mormon Elder Heber C. Kimball, a former Mason, quoted by Orson F. Whitney, Life of Heber C. Kimbal, p. 26) (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1844 Benjamin Disraelli, prime Minister of England, was attributed with this statement in 1844: "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
1845-1849 James K. Polk, 11th. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: June 5, 1820, Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tennessee. Brother Polk assisted in the Cornerstone Laying of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 1, 1847. Governor of Tennessee 1839-1841. Vice President, George M. Dallas, 1845-1849. Unknown Mason status.
1845-1851 Levi Woodbury, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President James K. Polk.
1846-1870 Robert Cooper Grier, S.C.J. Associate justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President James K. Polk.
1848 Lewis Cass, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason Status.
1848 Alexander Dumas wrote his The Count Of Monte Cristo. The Count is the Jesuit General. Monte=Mount, Cristo=Christ. The Count of the Mount of Christ. Alexander Dumas was talking about the Jesuit General getting vengeance when the Jesuits were suppressed, and many of them were consigned to an island, three hours sailing, West, off the coast of Portugal. And so, when the Jesuits finally regained their power, they punished all of the monarchs of Europe who had suppressed them, drove them from their thrones, including the Knights of Malta from Malta, using Napoleon. And Alexander Dumas, who fought for the Italian patriots in 1848, to free Rome from the temporal power of the Pope, wrote many books and one of the books was to expose this, and that was The Count Of Monte Cristo.
1849-1850 Zachary Taylor, 12th. President of the United States (Whig) Confirmed Mason. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Vice President, Millard Fillmore 1849-1850. Unknown Mason status. On June 21, 1850, nine days after the secession convention, Governor Quitman was indicted by a federal grand jury for violating the U.S. Neutrality Laws! The charge was based on Quitman's leadership of a well-financed conspiracy to invade and ``liberate'' Cuba from Spanish rule. Then two weeks later, on July 3, President Taylor threatened to hang those ``taken in rebellion against the Union.'' The next day the President fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died soon after. The Quitman prosecution was delayed. (You may recall that Taylor's body was recently dug up by Kentucky authorities, looking for evidence of arsenic poisoning.) The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
1849. October, 7. Edgar Allan Poe was murdered by a blow to the head. Poe was not a drunk or drug addict as history would lead you to believe and did not die from a drug overdose. (John F. Courtney, M.D. Addiction and Edgar Allan (sic) Poe, Resident and Staff Physician, January, 1971 p. 107-115). Poe was exposing the Mason's through many of his short stories. It was inevitable that Poe would not only run afoul of the festering secret society's but end a victim of their 'arguments'. He was not a passive recipient, and he did his best to immortalize a searing indictment in Masonry in at least four of his short stories.
 1. The Cask of Amontillado. A Roman Catholic aristocrat takes revenge on his Freemason enemy by walling him into a corner of the family catacombs, thus destroying his life and freedom by masonry. (Kent Bales, "Poetic justice in the Cask of Amontillado", Poe Studies, 6, 1972, p. 51) Insult is added to injury in this tale since Poe drew its central character and basic narrative situation from the Freemason, Benjamin Franklin. Since the name of Franklin's hero in Montresor and this is of course the name Poe has chosen for his; that his source is indeed Franklin is confirmed by William H. Shurr ("Montresor's Audience" in the 'Cask of Amontillado' Poe Studies, 1, 1977) 2.The Devil in the Belfry. Published in The Philadelphia Saturday Chronicle of May 18, 1839. Poe satirizes president Martin Van Buren and his corrupt political machine in New York.(Poe's Political Satire, University of Texas studies in English, 35, 1956, 81-95-Burton R. Pollin, City University of New York)3. Mellonta Tauta. This criticizes the aura of sanctimony which surrounds Mason George Washington, specifically in a tedious "George Washington cornerstone ceremony" Washington actually laid the cornerstone to the Capitol building in a full Masonic regalia and there is a widely circulated painting of this event. Washington's Masonic Apron4. Never Bet The Devil Your Head. This is Poe's most gruesome portrayal of Masonry and has some parallel to a well-known Masonic story - Kipling's "The Man Who Would Be King" in which esoteric bridge-symbolism forms an important backdrop. The man does not take the advice Poe's story offers and looses his head on a covered bridge. Royal Arch Masonry is obsessed with bridge symbolism (Princess Diana was murdered under a covered bridge) to the same extent that the Masonic grade of Ninth degree is up to it's neck in decapitation ritual. (Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast , neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years).See also:
 Georgia: Bill to replace electric chair with guillotine * Make all bodies available for transplants
What kind of sick mind would invent something like the guillotine? Joseph Ignace Guillotin, Inventor of the "Guillotin"  Confirmed Mason. The real Secret of Freemasonry. Making Good Men Better. ( Masonic Logo.) http://www.gl-mi.org/lodges/genesee-174/famous.html
1850-1853 Millard Fillmore, 13th. President of the United States (Whig) Unknown Mason status. No Vice President during this term. It should be noted that only two Whig Party members were elected for the office of the President, and both died in office. Succeeded by their Whig Party vice Presidents, neither won a second term. Both times replaced by the Democratic Party. 
However Henry Clay, Confirmed Mason was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09, and the leader of the Whig party, and I believe the power behind this President. Very good friends to the Illuminati DuPont's. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1851-1857 Benjamin Robbins Curtis, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Millard Fillmore.
1851 Emerson Cogswell Whitney. Skull and Bones. Field: Education: "Died Dec. 1, 1851"
1853 Winfield Scott. Grad from West Point. Fought in the war of 1812 and rose to the rank of major general. Fought in the battle of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane in 1814.Supervised the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Southern state to reservations west of the Mississippi River. Unsuccessful Whig candidate for President in 1853. Confirmed Mason.
1853-1857 Franklin Pierce, 14th. President of the United states (D) Confirmed Mason. (Masonic Edition, Holy Bible 1951 Edition) Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Vice President, William R. King, 1853. Unknown Mason status. Franklin Pierce was a cousin to Presidents James Garfield and Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40) August Belmont, the U.S. representative of Britain's Rothschild banks, paid for Pierce's 1852 election campaign. Though this blatant foreign intrusion caused a flare-up of resentment among the voters, Pierce was elected the 14th President, and his foreign and domestic backers took over. Caleb Cushing became U.S. attorney general. Jefferson Davis became secretary of war. Banker August Belmont became ambassador to Holland. The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
1853-1861 John Archibald Campbell, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Franklin Pierce.
1854 Edward Payson Whitney. Skull and Bones. Field: Medicine: "Disappeared in 1858.
1854  George de Forest Lord. Skull and Bones.
1856  James Lyman Whitney. Skull and Bones. Field: Library Work, Boston Public Library.
1856 John C. Freemont, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (R) Unknown Mason status.
1856 Millard Fillmore, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (A) Unknown Mason status.
1857-1861 James Buchanan, 15th. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: December 1l, 1816, Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Brother Buchanan became Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 43 1822-1823; and in 1824 was appointed District Deputy Grand Master for the Counties of Lancaster, Lebanon and York. Vice President, John C. Breckinridge, 1857-1861. Confirmed Mason.  Joining Pike's new Scottish Rite Supreme Council in 1859 was the U.S. vice president, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky. He would soon run for President on a secession platform, his campaign managed by Caleb Cushing. In March 1860, the U.S. treasury secretary, Howell Cobb, joined Pike's Supreme Council. (Cobb was a ruler of the Georgia Masonic mafia with Robert Toombs and James Bulloch.) If you are going to lead a revolt against a government, it is handy to have the head of that government's treasury take charge of your finances, as Cobb did for his Masonic boss Albert Pike. The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
1858-1881 Nathan Clifford, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President James Buchanan.
Other Parts of the world during this presidency: Mexico: 1857-1871 Benito Juarez, 1857,Vice President of Mexico. 1858 President of Mexico. Removed in 1863 by Napoleon III of France, but Juarez resistance lead him back to victory as the President in 1867.Confirmed Mason.
1860 Stephen A. Douglas, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason. (Is This Of Your Own Free Will And Accord?," by R.V. Havlik, at page 67. Also Stephen A. Douglas: Freemason, by Wayne C. Temple.)
1860 John C. Breckenridge, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.
1860 John Bell, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency. Confirmed Mason.
1860, 20 December,  the State of South Carolina announced it would secede and become a separate republic. The Federal Government's response to this bold move was to immediately call on various States to send troops to suppress the South Carolinians. Six Southern states promptly refused to comply. They too seceded and joining with South Carolina, formed The Confederate States of America, with Mississippian Jefferson Davis as their President. (Two of the seven Governors were Freemasons: John Ellis of North Carolina and Isham Harris from Tennessee). Some six weeks later a Peace Convention was held on 4 February, 1861, with both sides in attendance. It hoped to put an end to the dangerous situation, but it failed. Notable Freemasons at that meeting were John Crittenden and Stephen Douglas of Kentucky, and Robert Toombs from Georgia. THE electronic NORTH CAROLINA MASON July/August, 1993 vol.1 #3 
1861-1865 Abraham Lincoln, 16th. President of the United states (R) Unknown Mason status. Rumored Rosicrucian, (which is a branch of Free Masonry)Lincoln’s wife Mary Todd (Tied in with Satanic Collins) was into the occult. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President Hannibal Hamlin, 1861-1865. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Andrew Johnson, confirmed Mason was selected to run on Lincolns successful re-election ticket of 1864. Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War, was an avid Freemason. (Edwin M. Stanton and Freemasonry," by Erving E. Beauregard, in Lincoln Herald, Winter 1993. See especially page 125, citing "Reminiscences," letters from Edwin M. Stanton to Chauncey, Washington City, letter dated August 27, 1864.) One month after the re-election of Lincoln, and the successful assassination, Andrew Johnson became the 17th President of the United States. Note: We have a non mason President, or one whom looses favor, and then a Mason Vice President shuffled into office before the President dies or is forced out of office. Did President Lincoln suspend the U.S. Constitution? American Patriot Network |America's Caesar Abraham Lincoln and the Birth of a Modern Empire
After Willie's death in the White House in 1862, Mary Todd often visited the home of the Lauries who were well-known Georgetown mediums. Here a clairvoyant would darken the parlor and arrange the patrons in a circle with their hands on the table. The goal was to attain communication with invisible beings; in Mary's case, it was Eddie and Willie, her two dead sons. There were possibly as many as eight séances held in the White House itself. MARY TODD LINCOLN AND CLAIRVOYANCE
"In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family lineage of McAdden was visiting some of her family in the community of Lincolnton, North Carolina. During her stay in the Carolina's, she visited many neighboring families she had known for many years; one such was the Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became pregnant as a result. There were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female. Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the name Lincoln was real or fabricated from the area of conception which was Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Springs were of the race that called themselves "Jewish", Lincoln was part Jewish and as part of the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by blood." Pandora's Box -- Proving Abraham Lincoln was a Rothschild
Charles Chiniquy, was the great exposer of the Jesuit assassination of President Lincoln, when he wrote his masterpiece Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome in 1886. He proves that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits, and that it was covered-up by our government at the time.
Of the Jesuit hand in Lincoln’s murder we read:
"I feel safe in stating that nowhere else can be found in one book the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of Abraham Lincoln, which was instigated by the "black" pope, the General of the Jesuit Order, camouflaged by the "white" pope, Pius IX, aided, abetted and financed by other "Divine Righters" of Europe, and finally consummated by the Roman Hierarchy and their paid agents in this country and French Canada on "Good Friday" night, April 14, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, D.C." [The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln, Burke McCarty, 1973, originally published in 1924] The Black Pope
1862-1881 Noah Haynes Swayne, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Abraham Lincoln.
1862-1890 Samuel Freeman Miller, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Abraham Lincoln.
1862-1877 David Davis, Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Abraham Lincoln. Davis, a close friend of Abraham Lincoln's, is listed in 10,000 Famous Freemasons as having been buried with Masonic ceremonies in Bloomington, Illinois. He is not listed in the other sources as having been a Freemason.
1863  William Collins Whitney. Skull and Bones. Field: Secretary of Navy (1885-9) Promoter & Financier.
1863-1897 Stephen Johnson Field, Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Abraham Lincoln.
1864-1873 Salmon Portland Chase, Chief Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Abraham Lincoln.
Bowling Green was a close friend of Lincoln and one of the most prominent men in New Salem, Illinois, Lincoln's first home town. Green was a Justice of the Peace Confirmed Mason.(Lincoln and Freemasonry," at pages 21-22, and Sandburg's biography of Lincoln, volume 1, pages 175 and 288-289.) Other friends were Ninian Edwards, and James Shields. Confirmed Masons. (Stephen A. Douglas: Freemason, by Wayne C. Temple.) . The best man at Abraham Lincoln's wedding to Mary Todd was James Matheny, a member of the Springfield Masonic Lodge and a past Master of the Grand Lodge of Illinois. Lincoln's closest neighbor, James Gourley, was also a Mason, as were other friends and business associates. (Chicago 1860: A Mason's Wigwam?," by Olivier Fraysse, in Lincoln Herald, Fall 1985, at pages 71-72, citing Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois ..., Chicago, 1857; 10,000 Famous Freemasons by W.R. Denslow; Lincoln's Manager: David Davis, by W.L. King, and Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, volume IV, at page 336.) Even the fiancé of Ann Rutledge, reported to be Abraham Lincoln's first true love, was Junior Warden of a local Masonic Lodge. (Lincoln and Freemasonry," at page 23.)
Lincoln's idol in politics was Henry Clay, a U.S. Senator and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, candidate for President several times, and one of the most influential Americans of the first half of the 1800's. Henry Clay was the Grand Master of Masons in Kentucky in 1820-1821. It should be noted, though, that in 1830 and 1831, during the height of the influence of the Anti-Masonic Party in American politics, Clay said he had been inactive for many years. Clay was then seeking the Presidency. He might have helped his chances by specifically denouncing Masonry, but he refused to do that. Since Henry Clay was Lincoln's role model in politics, it would be reasonable to expect that Lincoln would have been influenced by Clay's Masonic involvement -- rising to the level of Grand Master of Kentucky, and Clay's refusal to denounce Masonry even when that action could have helped him politically. (The Antimasonic Party, by William Preston Vaughn, at page 56.)
