Biometrics, Fingerprint Technology, And The Mark Of The Beast

Biometrics or fingerprint technologies, is there an inherent evil in these things? Could it be that a person might be taking the dreaded “mark of the beast” when they participate in technologies like this?  These are things that are discussed in light of the technologies that are right on our doorstep.

Recently Apple bought the fingerprint technology company AthenTec.  Many who watch the smartphone market realize Apple has put this fingerprint technology in the iPhone in order to protect users from fraud – and to allow Apple iPhone users to use their phones to buy items safely.  Those using the Android operating system on their phones are quickly following suit in the use of such technology in their applications.  Japanese officials are have been using such technology in speeding up their airline process at their international airports.  Even our schools are getting in on the use of such technology to improve security and speed up transactions.   Moss Bluff Elementary School wants to use a Biometric system that measures the unique structure of blood vessels in a person’s hand to make cafeteria lines move quicker at their school.  Florida schools are considering biometric scans prior to using library privileges or boarding school buses.  Some Minnesota schools are already using fingerprint technology to verify parents who pick up their children from school.  This technology is coming – and we need to be ready for it. 

The problem is that some groups are saying that any use of technology of this kind constitutes accepting the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13:15-18.  Their stance is a flat-out rejection of anything that even remotely has to do with such things.  But before we reject this technology, we probably ought to take a look at this passage and seek to understand it better. 

And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.  And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,  and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.   (Revelation 13:15-18)

There are several things we should be aware of in connection with the infamous mark of the beast.  These are things that will keep us from the kind of “knee-jerk” reactions that make people think we are nuts for even mentioning such things.  It will also help us to be taken seriously when things like this come up in conversation and we say ignorant things when commenting on such matters.  I remember times when people were wigging-out over credit cards and the magnetic strip on the back side of them.  I was warned by people numerous times that even having a card like this meant I had taken the mark of the beast.  Thank God I had a mentor who taught me to look to the Scriptures themselves and not get caught up in the goofiness that often surrounds too much of what passes for serious discussions of biblical prophecy. 

Let’s note several things that will help us identify the mark of the beast.  First, we need to see the context of all this - Revelation 13:11-13 says, “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.  He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed.  He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men.”  Before we freak out about biometrics or fingerprint technology, we might want to check the news.  Because to my knowledge – nothing like what we see in these three verses has happened yet.  I know of no character who has wielded worldwide authority – and who has received a fatal wound that has been healed.  I know of no one who has afterward constructed an image.  This authority figure called the “Beast” is not currently forcing people to worship an “image” doing “great signs” and even making fire fall from heaven.  If that is the case – and I believe it is – then these current technologies do not involve receiving the mark of the beast.  They may be precursors to technologies that will be used for this purpose. 

Let’s look at more here.  This shady character, the Beast, has yet to make an image
speak – or have it kill those who will not worship him.   Note that this “mark” is forced upon people and that it is received on their right hand or on their forehead.  

Then what do we make of all these goings on among us?  Well honestly, it is the march of technological progress.  It also may be how technology is moving toward a time when the “mark of the beast” is going to be applied to those who worship the Beast.
Other than this – it is just technology on its ever progressive march on our world.  Of course many of you non credit card holding people may reject this.   

Global Control Through RFID Chips Or With Biometrics

These current economic and social crises are leading to a global, financial "melt down" that the powerful global elite will use in order to establish a Global Financial Economic System. 

This will give centralized power to the United Nation’s International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, creating a type of "Global Federal Reserve System". This is setting the stage for a cashless electronic currency with the use of a high tech surveillance RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip to be implanted under one’s skin or with biometrics.

The Global Elite, blinded by their thirst for power, orchestrate obtaining total control over the people in the excuse of providing for more transparency; a greater surveillance of the world financial markets, cross border firms, money laundering, terrorist financing, etc…

They believe that they are the only ones capable of governing mankind properly. However, these globalists know very well that people will not easily give up their freedom of the use of cash to accept these "bio-chips" or a biometric system unless there is a worldwide panic, be it financial or maybe even a flu pandemic, etc. to convince the population that the only way not to lose everything is to accept the use of a RFID chip or biometric system.

Recently in September of 2009, VeriChip Corp., one of the largest producers of the RFID Chip, obtained an exclusive license to two patents. These patents held by VeriChip partner Receptors LLC, relate to biosensors capable of detecting the H1N1 and other viruses and biological threats.

