By Harrell Rhome, M.Div., Ph.D.
“Everything begins in mysticism and ends in politics.”   
Charles Peguy


“We cannot doubt that miracles of magic and alchemy did really happen in past times.  They were not common, and there was much superstition and knavery entangled in them.  It is important to sift superstition from magic….  There is a reason for every belief, and even the most fantastic, and it should be our object to discover this reason.” 
H. Stanley Redgrove, B.Sc., F.C.S. in Magic And Mysticism: Studies In Bygone Beliefs, 1971.

For some time, I have studied metaphysics and the strange body of knowledge called the occult, trying to discover how these ideas and movements interact with certain individuals, groups and historical forces to form our present-day world order.  After much study, it is not an exaggeration to say that both overt and covert occultism underlie the Globalist one-world protocols of what we call, for lack of a more exact term, the New World Order. Some call them Illuminati (Enlightened Ones).  Or, they can simply be designated as the Dark Forces.  Careful and diligent readers already know that, at the root of this metaphysical malevolence and mayhem, and at the core of almost all New Age beliefs, is a distinct ritual occult system, rooted in Kabala.  When the massive tome called the Zohar (“Radiance” or “Splendor”) is studied closely, all of this becomes clear.  This is not to say that the concepts are not found elsewhere and earlier, but it is in Kabala that certain themes are pinpointed and perfected. The roots of Hegelian Synthesis, Marxism, Collectivism, the group mind, mind control, evolution, and much more, are in the Zohar. 

Once this is realized, it is easy to see that, among other things, ritual magic, secret societies and Kabalism are of importance in understanding world history.  Occult belief systems underlie many, if not all, decisions made by the New World Order Planners.  These obscure, yet often deadly creeds have Kabala at their heart and epicenter.  Never forget that the important thing is not whether you personally “believe” in the occult or not.  Nor does it matter whether or not “magic” really “works”.  The crucial factor is that high-level globalist Illuminati planners DO believe.  This brings forth another crucial element in our occult criminal cult profile.  Their “magic” requires certain acts and symbols be presented in (at least some degree of) public view.  A related element is their propensity for in-your-face actions rather than mere “symbolic” appearances.  I present information on these murky and mystical topics, introducing both old and new sources.  Just as it is with my book and articles on Islam, it is important that we understand the core belief systems of those who oppose us.  If you think it is important to understand Islam as an opposing system, then you must agree that the systems we now discuss, Kabalism and Illuminism, are due no less close scrutiny.  Kabalism and Illuminism are a part of news and current events because key players on the world stage are heavily influenced by occult paradigms and eons-old symbology.
There are some around me who say I should not be preoccupied with such “dark topics”, but what can I say?  Here we go again.  Mysticism and magic may seem odd topics for a “serious researcher”, but please humor an eccentric old writer who delves into archaic lore, and for now, just read on.  But when finished, write a letter or e-mail and tell me what you think.
“Magic actions are rituals that make or change something.  They operate mysteriously and what they create is mostly mystical – BUT THESE MYSTERIOUS ACTIONS HAVE SOCIAL EFFECTS.  This mystical doing and making (only dimly understood by the participants) has the effect, by virtue of their beliefs, of bringing about a real social doing or making, as surely as the minister ties when he ‘pronounces’ you man and wife or the judge changes your status by his ‘sentence.’
That is why magic is ‘efficacious mystical action’.” 
From Daniel L. O’Keefe in Stolen Lightning: The Social History of Magic, 1982.

“Mundus vult decepi, deceptimur.  The world wants to be deceived, so then, let us deceive it.”  
The Magician’s Motto.

The Kabala is a companion or adjunct text to the Talmud.  Its myriad of axioms and labyrinthine commentaries contain a body of lore transmitted from one generation to another, not just by the written word, but more importantly, by a powerful and mostly secret oral tradition.  Judaists (the proper English word for practitioners of Judaism) are not unique in this regard.  In fact, primeval occult traditions flow beneath the veneer of all cultures and religions.  We shall follow certain metaphysical streams from their early confluence with Indo-Aryan traditions to our present time.  To understand the mysticism and occultism of the West, we turn to the Kabala.  These occult traditions, well below the veneer of public Judaism, have a strong influence on western mysticism, spiritualism, mystical Christianity, New Age paradigms, modern occultism, ceremonial magic (thaumaturgy), etc., et al. Magi and adepts of the higher revelations regard these convoluted but interlinked traditions with great respect.  They speak of luminous lodges and white, astral brotherhoods to “teach and guide” (control) us.  Some clothe themselves with the dress of Christianity.  Others say they are devout Judaists, following God as interpreted through various rebbes and tzaddiks in the Chasidic tradition of sorcerers, sages and seers.  And, like in most cults, their direction seeks dominion over personal lives and decisions.  All of this, and many other systems, are fundamentally shaped by Kabala.  A thorough historical account must include both the positive parts as well the darkest parts of the occult spectrum.  Ritually inspired homicides, sexual perversion, and other heinous crimes spring from this seedbed, so read on as we review some of these unique, bizarre, and fascinating beliefs and events.


“Psychopolitics -- the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through ‘mental healing’." 
Synthesis of the Textbook on Psychopolitics.

The influence of Kabala and Talmud often combined with the prominent presence of Judaists, both Sephardic and Khazarian, who were and are among the most prominent philosophers and practitioners of metaphysics and occult arts.  This is an undeniable fact.  Here we examine psychopolitics and related practices, investigating their influence on western culture and society.  Psychopolitics and mind control, apart from some stunning technological advances in the last half of the 20th Century, have used the same basic techniques (i.e., rituals, ceremonies, repetitious rote memory exercises, continual testing of beliefs, sex magic, and so on) for eons.  Words and symbols may change (a bit), but the same threads weave through the pages of history from the archetypal beginnings of humankind.  Magic has cultural and societal implications as it operates on three levels:  the metaphysical/spiritual, psychological/mental and physical planes.  Moreover, it has effects whether or not one “believes in it”.  That is, spells and incantations produce results.  They most often affect us because others act out the perverted psychodramas on all three planes, including the physical one.  Extreme example:  If Satanists kidnap a child and kill it as a human sacrifice to assure them of winning the lottery or succeeding in a big drug deal, it makes no difference whether the spell “worked” or not.  The damage is done, and the motive is clear.  You don’t have to believe in magic to accept the real existence of evil.  On a descending scale of depravity, if your mother’s tombstone is “tagged” with evil symbols by a gang, or your pet is taken for an animal sacrifice, the act has occurred and has consequences regardless of the your personal belief system.  The effects are undeniable, on both the perpetrators and on you, and on society in general.  Crime syndicates and ethnic gangs use magic and the occult as psychopolitical tools of intimidation and mind control, an especially effective and powerful tactic in certain ethnic communities, where it is most often combined with Christian religious beliefs.  Santeria and Voodoo are the best-known examples.  
“Magicians were known to be addicted to use of consecrated objects in their sorcery:  the Host [Christian communion wafer] was one of the most common ingredients of their philtres and potions; consecrated oil and water, crucifixes and other ritual appurtenances were regarded as possessing high magical potency; they favored biblical texts and passages from the liturgy in their conjurations and amulets, mimicked the ceremonial of the Church, and had images baptized to make their charms more potent.  Such usages are a common feature of magical practices.  The magician is never loath to appropriate for his own purposes purely religious objects and beliefs.  Or perhaps this should be put the other way around:  certain religious elements acquire in time an aura of sanctity and power which clothes them ... with magical properties and they thus offer themselves spontaneously to the sorcerer.  In practice, the process involves not so much a deliberate act of appropriation on the part of the magician, who is himself a member of the religious group, as it does a utilization of the tools that lie ready at hand.  The superstitious belief must exist in the mind of the people before it can be turned to magical use.”  Joshua Trachtenberg, The Devil and the Jews, 1943.  