The list of prominent people connected with the Civil War and politics in that era who were Masons is very long, including Winfield Scott, George B. McClellan, Robert Anderson, Winfield Scott Hancock, Benjamin F. Butler, Simon Cameron, Lewis Cass, John J. Crittenden, Andrew G. Curtin, David G. Farragut, Nathaniel P. Banks, John A. McClernand, Thomas H. Benton, John A. Logan, Sam Houston, Stephen A. Hurlbut, Andrew Johnson, Edwin M. Stanton, Gideon Welles, Albert Sidney Johnston, P.G.T. Beauregard, Howell Cobb, John B. Floyd, Albert Pike, Sterling Price, Robert Toombs, Godfrey Weitzel, Henry A. Wise. (House Undivided: The Story of Freemasonry and the Civil War, by Allen E. Roberts, at pages 333-344.)
Note:1856-(1865?) John Wilkes Booth, the man who killed Lincoln in 1865. Confirmed 33rd degree Mason.
Of course, John Wilkes Booth, he was never killed. Corbett never killed Booth in the barn. Booth escaped Washington with a password, according to Finis Bates’ work The Escape And Suicide Of John Wilkes Booth. He escaped to Kansas, and on his death bed confessed to his physician that he was John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln. And he escaped with the help of a Masonic password. So just like there was a patsy for the Lincoln assassination, there was a patsy for the Kennedy assassination. black-pope see also: Rewriting U.S. History
"I landed on that peculiar paper you call money during your Civil War and on the back of your dollar during the World War. Since 1935 I have shared the greenback with the pyramid and eye whose keen vision, like mine, bridges Heaven and Earth.
The Eagle Speaks The Franklin Institute Science Museum
1864 George B. McClellan, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1864-1901 Jean Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross in 1864, also founder of the World's Young Men Christian Foundation, co-winner of the the first Nobel Prize for Peace in 1901. Known to promote interest in the treatment of prisoners of war, the abolition of slavery, international arbitration, disarmament, and a Jewish homeland. Confirmed Mason. Red Cross Admits They Helped Nazi's Escape
1865-1869 Andrew Johnson, 17th. President of the United States (D) National Union Party." Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44)(Lodge records lost during the Civil War) Initiated: May 5, 1851, Greenville Lodge No. 119, Greenville, Tennessee. Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-1865. No Vice President during this term. In April 1866, a year after the murder of Abraham Lincoln, Albert Pike's Supreme Council met in full costume inside the White House. There Lincoln's successor President Andrew Johnson granted a pardon to Pike for his role in the murder of Lincoln. The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
Other parts of the world during this Presidency: Canada: 1867-1891 Sir John Alexander Macdonald, first prime minister of the Dominion of Canada. Though accused of devious and unscrupulous methods, he is remembered for his achievements. Confirmed Mason.
1866 Nathan Bedford Forest. (First Imperial Wizard) Forest was approached by the leaders of the Den of the Invisible Empire, which had possession of the secret archives of Samuel Adams and which organization still existed under the name of the Sons of Liberty. Forest agreed to accept the leadership, but preferred the name of the recently formed Ku Klux Klan, for the visible organization. The Ku Klux Klan has been Masonic since its conception. The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
(Ku Klux Klan Constitution of the United Klans of America. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Imperial Press, 1968 p. 18) 
1867 General William Tecumseh Sherman said, "We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Lakota's, known to whites as the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children." ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.240)
1867 The Presidency of the United States is to be controlled by Freemasonry, is thoroughly documented by Christian author, Ralph Epperson, in his book, "The New World Order". On page 171, Epperson quotes testimony given in March, 1867, before the House Judiciary Committee, by General Gordon Granger. General Granger related a meeting between himself, President Andrew Jackson, who was a Mason, and Albert Pike, the most famous of all Masons. General Granger reported his surprise that President Jackson considered himself to be subordinate to Albert Pike. This subordination is detailed in the oath the initiate takes during the Third Degree, called the Master Mason's degree, inside the Blue Lodge. This oath states, "I do promise...that I will obey all...summonses given to me from the hand of a Brother Master Mason ..." 
1868 Horatio Seymour, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1869-1877 Ulysses S. Grant, 18th. President of the United States (R) Unknown Mason status. Vice President, Schuyler Colfax, 1869-1873. Unknown Mason status. Vice President, Henry Wilson 1873-1875. Unknown Mason status. Jonas Mills Bundy (b.1835-1891) Confirmed Illuminati. Was a key advisor to President Grant, President Garfield, and President Chester A. Arthur. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Grant was related to the following Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, maybe Washington, van Buren, and Tafts. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1870-1880 William Strong, S.C.J. Associate Justice, Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Ulysses S. Grant.
1870-1892 Joseph P. Bradley, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Ulysses S. Grant.
1873-1882 Ward Hunt, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Ulysses S. Grant.
1874-1888 Morrison Remick Waite, Chief Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Ulysses S. Grant.
1871 South Carolina, without declaring martial law, President Grant sent troops into nine counties of South Carolina to enforce a proclamation commanding the residents to give up their arms and ammunition. Grant suspended the writ of habeas corpus. More than 600 arrests had been made by the end of 1871.
1872 Horace Greeley, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1872 Charles Taze Russell, Founded International Bible Students Association. Forerunner to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. Was a Knights Templar Mason of York Rite, in Allegheny Pa. Confirmed Mason. Also Russell had a secret Rosicrucian membership with the Quakertown, PA group of Rosicrucian's, as revealed by the pyramid he ordered erected over his grave site. His use of the Winged-Sun-Disk. Russell owned a cemetery in Pittsburgh. Leading Satanists try to own cemeteries for several reasons. First, it facilitates the disposal of human sacrifices which are buried in pieces below the fresh holes dug for someone else's burial. When the casket is placed in the hole, it would be rare for anyone to dig below the casket level ever again. Second, magic power is associated with cemeteries. The spiritual power of the dead is pulled up by making a circle of light over them then within the circle a naked Satanist lays. Third, specific bones are sought such as the skulls and left hands. Left hands are preserved in order to hold candles for certain ceremonies. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
I am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a word about some of the things in which we agree with our Masonic friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to Masonry, and we also are Masons. I am a Freemason. Charles Taze Russell. Secrets Of The Watchtower And Bible Tract Society
1876 Samuel J. Tilden, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1877-1881 Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th. President of the United States (R) Unknown Mason status. Vice President William A. Wheeler, 1877-1881. Unknown Mason Status. The Wheeler's have had major Satanic ties to the Illuminati. Have yet been able to identify if this Wheeler is one of those. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1877-1911 John Marshall Harlan, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Rutherford B. Hayes. For several decades early in the 19th century, John Marshall was Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In Chicago, a law school is named after him. The Establishment falsely portrays him as a great pillar of honor. A heavily documented book, however, shows the massive corruption involving Chief Justice Marshall, including huge land grabs by his relatives, litigation which Chief Justice Marshall covered up on his high court and did not disqualify himself. See: "The History of the Supreme Court" by Gustavus Myers, a book generally NOT allowed to be on the shelves of law libraries.Chief Justice Marshall's allegedly "famous" decision, Marbury vs. Madison, as the book documents, was a brazen scheme to block STATE SUPREME COURTS from proceeding with litigation contesting and investigating huge land grabs done by the Chief Justice and his circle of thieves and swindlers. America's Great Fairy Tales-pt.1
1878  Edward Baldwin Whitney. Skull and Bones. Field: Law: Justice, New York Supreme Ct.
1880-1887 William Burnham Woods, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Rutherford B. Hayes.
1880 Winefield S. Hancock, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1881 James A. Garfield, 20th. President of The United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Initiated: November 19, 1861, Magnolia Lodge, No. 20, Columbus, Ohio. Owing to Civil War duties, Brother Garfield did not receive the Third Degree until November 22, 1864 in Columbus Lodge No. 30, Columbus, Ohio. On October 10, 1866, he Affiliated with Garrettsville Lodge No. 246, Garrettsville, Ohio, serving as its Chaplain in 1868-1869. Brother Garfield then became a Charter Member of Pentalpha Lodge No. 23 of Washington, D.C. on May 4, 1869; in fact, he was one of the Petitioners for the Lodge Charter. Assassinated. Died while in office September 19, 1881. after he was shot in a railroad station. Vice President, Chester A. Arthur 1881. Unknown Mason status. Jonas Mills Bundy (b.1835-1891) Rumored Illuminati. Was a key advisor to President Grant, President Garfield, and President Chester A. Arthur. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) President Garfield was a cousin to Presidents Franklin Pierce and Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
James Garfield had an affair with Mrs Lucia Gilbert Calhoun  Before he became President
Presidents and their reputed Affairs
I think Garfield was assassinated on a monetary issue; he was resisting the banking plans of the Jesuits. He was a radical, red Republican, too, you know, so they got rid of their own. I’m not familiar with all of the details. All I know is Burke McCarty in the book The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Lincoln named McKinley and Garfield as other victims of the Jesuit Order. And had the Lincoln assassination been solved, that would never have happened. The other important issue is that Garfield was a Freemason. So, they assassinate their own Freemasons, when they want to. The Black Pope
1881-1889 Stanley Matthews. S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President James A. Garfield. Became a Mason in 1847, but demitted in 1856, long before he served on the Supreme Court.
1881-1885 Chester A. Arthur, 21st. President of the United States (R) Unknown Mason status. No Vice president during this term. Jonas Mills Bundy (b.1835-1891) Confirmed Illuminati. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Was a key advisor to President Grant, President Garfield, and President Chester A. Arthur.
1882-1902 Horace Gray, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Chester A. Arthur.
1882-1893 Samuel Blatchford, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Chester A. Arthur.
1882  Joseph Ernest Whitney. Skull and Bones. Field: Education: "Died Feb. 25th, 1893"
1884 James G. Blaine, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (R) Unknown Mason status.
1885-1889 Grover Cleveland, 22nd. President of the United States (D) Illuminati Puppet. William Collins Whitney, (of the Satanic Collins.) was the power behind Pres. Cleveland, who was his puppet. He also directed a group of powerful important capitalists called the Whitney Group. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President, Thomas A. Hendricks 1885. Unknown Mason status. Cleveland was a cousin to Presidents Franklin Pierce and James Garfield and Benjamin Harrison.(Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
Grover Cleveland had an affair with Maria Halpin Before he became President, and while he was still a bachelor. They had a son, Oscar. Presidents and their reputed Affairs
1888-1910 Melville Weston Fuller, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Grover Cleveland.
1888-1893 Lucius Quintus C. Lamar, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Grover Cleveland.
1886 Frederic Aguste Bartholdi. Sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Confirmed Mason. Masons Statue of Liberty
1888 Grover Cleveland, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Illuminati Puppet.
1888 ARIZONA — Scottsdale 43 recently recognized Senator Barry Goldwater for his 50 years of public service and 62 years in Masonry. There were several presentations made. Goldwater answered them with, "If you've got one for 80 (years), get it ready. I'm going to live to be 100." His uncle, Morris Goldwater, was grand master of Arizona in 1888. — Arizona Masonry. THE electronic NORTH CAROLINA MASON July
1889-1893 Benjamin Harrison, 23rd. President of the United States (R) Unknown Mason status. Vice President, Levi P. Morton 1889-1893. Unknown Mason status.Benjamin Harrison was related to the following Presidents. William Henry Harrison (his grandfather), Jefferson, Jackson, and Tyler. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
On the 4th of June 1889 Albert Pike wrote a letter to the supreme councils of the illuminati:
  "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be,  by all of us initiates of the high degrees,  maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (Jesus)... calumniate (spread false and harmful statements about) him?...Yes Lucifer is God..."(Albert Pike, A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maqonnene Universelle, page 588.) 
1890-1910 David Josiah Brewer, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Benjamin Harrison.
1891-1906 Henry Billings Brown, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Benjamin Harrison.
1892-1903 George Shiras Jr, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Benjamin Harrison.
1893-1895 Howell Edmunds Jackson, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Benjamin Harrison.
1891 Frank L. Baum (gentle author of the WIZARD OF OZ) wrote in the ABERDEEN (KANSAS) SATURDAY PIONEER that the army should "finish the job" by the "total annihilation" of the few remaining Indians. The U.S. did not follow through on Baum's macabre demand for there really was no need. By then the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers and 97.5% of the aboriginal land base had been expropriated and renamed the land of the free and the home of the brave. Hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes with unique languages, learning, customs, and cultures had simply been erased from the face of the earth, most often without even the pretense of justice or law. Is this what the present administration has in store for us? The Population Control Agenda
1892 Benjamin Harrison, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1892 James Weaver, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (P) Unknown Mason status.
1893-1897 Grover Cleveland, 24th, and 22nd, President of the United States (D) Illuminati Puppet. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President, Adalai E. Stevenson, 1893-1897. Confirmed Mason.
1894  Payne Whitney (Son of  William Collins Whitney) Skull and Bones. Field: Finance: Knickerbocker Trust Co.
1894-1910 Edward Douglas White, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Grover Cleveland.
1896-1909 Rufus Wheeler Packham, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Grover Cleveland.
1896 William J. Bryan, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1896 McKinley won the presidential race with a great deal of support from Big Business, e.g., John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil contributed $250,000 to the "front porch" campaign that defeated Bryan and his populist platform of returning to the constitutionally mandated monetary system and reform of McKinley's high tariffs that had allowed domestic manufacturers to raise their prices to a level that matched the artificially-induced higher prices of foreign goods, thus causing a severe depression. Who Was Philander Knox?
1897-1901 William McKinley, 25th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Initiated: May 1, 1865, Hiram Lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia. Brother McKinley Affiliated with Canton Lodge No. 60, Canton, Ohio on August 21, 1867; and Demitted from same to become a Charter Member of Eagle Lodge No. 431, also in Canton. Following Brother McKinley's death on September 14, 1901, the name was changed to William McKinley Lodge effective October 24, 1901. Governor of Ohio, 1892-1896. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Assassinated. Died in office September 14. Vice President, Garret A. Hobart, 1897-1899. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, 1901. Confirmed Mason. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Note: Mason power put in Vice Presidency, before a President dies.
I think Garfield was assassinated on a monetary issue; he was resisting the banking plans of the Jesuits. He was a radical, red Republican, too, you know, so they got rid of their own. I’m not familiar with all of the details. All I know is Burke McCarty in the book The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Lincoln named McKinley and Garfield as other victims of the Jesuit Order. And had the Lincoln assassination been solved, that would never have happened. The other important issue is that Garfield was a Freemason. So, they assassinate their own Freemasons, when they want to. The Black Pope
1898-1925 Joseph McKenna, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President William McKinley.