The Global Elite have been working on this project for many years. In April of 1998 the feature article of Time Magazine reported that, "in the future, money will be stored in the laptop, in the debit card and even (in the not-so-distant future) in a chip implanted under the skin." This technology is now available and is already being applied on human beings around the world.

Patrick Redmond, author of the book, New Technologies – A Hidden Danger, who worked for IBM until 2007, explains the RFID chips: "They are Radio Frequency Identification devices. An RFID is a microchip with an attached antenna. The microchip contains stored information which can be transmitted to a reader and then to a computer. RFID’s can be passive, semi-passive or active.

"Active RFID’s have an internal power source such as a battery. This allows the tag to send signals back to the reader, so if I have a RFID on me and it has a battery, I can just send a signal to a reader wherever it is. They can receive and store data and be read at a further distance than the passive RFID’s. The batteries used can only last a short while. But the current batteries in the RFID’s can last for over a hundred years, because of their self-generating power."

In 2007, Hitachi introduced the world’s smallest RFID chips which measure just 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters. Compare this with the new powder-type RFID tags which measure about sixty times smaller. These ‘’powder" RFID’s, like their predecesser, have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38 digit number.

According to Mr. Redmond, "The chip in the National ID card has not only a number, but also a person’s work history, education, religion, ethnicity, police record and reproductive history."

Wal-Mart, Best Buy, the U.S. Military and many other agencies around the world, are already implementing the use of RFID chips. In London, police authorities announced that they were putting RFID chips on the entire police force. In Shenzhen, Southern China they are implementing RFID readers to track the movements of citizens: "all citizens have an ID card with a chip so that they can identify who is in what part of the city at any point in time." Nigel Gilbert of the Royal Academy of Engineering said that by 2011 you should be able to go on Google and find out where someone is at any time from chips on clothing, in cars, cell phones, and also in people.

These RFID Chips will be at the same time; your money, medical monitor, license, passport, anti-terrorist solution, locator for lost children or Alzheimer patients,...etc. These RFID’s inside your body will be read by readers which connect data to cell towers through the SensorNet project with technologie capable of also drawing information from your body; for heart monitoring, blood pressure, your whereabouts…etc.

This may all sound very helpful but, at the same time these chips, when implanted in the body will have the ‘’input" capacity for brain functions such as mind control, language, and memory, making it possible for a super surveillance of mankind across the globe, thus compromising our free will.

The SensorNet project will integrate nano, macro and conventional sensors into a single nationwide network that will feed back to an existing U.S. network of 30,000 cell mobile phone masts, forming the skeleton of an unparalleled national surveillance network.

Michael Mehta, a sociologist at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada), believes that the environment equipped with multiple sensors could destroy the notion of privacy altogether – creating a phenomenon that he calls "nano-panopticism" (i.e., all seeing) in which citizens feel constantly under surveillance. This is the "all-spying eye" of the Illuminati, in the New World Order.

Another factor would be the buying and selling of goods. In the past there was no way of controlling these activities on such a large scale, but now it is technically possible through electronic money, an RFID chip implanted under the skin of every inhabitant on earth.

St. John, in the Book of Revelation, 13:4/16-17, writes: "And they worshipped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who will be able to fight with it?... And it will cause all, the small and great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and bond, to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and it will bring it about that no one may be able to buy or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of its name."

The sovereignty of all nations has been undermined in order to bring about a global economic system with a new one-world electronic money.

Whether we go into this century as an electronic global police state or as free human beings, respecting the dignity of each human person; will all depend on the active role that we take now.

 Implant Chip, Track People

 It's 10 p.m. You may not know where your child is, but the chip does.

The chip will also know if your child has fallen and needs immediate help. Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs little Johnny or Janie is allergic to. At the hospital, the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical history.

And of course, when you arrive to pick up your child, settling the hospital bill with your health insurance policy will be a simple matter of waving your own chip — the one embedded in your hand.

To some, this may sound far-fetched. But the technology for such chips is no longer the stuff of science fiction. And it may soon offer many other benefits besides locating lost children or elderly Alzheimer patients.

"Down the line, it could be used [as] credit cards and such," says Chris Hables Gray, a professor of cultural studies of science and technology at the University of Great Falls in Montana. "A lot of people won't have to carry wallets anymore," he says. "What the implications are [for this technology], in the long run, is profound."

Indeed, some are already wondering what this sort of technology may do to the sense of personal privacy and liberty.

"Any technology of this kind is easily abusive of personal privacy," says Lee Tien, senior staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "If a kid is track-able, do you want other people to be able to track your kid? It's a double-edged sword."