The components of ritual magic are many and intricately varied, but some are basic.  As said, desecration is central to the dark rites.  While we will not spend time deconstructing it, the so-called satanic black mass is a classic example.  While the tools of psychopolitics and mind control are many, there are certain very crucial elements.  Desecration leads the practitioners to distance themselves from cultural taboos, giving them a sense of being exempt from societal norms.  Sex magic is also a key factor.  In its darker phases, this includes torture, sexual abuse, and ritual murder.  These two central elements -- desecration and sex magic -- combine in ceremonies contrived by sadomasochistic minds.  The bloody rites often involve child victims, so it is not hard to detect the stench of pedophilia along with that of sulfur and brimstone!  While drugs (“magic potions”) are not used by all, they combine easily with desecration, sex magic and other elements.  All of this has its roots in Kabalistic soil.  Whether viewed from the more public forums or the underground kinds, most magical systems are based in Kabala.

A reading of medieval history shows an inordinate number of Judaists among the practitioners and philosophers of the occult arts.  They are, of course, not the only ones, but because of the Talmudic and Kabalistic underpinnings of western ceremonial magic systems, they are of particular significance.  Sorcery has a long history among the Sephardic Arab Jews and the Khazar convert Jews, who contributed their own peculiar Turko-Mongol practices, including human sacrifice.   By the late middle ages and Renaissance, many Jews were the occult philosophers, mystics and sorcerers par excellence.  While all of this was heresy in the eyes of the Church, a deep and dark underground current of black magic and occultism flowed (and still does) beneath the surface of Catholic European society.  Indeed, it seems apparent that satanic and other secret society rituals have been performed in the environs of the corrupt and convoluted Roman Vatican.  At the heart of all these practices, from the truly diabolical to the airhead New Agers, are the basic doctrines of the Kabala.  A few western mystics and occultists ventured in other directions, but most stuck close to the fundamental Kabalistic principals, cleverly reworking and restating them, just as they do now, to appeal to the popular trends of the day.  Certainly this is not to say that Judaists constitute the bulk of occult believers and practitioners.  While many are assuredly among those numbers, this phenomenon is quite multicultural in nature.  The higher metaphysical pursuits, as well as more perverse practices, are found in all societies and ethno-groups.  But, Jews do stand out.  In spite of small numbers, they were always part of the newest occult renaissance of any particular era.  This was true in the Church as well.  “Marrano” convert Jews became prelates, theologians – and popes.  Being tagged as magicians and sorcerers always has its advantages.  They were wizards at finance and mercantile trade, veritable masters of the deal.  No doubt the reputation for working magical spells carried over and enhanced their reputation as money magicians.  As well, they were adept at devious diplomacy and politics, so the magician label helped there too.  The middle ages also saw many Jews enter the practice of medicine, regarded as a form of magic, just as it is today.  But back then, medicine had as much (maybe more) to do with spells and nostrums and amulets as it did with herbs, medicines and actual healing skills.  And once more, the magician-position furthered their reputation as effective healers.  Conventional wisdom of older times said, “Better to have a Jewish doctor; they know all kinds of magic.”  On the other hand, there were words of caution.  Judaic doctors were said to kill one in ten of their goy patients.  But to be fair, back in past days, a large percentage died regardless of what was done, so it is hard to determine the truth.  Yes, a good lie and a con job can go a long way.  The one about Jewish magic has a lot of mileage on it -- because it works.  How clever the Kabalists are.  No “shape-shifting” shaman from the dim past has ever exceeded their exceptional cunning and guile.  Study carefully.  Learn to recognize the game when you come upon it, and you will achieve a higher level of awareness.

“There is no difference in ‘White’ and ‘Black’ magic, except in the smug hypocrisy, guilt-ridden self-righteousness, and self-deceit of the ‘White’ magician himself.”   Anton LaVey, Satanic Bible, p. 110.

LaVey, a former circus performer, was of Judaic descent.  The Kabalists and the Freemasons teach early on that the force used in magic rituals is the same, whether for “white” or “black” purposes.  Only its use determines moral judgments.  Some of what you see may enlighten you, or merely plunge you into greater excesses of misinterpretation.  Except for certain, probably rare, planned public manifestations, most initiates of secret societies are never known, and what you are allowed to see really means little.  Masons are quick to point out that many of their ceremonials are open to the public.  That is well, but be forewarned.  
“In fact any TV, radio, or press appearance by people claiming some special spiritual status or authority should be very highly suspect….  True initiates do not advertise themselves as such in any way whatever, or even imply by hints or other means that they are at all different from other humans.  It is strictly forbidden to do anything like this under commonly accepted ethical codes of conduct.”  C. Tart, ed., Transpersonal Psychologies, 1977.  
“The last quarter of our century [the 19th, but think about now] is witness to an extraordinary outbreak of occult studies and magic dashes once more against the Church and Science, which it is slowly but surely undermining.  Anyone whose natural mysticism impels him to seek for sympathetic contact is astonished to find how large a number of persons are not only interested in mysticism generally, but who are actual Kabbalists.” 