1898  Harry Payne Whitney (Son of W.C. Whitney) Skull and Bones. Field: Finance: Guaranty Trust & Guggenheim Exploration Co.
1898  Franklin Atkins Lord. Skull and Bones.
1900 William J. Bryan, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
In 1901, New Yorks Chief Detective Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino, had warned the Secret Service about an imminent assassination attempt against President William McKinley. Petrosino had learned of the plot by infiltrating his agents into the Henry Street Settlement House in New York, a hot bed of British Fabian Society and international anarchist activity. The Secret Service ignored his warnings, and McKinley was assassinated months later, leaving British agent and B'nai B'rith ally, Teddy Roosevelt, to assume the Presidency. "The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League" 2
1901-1907 William Andrews Clark, aka Jesse James, America's most famous outlaw, faked his own death in 1882, and lived to be 107 years old. During his long life, he assumed the name of 71 aliases, and under one of them, William Andrews Clark, he became a major player in the Conspiracy active in the United States. He became a U.S. Senator in Montana, had the county of Clark County (Las Vegas is the county seat) named after him, and founded the city of Clarkdale, Arizona. He also claimed that John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln, did not die in the barn as traditional historians record. Jesse claimed that it was he who poisoned him in 1903! *Ralph Epperson. Jesse James US Senator.
In the latter decades of the nineteenth century, British-centered finance gained supremacy over American industry and U.S. policy-making. Under British sponsorship, Pike's Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, came to rule over much of the world's Freemasonry. At length its headquarters moved from South Carolina to Washington, D.C. Theodore Roosevelt, a racialist Anglophile and passionate Freemason, became U.S. President September 14, 1901, upon the shooting death of William McKinley. Teddy Roosevelt's reign was the Lost Cause triumphant: Roosevelt's revered exiled uncle, James Bulloch, Judah Benjamin's secret service chief in England, had ghostwritten young Teddy's book on naval history; and Teddy's clique had finally conquered Cuba in the 1898 U.S. War with Spain. The Washington, D.C. statue honoring Klan founder Albert Pike was dedicated 39 days after Teddy Roosevelt's inauguration. The B'nai B'rith and `Egyptian Principles' In his admiring biography of Judah Benjamin, Eli Evans quotes the famous attack against Benjamin's pro-slavery fanaticism by Ohio's Senator Ben Wade: ``when old Moses, under the immediate inspiration of God Almighty, enticed a whole nation of slaves, and ran away ... to old Canaan, I suppose that Pharaoh and all the chivalry of old Egypt denounced him as a most furious abolitionist.... There were those who loved Egypt better than they loved liberty.... They were `Israelites with Egyptian principles.'|'' Senator Wade's barb hit its mark. Judah Benjamin had deserted the religion of Moses. He had spat on the law of freedom, the gift that Jews celebrate in the Passover seder (which was also Christ's last supper).  The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
1901-1909 Theodore Roosevelt, 26th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) British agent "The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League" 2 Initiated: January 2, 1901, Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, New York. Brother and President Roosevelt visited the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania (in its present home, the Masonic Temple at One North Broad Street) on November 5, 1902, for the Celebration of the Sesqui-Centennial of Brother George Washington's Initiation into Freemasonry. Governor of New York, 1899-1901. Brother and President Roosevelt issued an Executive Order, dated, October 17, 1901 changing the name of the "Executive Mansion" to the "White House". Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks, 1905-1909. Unknown Mason status. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, who was blood related to both President Martin Van Buren and to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is on record. Be Wise As Serpents (Fritz Springmeier) book have described high level rituals carried out in a castle (burg) in Belgium. There are Dutchmen in the genealogy of the Roosevelt presidents in the line that goes back to the British royalty. Other prominent elitists tie back to the Netherlands & Belgium also. Elizabeth Van Buren wrote The Sign of the Dove which is a book about the Merovingian's [the 13th Top Illuminati bloodline] and Jesus. The book takes a Gnostic approach to religion, and puts forth the idea that the Merovingian's were of extra-terrestrial descent. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Roosevelt was related to the following Presidents: Grant, Washington, van Buren Franklin Roosevelt and Taft. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1902-1932 Oliver Wendell Holmes, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Theodore Roosevelt.
1903-1922 William Rufus Day, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Theodore Roosevelt.
1909 Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino, the detective who warned American Secret Service of the plot to kill President McKinley was assassinated in March 1909 in Sicily while meeting with Italian police to establish cooperation, and probing links between criminal elements and anarchist networks operating in both the United States and Italy. 
1906-1910 William Henry Moody, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Theodore Roosevelt.
Here's what the Supreme Court said in 1906 when they were figuring out how to set this whole shell game up (IRS) so it would be rejoin-able to the constitution and other laws of our republic, 
__ __ "An individual may be under no obligation to do a particular thing and his failure to act creates no liability, but ( and, oh, is that a big but) , if he voluntarily attempts to act and do the particular thing (i.e. sign "certain" forms in a "certain" way) , he comes under an implied obligation in respect to the manner in which he does it". S. ct. 186 , pg. 188 Fear is a powerless jailer! Get out of jail now!!
"There is no law making you liable to pay income tax" (Congressman John Ensign of Nevada answering a constituents question.)
Title 18 section 1001
"Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both.
Other parts of the world during this Presidency: England 1901-1910 Edward VIII (Albert Edward), king of Great Britain and Ireland, eldest son of Queen Victoria. Confirmed Mason.
1904 Alton B. Parker, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1908 William J. Bryan, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1909-1913 William Howard Taft, 27th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Initiated: February 18, 1909. Brother Taft was made a "Mason at Sight" within the Body of Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Cincinnati, Ohio, by Grand Master Charles S. Hoskinson. His father and two brothers were also Members of this Lodge. Brother and President Taft addressed the Brethren, saying, "I am glad to be here, and to be a Mason. It does me good to feel the thrill that comes from recognizing on all hands the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man." Brother and President Taft visited the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on the occasion of a Special Communication held in the Masonic Temple (One North Broad Street), on March 12, 1912. Was a member of the Order of Skull and Bones. In fact, the Taft family which dates back to Braintree Mass. in 1679, helped start the Skull & Bones Order and at least eight Taft's have been in the Order. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President James S. Sherman, 1909-1912. Unknown Mason status.
1910-1921 Edward Douglas White, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President William Howard Taft.
1910-1914 Horace Harmon Lurton, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President William Howard Taft.
1910-1916 Charles Evans Hughes, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President William Howard Taft.
1910-1937 Willis Van Devanter, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President William Howard Taft.
1910-1916 Joseph Rucker Lamar, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President William Howard Taft. Was Senior Warden of Webb Lodge #166 in Augusta, Georgia, in 1885, but apparently did not become Master of the Lodge. Confirmed Mason.
1912-1922 Mahlon Pitney, S.C.J. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President William Howard Taft.
1912 Theodore Roosevelt, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.
1912 William H. Taft, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (R) Confirmed Mason.
1913 Secretary of State Philander Knox committed fraud when he proclaimed that the income tax amendment had been ratified by the required number of State legislatures; it was not properly or legally ratified. Who Was Philander Knox? 
1913-1921 Woodrow Wilson, 28th. President of the United States (D) Unknown Mason status. However, his loyalty to the constitution is in question because of his mentor " Colonel " Edward Mandell House, who was the major founder of the earlier American Institute of International Affairs, known today as the Council of Foreign Relations (C.F.R.). The C.F.R. is an outer layer of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Great Britain), whose purpose was to retake the United States as a British colony, and then unite the world under British control, which is another outer layer of the Round Table Organization, which to is an outer layer of the main core of a secret establishment called the Circle of Initiates founded in 1891 by Cecil Rhodes. ( John Coleman, Committee of 300) Cecil Rhodes is a known Satanic cult member , who has helped pave the way for the New World Order. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, 1913-1921. Unknown Mason status. Edward Mandell House, an agent for the Rothschild- Warburg- Rockefeller cartel (avowed Illuminists), gained national prominence as chief advisor to President Woodrow Wilson. It was House who persuaded President Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act. President Wilson is quoted as saying "I have unwittingly ruined my country" (Constitutional Money and The Banking Procedure, Catherine B. Dalton). Woodrow Wilson almost destroyed this nation and Constitution.
"...there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." --- President Woodrow Wilson
1914-1941 James Clark McReynolds, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Woodrow Wilson.
1916-1939 Louis Dembitz Brandeis, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Woodrow Wilson.
1916-1922 John Hessin Clarke, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by President Woodrow Wilson.
1914 President Woodrow Wilson deployed federal troops in Colorado to suppress a labor dispute. Olson-Wolls point out that Wilson ordered the U.S. Army to disarm American citizens -- including state and local officials, sheriffs, the police and the National Guard; to arrest American citizens; to monitor the state judicial process and re-arrest (and hold in military custody) persons released by the state courts; and to deny writs of habeas corpus issued by state courts.
1916 Charles E. Hughes, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (R) Unknown Mason status.
1917 United States enters World War I. Rockefellers made $200,000,000.00 from World War I.
1918-1925 John E. Hylan, Mayor of New York 1918-1925, said: The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation."
1919 The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at Versailles Peace Conference near Paris by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch, both Rothschild clones and leaders of the Round Table in the United States; when the elite of the Round Table from Britain and the United States, people like Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House, and Bernard Baruch, were appointed to represent their countries at the meetings which decided how the world would be changed as a result of the war these same people had created. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee and Round Table leader, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines)
Other parts of the world during this presidency: 1918-1948 Edvard Benes, 1918-1935 was foreign minister of Czechoslovak State. Confirmed Mason.
1920 James M. Cox, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1920 Eugene V. Debs, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (S) Unknown Mason status.
1921-1923 Warren G. Harding, 29th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. Initiated: June 28, 1901, Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio. Because of some personal antagonism, Brother Harding's advancement was hindered until 1920, by which time he had been nominated for President. Friends persuaded the opposition to withdraw the objection, and on August 27, 1920, nineteen years after his Initiation, Brother Harding achieved the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, in Marion Lodge. At his request, Brother Harding took the Oath of Office of President of the United States upon the same Bible as was used by Brother George Washington for the same purpose on April 30, 1789 the Altar Bible of St. John's Lodge No. 1, New York City. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Harding remarked privately to his wife while on a cross country trip " I have no trouble with my enemies......but my.....friends....keep me walking the floor nights!" President Harding visits Alaska and receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him, causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause of his death. He developed pneumonia and died suddenly on August 2, 1923. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President Calvin Coolidge, 1921-1923. Unknown Mason status.
Warren Harding had an affair with Carrie Phillips Before he became President. It lasted 15 years. She was paid $25,000 plus $2,000 a month palimony. Also Nan Briton.  Began before he became President, and lasted until his death in office. They had a daughter, Elizabeth Ann. Nan Briton wrote a best selling book titled The President's Daughter. Presidents and their reputed Affairs
1921-1930 William H. Taft, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Confirmed Mason. Also 27th president of the United States in 1901-1913. Nominated by Mason President Warren G. Harding.
1922  William Galey Lord + Francis Norton. Skull and Bones. =Son Charles Edwin Lord 2nd.
1922 Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, Confirmed Mason, and a Druid. stated to the London Press in 1922: "From the days of Sparticus Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Belacoon, Rosa Luxenburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
1922-1938 George Sutherland, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Warren G. Harding.
1923-1939 Pierce Butler, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Warren G. Harding.
1923-1930 Edward Terry Sanford, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Warren G. Harding.
Note: Mormon apostle Reed Smoot was given permission to run for office by the LDS church. Pres. Harding appointed him to the World War Foreign Debt Commission, and he also served the Illuminati as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. The War Finance Corp. just happened due to Smoots arranging it to gave the LDS church a $10 million loan.
1923-1929 Calvin Coolidge, 30th. President of the United States (R) Unknown Mason Status. Vice President Charles G. Dawes, 1925-1929. Unknown Mason status. Coolidge was related to the following Presidents: Harrisons, Jefferson, Jackson, Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1924 John W. Davies, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1924 Robert M. LaFollette, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (Pr) Unknown Mason status.
1925-1941 Harlin Fiske Stone, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Calvin Coolidge.
1926  Oswald Bates Lord + Mary Pillsbury. Skull and Bones.  (Of Pillsbury Flour family)=Son Winston Lord
1928 Alfred E. Smith, loosing candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1929-1933 Herbert Hoover, 31st. President of the United States, (R). Unknown Mason status. Vice President Charles Curtis, 1929-1933. Unknown Mason status.This President refused to implement the Emergency Banking and Relief Act of 1933. Charles Duke on 1933 Hoover was a member of the all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged.
1930-1941 Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Herbert Hoover.
1930-1945 Owen Josephus Roberts, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Herbert Hoover.
1932-1938 Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Herbert Hoover.
1932 Herbert Hoover, loosing candidate for Presidency (R) Unknown Mason status.
1933-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason and Illuminati Puppet. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Roosevelt was Initiated: October 11, 1911, Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City. Brother Roosevelt participated in the Raising of his son Elliott (1910-1990) on February 17, 1933, in Architect's Lodge No. 519, also in New York City. He was present, but did not participate in the Degrees when two other sons, James (1907-1991) and Franklin D., Jr. (1914-1988) became Members of their brother Elliott's Lodge, on November 7, 1935. Brother and President Roosevelt was made the first Honorary Grand Master of the Order of DeMolay on April 13, 1934 at the White House. Governor of New York, 1929-1933. Nelson Rockefeller was the power behind this president. Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).  Died in office April 12, 1945. Roosevelt is responsible for passing the Emergency Banking and Relief Act of 1933. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt so warmly embraced this unconstitutional law. FDR orders use of Great Seal of the U.S. (Satanic Seeing Eye) on reverse side of the dollar bill. There are 13 families or groups heading up the World Government plan. These families are portrayed as the 13 layers of blocks found on the strange seal on the reverse side of the U.S. $1 bill. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines)  FDR once said: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." FDR stacked the U.S. Supreme Court with judges who would vow to continue his dictatorial powers. Those powers have been assumed by all Presidents since FDR, including the one presently in the White House. Kill Your Television-Charles Duke on 1933 (The Day Our Constitution was stolen )  Vice President John N. Garner 1933-1941. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, 1941-1945. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Harry S. Truman, 1945 Confirmed Mason. Replaced Roosevelt for a short term, then went on to capture the next election. Note: We have a Mason Vice President put in power before the President dies. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, who was blood related to both President Martin Van Buren and to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is on record. President Roosevelt's son, James, wrote a book entitled "A Family Matter" in which he details Roosevelt "bold decision" to share the nuclear technology with the Soviet Union. Franklin Roosevelt did indeed know in advance of the attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen in order to enrage Americans into a war they otherwise would have not supported. Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies Franklin Roosevelt was related to the following Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Grant, Washington, van Buren, and Taft. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40) 
Franklin D Roosevelt had an affair with Lucy Mercer (Rutherford). Began before he became President when Lucy Mercer was Eleanor Roosevelt's  Social Secretary. Mrs. Roosevelt found out about it when she came across some love letters. FDR promised to give it up rather than divorce, but he didn't. She was at Warm Springs with him when he died. Presidents and their reputed Affair
In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." The Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order
February 22, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a DOUBLE TOP SECRET memo on White House stationary for "The special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology." Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word "non-terrestrial" and the latter talks about "coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe." http://www.majesticdocuments.com/documents/2000.html
Using stand-ins is a common procedure. For instance, the book *The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt* by Emmanuel M. Josephson, copyright 1948, said in the chapter titled "Roosevelt's Odd Ailments and His Strange Death" that both Roosevelt and Churchill were poisoned at the Teheran conference with Stalin. "At Teheran Roosevelt and Churchill met with Stalin to confirm the division of the World between them. During the conference, Roosevelt had been prevailed upon by the Russians to stay at the Russian Embassy because, the Russians said, the American Embassy was not safe.