Tiny Chips That Know Your Name

The research — and controversy — of embedding microchips isn't entirely new. Back in 1998, Kevin Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at Reading University outside of London, implanted a chip into his arm as an experiment to see if Warwick's computer could wirelessly track his whereabouts with the university's building.

But Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. in Palm Beach, Fla., is one of the latest to try and push the experiments beyond the realm of academic research and into the hands — and bodies — of ordinary humans.

The company says it has recently applied to the Food and Drug Administration for permission to begin testing its VeriChip device in humans. About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip can be encoded with bits of information and implanted in humans under a layer of skin. When scanned by a nearby handheld reader, the embedded chip yields the data — say an ID number that links to a computer database file containing more detailed information.

Building a Built-in Digital Guardian

Keith Bolton, chief technology officer for ADS, says that VeriChip is only the beginning.

According to Bolton, the company has already started experimenting with combining the Verichip with another ADS product called Digital Angel. That pager-sized device allows caregivers and parents to monitor the health and whereabouts of seniors and children through the use of space-based Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites.

"In the migration path, those two products that can be bundled together," says Bolton. The resulting product would be about the size of an American quarter coin and offer an improved way of monitoring patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, for example.

See How an Embedded Locator Chip Would Work

Safety Against Terrorists?

And the interest in testing embedded chips has been steadily increasing — especially since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Dr. Richard Seelig, a former surgeon but now a medical consultant for ADS, became the first to embed a VeriChip in his arm and hip on Sept. 16. He says his decision to become a willing guinea pig came when he saw World Trade Center rescue workers scrawl information on their skin as an identifying marker should they get hurt in the wreckage.

"There is a clear need for a more secure [form of] identification," says Seelig. "This was another useful application for VeriChip and to move the process along and [help] evaluate the possibility, I had the chips inserted."

And Seelig isn't the only one who feels this way.

According to ADS' Bolton, about 50 people have already signed up with the company to become part of the VeriChip experiments. Some volunteers, such as the Jacobs family in Boca Raton, Fla., believe that the technology will provide for a much needed additional security and safety.

TechTV: A Profile of the Jacobs Family

"What it does for me is give me a peace of mind because it speaks for you when you can't," says Leslie Jacobs, a journalist in Boca Raton, Fla. Her 14-year old son, Derek, had first heard of the VeriChip on a local newscast and had persuaded Leslie and her husband that this new chip technology would be the wave of the future. And after looking into the technology, she believes that her son was right. "I really think this could help make the world safer in the future," she says.

Chipping Blocks

But making the world safer or allowing missing children to be found easily won't happen anytime soon. In addition to waiting for FDA approval — a process that may take years — some experts point to many other obstacles that would need to be cleared.

Most embedded chip designs, such as ADS's VeriChip, are so-called passive chips which yield information only when scanned by a nearby reader. But active chips — such as the proposed Digital Angel of the future — will need to beam out information all the time. And that means designers will have to develop some sort of power source that can provide a continuous source of energy, yet be small enough to be embedded with the chips.

Another additional hurdle, developing tiny GPS receiver chips that could be embedded yet still be sensitive enough to receive signals from thousands of miles out in space.

In addition to technical hurdles, many suspect that all sorts of legal and privacy issues would have to be cleared as well.

Tien of the EFF is concerned that while embedded chip technology may be beneficial in locating lost loved ones, he worries that it could be easily abused. "Once this thing is in you, what's the guarantee that not just anyone won't be able to track you?" asks Tien.

Tien is also concerned that the "benefits" of being able to track people clandestinely may be forced upon others. "If it works here — finding lost loved ones — so then we'll use it for released prisoners and sex offenders," says Tien. "If the choice is offered to a person to either stay in prison for another year or to go on parole as long as they have this monitoring chip in them, then that's not really much of a choice in my opinion," he says.

And while the EFF isn't openly condemning embedded chip technology, "Our critique of proposed technology solutions — whether they be chip implants or national ID cards — is that people will abuse them," says Tien. "That's the fundamental issue of human nature."

Crawling Toward a Race of Cyborgs?

Such qualms over privacy, whether real or overblown, are likely to keep any mass "chipping" from happening in the near future. And that may be the ultimate problem for the technology overall.

"It's a chicken and egg problem," says Paul Saffo, director of the Institute for the Future, a research firm in Menlo Park, Calif. "Hospitals and ambulances aren't going to invest in new detectors [for these chips] until people start using the chip, but people aren't going to use these chips until there's a wide availability of readers," he says.