 So said Madame Helena P. Blavatsky, foundress and leading light (Illuminist) of Theosophy and the modern New Age.  She would no longer be astonished here at the beginning of the 21st century.  HPB would merely flash her enigmatic smile, seeing that the greater part of her great magical “work” and destiny had been fulfilled.  What we see now is the culmination of a movement that began eons ago, but came into public manifestation (a part of the spells) beginning in the mid-19th century with Helena Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Foster and Alice Bailey, Godfrey Higgins, Gerald Massey, P. D. Ouspensky, G. I. Gurdjieff and a host of others.  This is not to say that many good ideas and valid concepts can be learned from these writers, but certain negative effects are undeniable.  If the forces of the occult New Age were dashing against the Church in the 1880’s, then without any exaggeration, that dam has broken!  The church has been overwhelmed by a floodtide of New Age spiritualism, Rapturism, Dispensationalist and Judeo-Christianity and Christian Zionism.  New Agers, Wiccans, etc., usually avoid terms like Satanism and black magic, witchcraft, sorcery, and the like as they have negative connotations.  Today’s ceremonial magicians speak of white magic, worked for good intents.  Well, maybe so, maybe not.  Is it all the same force anyway?  At least Aleister Crowley, arch sorcerer of black Magick (his special spelling), thought so.  “The Beast 666” (his own appellation) says:
 “There are, of course, entirely black forms of magic.  To him who has not given every drop of his blood for the cup of Babylon, all magic power is dangerous.  There are even more debased and evil forms, things in themselves black.  Such is the use of spiritual force to material ends.  Christian Scientists, Mental Healers, Professional Diviners, Psychics and the like, are all ipso facto, BLACK MAGICIANS.” 
Magic In Theory And Practice, pp. 191-192.
So who are we to disagree with such a powerful occult and mystical source?  But, as clever and self-serving as this quotation may be, some questions still remain to be answered in making such conjectures.  The careful and diligent student will be careful in making blanket assumptions. Metaphysically, any ritual, any “working” depends on intent and purpose as much or more than any thing else.
In expositions such as this, the question is clearly before us: is magic always and ever evil?  I have studied metaphysics and mysticism since my early 20s, and I know that certain practices and systems are valid and positive for the believers.  Neither are they all based in Kabala, some reflecting earlier Indo-European systems, with more than a few from other cultures.  But as to “good” or “evil”, for me, it depends on the intent.  Is a gun or knife always an evil thing?  Of course not -- it is the intention of the user and the actual use of the instrument that is the determining factor.  Some Kabalistic principles are not all that different from other magical systems.  However, Kabala, like the larger Talmud, is effectively a racist ethnocentric system meant only for the benefit of those who style themselves as “chosen ones” (initiated or anointed ones), to the detriment of all others.  While there are Gentile converts to the Talmudic Pharisaic religion, it is not a system that really recognizes proselytes.  Hence, it is doubtful that Orthodox Jews will ever fully admit a gentile (a polite term for goyim, cattle or non-Judaics) to the deeper inner mysteries.  In other words, one can study Torah, Talmud and delve into the Kabala, but never touch the truly hidden inner traditions.  This is exactly as intended.  Both the Judaists and the Freemasons (and, of course, other similar secret societies) see the value of “educated idiots” in their movements.  Many Masons in the first three degrees think they have either practically heard it all, or at least think have clear hints.  For some people, it is exciting and stimulating to be part of a movement like freemasonry or Judaism that is “special” and may influence world affairs.  Every member truly wants to believe this, whether true or not.  But even if not true, if large numbers believe and act in a certain way, then a conspiracy is born in actuality from the simple beliefs in it.  As for Lodges or synagogues being exclusive domains for members, where business and plots are done, the lower level devotees certainly hope so!  It’s one of the reasons why they joined.  But, while it is not appropriate to share truly “sacred things” with the goyim, it is perfectly acceptable to manipulate and delude them for profit.  Now that Kabala is big among the “glitterati” celebrity class, such “role models” as Madonna bring even more deluded ones into the fold.  Read all the new age and occult books you want, but don’t be naïve enough to think you have learned much, if anything, at all.  Older books, especially those of the 19th century and earlier, are more informative, but often expensive and hard to find.  
“No greater darkness rules in man than ignorance and lack of wisdom.  No greater folly can fall upon a man than he ‘think’ himself in wisdom and it be not so.  That one is surely a fool.”   From Here To Armageddon, a Phoenix Journal.

Where did Kabala originate?  What is its essence?  J. M. Ragon, a high degree freemason, wisely said, 
“The Kabala is the key to all occult sciences.”  Its roots are eons old and run incredibly deep.  We follow the ideological, theological, and historical adventure trail for a glimpse into a highly complex and fascinating occult tradition, now experiencing a feverish New Age renaissance.  While there are metaphysical and folk traditions other than Kabala, almost all western ritual magic (thaumaturgy), New Age, Wicca, and a legion of others, have basic Kabalistic concepts at their core.  This is not necessarily negative as most Kabala is basic mysticism, reflecting many heritages and cultures.  The concepts are ubiquitous in religions and spiritual systems.  What follows is from Nesta Webster’s Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, 1924, an exceptional book still available.  If you want to understand the nature of occult conspiracies, this book is a must.  It is here I read of Henri Gougenot des Mousseaux, a French author of the 19th century who exposed Jewish and other conspiracies on several fronts.  Unfortunately his classic work, Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, The Jews, Judaism and the Judaisation of the Christian People, 1886, has never been translated into English, though it is available in German.  As a secret, orally transmitted tradition, the lore and rituals of Kabala are ancient.  They evolved as a syncretistic system, later known as Judaism, though it has little to do with Judea, absorbing the mysticism and lore of more than a few other cultures, including Chaldea, Babylonia, Persia, Egypt and Canaan.  In this sense, parts of Kabala are older than Talmud.  Some of the magical chicanery had already made its way into the body of lore and legalism called Talmud, but its source is the older, transgenerational orally transmitted teachings and rituals that later became known as Kabala.  Many accounts say Kabala arose in Spain and France during the medieval era (some trace it earlier to the 6th century), but the truth is that Kabala is an ancient system of knowledge, transmitted orally and seldom written down.  It truly came into its own during the 16th and 17th centuries.  What we see in medieval times is merely the surfacing of some of the teachings (but certainly not all) in written form.  When examined closely, the ideas and practices reflect deeply rooted ancient ethnic-archetypes. 
“Gougenot des Mousseaux, who had made a profound study of occultism, asserts there were therefore two Kabalas:  the ancient sacred tradition handed down from the first patriarchs of the human race; and the evil Kabala, wherein this sacred tradition was mingled by the Rabbis with barbaric superstitions, combined with their own imaginings and henceforth marked with their seal.”  Nesta Webster.
Is the Kabala, as Gougenot asserts, older than the Jewish race, a legacy handed down from the first patriarchs of the world?  While this hypothesis is incapable of definitive proof, it is logical and has found favor with many students of occult traditions, thus it should not be ignored.  The Kabala supports it by tracing its descent from the patriarchs – Adam, Noah, Enoch, and Abraham, who lived long before the Jews began to manifest as a separate people.  Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant), consummate consultant and advisor to 33rd degree Mason, Albert Pike and his classic work, Morals And Dogma, accepts this genealogy.  The famous Kabalist appears below along with a magic seal containing his name.

“The Holy Kabala was the tradition of the children of Seth carried out of Chaldea by Abraham, who was the inheritor of the secrets of Enoch and the father of initiation in Israel. …There was, besides the divine Kabala of the children of Seth, the magical Kabala of the children of Cain, which descended to the Sabeists, star worshippers, of Chaldea who were adepts in astrology and necromancy.”  Eliphas Levi in Histoire de la Magie.

“Sorcery, as we know, had been practiced by the Canaanites before the occupation of Palestine by the Israelites; Egypt, India, and Greece also had their soothsayers and diviners.  In spite of the imprecations against sorcery contained in the law of Moses, the Jews, disregarding these warnings, caught the contagion and mingled the sacred tradition they had inherited with magical ideas partly borrowed form other races and partly of their own devising. …What we know today as the Kabala is not of purely Jewish origin.”  Nesta Webster.
“In the Old Testament, many Israelites lost their battle with Eastern mysticism.  They blended Eastern mysticism with the teachings of the Torah.  The metamorphosis of this is the Kabbalah.”          
Sheldon Smith, Secrets Of The Kaballah, a Video Documentary, Part One, 2001.

Kabala comes from the larger Talmudic tradition, itself full of magic and mystical mayhem.  Very early on, as part of the natural human ideologically integrative process, eastern mysticism and magic became incorporated in the traditions that came to be known as Kabala.  Remember that Abraham was not a “Jew”, and was “the father of many nations”.  He was from Ur, hence from Chaldea, the ancient home of ritual magic, necromancy, demonology.  “The first form of the Talmud, called the Mischna, appeared in about the 2nd or 3rd century A.D.; a little later a commentary was added under the name of the Gemara.  These two works compose the Jerusalem Talmud, which was revised in the 3rd to the 5th century.  The later edition was named the Babylonian Talmud and is the one now in use.”  Nesta Webster.  
The components of the Kabala are different and diverse.  Kabala, like Talmud, is the designation for a “family” or collection of related literature that underwent numerous editing and additions.  While some of the oral tradition did go down on paper, as far as we can tell, there were no publicly circulated versions of Kabala until late medieval times, but more so, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.  We must always remind ourselves that Kabala means “the reception” or “what is heard”, “what is whispered”; that is, an almost exclusively oral tradition.  As such, certain parts will always remain unwritten, transmitted to chosen initiates only by a rebbe or tzaddik(“holy one”; sorcerer).  