At the Russian Embassy, it is reported, a special courtesy was extended to the guests. They were assigned a special waiter who served them exclusively. It was later discovered that the waiter was a physician who specialized in the science of poisoning, toxicology. The use of doctors under Russia's state medical system in disposing of persons whom the powers-that-be wished out of the way, by poisoning them, has been attested to in the Moscow purge trials. Dr. Levine testified that he had been ordered by his superiors to poison Maxim Gorki and had done so.
"Shortly after their departure, Winston Churchill became extremely ill. He was hurried TO EGYPT where he was so sick that his death was expected momentarily. But his life was saved by a protégé of his, Sir Arthur Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin."
"Roosevelt also was extremely ill on his return. He was unable to walk or stand unassisted, and never recovered his strength." Friends, the man who was elected as President for the 4th term was NOT ROOSEVELT! When he died, "Admiral McIntyre, FDR's physician, is reported to have said that Roosevelt's body was not embalmed; that in less than four hours after death, it had turned black, a reaction that occurs among other cases, in event of arsenic poisoning" (p. 285).
On page 286, it says, "A careful study of the few photographs of Roosevelt released in 1944 raised the question of whether they are really photographs of Roosevelt or of a stand-in. It was widely known that there were a number of stand-ins who resembled Roosevelt so closely that they appeared for him on occasions. If the suspicions raised by the photographs are well founded, the mystery deepens. What did happen to Roosevelt? Who was it that campaigned and was re-elected in 1944?"
Who indeed? Remember, that book was written in 1948. On page 287 it says evidence indicated that Roosevelt had killed himself with a "small silver pistol." It says, "His burial without autopsy was a criminal act and a flagrant violation of the law. There is more in this situation than meets the eye." Ah, so! He ends the chapter by saying, "The deception perpetrated on the public in regard to Roosevelt's health is characteristic of that which prevailed in all matters during his Administration." fire5.htm
1933 In Edmond Paris’s book, printed by Ozark Publications, called The Vatican Against Europe, it gets into great detail of what they did. It calls it—the last 30 years of war is all attributable to the Jesuits, their massacres of the Serbs and Jews, etc. But Edmond Paris did not understand that the Jesuit General—and this is one of the most important points I want to make about Von Kolvenbach—the Jesuit General is in complete control of the international intelligence community: that’s the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, the Israeli Mossad, the German BND, the British SIS. The Jesuit General is in COMPLETE CONTROL of the entire intelligence apparatus—FBI, every bureaucratic agency in this country, all of it; he is in complete control of it. So, whenever he wants to find something out about an individual, they put in the Social Security number, and everything from all of the intelligence apparatus kicks-in and he and his provincials can review everything about that man. Credit cards, you name it, everything that’s attached to Rome’s social security number, which FDR put upon us in 1933 with the help of Spellman; at the time, I believe he was Archbishop, or maybe it was Cardinal Hayes—but Rome was behind FDR in putting him in office. The couple of things that he did was implement social insecurity, the income tax, and recognizing Joseph Stalin’s bloody Jesuit USSR government. So, with the giving of us the Social Security number, that is Rome’s number—that’s why I refuse to use it—and that’s why they want everybody using it for everything: driver’s license, tax return, credit card, everything you do, that number is you and that number is Rome’s number. The Black Pope
1937-1971 Hugo Lafayette Black, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1938-1957 Stanley Forman Reed, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1939-1962 Felix Frankfurter, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Note: Felix Franfurter was a well known friend of Joseph Kennedy, (John F. Kennedy's father), and Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society, known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. A well known case for Felix was West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette (1943), which the court declared unconstitutional a state requirement that school children, including Jehovah's Witnesses, salute the U.S. flag. Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court said: "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes."
1939-1975 William Orville Douglas, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1940-1949 Frank Murphy, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1941-1942 James Francis Byrnes, S.C.J. also Secretary of State 1945. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1941-1954 Robert Hoghwout Jackson, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1941-1946 Harlin Fiske Stone, S.C.J. Associate Justice 1925-1941. Chief Justice 1941-1946. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1943-1949 Wiley Blount Rutledge, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1933, May 23, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. Congressman Brought Formal Charges Against the Federal Reserve
1933-1945 Joseph Kennedy ( John F. Kennedy's father ) Was chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an informal adviser to Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. ConfirmedIlluminati, and Skull and Bones. More Skull and Bones
1934-1951 Marriner S. Eccles, of an old elite family, and a Mormon (and an Illuminati) became Sec. of the Treasury in 1934, and was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 34-51.
1936 Alfred Landon, loosing candidate for Presidency (R) Governor of Kansas 1933-1937. Confirmed Mason.
Other parts of the world during this Presidency: England, Ireland, and India.1936-1952 George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George), king of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and emperor of India until Aug.15,1947. Confirmed Mason.
1939-1962 Felix Frankfurter, Associate Justice Supreme Court of the U.S. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Felix Franfurter was a well known friend of Joseph Kennedy, (John F. Kennedy's father), and Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society, known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. A well known case for Felix was West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette (1943), (Joseph Rutherford is in charge of the Witnesses at this time) which the court declared unconstitutional a state requirement that school children, including Jehovah's Witnesses, salute the U.S. flag. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1940 Wendell L. Willkie, loosing candidate for Presidency (R) Unknown Mason status.
1940-1965 Winston Churchill. Confirmed Mason, and a Druid. (Albion Lodge of the Anc, Order of Druids at Blenheim, 15 Aug. 1908).England's Secretary of war, held a seat on Parliament, and Prime Minister. Good friends included Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy ( John F. Kennedy's father), Aristotle Onassis (whom Jackie Kennedy married in 1968), and the Reverend Billy Graham, who is also a Mason. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) See also Religion Index
1941 William Averell Harriman. Son of railroad magnate E .H. Harriman. Went on his first diplomatic mission in 1941 when President Franklin Roosevelt sent him to Britain to expedite U.S. lend-lease aid. Confirmed Skull and Bones. More Skull and Bones
1941-43 Edwin Bergstrom designs the Pentagon to bring under one roof the U.S. War Dept. offices in Arlington County, Virginia. When it was completed it was the largest office building in the world, covering 34 acres and offering 3,700,000 square feet of usable floor space. It consist of five concentric pentagons, or rings with 10 spokelike corridors connecting the whole. Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy shares the same design. You will be surprised to the meaning. Satanism/Freemasonry Linked to the Church
1944 Thomas E. Dewey, loosing running mate for the Presidency (R) Confirmed Mason.
1945 Near the end of World War II, on April 12, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met his "sudden death" of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. His last words were, "I have a terrific headache." His medical chart is missing.
1945-1953 Harry S. Truman, 33rd. President of The United States (D) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Vice President Albin W. Barkley, 1949-1953. Unknown Mason status. Bill Clinton is not the first president with the skeletons of the mob in his closet. Harry Truman, for instance, was a protégé of the Pendergast crime machine in Kansas City. English Reporter Reveals Depth of Media and Government Treachery * Truman was Initiated: February 9, 1909, Belton Lodge No. 450, Belton, Missouri. In 1911, several Members of Belton Lodge separated to establish Grandview Lodge No. 618, Grandview, Missouri, and Brother Truman served as its first Worshipful Master. At the Annual Session of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, September 24-25, 1940, Brother Truman was elected (by a landslide) the ninety-seventh Grand Master of Masons of Missouri, and served until October 1, 1941. Brother and President Truman was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member, Supreme Council on October 19,1945 at the Supreme Council A.A.S.R. Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in Washington D.C., upon which occasion he served as Exemplar (Representative) for his Class. He was also elected an Honorary Grand Master of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay. On May 18, 1959, Brother and Former President Truman was presented with a fifty-year award, the only U.S. President to reach that golden anniversary in Freemasonry. The Masonic Presidents Tour - Harry Truman
"I've got every degree in the Masons that there is," said Truman. Harry S Truman often told journalists, "The S doesn't stand for anything." However, after he attained the 33rd degree as a Mason, Truman secretly changed his name by adding the middle initial "S," which stood for Solomon. Truman's rise as a politician is traceable to Masonic sponsorship. He said that being Grand Master for the whole state of Missouri helped him win a U.S. Senate Seat in 1940. Truman's sister, Mary Jane Truman, was the Grand Matron of Missouri in the Order of the Eastern Star, a Masonic organization.

As the 33rd President, this 33rd degree Mason initiated the Nuclear Age, the crowning success of alchemy, when the first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site, (Almagordo) White Sands, New Mexico. He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 a.m. United States B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan near the 33rd Parallel. This was "Day One" of a new age, the Nuclear Age. To understand the change that took place, we must back up and look at the importance of the number 13 from the formation of the United States to the atomic bomb's explosion in Hiroshima. 13 & 33. The Freemasons 'Signature

In 1935, Paul Foster Case wrote: "Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid [on the Great Seal], and since the number 13 has been so important in the history of the United States and in the symbols of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the thirteen courses of the pyramid may represent thirteen time-periods of thirteen years each." The 13 time-periods of 13 years each equaled 169 years. From July 4, 1776 to July 4, 1945 equaled 169 years. From July 4, 1945 to August 6, 1945 (Hiroshima) was 33 days. 13 & 33. The Freemasons 'Signature
  Harry Truman, who the Japanese called "Dirty Harry"—when they heard the movie Dirty Harry came out, they thought it was a movie about Harry Truman, according to my Japanese pastor friend, Daniel Fuji, who has passed away. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
Harry Truman was put in office by the Jesuits, the Pendergast Democratic machine in Missouri. Harry Truman takes over after FDR’s murder, because he was murdered in the home of Bernard Baruch. When he did that, he then finished up the war with the hoax called the dropping of the nuclear bombs, to purposely create this greater hoax called the Cold War, that would enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with dictators, subordinate to the Pope. That was the purpose of the Cold War.
And so, when Harry Truman in 1950 signed into law the Emergency War Powers Act, the Cold War was in full force. They were building bomb shelters, etc. So the nation was in kind of a frenzy.
When he signed this into law, it put the whole country under military or martial law, and that’s when the flags in every courtroom, state and federal, began to be changed. And every state flag and every U.S. flag is now trimmed in gold fringe. The Black Pope
1945-1961 Geoffrey Fisher Archbishop of Canterbury Confirmed Mason.
1945  James Francis Byrnes, (S.C.J. 1941-1942.) Also Secretary of State 1945. Confirmed Mason
1945-1958 Harold Hitz Burton, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Harry S. Truman.
1946-1953 Fred Moore Vinson, S.C.J. Chief Justice, Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Harry S. Truman.
1949-1967 Tom Campbell Clark, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Harry S. Truman.
1949-1956 Sherman Minton, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Nominated by Mason President Harry S. Truman.
1947 On July 8, 1947 a UFO and aliens' bodies were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Parallel.
1948 Thomas E. Dewey, loosing running mate for the Presidency (R) Confirmed Mason.
1948 Strom Thurmond, loosing candidate for Presidency (SR) Unknown Mason status.
1948 Henry A. Wallace, loosing candidate for Presidency (Pr) Unknown Mason status.
1949  Charles Edwin Lord 2nd. Skull and Bones.
1950 President Harry Truman signed into law the Emergency War Powers Act, the Cold War was in full force. They were building bomb shelters, etc. So the nation was in kind of a frenzy. When he signed this into law, it put the whole country under military or martial law, and that’s when the flags in every courtroom, state and federal, began to be changed. And every state flag and every U.S. flag is now trimmed in gold fringe. And whenever you see a flag trimmed in gold fringe, that means that it is the flag of the Commander-in-Chief. Now, if it’s the state flag, it means that’s the flag of the governor, as Commander-in-Chief. And if it’s the federal flag, or the national flag, more correctly, it’s the flag of the Commander-in-Chief in Washington. So, all your courts are nothing more than courts of military rule. They all proceed with summary procedures. The jury has no power of jury nullification. And they are simply enforcing the laws of the Empire, which I call 14th Amendment America, which is a military-style, King of England-style country. The courts are nothing more than courts of the king’s bench, as you can see in Blackstone’s Commentaries. And the banks, as you walk into every bank, they all have a flag trimmed in gold fringe. The bank is what England would call, in Blackstone’s day, the king’s bank. So, we have the king’s bank, and we have the king’s bench. And it’s run according to military rule, according to Berkheimer’s great work Military Rule And Martial Law, published in 1914.When Harry Truman did this, there was a consummation of a great plan to put us under the Emergency War Powers Act and, actually, a war rule. "Daylight savings time" is what was called "war time". This country only went to daylight savings time during World War II, and they called it, at that time, war time. So, nothing’s changed. We’ve never gone back to not turning back our clocks. We’re still on war time. The income tax is a war tax. It was called a victory tax in 1942.So, people are paying a war tax, they’re under war time, they’re under an emergency war powers act, and the courts are war courts. The Black Pope
1952 Adlai E Stevenson, loosing candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1952 Congressman Eugene E. Cox headed up a committee that for the first time tried to uncover the Rockefeller's (and other's) foundations activities. Cox encountered stiff opposition everywhere against his committee's investigation, and the Congressman for some reason got sick and died.