Still, Saffo and others don't doubt that one day we may become a race of cyborgs — part man and part machine.

"We put all sorts of implants in [our bodies] today," says Saffo. "If we have metal hips, it only makes sense to have chips in, too."

Globalists and UN Push Mandatory Biometric ID for All

In an effort to bring every last person into the “system,” so to speak, governments, globalist forces, and the United Nations want to make sure that every human being on the planet has a government-issued identification card, complete with biometric data. Indeed, the recently approved UN “Sustainable Development Goals,” also known as “Agenda 2030,” explicitly calls for providing “legal identity” and “birth registration” for “all.” A parallel effort led by the same forces pushing global IDs, meanwhile, hopes to abolish cash and move toward a “cashless” global society in which every transaction can be tracked. And with funding from U.S. taxpayers and various tax-exempt foundations controlled by the establishment, both of those visions could become a reality in the not-too-distant future, at least if humanity does not push back.

The UN's deeply controversial Agenda 2030, marketed as an effort at “transforming our world,” is essentially a recipe for global socialism, as this magazine has documented. Everything from national and international wealth redistribution to targeting children as “agents of change” is explicitly demanded in the scheme, formally adopted by every national government and dictatorship on Earth in September. Buried deep within the massive text, which outlines 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” and 169 specific “targets,” is another key piece of the globalist puzzle. “By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration,” reads target 16.9. In other words, the UN and its member regimes are practically putting a bulls-eye on the back of every human being who still exists outside of the globalized economic and political system, such as the hundreds of millions of people who do not have government IDs, bank accounts, government "benefits," permits to exist/build/farm/hunt/procreate/emit CO2, and more. 

Goal 16 of Agenda 2030, which includes about a dozen individual targets, also offers some other important hints as to the real agenda behind the UN's latest 15-year plan for mankind. The goal itself is listed as: "Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive instituions at all levels." That might sound nice to the untrained observer — UN documents almost always use innocent-sounding language developed by PR experts and marketing gurus to conceal the real agenda. However, within "Goal 16" — not to mention the equally dangerous 16 other "goals" for humanity — are contained multiple troubling provisions.

Among them: “Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels.” Who exactly would be making this “law” at the “international level” is not explained, though UN chief Ban Ki-moon offered a clue when he claimed the UN, which is widely ridiculed as the “dictators club,” was actually the “Parliament of humanity.” Goal 16 also includes a target to “broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance.” When the UN says “developing countries,” it means the mostly autocratic regimes ruling over poor countries. And when it says “global governance,” it really means global government, as countless globalists have explained. So, put simply, Goal 16 is a call for a more powerful system of global governance with more power for Third World dictators.

Also part of Goal 16 is a target to “significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows.” To reduce the “illicit” flow of money and arms, of course, money and weapons — along with those responsible for the financial flows (buyers and sellers) and gun owners — must also be tracked. And since cash and unregistered weapons are impossible to track, it follows that something needs to change. No wonder, then, that the UN wants to provide “legal identity for all, including birth registration,” to every person on the planet. After all, without such a tool for tracking every person, it would be impossible to track all money, arms, opinions, and ultimately, dissent.

Various international mechanisms dealing with gun control and financial control have proliferated in recent years. On the gun-control front is the UN Arms Trade Treaty, essentially a plan for a planetary gun grab. On financial flows, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, the UN, the World Bank, and other outfits have been hard at work developing a global regulatory and monetary regime. But this is only the start, as the UN has made clear. The self-styled global “law enforcement” agency Interpol is already boasting that when police stop someone, “they will be consulting global databases to determine who they are stopping.” And if the UN gets its way, that is exactly where this is all going.   

In a widely republished analysis of the UN's ID agenda, The Beginning of the End, author Michael Snyder, who publishes the popular Economic Collapse Blog, argues that the UN is plotting to implement universal biometric identification for all of humanity by 2030. “This new agenda truly is a template for a 'New World Order,' and if you dig into the sub-points for these new Global Goals, you find some very alarming things,” he wrote, citing SDG 16.9 on global identification and registration as an example. Citing the UN's partnership with technology firm Accenture to implement a biometric ID regime that reports refugee information to a central database in Geneva, Snyder also noted that the UN is already hard at work in making its goal a reality. 