There are several components to the collection called Kabala.  The most important divisions are the Bahir and the Zohar.  In the Middle Ages in Muslim Spain, the Arabized Sephardic Jews began to publish various volumes of Kabala.  This was very controversial in the Judaic communities.  Some, like famed Kabalist, Isaac Luria, were opposed at first.  Never forget that public dissemination violates every tenet of the ancient oral tradition.  A select few are carefully chosen to study the real Kabala, but only after extreme scrutiny, and then after the age of 40.  Only a select few promising adepts study the deeper, ever more mysterious and carefully guarded body of preserved lore.   So, you want to understand Kabala?  What do you mean, understand?  It is perhaps impossible just to know how to pronounce and spell it!  Kabala, Cabbala, Cabala, Kabala, Kabbalah, QaBaLa, Q’ballah or???  There are too many variations to list. 
 “The term comes from the Hebrew word Qabbala…, a ’receiving, accepting, ’but which is also used in the sense of ‘tradition’… a ‘handing down’ of traditional lore….” Catholic Encyclopedia.  
“Kabala literally means ‘mouth to ear,’ or signifies the Secret Tradition which could only be whispered by Initiates directly into the ears of worthy recipients.”  Transpersonal Psychologies, C. Tart.  

I once watched a TV special about Kabala, and three rabbis were to appear.  “Oh good”, I mused; “I can hear each of them pronounce the word.”  However, each said it differently!  This led me to think that the variants in pronunciations and spellings must make some kind of difference, each with a different meaning.  But regardless of this, it is clear that genuine Kabala is always secret, transmitted orally by private instruction.
  “Before the end of the first century of the Christian Era, there circulated among the Jews a profoundly venerated science which could be distinguished from the Mishna, the Talmud and the Sacred Books…” Adolphe Franck in The Kabbalah.
If ever written, it is in cryptic Hebrew characters, whose intricate vowel points can completely change the meaning of a word, and whose actual meaning is fully known only to the writer and initiated reader.  “The Kabbalists always shrouded themselves in mystery from their first appearance to the time when the press betrayed their secret.  At rare intervals and after many precautions, they half-opened their portals for some new adept, always chosen exclusively from among the intellectual elite and from among those whose advanced age promised discretion and wisdom.” Adolphe Frank.  
Visit an occult section at a bookstore; almost all have one.  Today there are editions of the Zohar and many other works purporting to transmit portions of “the reception” to any and all readers.  They are big sellers and a trendy new Age topic for afternoon teas and evening cocktail parties.  But how much can you really expect to know about the inner nature of a teaching that defies and defeats all attempts at disclosure?  Most of the books make little real sense, parroting similar New Age concepts.  Yet many Gentiles, and Judaists, seem to think they are learning the real thing.  You decide.
Even the names given the literary collections are confusing.  While the Bahir, an important component is usually translated as “bright”, its more literal meaning is “obscured”.  How appropriate!  The Bahir is also called Haggadah, Yerushalmi, and Midrash.  The most “devout” of all “Jews” are the Eastern European Khazarian Chasidim (“pious ones”).  They are great Kabalists, and the Bahir occupies a special place.  Their rebbes composed Raza Rabba, ”The Great Mystery” or “The Great Secret”.  Also called Sephir ha-Sod ha-Godol, it is the primary text for those concerned with divine names, angelology, demonology and ritual magic.  In the middle ages, certain magic traditions of the Sephardim (an amalgam from Canaan, Babylon, et al) in Spain added to the mix.  The evil concept of the Golem, a homunculus (not unlike a huge Voodoo doll) animated by ritual magic incantations, comes directly from the Bahir, as does a Judaic belief in transmigration of souls (reincarnation).  A remote god presides over all of these machinations, not at all like the Father-God of Jesus.  While not totally repudiating “Yahweh”/”Jehovah”, even the Church once recognized the difference.  

“The Ein Soph (Infinite One)… is not the personal God of the Bible; the latter becomes manifest only through the sephiroth [Kabalistic “tree of life”; a similar symbol is found in several cultures] to which the divine attributes correspond.”
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1931.  

The Talmudic and Kabalistic teachings in the often obscene Toledot Yeshu are representative of Pharisaic teachings regarding Jesus, which are shocking to Christians, most of whom have never heard of or seen them.  The following brief overview exemplifies the falsified account of Jesus:
"...The Toledot Yeshu relates with the most indecent details that Miriam, a hairdresser of Bethlehem, affianced to a young man named Jochanan, was seduced by a libertine, Joseph Panther or Pandira, and gave birth to a son whom she named Johosuah or Jeschu. According to the Talmudic authors of the Sota and the Sanhedrin, Jeschu was taken during his boyhood to Egypt, where he was initiated into the secrets doctrines of the priests, and on his return to Palestine gave himself up to the practice of magic. The Toledot Yeshu, however, goes on to say that on reaching manhood, Jeschu learnt the secret of his illegitimacy, on account of which he was driven out of the Synagogue and took refuge for a time in Galilee." 
(Treatise Sabbath, folio 104, treatise Sanhedrin, folio 107, and Sota, folio 47).  

Most Jewish sources avoid the Greek name ‘Jesus’, meaning ‘savior’, and in Hebrew abbreviate Jeschua to Jeshu. ‘Jeschua’ means ‘Savior’, ‘Jeshu’ means ‘may his name be blotted out’! 

Kabala is heavily rooted in gematria and numerology.  The Sephir Yetzirah, or Book of Creation is quite ancient, dating from the 6th century B.C., though some say it is a creation of the early medieval era.  It is attributed to Abraham, ostensibly about the unity of God, but to the initiated reader, it carries much more information about basic Kabalistic numerological systems.  Above all other things, Kabala is the ultimate and most developed system of numerology ever devised.  As such, it must be viewed as a system of exchanging coded messages.  Hebrew and Yiddish are code languages.  How convenient for an international caste of traders and bankers.  The Sefir Yetzirah may be the work referred to the Koran as the “Book of Abraham”.  Some brave, but just a few, Judaists have long suggested that their people are on the wrong spiritual path.   

“You have abandoned your people, the house of Jacob.  They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans.”  Isaiah 2:6.
“The Kabala is of course an esoteric doctrine, and its detailed study was confined to scholars.  In Europe, especially after about 1750, extreme measures were taken to keep it secret and forbid its study except by mature scholars and under strict supervision.
The uneducated Jewish masses of Eastern Europe had no real knowledge of cabbalistic doctrine; but the cabbala percolated to them in the form of superstition and magic practices.”  
Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, 1994.

Were Hebrews really the first monotheists?  Who is Jehovah/Yahweh/YHWH/JAHU?  The Tetragrammaton (also Schemhamphoresh) is said to uniquely mean, “I am that I am”, but it is not truly unique.  In a much older tradition, the words of Isis inscribed on the Temple of Sais say:  “I am Isis.  I am all that is, or was, or is yet to be.”  The Hebrews learned much in Egypt that colored their later traditions, esp. Kabala.  But, is “Jewish monotheism” unique and accurate, or just an ethnocentric myth?  Again, we turn to Egypt.  Long before the Hebrews, Pharaoh Akhnaton promulgated the faith of Aton, the one god.  While said to be “sun worship” it was not.  The sun, like the cross, was a symbol, not the deity itself.  Eustace Mullins tells us: 
“In those days, the Jews openly worshipped Baal, their God of Gold, but so vile and obscene were the orgies they practiced before his altar that the Jewish religion was forced to go underground….  The idols of Baal were melted down, and the Jews renamed him Yahu, or Jehovah….” 