1953-1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th. President of the United States (R) Unknown Mason Status. Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Was also a member of the all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged.Secret Societies, Bohemian Club Also grew up as a Jehovah's Witness. Why Eisenhower Hid His Jehovah's Witness Background
By secret Executive order by President Eisenhower, the Jason Scholars were ordered to study mans impact on the Earth. They reached the conclusion that by, or shortly after, the year 2000 the planet would self destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment with out any help from God or the Aliens. The Jason Society confirmed the findings of the scientist and made three recommendations called ALTERNATIVES 1, 2, and 3.Vice President Richard M. Nixon 1953-1961. Unknown Mason status. 1953-1961 President Eisenhower’s Special Advisor for Cold War Strategy was Nelson Rockefeller. Confirmed Illuminati. * The Old Boys- The American Elite & The Origins of the CIA by Burton Hersh, On page 41.  See also: Secrets Of The Watchtower And Bible Tract Society
Dwight D Eisenhower had an affair with Kay Summersby (his military driver). Before he became President. She wrote a book titled Past Forgetting. Presidents and their reputed Affairs
1953 Joe McCarthy had caught onto the New World Order. Although the history books and papers report that he was "commie" hunting, If one reads Joe McCarthy's own words it is clear he was gunning for the New World Order. Senator Joe McCarthy subpoenaed William P. Bundy to testify. The Senator knew he could expose a great deal if William P. Bundy was questioned, eyen if he might try to lie. McCarthy sent down many subpoenas but Allen Dulles, who was part of the llluminati and the CIA director ignored the subpoenas, and eventually was able to get William P. out of the country so that he would not have to face McCarthy's questions. The State Dept. was going to arrest William P. at the dock as he was trying to escape on the Queen Mary, but Alien Dulles was able to get the State Dept. to call off the arrest, and William P. Bundy sailed. McCarthy wrote Allen Dulles, "I note your refusal to give us any answers to our questions. Your insistence is very revealing. It would seem that the last man in the world who would try to protect and hide the facts about one of his top officer's [Bundy] association with, and contributions to, a convicted traitor would be the head of the CIA. I think it necessary for me to call your attention to the tremendous damage you thereby do to this organization. That the matter cannot and will not rest here is, of course, obvious." (A Biography of Eleanor. Allen. and John Foster Dulles and their family network by Leonard Mosley, p.322) Lou Russell who was an important figure in the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was part of the Illuminati power structure. This is something one wouldn't expect. It appears like some of the men McCarthy thought were on his side weren't. While the Hiss/Bundy affair led to McCarthy (a genuine patriot) being killed and discredited, someone else who was a socialist of the CFR was given wide publicity as an anti-communist hero from what happened to Hiss. Funny how the credit is distributed by the establishment media. This socialist was Richard Nixon (CFR). He was given false credit for convicting Hiss (CFR) to build a false public image as an anti-communist crusader. Nixon did not do the footwork etc., to get Hiss convicted contrary to the false image the establishment newspapers and history books give. It is Lou Russell who helped Nixon get Hiss convicted. Was McCarthy and Hiss used? It appears so. John Smith now puts out the theory contained in his book Alger Hiss: The True Story which claims Alger Hiss was framed. So we have come full circle. The communist agent that almost ruined William P. Bundy's career, because Bundy was Alger Hiss's and Donald Hiss's friend, is now exonerated by a book written by an establishment researcher. Later, protected by his "anti-communist" mask, Nixon would recognize Red China, among many other pro-communist NWO acts. By trying to subject a member of one of the top 13 Illuminati families to Congressional questioning, McCarthy had signed his death warrant. It was not long before the Illuminati killed McCarthy. And they have dragged this great patriot's name through the mud. Skull and Bones George Bush was still taking pot shots at Joe McCarthy during the 1992 Presidential campaign. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1953-1969 Earl Warren, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was Grand Master of California 1935 to 1936. He was also Potentate of Aahmes Shrine, and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and an officer in two of the Scottish Rite bodies, in Oakland, California. Also a member of the Bohemian Club
1954, the Supreme Court's infamous Brown vs. Board of Education case overturned its own previous ruling of 1896, and laid the foundation for the still-ongoing phony negro "civil rights" movement. This nine-to-nothing decision was passed by eight freemasons and one Zionist Jew (Felix Frankfurter), in flagrant disregard of all legal precedent. Crypto-Judaism (freemasonry) swings into high gear, from this time forward. Judges who enforce Talmudic case law become increasingly despotic and autocratic. The Freemasonic Destruction of Western Civilization
1954 Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, in 1954 lends proof to what we know to be fact today, namely that many of our Presidents have been a knowing part of this World conquest plot. Mr. Gaither stated to Congressional Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd: "We operate here under directives which emanate from the White House....The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States so that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union." 
1954 James Paul Warburg, Foreign Agent of the Rothschild Dynasty, major player in the Federal Reserve Act scam: on February 17, 1950, while speaking before the United States Senate, this pompous Internationalist boasted confidently, "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."  (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1955-1971 John Marshall Harian, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
1956-1990 William J. Brennan Jr, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
1957-1962 Charles Evans Whittaker, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
1957 George W. Malone, U.S. Senator (Nevada), speaking before Congress in 1957, alluded to the families that secretly own the "Federal" Reserve Bank and control the finances of the U.S.. He stated: "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election....It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States!."
1958-1981 Potter C. Stewart, Associate Justice. S.C.J. Confirmed Mason. Also Skull and Bones. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
1956 Adlai E Stevenson, loosing candidate for Presidency (D) Unknown Mason status.
1959  Winston Lord. Skull and Bones.
1960 Richard M. Nixon, loosing candidate for Presidency (R) Unknown Mason status.
1961-1963 John F. Kennedy, 35th. President of the United States (D) First Catholic President. Shot in Dallas. Satanic ties to Anton LaVey. Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) Joseph Kennedy (Johns Father) Confirmed Illuminati. Vice President Lydon B. Johnson 1961-1963. Confirmed Mason. Orville Freeman (Illuminati) was appointed as a cabinet member for Kennedy’s and then Johnson’s administration. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Note: Again we have a non Mason president or a president whom looses favor, dies or forced out of office to be replaced by Mason power.
John F Kennedy had affairs with the following women. Inga Arvad During WW II. Florence Pritchett (wife of Earl T Smith, a US Ambassador to Cuba) Before he became President
      Marylin Monroe
      Jayne Mansfield
      Judith Campbell (Exner)
      Pamela Turnure (Jacqueline Kennedy's press secretary)
      Priscilla Wear (Fiddle) (a secretary)
      Jill Cowan (Faddle) (a secretary)
      Mary Pinchot Meyer
      Blaze Starr
      Tempest Storm
"President Kennedy was wounded in the exact three same spots as Hiram Abif, who was murdered in the Masonic initiation, representing the persecution of the Templars on Friday, the 13th, in the year 1307, where Hiram Abif is struck in the back, and in the throat, and in the head. Dealey Plaza is just a very few short miles from the 33rd parallel. The highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the Meritorious Degree, the Degree of the Illuminati, whose motto is "Ordo Ab Chao" or "Out of Chaos Comes Order"--which literally means if they break down the existing structure and cause the population to cry out for order, they will emerge as the rulers and will have the world that they seek." King-Kill 33: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The policeman who found Lee Harvey Oswald after JFK was shot was a McDonald. This policeman was then assigned to protect Marinna Oswald (the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald). This heavy-set policeman McDonald (who attends the Oakridge Christian Church) has appeared on television recently such as on Channel 32, on Top Cops at 7:25 p.m. where he speaks out against conspiracy theories in the JFK assassination. The entire arrest of Oswald by M.N. McDonald is filled with questions. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
Note: JFK was killed on November 22, during the last minutes of the sun's stay in Scorpio for that year. At that time of the year the sun becomes dimmer and it is the traditional time of the death of the "sun god", creatures like Osiris, JFK, etc. Murchinson's Masonic Party
The assassination of Kennedy was ordered by the Jesuit General ,[at that time, Jean-Baptist Janssens] executed by Pope Paul VI, and carried out by the "American Pope", Francis Cardinal Spellman—who, in turn, used the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, and Mafia Dons, including the FBI and CIA, to carry out the order from Rome. 
The reason why Kennedy was assassinated was he wanted to end the Vietnam War, and he wanted to end the rule of the CIA. That begets two questions: Did Rome want the Vietnam War? And, did Rome control the CIA? The answer is yes on both counts.
We know, on its face, that the Vietnam War was called "Spelly’s War"—Cardinal Spellman’s war. He went over to the warfront many times and he called the American soldiers the "soldiers of Christ". The man who was the Commander of the American forces was a Roman Catholic, CFR member, possibly a Knight of Columbus, I don’t know, but he was General William Westmoreland.
So, Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman’s agent to make sure that war was prosecuted properly. And another overseer of Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman’s boy, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a 33rd-degree Freemason. He was also part of the assassination, with J. Edgar Hoover, another 33rd-degree Freemason.
And Johnson went to Cardinal Spellman’s death at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the picture can be seen in Cooney’s work The American Pope. So, Johnson was completely at the beck and call of Cardinal Spellman through Cartha DeLoach, the 3rd-in-control of the FBI. According to Curt Gentry, in his Hoover: The Man And The Secrets, DeLoach had a phone at his bedside direct to Johnson, and Johnson could call him anytime. DeLoach was a Knight of Malta, subject to Spellman.
The second reason is, he wanted to end the reign of the CIA, because the CIA had betrayed him in the person of McGeorge Bundy, by not giving the cover to the Cuban patriots to retake Cuba from that Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained, grease-ball bastard—he was a bastard, his father was a Nazi—Fidel Castro.
Kennedy was betrayed by the CIA at the Bay of Pigs invasion, which sacrificed all the patriots on the shores of the Bay of Pigs there, so Castro had no real opposition. This was the same tactic, used by the CIA and the KGB at the top, working together with Angleton controlling it, in the Hungarian Revolution, when the CIA fomented that revolution, and then betrayed all of those patriots into the hands of the Soviet army and KGB, which infuriated certain top CIA officials. The Black Pope
Cartha DeLoach—his sir name was Deke. He was the 3rd-in-command of the FBI at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Cartha DeLoach was the real head of the FBI. Hoover was a wimp. His queer buddy, Tolson, who was nothing, was second in command. So Hoover and Tolson were just figure-heads. The real head of the FBI was Cartha DeLoach, the Knight of Malta, Roman Catholic, subject to Cardinal Spellman. Cartha DeLoach fabricated evidence, covered-up evidence in the FBI, in the Kennedy assassination. That was proven by Jim Garrison. Cartha DeLoach went on to retire. He went on to work for a huge industry corporation called PepsiCo, which the Knights of Malta control, and which have ranches in Communist China, which they set up. And he still lives. Cartha DeLoach wrote a book called Hoover’s FBI. You can get it at the bookstores. In that book he tells about the Secret Service, the FBI, and the Jesuits.
President Kennedy is also responsible for the following Executive orders:
#10995: Authorizes seizure of all communication equipment in the United States.
#10997: Authorizes seizure of all electric power companies, fuels, fuel sources, and minerals (public and private)
#10998: Authorizes seizure of all food supplies, food resources, all farms and all farm equipment (public and private).
#10999: Authorizes seizure of all means of transportation- including personal cars, trucks, or any type of vehicle; Total control over all highways, roads, seaports, and seaways.
#11000: Authorizes forced conscription of all Americans for work duties under supervision of Federal agents. This section also authorizes the splitting up of family units if deemed necessary by the government agencies in charge.
#11001: Authorizes seizure of all health, education, and welfare facilities and their administrations (public and private).
#11002: Empowers the Post Master General to register all men, women, and children in the United States for government purposes.
#11003: Authorizes seizure of all airports and all aircraft, public, commercial, and private.
#11004: Authorizes seizure of all housing and finance authorities and permits government agents to establish forced relocation sites. The government can declare any area of its choosing as "unsafe" and force the entire area to be abandoned of all persons. Authorizes establishment of new "relocation" communities; building new housing with public funds.
#11005: Authorizes seizure of all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private. 
The Illuminati and governmental leaders chose to create the UN early in the past century, and worked hard and against opposition to put it in place (FDR was their man in America who helped the American public accept it). Both he and Eleanor were staunch Illuminists. So is Shirley Temple Black. In fact, most of our presidents since the beginning of the past century have been either Illuminists, or agreed by oath to support their goals, in return for campaign funds and support. I believe it is impossible to win a presidential election in our country today without their backing. The Kennedy family were punished because they tried to disobey them. They were free thinkers, and too hard to "control". The Illuminati: Part 13 - The UN or 'Supreme World Council' -
1962-1993 Byron Raymond White, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President John F. Kennedy. Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
1962-1965 Arthur Joseph Goldberg, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President John F. Kennedy.
1961-1966 McGeorge Bundy becomes the National Security Advisor. He is the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to the President. This gives him great control over what the Presidents are told. For instance on pages 177-178, (Anthony Sutton’s book America’s Secret Establishment An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones. Sutton quotes a conversation between McGeorge Bundy, Dean Achison (Scroll & Key-another llluminati initiation point), and President Kennedy recorded in a memorandum. President Kennedy is lead to believe that the United States has deserted its ally of Portugal to aid nationalists in Angola, when in fact the US. was supporting Marxist guerrillas (that is communist guerrillas). (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1963 Barry M. Goldwater, senator from Arizona 1963-64, loosing running mate for Presidency (R) Confirmed Mason. Senator Goldwater in his book "With No Apologies" stated this about another Globalist group: "The Trilateral Commission is international....(and)...is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United states. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - POLITICAL, MONETARY, INTELLECTUAL, and ECCLESIASTICAL." (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
1963-1969 Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, 1965-1969. Confirmed Mason.McGeorge Bundy (b.1919- )--MJ-12, Skull & Bones (init. 1940), C.F.R., President Ford Foundation, Bilderberger, Special Assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson on National Security Affairs--National Security Advisor. Confirmed Illuminati. Orville Freeman (Illuminati) was appointed as a cabinet member for Kennedy’s and then Johnson’s administration.
Lyndon Johnson had an affair with  Alice Glass (later wife, and at the time live-in partner, of publisher Charles E Marsh)  Before he became President but while he was a Congressman and already married to Lady Bird Johnson.
According to Ronald Kessler Inside the White House President Johnson  was an habitual womanizer. Of his eight secretaries, only three were not having sex with him. Said one aide: "He would screw anything that would crawl, basically.  He was a horny old man." Presidents and their reputed Affairs
1964 Civil Rights Movement. That was ALL a Jesuit agitation, completely, because the end result was more consolidation of power in Washington with the 1964 Civil Rights Act that was written by [the longtime President of the University of Notre Dame, the Reverend] Theodore Hesburgh. 