Snyder points to a news report on the UN “High Commissioner for Refugees” and its use of “biometric technology to identify and track refugees.” Working with Accenture, the UN agency behind the ongoing influx of refugees into the West is using what is known as the “Biometric Identity Management System” (BIMS) to collect “facial, iris, and fingerprint biometric data” and to provide refugees with official identification papers. All of that information is then reportedly collected in a database housed in Switzerland. Another media report cited by Snyder, which deals with World Bank efforts to foist biometric IDs on the planet under the guise of a program dubbed “Identification for Development (ID4D),” makes clear that the Accenture identification system will ultimately reach far beyond refugee camps.

“What the elite want to do is to make sure that everyone is 'in the system,” Snyder continued. “It is a system that they control and that they manipulate for their own purposes. That is one of the reasons why they are slowly but surely discouraging the use of cash all over the world.... Every time the elite propose something for our 'good,' it somehow always results in them having more power and more control. I hope that people will wake up and see what is happening. Major moves toward a one world system are taking place right in front of our eyes, and yet I hear very, very few people talking about any of this.” 

Indeed, the push for a global cashless society and the global effort to impose biometric ID systems on every human being are inseparable from each other. Consider, for example, the “Better Than Cash Alliance” launched in September of 2012 by the controversial Ford Foundation. “The Better Than Cash Alliance partners with governments, the development community and the private sector to empower people by shifting from cash to electronic payments,” reads the description of the scheme on the alliance's website. Other organizations involved in the plan are the taxpayer-funded U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Development Initiative, bailed-out mega-bank Citi, credit card giant Visa, Coca-Cola, the communist regime ruling Nepal, the Islamist regime in Pakistan, and more.

The United Nations is also at the heart of the plan, with the UN Capital Development Fund serving as the alliance’s “secretariat.” Other UN outfits involved in the scheme include the World Food Programme and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and even the UN Secretariat. Numerous Third World governments and official agencies are listed on the alliance’s website, too, including authorities in Malawi, Colombia, Kenya, India, Moldova, Ghana, the “People's Republic” of Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Peru, and the Philippines. Some nominally private aid agencies are also involved. 

On its website, the UN Capital Development Fund boasted of its ongoing schemes to attack cash. “Bringing about the shift to electronic payments on a global scale and ensuring that these benefits are maximized can be accelerated by an organization dedicated exclusively to providing global advocacy, knowledge sharing, collaboration and guidance on effective practices,” it says. The goal of the plan, the UN added, is to “encourage governments, development organizations and the private sector to commit to the digital transition, and facilitates [sic] the translation of these commitments into action.”

Of course, the U.S. government has also been a key player supporting the efforts — both in the “Homeland” and worldwide via USAID and other bureaucracies. In March, The New American reported that GOP lawmakers in Congress were pushing an Obama-backed scheme that would force every American to have a national ID card containing sensitive biometric data. The plan, which would have made working illegal for anyone who refused to submit, was embedded in an “immigration” bill. Under the “REAL ID” Act, meanwhile, despite widespread state-level nullification, the federal government is still seeking to impose a national ID on Americans, with the digital photos for those identity documents used to gather biometric data on Americans by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., and beyond.

This summer, Congress, apparently not content to force an unconstitutional ID on only Americans, decided all of humanity needed a national ID card, and that American taxpayers (or creditors of the U.S. government) should finance it. To that end, Congress passed and Obama signed the deceptively named “Girls Count Act,” introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). According to the summary of the legislation, the law makes it U.S. government policy to “encourage countries” (read: governments) to provide “birth certifications and other official documentation,” enhance and support “ capacity-building” in “developing countries” to design and implement birth registries, and more. The law also purports to authorize programs by U.S. bureaucrats overseas on “improved civil registration,” collection of “vital statistics,” and more.  

According to the late Hollywood director Aaron Russo, who made the hit film America: Freedom to Fascism, there is an end goal to all of the controversial ID and anti-cash scheming. That end goal was explained to him by Nick Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller dynasty, Russo said publicly. “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world,” Russo paraphrased Rockefeller as telling him. And indeed, as The New American has reported on multiple occasions, the push to have humans implanted with microchips has been underway for years.    

For liberty and prosperity to survive into the future, it is imperative that humanity resist the accelerating push to impose universal biometric identification, abolish cash, and curtail the unalienable rights of individuals. Americans, as the people best positioned to stop the agenda and as the people whose government is playing a lead role in the radical plot, have a special duty to stop it. And with education and organized action, stopping the dangerous agenda in its tracks is still possible.