None of this has anything to do with the Father-God of Jesus.  To hear most theologians and religious scholars, so-called Jewish monotheism is the be-all and end-all of religions, the apex of the theological evolutionary pyramid.  But what are the facts?  
“Andrew Lang and other anthropologists have given this postulate sharp criticism.  It is apparent that the notion of a ‘high’ god is not such a late or rare product as it was once thought to be and a more critical examination of our so-called ‘higher’ religions shows them to be quite far removed from the ideal of all supernatural forces boiled down to one.  Christianity is at best Trinitarian, with Madonna [virgin goddess] worship thrown in for good measure.  Allah has a whole host of dubious and more or less autonomous jinns sailing about.  Judaism has a devil and Jehovah is content with a demand that his followers – ‘have no other gods before me’ – a long way from a hardy denial of the existence of others, and at best, but asserts priority over them.  [In Morals And Dogma, Albert Pike says that Satan is merely YHWH spelled backwards!] On top of this, it appears obvious that the ‘high’ god notion and that of a creating spirit are fairly common among some of the most primitive of cultures, even if but little ritualistic attention may be paid to them. … These days one might well wonder which of the great religions is such an inexplicable mystery in its origins.”  
George B. Vetter, Magic And Religion: Their Psychological Nature, Origin, and Function, 1948.  

Vetter also refers to Andrew Lang’s Magic and Religion, 1901, and The Making of Religion, 1909.  Almost all religious systems recognize a “great spirit” or other supreme deity.  The greatest monotheist was Pharaoh Akhnaton, who was so obsessed with the idea that he neglected governing the empire and alienated the people by severe and rigid constraints like closing and defacing the temples of the old gods.  After his death, the same things were done to his temples and sun disks.  Had Akhnaton been a bit more practical, his theological system might have survived, but it truly was the only system really devoted to the somewhat tricky concept of just one god.  As it was, Egyptian religion later decayed into a corrupted and misunderstood magical system that finally passed away.  

It is notable that Rosicrucians, Freemasons and other occult groups revere the ancient Egyptians, incorporating much of this into the “hidden tradition.”  There are strong and clear roots of Judaic conceptions in the gods of ancient Egypt and Zoroastrian Persia, so what is so genuinely unique about Judaism other than its extreme ethnocentrism?  
“No one really knows what the Jewish religion is. … We have to be detectives to find any traces of it. … The Jewish religion is the only one in the world, which is famed for its secrecy.  Its aims and purposes, as well as its traditions, are shrouded in mystery.  For all practical purposes, the scholar finds that the Jewish religion is an unwritten code, which can be best compared to the unwritten code of the Italian gangster group, the Mafia.  The Jewish code is principally concerned with protecting a criminal group, and it too invokes the Mafia rule of omerta [silence], or death to anyone who talks about their activities.”  
Eustace Mullins, Mullin’s New History of the Jews, 1978.  

The discerning reader knows better than to disrespect and distrust the entire body of material known as the Ancient Mysteries.  There is much of value there.  As in other “magical workings” it is the intent of the seeker and the use of the knowledge that determines its value.  The goal of the Judaic system is to benefit Judaists.  Why is this so hard for Christians to grasp?  Judaic voices make it clear.  

“Thus it is that the Kabbalah although it arose under the influence of a foreign civilization and notwithstanding the pantheism that underlies all its doctrine, retains a Jewish religious and national character.”  Adolphe Franck.  

“Judaism?  It is an all too obvious product of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian and Canaanite culture complexes.”  George B. Vetter.  

All Judaic scriptures – Torah (first five Old Testament books), Tenach (Prophets), Talmud (The Tradition), Kabala (The Reception, or the Whispered Tradition), and Tanya (Likkutei Amarim, “it was taught”; Khazar Chasidic Kabala), and others, not to mention the never ceasing oral tradition, continue as they always have been – a system for selected chosen ones and no one else.  Radical Islamists have special Madrassah seminaries for turning out doctrinaire mullahs and imams who have memorized the Koran, and much of the Hadith (traditions about Muhammad) as well.  Equally radical Judaic cults have their reclusive private Yeshiva seminaries, where they memorize and recite portions of their “sacred” text, always a crucial strategic psychopolitical indoctrination method.  Islamists always have a Koran nearby.  Chasidic mystical devotees often carry a small copy of the Tanya book, in Hebrew, at all times.  

“Is there any difference between the Jehovah of the Jews and the Divine Father of Jesus as worshiped by the Christians?  Answer -- There is a difference so vast as to render them practically two different personages. The word Jehovah is the modern English rendering of the Hebrew term for the Midian tribal deity, Yahvah. Moses, after he had murdered two Egyptians for their treatment of an Israelite, fled to Midian, a district across the Red Sea, south of the Land of Goshen. There he married a Midian wife and became a sheepherder. Jehovah or Yahvah was the neighborhood god of the Midianites whom Moses seized upon, and utilized, in his later politico-racial exploits back among the Egyptians. 
Moses claimed that this little tribal god, with all his provincial hates and lusts, was the One Lord God of all the universe. This last could only be interviewed by Moses in person, or by Aaron or his Levites when Moses wasn't around. Christ came, and got Himself hated unto crucifixion, by standing this narrow and fallacious notion of the deity on its head. Christ said that the Lord God was Universal Spirit, and that man needed no paid priest or elaborate temple ceremonials to commune with Him. This threatened the whole basic foundation of Judaism, since it counseled the masses that priests were dispensable.   Furthermore, Christ taught that the Lord God was the Father of all mankind, Jew and Gentile alike. This was insufferable to the Israelites, who had a personal monopoly on the Creator, He being their original tribal deity and they being His particular devotees. In the Ebionitic attempts to reconcile the two identities, however, early church fathers mixed the two deities hopelessly, and filled the Bible full of contradictions and paradoxes.”   
William Dudley Pelley, The 45 Questions Most Frequently Asked About The Jews, 1939.  

Gnostics say that the evil, trickster god portrayed in Genesis is not the genuine Creator-God.  Any serious bible student can tell you that “god” is addressed by several names and portrayed in several variant ways, just in the Book of Genesis alone.  Gnosticism, in several forms, preceded Christianity by thousands of years, as did the sacred motif of the deity who lives as a human, dies a tragic death, and returns again.  Truthfully, it is an old story, played out on stages and in ancient temples long before Christianity emerged from the Middle Eastern cultural potpourri.  Gnosticism was influenced some by Kabala, along with most other western magical/mystical systems, but has roots in many places and times from the Indo-Aryan homelands of India and Persia, then to the west and the Greeks.  

Many truly inspired and sacred Gnostic writings have been banned from the bible, the product of the Roman state religion, the Christian church.  But today, one can read the Nag Hamadi texts, now translated and available online and in print, plus there are older collections of Gnostic texts.  Again, much more could be said about the fascinating subject of Gnosticism, but we must keep our basic goals in mind.   

Let’s take a further look at black magical rites and the Kabala   “The cult of evil is a reality -- by whatever means we may seek to explain it.  Eliphas Levi, while denying the existence of Satan ‘as a superior personality and power,’ admits this fundamental truth:  
“Evil exists; it is impossible to doubt it.  We can do good or evil.  There are beings who voluntarily do evil.”  There are also beings who love evil.”  Histoire de la Magie.  