1965-1969 Abe Fortas, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by Mason President Lyndon B. Johnson. This Justice was forced to resign in 1969 because of his outside financial dealings.
1967-1991 Thurgood Marshall. S.C.J. Associate Justice. Confirmed Mason. Marshall is listed in 10,000 Famous Freemasons as having been a director and counselor or the Prince Hall Grand Master Conference, and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
1966 Anton LaVey. Founded the Church of Satan, and was into Satanism before the 1960’s. Good friend of John F. Kennedy. Among his followers were, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, (was a participant in LaVey’s satanic rituals before LaVey founded his Church of Satan), Jane Mansfield, (was a high priestess of the Church of Satan), and Zsa Zsa Gabor( has been interested for years in the occult), which were ALSO girlfriends of Anton LaVey. Kennedy also had long term sexual relationships with these women. It is those relationships which reveal so much about the hidden Satanic side of the Kennedy's. Marilyn Monroe Both JFK and his brother Robert Kennedy had affairs going with Marilyn Monroe, and both visited her just prior to her mysterious death.
1968 Hubert H. Humphrey, loosing running mate for Presidency (R) Confirmed Mason.
1968 George Wallace, loosing running mate for the presidency (AI) Confirmed Mason.
Note: They did not want Nixon in office. Look at all the Mason running mates here. In the end they forced him out. Look who Replaced Nixon. None other then Mason Vice President Ford.
1969-1974 Richard M. Nixon, 37th. President of the United states (R) Unknown Mason status. Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Was also a member of the all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged.Secret Societies, Bohemian Club Vice President Spiro T. Agnew,1969-1973. Unknown Mason status. Vice President Gerald R. Ford, 1973 1974. Confirmed Mason. Note: Again we have a non mason President and a non Mason Vice President, replaced with a Mason Vice President before a non Mason President dies or is forced out of office to be replaced by Mason power.  
Note. A young Hillary Rodham, Confirmed Shamanism witchcraft. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) helped in the legal ground worked that forced Nixon to resign . The JFK Page Death of John Kennedy So we see here Clinton has been groomed all along for the Presidency.
1969-1986 Warren Earl Burger, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Richard M. Nixon. Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
1970-1994 Harry A. Blackmun S.C.J. Judicial Offices- Nominated by the President to the United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, succeeding John B. Sanborn, on August 18, 1959; confirmed by the United States Senate on September 14, 1959; and took oath of office on November 4, 1959. Nominated by the President as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court on April 14, 1970; confirmed by the United States Senate on May 12, 1970; and took oath of office on June 9, 1970. Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
1972-1987 Lewis F. Powell Jr. Associate Justice. Unknown Mason Status. Nominated by President Richard M. Nixon.
1972-1986 William Hubbs Rehnquist S.C.J. Judicial Offices- Nominated Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Nixon on October 21, 1971; sworn in on January 7, 1972. Government Service- Served in the United States Army Air Corps in this country and overseas from 1943 to 1946. Discharged with the rank of sergeant. Appointed Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, by President Nixon in January 1969.
1970 Rexford Guy Tugwell, a member of President Franklin Roosevelt's "brain trust" in the 1940's. Rewrote the Constitution. This new Constitution might be the new one for THE NEW WORLD ORDER! (*Ralph Epperson. A New Constitution for the United States.)
1972 George S. McGovern, loosing running mate for the Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.
1972 John George Schmitz, loosing running mate for the Presidency (AI) Not a Mason.
Note: 1973-74 Sen. Samual J. Ervin, Jr. (D) from North Carolina, headed the Watergate Committee that forced Nixon to resign. Confirmed Mason.
Other parts of the world: Chile.1933-1973 Salvador G. Allende. Became the President in Chile in 1970. Confirmed Mason
1974-1977 Leslie Lynch King, Jr. aka. Gerald R. Ford. 38th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) (A secret Communist and member of the Michigan Mafia) Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller 1974-1977. Confirmed Illuminati Was also a member of the all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. Secret Societies, Bohemian Club * Ford was Initiated: September 30, 1949, Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan, along with his half-brothers Thomas Gardner Ford (1918-1995), Richard Addison Ford (1924-) and James Francis Ford (1927- ). The Fellowcraft and Master Mason Degrees were Conferred by Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951, as a courtesy to Malta Lodge. Brother Ford was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member, Supreme Council A.A.S.R. Northern Jurisdiction at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, on September 26, 1962, for which he served as Exemplar (Representative) for his Class. Brother and President Ford was unanimously elected an Active Member of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay and its Honorary Grand Master, at its Annual Session held at Orlando, Florida, April 6-9, 1975; Brother Ford held this post until January 1977, at which time he became a Past Honorary Grand Master, receiving his Collar and Jewel on October 24, 1978 in Topeka, Kansas, from the Hon. Thomas C. Raum, Jr., Grand Master, Order of DeMolay. The Masonic Presidents Tour - Gerald Ford
1975-Current. John Paul Stevens S.C.J. Judicial Offices- Nominated by President Nixon to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, succeeding Elmer J. Schnackenberg, confirmed by the United States Senate on October 14, 1970; and took oath of office on November 2, 1970. Nominated by President Ford as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court on December 1, 1975; confirmed by the United States Senate on December 17, 1975; and took oath of office on December 19, 1975. Government Service-United States Navy, 1942-1945, Bronze Star. Unknown Mason Status.
1976 February 22,  A magazine called "The National Tattler", before they ceased publication, had a hard-hitting story, showing how Nazi war criminals after World War Two, run an international secret police group called Interpol, which specializes in hunting for people with Jewish surnames, often fingering them for minor offenses. In the 1970s, in Chicago, Cook County Under-sheriff, Ross V. Randolph, was Interpol's key man in the Windy City. For many years, holding a top Post-War position also with Nazi-war-criminal-run Interpol, was FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Great Secrets of the 20th Century pt 2
1976 Gerald R. Ford, loosing running mate for the Presidency (R) Confirmed Mason.
1976 Eugene J. McCarthy, loosing running mate for the Presidency (Ind) Unknown Mason status.
1976-1992 James A. Baker, III has served in senior government positions under three United States Presidents. He served as the nation's 61st Secretary of State from January 1989 through August 1992 under President George Bush. During his tenure at the State Department, Mr. Baker traveled to 90 foreign countries as the United States confronted the unprecedented challenges and opportunities of the post Cold War era. In 1995, Mr. Baker published The Politics of Diplomacy, his reflections on those years of revolution, war and peace. Mr. Baker served as the 67th Secretary of the Treasury from 1985 to 1988 under President Ronald Reagan. As Treasury Secretary, he was also Chairman of the President's Economic Policy Council. From 1981 to 1985, he served as White House Chief of Staff to President Reagan. Mr. Baker's record of public service began in 1975 as Under Secretary of Commerce to President Gerald Ford. It concluded with his service as White House Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor to President Bush from August 1992 to January 1993.http://riceinfo.rice.edu/projects/baker/personnel/Staffbios/baker.html Look at Baker & Botts, the Houston family firm and power base of Secretary of State James A. Baker III. This law firm was formed after the Civil War by die-hard Confederate and Masonic officials in Albert Pike's Scottish Rite and military clique. With their British imperial racial notions, Baker & Botts and Scottish Rite freemasonry have dominated the Texas power structure ever since. Secretary Baker's grandfather, Captain James A. Baker, brought English race scientist Julian Huxley in to supervise the ``race purification'' study program for Texas, at Rice University. Secretary Baker's family wealth and power came from their representing Harriman, the international oil companies and George Bush's Zapata Petroleum, all sponsors of the population control, or ban-dark-babies movement. This movement is synonymous with the Scottish Rite. Bill Clinton is governor of Arkansas, a state infested by the tradition of Albert Pike, who was the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas. Look closely at the mind-set. scottishriteproject.htm
 1977-1981 James E. Carter, 39th. President of the United States (D) Unknown Mason status. Was also a member of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). In 1978, The Club of Rome commissioned Cyrus Vance, Jimmy Carter's Secretary of State to write The Global 2000 Report. This is a Draconian plan to reduce the world's population by means of wars, famine, diseases, and plagues. The HIV virus and the Aids epidemic became a part of this plan. They also commissioned Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor, (who also with David Rockefeller formed The Trilateral Commission in 1973), to write The Technetronic Era. This is a post-industrial zero growth plan designed in part to cripple U.S. industry in order to prepare us for the New World Order. Vice President Walter Mondale 1977-1981. Confirmed Illuminati puppet, of Orville Freeman of the Satanic Illuminati. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Walter Mondale later enjoyed the status of being the only U.S. Senator on the Trilateral Commission.
1979-81 Alonzo Lowry McDonald- U.S Marine (50-52), Member CFR, Illuminati. Lived in London, Zurich, and Paris. Asst to Pres. U.S. White House Staff Director 79-81
1980 Jimmy Carter, loosing running mate for the Presidency (D) Unknown Mason Status.
1980 John Anderson, loosing running mate for the Presidency (Ind) Unknown Mason Status.
1981-1989 Ronald Reagan, 40th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Vice President George Bush,1981-1989. Confirmed Mason. The President of the United States of America, under the ‘Emigration Control Act of 1986’, Section 100, has the authority to deem whatever type of identification is necessary — whether it be an invisible tattoo or electronic media under the skin. The Microchip and the Mark of the Beast  Writer Roger Morris (author of "Partners In Power") and Sally Denton wrote a well-researched article entitled The Crimes of Mena This story, based on Barry Seal's surviving records, had been fact checked and cleared for publication by the legal staff of the Washington Post, when it was suddenly spiked without explanation by Managing Editor Bob Kaiser, a fellow Skull & Bones alumni with ex CIA chief George Bush. Note: Eleanor Roosevelt (who was involved in numerous communist organizations and was an actual card carrying member of the American communist party) was a close friend and confidant to Ronald Reagan's mother. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Reagan was also a member of the all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. 
Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of State George Schultz were both former executives with Bechtel. Bechtel | FIRE FROM THE SKY: Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles Pt13
Note: 1980s under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush the U.S. government knowingly gave direct aid to genocidal campaigns that killed tens of thousands Mayan Indian people in Guatemala and elsewhere. The pattern holds. (For example, see Mireya Navarro, "Guatemalan Army Waged 'Genocide,' New Report Finds," NEW YORK TIMES February 26, 1999, pg. unknown. The TIMES described "torture, kidnapping and execution of thousands of civilians" -- most of them Mayan Indians -- a campaign to which the U.S. government contributed "money and training." See http://www.nytimes.com/ Descriptor terms: Columbus; native people, U.S.; genocide; Spain; England; Indian policy;
 Alberto Rivera, who was greatly hated by the Vatican because he was a very high Jesuit who came out and, in the late ’60s, about 1969, exposed the power of Rome in the ecumenical movement, that Rome controlled Kathryn Kuhlman; that Rome controlled Billy Graham; that Rome controlled, virtually, our government—Ronald Reagan. Reagan, when he took the Oath of Office, faced the obelisk, indicating that this country will ultimately have a concordat. So, Alberto Rivera converted to Christ, wonderfully, and he started a ministry called The Anti-Christ Information Center, out of Los Angeles. The Black Pope
Note: Gen. Earl Wheeler (Illuminati Family) and his brother Leo Wheeler, a Grande Master of the Illuminati are secret Satanists and also 33° Freemasons. Leo Wheeler, by virtue of his Grande Master status in the satanic hierarchy has been able to visit the Dulce, New Mexico underground facility. The route he used was to fly in, and then the last stretch is done in a black limousine. Various people in the Dulce area have occasionally spotted these VIP black limousines. The Wheeler family has a long history of involvement with Satanism, and its genealogical history goes back to the House of David.
1981-Current Sandra Day O'Connor, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President Reagan. Also Appointed to the Arizona Court of Appeals by Governor Bruce Babbitt and served from 1979 to 1981. Elected judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court, Phoenix, Arizona. and served from 1975 to 1979. Unknown Mason Status.
1981 Charles Edwin Lord. Skull and Bones. Field:  Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
1983 Peter Hoagland, Nebraska State Senator and Humanist, speaking on radio in 1983 with the great American Pastor and Patriot Everett Silevan said: "Fundamental, Bible believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one world global society and their children will not fit in."
As I walked through the crowd toward Reagan, I saw familiar faces associated with the "Order of the Rose." ("The Order of the Rose" was an emblem of those ushering in the New World Order. "Orders from the Rose" were orders from George Bush.) Across the room, Bill and Bob Bennett were laughing with Dick Cheney. Then Governor of Pennsylvania. Dick Thornburgh was engaged in conversation with Arlen Spector. Within the farthest reaches of my expanded peripheral vision, I saw George Bush talking with his U.N. confidant Madeleine Albright. (Reagan first introduced me to U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright as "my mentor" in Jesuit operations in the Caribbean.) Knowing I could see him as though I had eyes in the back of my head, Bush subtly signaled me to join them. "You know Madeleine Albright," Bush began. Expertly using terminology from previously instilled Catholic Jesuit beliefs, he continued, "She's the reverend mother of all sisters (slaves). She's so close to God that an order from her is an order from him." Albright snickered, apparently impressed with Bush's "witty" manipulation of program verbiage. "She rose in the U.N. through me to implement the New World peace process." (Trance Formation of America, The true life story of a CIA Mind Control Slave by Cathy O'Brien, pg 176)
1983 Winston Lord. Skull and Bones. Field: Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.
1986-Current Antonin Scalie, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President Reagan Also U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; took oath of office August 17, 1982. Unknown Mason Status.