“On the fringe of the Jewish theosophy was the magical lore of that non-Jews had heretofore but dimly perceived.  This had little to do with the Kabbalah proper, and was, in fact, denominated in Jewish circles the ‘practical Kabbalah’ as distinct from the authentic ‘theoretical Kabbalah.’  It was the practical Kabbalah in a theosophical dress that Christians found the easier and more desirable to assimilate.  It became a prized adjunct of astrology and alchemy, a marvelous magical apparatus, in the general view.  Jewish elements were soon absorbed and so transposed as to remain Jewish in name only.  Since the 16th Century there has grown up a vast library of Kabbalistic texts, so-called – a new, Christian Kabbalah, that speedily parted company with its ostensible parent and ventured off in other directions wholly on its own.  The term Kabbalah became synonymous with magic, under this new dispensation.” 
Joshua Trachtenburg, The Devil and the Jews, 1943.


Blood magic and the ceremonial slaughter of human victims are the ultimate ritual acts of a death cult that has operated over the centuries under a thin veneer of the Judaic religion.  This small but evidently powerful secret sub-sect has brought severe pain and punishment on Judaic people during the ceremonial homicides of past days.  Once again, listen as they speak with their own voices.  “The drinking of human blood, or of wine mixed with such blood when friendship was sworn, and alliances were concluded, was the custom of many nations, in antiquity and in the middle ages.”  Prof. Dr. Hermann Strack, The Jew And Human Sacrifice, 1892, a rare and hard to find book.  Because of the complex nature of the ritual murder phenomenon, little about it is included in this essay.  But if you have never investigated this fascinating and frightening singularity, both the book and DVD are recommended.  Ritual Murder is truly a multicultural phenomenon, but appeared most violently and long lastingly in the cult based in the Talmud, Kabala and even more secretive teachings.  This unique media material represents the latest and most up-to-date investigations into an enormously shocking crime phenomenon.  First, read Blood Ritual (National Vanguard Books, 2001) and then watch the DVD, Ritual Murder Revisited (2005).  Order both for $30 ($40 outside USA) to Harrell Rhome POB 6303 Corpus Christi TX 78466-6303.

   Freemasonry is essentially a form of Kabalist Judaism, as Masonsic masters like Albert Pike and Manley P. Hall tell us, but like the ritual murder phenomenon, it is a subject demanding much more space than available here.  So, without belaboring a complex and difficult topic, a few words are in order.  Masons proudly claim the Jewish Temple and the Kabala as the essence of their heritage and traditions.  Even if they did not, a cursory study of the rites and beliefs is enough to see the bigger picture.  If in need of further proof, find a copy of Pike’s famous book, Morals And Dogma. You need not read all that much to see that of which I speak.  The Lodges have never really hidden this, but nor do they emphasize it other than for attracting naïve and misinformed Christians who mistakenly revere the Old Testament.  Until the higher degrees, and even there for some, one can pretend to be a good Christian and a good mason at the same times.  Masonry is seen as many things by many people, just as intended.  
“The truth is that Freemasonry in a generic sense is simply a system of binding men together for any given purpose, since it is obvious that allegories and symbols, like the x and y of algebra, can be interpreted in a hundred different manners.”  Nesta Webster.  


Women are also recruited for their own peculiar lodges, with the usually satanic prongs-up pentagram as its main symbol!  To attract Christians, the Order of the Eastern Star is ostensibly based on studies of famous biblical women.  Esther, that patroness of murder and mayhem, is especially admired, a role model committing and causing grief and havoc similar to what “Israel” has perpetrated in Lebanon (2006).  But, before finishing this short section, we must not overlook the now famous Yale University Skull and Bones occult lodge of the Bush family and other Illuminati big wigs.  Its spells and incantations continue to be potent and powerful, and many of our “illustrious leaders” are chosen from its ranks.  Both George W. Bush and John Kerry are members, so either way; we would have had a “Bonesman” for President.  A word or two from Masonic “Grand Masters” about these powerful and longstanding “fraternities” should be sufficient.  
“All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah, and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious drama of all the Illuminati …is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols. … Each lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish Temple: each Master in the chair a representative of the Jewish King; every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”   
Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma, 1871, p. 744.
“Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries….”
“Masonry… conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth….”
 Albert Pike.

“[The Masons] are the invisible powers behind the thrones of earth, and men are but marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. … We see the dancer, but the master mind that does the work remains concealed by the cloak of silence.”   Manley P. Hall.

Henry Ford spent several million dollars delving into theProtocols Of Zion and publishing the results.  His researchers also looked into the Kabala.  

“Judaism would best be described as a rite or compendium of rites, for if one lends belief to the existence of the Jewish Lawgiver, Moses, one must bear in mind that he first studied among the high initiates in Egypt, and later, became the pupil and son-in-law of black Jethro, the Ethiopian magician whom one might call the Father of Voodooism….  Judaism is not a religion and the Jews are not a nation, but they are a sect with Judaism as a rite.  The obligations and rules of the rite… are contained in the Talmud and Schulchan Aruk, but the esoteric teachings for the higher initiates are to be found in the Kabala.  Therein are contained the mysterious rites for evocations and keys to practices for conjuration of supernatural forces, the science of numbers, astrology, etc. … The practical application of the Kabalistic knowledge is manifested in the use made of it, through he ages, by Jews to gain influence both in the higher spheres of Gentile life and over the masses.  Sovereigns and Popes, both, usually had one or more Jews as astrologers and advisers….  In his book, Nicholas II et les Juifs, Netchvolodow explains that the Chaldean science acquired by many of the Jewish priests, during the captivity of Babylon, gave birth to the sect of Pharisees, whose name only appears in the Holy Scriptures and in the writings of the Jewish historians after the captivity (606 B.C.).  From then dates the Kabala of Tradition of the Pharisees.  For a long time their precepts were only transmitted orally but later they formed the Talmud and received their final form in the book called the Sepher ha Zohar.”  

The Kabala is what it is – a system promoting Judaic supremacism.  Let the stupid goyim, like the slut misnamed Madonna, give many shining shekels to the Kabala Center, let them drink and use pricey Kabala Water for personal purification and for preserving their plants.  The whisper-only insiders just laugh as they read their bank statements.  While some of the knowledge has emerged into the public arena over the centuries, the real inner secrets will remain mostly hidden.  

Again, unique voices of old address the many modern atrocities committed by the Jewish state so-called and self-styled as “Israel”.   Judaic fundamentalism and supremacism (political Zionism) have their own close connections with Kabala.   

“[The teaching of] those who have led the settler movement on the occupied West Bank, is based upon the Lurianic Kabala, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late 6th century to the early 19th century.  One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Kabala is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. … According to the Lurianic Kabala, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews, the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary.  If an influential Christian Bishop or Islamic scholar argued that the difference between the superior souls of non-Jews and inferior souls of Jews was greater than the difference between the human soul and souls of cattle, he would incur the wrath of all and be viewed as an anti-Semite by most Jewish scholars regardless of whatever less meaningful positive statements he included.”  The scholarly authors of books about Jewish mysticism and the Lurianic Kabala, such as Gershon Scholem, have, the authors charge, willfully omitted references to such ideas.  These authors are the supreme hypocrites. … According to the ideologies which underlie Gush Emunim, the militant West Bank settlers group and the Hasidim, non-Jews have ‘satanic souls’ Shahak and Mezvinsky note that ‘the role of Satan, whose earthly embodiment according to the Kabala is every non-Jew, has been minimized or not mentioned by authors who have not written about the Kabala in Hebrew.  Such authors, therefore, have not conveyed to readers accurate accounts of [Gush Emunim and other West bank extremist] politics.  Common to both the Talmud and Halacha Orthodox religious law, is a differentiation between Jews and non-Jews.  When it comes to Baruch Goldstein’s murder of 29 Palestinians at prayer, fundamentalists refuse to acknowledge that such an act constitutes “murder” because according to the Halacha, “the killing by a Jew of a non-Jew under any circumstances is not regarded as murder.”
[The material above is taken Alan Brownfield’s review of Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, 2000, and appeared in #237 of The CDL Report newspaper.]

Jewish supremacist fundamentalists also believe that their peculiar deity gave them all the “Land of Israel”, not just the current ministate, but also a greater Israel, which includes much of the Middle East.  Arabs, the real Semites, have no business living in “Israel”, and are viewed as thieves and usurpers.  Rabbi Israel Ariel published a map showing designated lands that were “Jewish”, that must be “liberated”.  This included all the areas west of the Euphrates River, through most of Syria, much of Iraq, Jordan, and parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well.   

 In an interesting sidebar, the British Mandate in Palestine was proclaimed on September 11, 1922. And the groundbreaking ceremony for the Pentagon took place on September 11, 1941.  Could this be a bit of Kabala?

It is crystal clear that Judaism and its deity is essentially an egocentric ethno-centric racist faith that worships itself.  Judaists are their own messiahs.  Many have written about it; the message is not elusive and should be painfully clear.  Readers of Talmud and Kabala know it well, but it is a fact that escapes most Christians.  

“God places himself for display on earth in the likeness of the Jews….  The Hebrew is the living God become flesh, the heavenly man, the Adam Kadmon.”  Kaballa ad Penteteucum, Folio 97, Co. 3, cited in Maurice Pinay, The Plot Against the Church, p. 144.  

“The soul of a Jew is truly a part of God above….” Rabbi Schneur Zalman, Likutei Amarim, Chap. 1:58.   

“We know that the Jewish God is the father of all men and the ideal of love, justice and mercy, like the Christian God, or even like Ahura-Mazda or Brahma.  On the contrary, he is the God of vengeance down to the fourth generation, just and merciful only to his own people, but foe to all other nations, denying them human rights and commanding their enslavement that Israel might appropriate their riches and rule over them.” Victor Marsden, The Protocols of Zion, p. 91.  

Is Judaism a pure religion of the Torah?  

“We are told that Manasse, thirteenth King of Judah, encouraged the most sacrilegious kind of divination.  
‘Manasse shed much innocent blood till he filled Jerusalem up to the mouth.’  This king of the chosen people saw prophecies of good and evil in the quivering entrails of the slaughtered.  Even the great and legendary Solomon did not always behave according to the Lord’s behest.  In his old age he turned away from the God of his fathers and worshipped the wanton Elilim.  He had peopled his harem with foreign women who worshipped their native gods, and in the holy city he had temples built for every creed.  His theological and demonological wisdom has become legendary; his magic lamp and celebrated seal enabled him to command the spirits of hell.  A thousand legends concerning Solomon (Suleiman) are scattered through the east.  His throne was of ivory, flanked by two sculptured lions overtopped by eagles; when he approached, the lions would roar and the eagles would spread their wings above his venerable head.  However, this and other marvelous accounts cannot conceal the fact that after Solomon’s reign Jerusalem fell into a magico-religious chaos.  The scriptures, so eloquent concerning Solomon’s wealth and magnificence, his wisdom, his horses and chariots, leave unanswered the questions of whether Solomon ever returned to the faith of the one Jehovah.  
Karl Seligmann, Magic, Supernaturalism and Religion.  
“We cannot possibly consider the Kabala an isolated fact, accidental in Judaism; on the contrary, it is its heart and soul.”  Adolphe Franck.  

Chosen Ones who betray the secret traditions often meet death.  Before his assassination, Kabalistic sorcerers cursed Prime Minister Yitsak Rabin.  
“Allegedly, the most spectacularly successful evil spell of modern times was the Pulsa D’nura (“whip of fire”) curse which was placed on Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was returning land stolen from the Palestinians when he was assassinated.  The spell was cast by ten mystical rabbis in front of Rabin’s Jerusalem residence.  They intoned all sorts of ancient Jewish oaths, curses, and other voodoo-like incantations designed to bring about Rabin’s death.”   
Michael Hoffman II, Judaism’s Strange Gods, 2001.

I challenge my readers to move to a higher level of awareness in these matters.  Study and understand the signs, symbols and special use of language by the dark forces.  This is crucially important.
“Symbols are not lies; symbols contain truth.  Allegories and parables are not falsehoods; they convey information: moreover, they can be understood by those who are not prepared to receive the plain truth.”   
Dr. Paul Carus in History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil, 1900.  

Thus, all symbols have multi-faceted meanings.  Like so, a hexagram may be the “Star of David” to Jews and Judeo-Christians, while a Hindu or a follower of the Zohar knows it is also a Tantric symbol, depicting sexual intercourse, and any miscreant knows the six-pointed star means the sheriff is here.  This is just one simple example where the same symbol has more than a few meanings, some devious, some not.  The same concept/symbol can differ among various cultures in which it appears.  The Tree of Life is an integral part of Kabala, but the holy tree appears in many cultures and religions, including Celts, Druids and the Norse World Tree, Yiggdrasil, on which Odin hung for nine days, yet another crucified and risen god/saviour.  We must be diligent and especially aware to expand our insight and consciousness of these metaphysical matters.  

“In The Symbolism of the Tarot, P.D. Ouspensky describes a shift of perception, the apprehension of meanings, that slantwise, squinting vision which suddenly becomes clarity itself. ‘Symbolism cannot be learned as one learns to build bridges or speak a foreign language, and for the interpretation of symbols a special cast of mind is necessary; in addition to knowledge, special faculties, the power of creative thought and a developed imagination are required.’  The Tarot, like nature itself, contained ‘all potential meanings’.”   
James Webb in The Harmonious Circle.  
“The ancient symbols and allegories always had more than one interpretation.  They always had a double meaning and sometimes more than two, one serving as the envelope of the other.”  Albert Pike.  

Perhaps the ultimate successful Kabalistic symbol is the truly magical 6,000,000 Hollow-Co$t figure.  Much of practical Kabala consists of divination and spells based on numerology, so the letters and numbers are of prime significance.  Hebrew is somewhat unreadable without various diacritical vowel marks. Furthermore, each Hebrew letter has a corresponding number.  The tzaddik, rav or rebbe can alter the meaning by adding or subtracting the diacritical markings.  According to the Kabalists, there is a sum total of 600,000 souls.  Ten is the very important number of the Ten Sephiroth, or branches of the Kabalistic “Tree of Life”.  Hence, we see some of the larger, more esoteric meaning of the 6,000,000 figures for the ultimate number of specially blessed Judaic martyr/souls.  As we know, holocaust means burnt offering or sacrifice by fire.  Ba’al and Moloch were ancient Canaanite and Middle Eastern traditions passed on by the Edomite/Canaanite “Jews”, to the Arab Jews, called Sephardim, and eventually to the Judaized Turko-Khazar tribes.  The “wisdom” of Solomon brought in Ba’al and Moloch worship to please foreign concubines, and the human sacrifice cult quickly established itself.  After the horrid temples were closed and the sacrifice of children by fire suppressed, as is almost always the case, the cult became an underground belief system.  These ideas survived in the centuries’ old ritual murder serial killings, the graphic slaughters portrayed in the Judaic Old Testament, down to the Israeli war crimes and atrocities of the early 21st century.  Interpreted this way 6,000,000, the ultimate number of martyrs, were sacrificed on the altar of Zionist geostrategic goals.  The Hollow-Co$t is now a government-mandated belief and, with temples (“Holocaust Museums”) all over the world, truly a religion in and of itself.  The persistent Kabalistic spells have surely worked on a grand and frightening scale.  On a rather odd note, since the Middle Ages, Talmudism, Kabalism and Jewish Political Expansionism, aka Zionism, has mostly been in the hands of the Khazarian Jewish converts of 740 AD, whose blood ancestors NEVER EVER set foot in Palestine.  How can you have an aliyah (return) to somewhere your people have never been in the first place? How very ironic and frustrating.  To learn more, see Arthur Koestler’s well-documented Thirteenth Tribe, 1977, and the unique contribution of the much lesser known Holocaust Dogma of Judaism by Ben Weintraub, 1996.
For more on the Khazarian connection, read The Phoenix Journals and see what the Khazar convert Judaists today say about their origins at www.khazaria.com .