1986-Current William Hubbs Rehnquist. S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President Ronald Reagen. Also Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Nixon on October 21, 1971; sworn in on January 7, 1972. Government Service- Served in the United States Army Air Corps in this country and overseas from 1943 to 1946. Discharged with the rank of sergeant. Appointed Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, by President Nixon in January 1969. Unknown Mason Status. JUSTICE WILLIAM H. REHNQUIST'S ABUSE OF HISTORY
1988 senate campaign in Maryland ALAN 'Robert E. Lee' KEYES 
William Kristol did make it big time, he is a member of the Bilderberger group. William Kristol is being promoted by Newsweek as one of the top three strategists of the GOP. He launched a weekly magazine called the Standard and is backed financially by Rupert Murdock. Kristol is assembling the next generation of socialists on behalf of the NWO. The Kristol's have plotted for two decades under the disarming word "neo conservative." William Kristol ran Alan Keyes' 1988 senate campaign in Maryland. WILL THE REAL ALAN KEYES PLEASE STAND UP
1988-Current Anthony M. Kennedy. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President Reagan. Nominated by Mason President Ford to U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit; took oath of office May 30, 1975. Other Offices- California Army National Guard, 1961; member, the Judicial Conference of the United States Advisory Panel on Financial Disclosure Reports and Judicial Activities, subsequently renamed the Advisory Committee on Codes of Conduct, 1979-87; the Committee on Pacific Territories, 1979-1988, named chairman 1982; board of the Federal Judicial Center, 1987-1988; American Bar Association, Sacramento County Bar Association, State Bar of California, Phi Beta Kappa; board of student advisors. Harvard faculty, 1960-61. Unknown Mason Status.
1988 Michael S. Dukakis, loosing running mate for the Presidency . Unknown Mason Status.
1988 Jack  Kemp,  (French) (b. 1935) of Buffalo, N.Y. Born in Los Angeles, Calif., July 13, 1935. U.S. Representative from New York, 1971-89 (39th District 1971-73, 38th District 1973-83, 31st District 1983-89); candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1988; U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 1989-93; Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1996. Confirmed Mason http://politicalgraveyard.com/group/masons/1980s.html
1989-1993 George H. W. Bush, 41st. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. Also a Skull & Bones member, and of the Anti-American organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), and The Trilateral Commission. Ex Director of the CIA. George Bush is a recent member of The Order Of The Garter (which is the core leader of The Committee of 300) Bush was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II who is the leader of the Order of The Garter, on December 20, 1993, as a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. This was for his leadership in the Gulf War, when he sent American solders to die for England's interest of their petroleum in Kuwait. General Colin Powell and General Norman Schwarzkopf were given also lower order of knighthoods. Was also a member of the all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. Secret Societies, Bohemian Club Vice President James D. Quayle III. The Order of Skull and Bones * The Bush Body Count
(The Masonic imperialism of the Franklin Pierce administration lives on as the romantic, elite legend of the Eastern Establishment. They celebrate that legend in the marriage of President Pierce's blood relative Barbara Pierce to George Bush, whose imperial ideas are rooted in the events of the 1850s.) The Scottish Rite's KKK Project
1990-Current Clarence Thomas.S.C.J.  Judicial Offices- Nominated by Mason President Bush to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit: took oath of office, March 12, 1990. Nominated by President Bush as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court: took oath of office October 23, 1991. Government Service- Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, 1974-1977; Legislative assistant to Senator John C. Danforth of Missouri, 1979-1981; Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1981-1982; Chairman U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Com mission 1982-1990. Unknown Mason Status.
1990-Current David Hackett Souder. S.C.J. Judicial Offices - Associate Justice, New Hampshire Superior Court, 1978-1983; Associate Justice, New Hampshire Supreme Court, 1983-1990; Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, 1990; Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President Bush for the Supreme Court of the United States, 1990. Government Service- Assistant Attorney General of New Hampshire, 1968-1971; Deputy Attorney General of New Hampshire, 1971-1976; Attorney General of New Hampshire, 1976-1978. Unknown Mason Status.
Documents exist showing the Bush family is directly in business with the Queen of England through her bank, Coutts Bank, London. [See our prior series, Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush.] Since the War of 1812, the British have vowed to take back this continent as a British puppet colony. William Rockefeller Clinton was sent by the Rhodes Trust to be educated at Oxford. The Rhodes Trust is pledged to overthrowing the American government and restoring British domination. The Brits played a role in steering up known hostility between the South and the North, Divide and Conquer, to foment the American Civil War. The Brits ran the Union forces blockade to supply weapons to the Confederacy. One Confederate top official fled this Continent and lived out his life in England. The British played a role in the political assassination of President James Garfield and President William McKinley, who opposed Britain trying to dominate American aspirations and industrial development. 
The Elder Bush, many do not know, for the decade of the 1980s, was the PRIVATE business partner of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman. Together, they shared billions and billions of dollars of kick-backs and "protection" funds, from the weak oil sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf. A little known Chicago federal lawsuit was brought, in October, 1990, during the lead-up to the shooting war, to keep concealed the related bank records showing the clandestine partnership. THE SECRETS OF TIMOTHY McVEIGH
Writer Roger Morris (author of "Partners In Power") and Sally Denton wrote a well-researched article entitled The Crimes of Mena This story, based on Barry Seal's surviving records, had been fact checked and cleared for publication by the legal staff of the Washington Post, when it was suddenly spiked without explanation by Managing Editor Bob Kaiser, a fellow Skull & Bones alumni with ex CIA chief George Bush. In August, 1990, President George Bush announced that the world had now entered into a New World Order. Shockingly President Bush is an adept in an American Brotherhood of Death Society, the Yale Skull and Bones Society. As we stated earlier, Bush's New World Order is virtually identical with Hitler's; the key connecting point is the common membership in their respective Brotherhood of Death Societies (Bill Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81; plus Anthony Sutton, Introduction To The Order, p.7). SATANIC ACTIVITIES OF SECRET SOCIETIES.
U.S. President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachev arrived yesterday on this Mediterranean island for a summit conference beginning today during which both hope to start the search for a New World Order." -New York Times December 1, 1989
"What I found at the PIT plant was very heinous. I found that a strain of hydrogen cyanide called Prussian Blue was being tested on gas mask filters more than 1 year prior to the Persian Gulf War. This information was known to the President of the United States, George Bush. It was arranged through Trevor Armbrister, a CIA asset and a Senior Editor of Reader's Digest, to fly me to the steps of the White House. Time does not permit me to tell my story, but the information that I want to get out to the American people is that the Gulf War illnesses are actually communicable diseases. The microbes will live almost indefinitely, but for a minimum of seven years. It's on the gas masks, the clothing, the weapons -- any of the materials brought back from the Gulf War. I have reports from several different states where civilians that bought some of the clothing went home and wore them, and now the entire family is in wheel chairs; there have been some deaths as a result of this." It is no small coincidence that George Bush and James Baker, as well as others, were stockholders in the very same biotechnology companies that were responsible for the biowarfare weapons used in the Gulf that caused this worldwide plague to begin, is it? The Resnick Interview with Peter Kawaja
Note: (George Bush's father) lost all his money in the 1929 stock market crash, the Harriman's again came to financially help Prescott Bush back on his feet. During the 1920s, the W. Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, Fritz Thyssen and Friedrich Flick created several entitles to help finance Hitler and to produce the weapons Hitler would need to fight W.W. II.. One of these companies was the German Steel Trust (in German called Vereinigte Stahlwerke. This company produced 35% of Nazi Germany’s explosives, 50.8% of Germany's pig iron, 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized steel, 36% of Germany's heavy plate, 22.1 % of Germany's wire, and many other things essential for Hitler, if it had not been Harriman, and Bush’s money helping Thyssen who was Hitler's major backer, Hitler would never had been able to have launched W.W. II. Thyssen even wrote a book in 1930. I paid Hitler (now rare) telling about how he financed Hitler and the Nazis beginning in Oct. 1923. Hitler was of the Rothschild bloodline.
1990, April 14. New York Times quotes George Bush as stating, "Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals."
George Bush's film buddy James Cameron. Confirmed Mason.
Loosing Presidential running mate Bob Dole. Confirmed Mason.
Ross Perot. Well, apart from the start he got with that huge Rockefeller-awarded New York contract to his computer business, we have the clues given during Ross Perot's acceptance speech as the new leader of the Reform Party.
In the video before his speech, Perot was identified as being on the Foreign intelligence Advisory Board "which requires the highest security clearance".
In his speech he identified Social Security as the usual major problem and then recommended a new book coming out in a few days which will apparently offer solutions he approves of. The author is Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the CFR, former Cabinet Member, and Head of the Blackstone group. http://www.inforamp.net/~jwhitley/kemp.htm
1993-2000 William J. Clinton, 42nd. President of the United States (D) Confirmed Mason Clinton, A Rhodes Scholar, a CFR member, a Trilateral Commission member and a Bilderberger participant. He joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1989, attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and was a current member of the Trilateral Commission at the time of his nomination. Pam Harriman is the person behind Bill Clinton. She is tied in with the Collins of the satanic group Hell Fire Club. Wife Hillary is known to practice Shamanism witchcraft. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President Al Gore 1993-2000. Confirmed Mason.  Bill Clintons Criminal Background  
... President Clinton is a Bilderberger, a Senior DeMolay (Freemason), and a member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
p. 41 Circle of Intrigue:
The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy,
Texe Marrs, 1995
Bill Clinton has had affairs with the following women. 
      Jane Doe
      Juanita Broaddrick
      Gennifer Flowers
            Before he became President
      Monica Lewinsky
            Began in 1995 during his first term.
            Ended in 1997 during his second term. 
Presidents and their reputed Affairs
I dare point out that all documents have been destroyed showing William ROCKEFELLER Clinton as the illegitimate great grandson of the criminal patriarch of the Rockefeller fortune. It is a simple reason why Clinton, despite his treason and crimes, has not been prosecuted and jailed. THE SCHEME TO MAKE JAY ROCKEFELLER AS "PRESIDENT"

A picture exists, made by an undercover team of the Drug Enforcement Administration, showing George W. Bush snorting cocaine with his buddy William Rockefeller Clinton. You have been asleep, if you did not know that Clinton and the Bush family are cronies and get together at old man Bush's mansion in Kennebunkport, Maine. The picture has long been suppressed although in the possession of top news people of the major news networks. The Gore campaign reportedly has for some time had the picture. [They would like to show George W. but not Clinton.] http://www.rense.com/general5/elect.htm
I remember Vice President Gore -- he was just elected at that time -- giving a keynote address about reducing population. And I thought, 'What? Do the American people know what's going on? The U.N.'s Shocking Agenda
Writer Roger Morris (author of "Partners In Power") and Sally Denton wrote a well-researched article entitled The Crimes of Mena This story, based on Barry Seal's surviving , had been fact checked and cleared for publication by the legal staff of the Washington Post, when it was suddenly explanation by Managing Editor Bob Kaiser, a fellow Skull & Bones alumni with ex CIA chief George Bush. Clinton is responsible for the following executive orders:
13010: This Executive order is entitled Critical Infrastructure Protection. It established a commission made up of history of the United States when an emergency is declared. This commission includes the heads of:
1. The Department of the Treasury. 2. The Department of Justice. 3. The Department of Defense. 4. The Department of Commerce. 5. The Department of Transportation. 6. The Department of Energy. 7. The CIA. 8. The FBI. 9. FEMA
1993-Current Ruth Bader Ginsburg. S.C.J. Judicial Offices- Nominated by President Carter to United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; took oath of office June 30, 1980. Nominated by Mason President Clinton as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; took oath of office August 10, 1993. Unknown Mason Status.
1994-Current Stephen Breyer. S.C.J. Judicial Offices. Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, December 10, 1980 (nominated by President Carter); Chief Judge, 1990-1994; Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, August 3, 1994 (nominated by Mason President Clinton); Member, Judicial Conference of the United States, 1990-1994; Member, U.S. Sentencing Commission, 1985-1989. Government Service. Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General (Antitrust), Department of Justice, 1965-1967; Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force, 1973; Special Counsel, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Administrative Practices, 1974-1975; Chief Counsel, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, 1979-1980. Unknown Mason Status.
1946 On August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, was born in Hope, Arkansas, at the 33rd Parallel. His parentage is disputed. As a young man, Bill Clinton was a Master Counselor of the Masonic-connected Demolay. ("Demolay" derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). Clinton's ties with the C.I.A. began when he studied at Oxford. Clinton's reign as President has been noted for numerous scandals, including the unexplained deaths of more than 50 of his associates by means of bullets and plane crashes.
A Quote to Remember: "Yes, the president should resign. He has lied to the American people, time and time again, and betrayed their trust. He is no longer an effective leader. Since he has admitted guilt, there is no reason to put the American people through an impeachment. He will serve absolutely no purpose in finishing out his term; the only possible solution is for the president to save some dignity and resign." Bill Clinton, 1974, commenting on Richard Nixon.
1994 George W. Bush Jr. was elected governor of Texas.
1997 Diana and Dodi Fayed died when a Mercedes provided by Mr Al Fayed and driven by his employee, Henri Paul, ploughed into the 13th pillar in the Alma tunnel in Paris on August 31 1997. Al Fayed claims fresh Diana info
"Whoever Controls Princess Diana, Controls the World."
According to this version, the scene of the "accident" contains the real clue to what was afoot: the Pont de L'Alma tunnel, which "is ancient, dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500-751 A.D.), and before". "In pre-Christian times, the Pont de L'Alma was a pagan sacrificial site."
All "true European royalty are descended from the Merovingian's, " the article continues, it then repeats the recent claims that the Merovingian's were descended from Jesus. Princess Diana, as a Spencer, was descended from the Stuarts who gave England four kings (James I, Charles I, Charles II, and James II) and who are partially Merovingian in bloodline. By comparison, the article says, the current British royal family are "imposters."
"Two factions vied for control of Diana: (1) the New World Order or Bank of England faction, founded by King William III of Orange, who allowed the founding of the (private) Bank of England, and (2) the "true nobility of Europe, i.e., those of the Merovingian bloodline."
The article goes on. But it adds further complexity: "Within the New World Order faction there are smaller, warring factions, exemplified by Rothschild's vs. Rockefellers. The plan of the New World Order faction was to marry Lady Diana to an American. Even though Bill Clinton has bastard roots in the Rockefeller clan, he is rejected by them and is aligned with the Rothschild's. Bill Clinton was the designated future husband for Lady Diana, with Hillary Clinton to be eliminated through divorce or even murder. The Rockefellers were furious; in no way would they allow a marriage between Bill Clinton and Lady Diana.
"But Lady Di refused to marry Bill Clinton and seemed inclined to marry Dodi, thus also marrying into the Saudi royal family; for this impropriety, MI6 (British Intelligence) decided to eliminate her. They picked Pont de L'Alma to "send a signal" that would eventually lead to the creation of a Saint Diana, i.e. a new form of the triple moon goddess of the pagans, often called Diana. Conspiracy Nation concludes: "It will be the start of the "new world religion"..... http://www.dianaqueenofheaven.com/diana.html
1996 Jack  Kemp,  (French) (b. 1935) of Buffalo, N.Y. Born in Los Angeles, Calif., July 13, 1935. U.S. Representative from New York, 1971-89 (39th District 1971-73, 38th District 1973-83, 31st District 1983-89); candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1988; U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 1989-93; Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1996. Confirmed Mason http://politicalgraveyard.com/
The capital of the United States is at Georgetown University, not the White House.