As expected, much more could be said about Kabala, not to mention adjunct texts such as the odd and obscure Tanya book of the C’habad Lubavitcher movement.  What we have said barely penetrates the surface, but one might expend gallons of ink and never reach a satisfactory conclusion.  And, as said in the beginning, “Everything begins in mysticism and ends in politics”.  The spells of the Kabala have been extraordinarily successful.  What a good magic trick!  The Holocaust dogma has evolved into a government sanctioned world religion, with all sorts of severe punishments for unbelievers and heretics.  Nonetheless, the final chapter has not been written.  Truth has a strange and annoying habit of manifesting itself at unexpected and uncomfortable times and places.  Truth will out.  Pray for the ultimate victory of truth and honor over the Dark Forces of lies and insolence.  

Thanks for joining me on a brief excursion through some of the legends and lore in that most odd group of Judaic writings called Kabala, the Whispered Tradition.  I can only hope that some readers will be challenged to study and understand more, not just about this topic, but concerning the nature of the Dark Forces at work, and the implications for world history and current events.  This old explorer of the outré and the bizarre is done for now.  

Be Blessed and Be Well – and, with the information you have received, be careful!

Be not afraid, but be ever discerning, for the demons of the Dark Brotherhood are clever beyond belief, and never for one moment think that you or you or you may not be fooled by them.  You can be!  Birthing The Phoenix, Vol. 4.

Dr. Harrell Rhome is a philosopher, writer and researcher with a lifetime interest in history, religion and metaphysics.  His works appear in several print publications and websites.  Email him for comments or questions EagleRevisionist@aol.com  

An earlier version of this article is posted athttp://www.tsunamipolitico.com/kaballa8.htm .




[Jewish World 11/6/07]  
Rabbis warn Bush: 
Annapolis will bring destruction to US

Group of right-wing rabbis writes open letter to US president demanding he cancel Annapolis summit or risk provoking 'wrath of the almighty.' Rabbis assert Katrina disaster a result of America's support of 2005 disengagement, say California fires a warning 
A fringe group of prominent ultranationalist rabbis issued a harshly-worded letter to United States President George W. Bush earlier this week, warning him that the upcoming Annapolis peace conference would bring destruction upon America. 
The rabbis evoke their previous prediction in 2005, when they published an open letter to Bush in the New York Times, demanding the US rescind its support of the disengagement plan. 
"We wrote to President Bush, a man who believes in the Bible, to warn him against the terrible danger to which he is exposing his country by hosting such a conference," said Rabbi Meir Druckman, one of signatories to the letter. 
"The land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel. God punishes anyone who coerces Israel to give up its land," he said. 
"There is no doubt the New Orleans flood from the Katrina hurricane was God's punishment for evicting the settlements," said Druckman, "with hundreds of thousands left homeless, hundreds killed or wounded and billions of dollars sent down the drain – can we really ignore God's hand collecting an eye for an eye?" 
The disengagement from Gaza and the northern West Bank was completed August 23rd, 2005 – which was also the date Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas. 
"Despite those consequences, yet again we find ourselves facing an initiative to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria and cede their cities to terror organizations. And once again the patrons of the event are President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. 
"This time the Almighty is warning the US in advance: if the plague of water was not enough now he shall send flames. While hundreds of thousands of families have already fled the terrible fires in California, and we ask you, will you really forge ahead with this malevolent plan?" added Druckman.


Many companies use the pyramid within their logos. James Walker, a 32º Mason, shares some facts with us about the above symbols: 
13 leaves in the olive branch 
13 bars and stripes in the shield 
13 arrows in the right claw 
13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon 
13 stars in the green crest above 
32 long feathers on its right wing representing the 32º in Freemasonry 
13 granite stones in the Pyramid. (The 13 layers represent the 13 Illuminati bloodlines) 
13 letters in Annuit Coeptis 
It should also be noted that the Eagle has 32 feathers right wing, but 33 in its left wing. The 32 feathers representing the number of ordinary degrees of the Scottish Rite, and the 33 feathers representing the 33º of Freemasonry. The tail feathers number 9, the number of degrees in the York Rite. The eagle itself is a prominent icon of Masonry, being used extensively in the Scottish Rite. 
Looking just above the eagles head you will see 13 pentagrams within a cloud. The pentagrams are arranged in the shape of a hexagram - or greater Seal of Solomon. The hexagram is a powerful tool used by pagans to invoke Satan. It is also the sign of Anti Christ with 6 points, 6 angles and 6 planes (666). 
To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan, and is a sign of Antichrist. (6 points, 6 angles, 6 planes - 666) The 5 pointed pentagrams multiplied by the 13 stars equals 65, the same cabalistic number as mentioned above. This makes one wonder with whom or what, we are to dwell in unity! 
The eagle replaced the Phoenix in 1841 as the national bird. The Phoenix has been a Brotherhood symbol since ancient Egypt. The Phoenix was adopted by the Founding Fathers (Freemasons) for use on the reverse of the first official seal of the United States after a design proposed by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress. 
To the right of George Washington's portrait on the front of the American Dollar Bill you will see the Seal of the Department of the Treasury. It comprises of a key, the scales of justice and a square which is a very important symbol in Freemasonry. If you look at the square you will see 13 holes in it. There are also 39 green dots, which surround the square, key and scale. Remember 39? Thirty-nine divided by two is 19.5. The number 19.5 can be seen within the design of Cydonia, Mars, Avebury, England and Washington D.C. 
There is a small owl just to the left of the "1" which appears on the upper right hand corner of the Dollar Bill. From time to time politicians like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush Jr. have been caught with a camera flashing the horned owl symbol with their hands. 
George Bush flashing the horned owl 
Bill Clinton 
The Number of the Beast - 666 
On a previous page you learned that the letters on the base of the Illuminati pyramid stand for certain numbers. And all those numbers when added up equal 1776, the year the Illuminati formed. 
More than one method exists for arriving at 1776. However, there is only one way to arrive at the following sequence. The Babylonian numbering system was used by the Masonic designers of the Seal. That numbering system was not based on ten, but on six. For example, "600" would be 1000, "60" would be 100 and "6" would be 10. 
The Occult is Trinitarian, i.e. it's main teachings are grouped in three's. The Number Sequence "93 and 93, 93"; or 600, 60, and 6 is the "current" of the new age of Aquarius - the Water Bearer, which heralds the end of the age of Pisces - the Fishes (an early symbol of Christianity) in the teachings of the Order of the Eastern Templars or O.T.O.