And if you go into the president’s office at Georgetown, you will see a picture of Bill Clinton, kneeling at the grave of Timothy Healy [past president of Georgetown], while the present president, Donovan, who is on the Walt Disney Board, is standing behind him.
I wanted that picture; I wanted a copy of that picture. Those people threw me out of that office. They would not let me have a copy of it. I sent another person, a lady, up there. They would not give it to her. I want that picture, for my book, of Bill Clinton kneeling at the grave of these Jesuits. Can’t get it. But if you go in the president’s office, it’s there.
Georgetown is the capital. They control all Freemasonry. In fact, if you go to Maryland, they’ve got the great big lodge across from a great big Jesuit institution, in Baltimore—a great huge Shriner Lodge is across the street from a Jesuit University. The Black Pope
Bill Clinton chose Patsy Thomasson - top lieutenant of convicted cocaine dealer Dan Lasater - to be his White House chief of personnel. English Reporter Reveals Depth of Media and Government Treachery
In September of 1996, President Clinton signed into law, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. Buried at approximately page 650 of the new national Defense Bill, also known as Public Law 104-208, Part B, Title IV, the American public was given a national ID card. With no fanfare, no publicity and no scrutiny, the bill easily avoided the watchful eyes of even its most aggressive opponents. National ID Card Is Now Federal Law and Georgia Wants To Help Lead the Way The national ID became law in 1996 and will go in effect October 1, 2000, unless Congress repeals Section 656 (b) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. If the law is not changed, every state must meet certain unfunded federal mandates requiring the use of Social Security numbers, fingerprints, DNA, retina scans, and other "biometric" identifying information on all driver's licenses. Money Withheld for National I.D. Card
President Clinton and wife Hillary ordered the deaths of the Branch Dravidians. Military Unit Responsible at Waco
President Clinton, is "the most blood thirsty draft dodger in history." New World Order
"By using the LEO satellites," he described, "you can disrupt the computers. You can stop that electronic ignition. It's all electronically based. You can interfere with it and stop it dead in it's tracks." Tomlin is risking legal action by the Pentagon for revealing top secret information. That's a risk he says he is willing to take because of the danger he believes has been caused by an out-of-control president. "The decisions he's making right now are totally illogical and irresponsible," said Tomlin about his concerns regarding Clinton. "Looking at the power and everything he's got at his finger tips. That's a dangerous situation for a spastic individual." Tomlin has maintained silence about the top secret program for many years, but now he feels compelled to speak out. Clinton's Secret War Games
Update Note: A common practice among the top 13 Illuminati families is to have an important child secretly or quietly without fanfare, and adopt the child out to another family. The child then takes on another last name, which hides the genealogy, in the occult ceremonies, the biological parents will step forward. For instance, for Mothers of Darkness the biological father must impregnate the young daughter who is being initiated into the Mothers of Darkness. The first baby by the girl must come from her biological father and must be sacrificed by her to Satan. Many of the Illuminati children are adopted out, (in fact our President Clinton was). (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines)
 Bill Clinton's chief campaign advisor James Carville is pictured ( in People's Magazine. p.50 ) wearing a pentagram in the middle of his forehead. Bill Clinton in his inaugural speech said, "This ceremony is held in the depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring. Clinton repeated the words "we force the spring" later in the speech. That expression is a very unusual expression. To "force the spring" is witchcraft language in witchcraft and Satanism. Lucifer (Baal) rises from the underworld on May 1st (also known by the following list of names Beltaine, a major European holiday, Communism and the Illuminati's chief holiday, and Walpurgis). The May 1st rising brings forth the season of fertility, which the witches each year take credit for, by claiming that their magic rituals "force the spring." The ritual magic that "forces the spring" is done on 3 Sabbats-the first is Imbolg (also known by names: Candiemas by the Catholics and Ground Hog Day by common dupes); the second is the vernal equinox (Mar. 20) in which blood and sex rituals are carried out and the third is Beltaine (May 1) in which fire festivals are done. This is one of the fire festivals which people around the United States tell me they have witnessed from a distance. Witches believe that on May 1st, the female force completes her takeover from the male force. 
In order for the female to overtake the male force, Clinton chose the position of Attorney General. The title "General" has a male connotation. All the rest of the cabinet members are called Secretaries which has a female connotation. The Attorney General position was to be given to a woman. But in order for the witchcraft ceremony and timing to be right, the woman couldn't take over until after Feb. 2, or Imbolg and there had to be 3 female candidates, from which one is traditionally picked by a witchcraft coven. This is why the selection of the Attorney General was not confirmed until Feb. 2. And sure enough all three candidates given by Bill Clinton were women, from which one was selected. Bill Clinton did indeed "force the spring"! Further, Clinton told us HOW he would "force the spring" in his inaugural speech. On the 666th word of his inauguration speech, Clinton launched into a sentence on sacrifice, "it will not be easy; it will require sacrifice. But it can be done, and done fairly, not choosing sacrifice for Its own sake, but for our own sake." Clinton gave the hand signal of Satanists at the end of his speech. And Newsweek Magazine headlined its story "New Age President Takes Office." (Jan. 25, 93) That Clinton would consider his Cabinet a coven is not so far fetched. Most of his cabinet tie in closely with the Illuminati. The Council on Foreign Relations is an upper level of the visible arm of the Illuminati. The Jan. 93 newsletter explained that the CFR was the equivalent of the 4° of the Bavarian Illuminati. Note, that many of these people do not realize the full Satanic implications of what they are in. If one reviews the various levels of the Bavarian Illuminati, you will realize that the process of corruption was gradual, and that the lower levels had no idea what they were really involved in, although some probably suspected what they were into. The basic ingredient of the lower levels is loyalty to their superiors, because they believe they are in the elite's organization. Consider, Clinton and his cabinet: Slick Willie Clinton — CFR TC (Trilateral Commission), Bldrbgr (Bilderberger participant), participant in various Illuminati front organizations such as DLC, Rhodes Scholar, wife Hillary is known to practice shamanism witchcraft.  (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) See also: Witchcraft infiltrates Christendom  
"Gimme that old time religion!" Bush Jr. hails Satan on Regis and smiles. Just as president Clinton
Note: Attorney General Janet Reno murderer of innocent people at Waco, TX. The people at Waco believed that they were the true Jews and flew the Jewish flag at Waco, notice that Reno who is Jewish and was on the board of directors of the Jewish Illuminati Terrorist organization of the Anti-Defamation League could not stand the idea of Christians believing that they are the true Jews. See Janet Reno's quote on cults. Cultist Definition by Janet Reno, Attorney General USA
The president’s wife, Hillary Clinton, channels the spirits of the dead, and members of the House of Representatives warn Congress of “increasing evidence of a government-sponsored religion in America...[a] cloudy mixture of New Age mysticism, Native American folklore and primitive earth worship.” 
2000 New Year's Day. NASA is going to cause a nuclear explosion on the planet Jupiter. George Bush will be at the Great Pyramid near Cairo, Egypt, to see it. *Ralph Epperson. The New World Order.
The Video Ralph Epperson's Conspiracy History
Let's start with the term "president" itself: from our previously published, extensive historical and mythological research we now know this title directly derives from ancient Egyptian mythology, being one of the many terms for Osiris, the "god of the dead" himself. The actual title is "Osiris, President (First) of the Westerners" -- "Westerners" being a term referring to those who died in Egypt and were subsequently buried on the Western side of the Nile. The term "First" (president) is especially interesting, as a close reading could also apply it to Osiris' son, Horus, who was his "first son." So, in this context, "president" could also be directly translated as "Horus!" What we are seeing play out in Florida, we believe, from our previous research into this entire issue of the historically-documented Masonic/Egyptian origins of the office of "President (First) of the United States," is nothing less than a battle among self-appointed "gods," Gore and Bush, over who gets to be "Horus" at the "end of days!" And make no mistake, we are truly at The End of Days. We have waited nearly a year now to reveal what we have come to know (and yet still have an incredibly hard time believing ...). The "Millennium" (as popularly perceived on January 1) just past, was NOT an insignificant, arbitrary event. It was, in fact, a specific marker set up as a "final warning" of what is to come, of "the Eternity, before which we stand upon the Brink ..." http://www.enterprisemission.com/millenn.htm
Ever  wonder  why  the  Freemasonry meetings and gatherings are in Total Secrecy? Did you  know that their rituals  dishonor the person and work of Jesus Christ and give glory to the Prince of Darkness. The  Masonic  lodge  is  Satan's darkroom  for developing negatives in  the  hearts  and minds of  the  lost  and unenlightened. As  a  former Worshipful Master of  a  Masonic Lodge  I am compelled  to share  and  tell  the absolute truth as my God would have me do. (Jack Harris)

...impeachment trial of President Clinton. Three Senators, all 33rd degree Masons, were instrumental in his acquittal: Majority Leader Rep. Trent Lott; Rep. Arlen Specter; Dem. Robert C. Byrd. SECRET MEANINGS OF MASONIC SYMBOLS AND GOALS
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation."(David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
Presidential Running mates Gore, Bush, and Bradley are members of the C.F.R. ( Council On Foreign Relations)
Al Gore concedes on December 13th, 2000
 December 13, 2000  George Bush Jr. Becomes the 43rd President of the United States. Confirmed member Skull and Bones. George W. Admits to being a Member of The Skull and Bones to Time Magazine Also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations. Confirmed Mason. Bush is closely related to every European monarch on and off the throne -- including the King of Albania -- and has kinship with every member of Britain's royal family, the House of Windsor. He is a 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Bush's family tree can be documented as far back as the early 15th century. He has a direct descent from Henry III and from Henry VIII's sister Mary Tudor, who was also the wife of Louis XI of France. He is also descended from Charles II of England. George Bush Jr. And the Number 13

Vice President: Dick Cheney. A Most Dangerous Game
Secretary of State: Colin Powell. Confirmed Mason SIR COLIN POWELL: WHY IS HE BEING CALLED A 'SON-OF-A-BUSH'?
Secretary of the Treasury: Paul O'Neill, 
(headed Alcoa and the board of RAND.)
Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld. 
(also chaired the RAND board at one time, and was a drug-company CEO) 
Secretary of Justice (Attorney General) John Ashcroft
Secretary of the Interior: Gale Norton
Secretary of Agriculture: 
Ann Veneman
Secretary of Commerce: Donald L. Evans
Secretary of Labor: Elaine Chao
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Tommy Thompson 
(took more than $70,000 from Philip Morris and opposed smoking restrictions as governor of Wisconsin.)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Mel Martinez
Secretary of Transportation: Norman Mineta
Secretary of Energy: Spencer Abraham
Secretary of Education: Rod Paige
Secretary of Veteran's Affairs: Anthony Principi 
Presidential Staff
Advisor: Karen Hughes
Budget Director: Mitch Daniels
National Security Advisor: Condoleeza Rice (was a corporate director of Chevron.)White House Chief of Staff: Andrew Card (was the leading lobbyist for the auto industry.) Environmental Protection Agency:  Christie Todd Whitman
Office of Management and Budget:  Mitch Daniels
U. S. Trade Representative:  Robert Zoellick
Federal Emergency Management Agency:  Joseph Allbaugh
The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a center in the Washington DC area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to step up a level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders in this Masonic group were also Illuminists. This has been true of every large city I have lived in. The top Freemasons were also top Illuminists. My maternal grandparents were both high ranking Masons in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. (president of the Eastern Star and 33rd degree Mason) and they both were also leaders in the Illuminati in that area. Part 4: The Illuminati - Freemason Connection
E.W. Bullinger writes:
"As to the significance of thirteen, all are aware that it has come down to us as a number of ill-omen. Many superstitions cluster around it, and various explanations are current concerning them.
"Unfortunately, those who go backwards to find a reason seldom go back far enough. The popular explanations do not, so far as we are aware, go further back than the Apostles. But we must go back to the first occurrence of the number thirteen in order to discover the key to its significance. It occurs first in Gen. xiv. 4, where we read 'Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they REBELLED.'
"Hence every occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration,  revolution, or some kindred idea." (Bullinger, E.W. Number in Scripture, Kregel Publications, (c)1967, p. 205).
Other Masons.
"Rep. Jack F. Kemp, R-Hamburg; the Rev. Don C. Markham and Howard D. Butler have been elected to receive the Scottish Rite 33rd Degree and become honorary members of the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Kemp, a member of Fraternal Lodge, F&AM, in Hamburg, is a member of Palmoni Lodge of Perfection, 14th Degree; Palmoni Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16th Degree; Buffalo Chapter of Rose Croix, 18th Degree, and Buffalo Consistory, 32nd Degree. http://www.inforamp.net/~jwhitley/kemp.htm

Newt Gingrich, Confirmed Mason. Jack Kemp, Confirmed Mason. Storm Thurmond, Confirmed Mason.
Jesse Helms, Confirmed Mason.
Oral Roberts, Confirmed Mason. Pat Buchanan Knight of Malta

For the skinny on Presidential running mates check out this site. Skeleton Closet
Billy Graham, World's most popular 'Christian' evangelist is a 33rd Degree Freemason
Norman Vincent Peale, 33rd Degree Freemason, ex Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York, Past Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar and Shriner. (now deceased)
Robert Schuller, 33rd Degree Freemason, Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and host of the popular "Hour of Power" television programme.
Jay Lovestone. Confirmed Illuminati. Was an official for Social Democrats U.S.A. (Layer of The Club Of Rome) and for decades the leading advisor to U.S. presidents on Soviet affairs and a strong direct link with Moscow.
This premise is that major events in politics, economics and international relations are the products of deliberate moves by largely unseen power factions in the world. All of these factions seek to increase their influence over us, the general population of the world. Each one also wishes to increase its own power at the expense of the other power factions. Thus there is an ongoing power struggle of titanic dimensions which constantly shapes the news, yet which is little understood--indeed unsuspected--by most people. Peter Beter
Jim Shaw's Initiation to the 33rd Degree at the Washington D.C. Temple at which the participants drank out of human skulls: Two former U.S. Presidents, a Scandinavian King, an internationally famous Evangelist, two other internationally famous Clergymen, and a very high federal official gave him his certificate.

By:  By: Robert Howard