Denver International Airport Conspiracy Theories

Recently featured on The Travel Channel’s America Declassified, there are a number of conspiracy theories that capture attention worldwide. Perhaps a most intriguing theory for those living in the United States is the presence of a secret bunker located under the Denver Airport. Let’s take a look at theories that encapsulate this hidden bunker that no longer remains “hidden.” We will discuss not only the reasoning behind this bunker’s presence but we will also look at the abundance of occult symbols that can be found throughout the airport.

Background on Denver Airport

Denver International Airport, often referred to as DEN or DIA, is located in Denver, Colorado and is the largest airport in the United States. The total area of the airport is 53 square miles which also makes DIA the second largest airport in the world behind King Fahd International Airport in Saudi Arabia. As of 2010, Denver International was noted as the fifth busiest airport in the world with more than 635,000 aircraft movements.
The Denver International airport began life in the early 1980’s as the Denver Regional Council of Governments began their search for an area to build the new metro airport. The outlay of the first $60 million was authorized in September of 1989. A number of delays set the construction of the airport back and it wasn’t until February 28, 1995 that Denver International Airport opened and replaced the original airport, Stapleton. The construction of the airport came to nearly $2 billion over budget.

Why So Many Denver International Airport COnspiracy Theories?

There are a number of conspiracy type theories that pertain to the design and construction of Denver International airport. This story ran with a reference to this website in a recent feature on The Travel Channel’s America Declassified.

The Runways of the Denver International Airport

One very noticeable point that has repeatedly been brought to light is the layout of the runways of the airport. The shape of the six current runways at the airport is laid out in the shape of a modified swastika.

The Artwork in Denver International Airport

One of the most noticeable and questionable features of the airport is the unorthodox artwork that adorns its walls. Murals that can be viewed in the baggage claim area feature content that, according to some, feature future military oppression and a one world government similar to the concept of “big brother.” The most memorable of these pieces is a large green soldier of sorts with an eagle symbol on his hat, a bayonet tipped gun and a large curved sword in the other hand. Underneath the soldier are signs of poverty and distress, a woman clutching her baby and children sleeping in ruins. Viewers of the piece state that it appears to represent themes of future military oppression and a one world government. The artist of the piece, Leo Tanguma, however claims that the mural and others like it represent man-made destruction of the environment and genocide while the people of the world come together to live in peace. The two large murals are entitled “In Peace and Harmony with Nature” and “The Children of the World Dream of Peace.”

The Dedication Marker

Within the Denver International Airport there is a dedication marker which is inscribed with the compasses and square associated with the Freemasons. Additionally this marker lists two of the grand lodges of Freemasonry located in Colorado. This marker reads:
  • New World Airport Commission
  • Contributors: Martin Marietta Aeronautics, Fentress Bradburn Architects, Zimmerman Metals
Interestingly enough, according to multiple sources the “New World Airport Commission” does not exist.

The Suitcase Demon

Among all of the odd decor of Denver International Airport is a statue of an open suitcase. Within this suitcase is a honed demon with its head in its hands.

The Bunkers

The thing that most intrigues conspiracy theorists about Denver International Airport is the presence of five bunker type buildings below the airport. Blueprints exist of these five buildings that were buried at the beginning of DIA construction. Each of the five buildings were built completely, but then it was decided that they were positioned incorrectly and they were buried. Conspiracy theorists question why these buildings were buried rather than demolished as would usually be the case.
When asked about the underground buildings, airport authorities claim that the buildings are being used for storage and while this may be true, there are two interesting things about this. Firstly, no one denies that these underground buildings exist. Secondly, rumors abound that these underground “storage buildings” are being set up as bunkers.
So what are these bunkers for? It depends who you ask. Conspiracy theorists believe whole heartedly that the 360,000 square foot bunker was built by the “New World Order” to house the elites of society were the economy to collapse or nuclear holocaust to take place. Of course there is no actual proof to this belief, but there are a number of interesting points to note about the airport and the bunkers that lie beneath it.

Interesting Points to Note about the Denver International Airport and the Bunkers

President Obama and Comet Elenin

According to online source “The Chive” when Comet Elenin passed the planet Earth, just missing by 22 million miles, President Obama was in Denver. It is possible that had the comet struck Earth the impact would have been catastrophic; however, the President was in Denver where some believe an underground bunker has existed for some time. According to these conspiracy theorists, Denver houses the largest and most advanced bunker to exist within the United States and it is no coincidence that this is exactly where the president was taken when potential disaster loomed.
Correction: According to Wikipedia and The White House’s website, Obama was in Washington D.C. on the date that Comet Elenin passed the earth (October 16, 2011). He and his family were attending the dedication ceremony for Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Was Denver International Airport Necessary?

Another interesting concern that many conspiracy theorists have is the necessity of DIA in the first place. At the time of its construction, Denver residents utilized Stapleton airport which was six miles away from Denver. Many claim that with another airport within such a short distance that there was no need for the new airport to be built at all unless it was being used to cover up another more secretive construction project like the five bunker buildings below it.

The Funding of Denver International Airport

While the capstone located at Denver International Airport states that the airport was funded by the New World Airport Commission, no one actually knows who this is. There is no record of this commission ever existing with exception of the capstone’s inscription. Consequently there is no solid evidence that points to who funded the 4.8 billion dollar construction project.

The Location of Denver Airport

When looking at the overall lay of the land, Denver is located within reachable distance of both the East and West coast. Denver provides mountainous terrain that can provide a strategic viewpoint as well as a level of protection to those who take shelter in the bunkers should a “doomsday” type event take place.

The Signs…

In addition to the mysterious capstone and what seem to be foreshadowing murals, those who pull up to Denver International Airport will note a giant blue mustang. While many will make the connection with the Denver Broncos and the wild-looking horse that is reared up on its hind legs, conspiracy theorists see something else entirely. The blue cast-fiberglass sculpture is 32 feet tall and weighs 9,000 pounds and was sculpted by New Mexico artist Luis Jimenez. This giant horse rears up with red fiery eyes and resembles one of the horses of the apocalypse as lights from below highlight its bony ribcage and contrast its terrifying eyes.

The Australian Antigen Reference

Another sign that can be found within the airport and is often interpreted as being innocent. The sign sits directly in front of one of the murals. The mural is interpreted by some to represent a world of biological warfare as a giant soldier stands in his gas mask above helpless children. On the floor in front of this mural is what looks like a cart that would be found in a gold mine and it is inscribed with the letters AU AG. This representation leads onlookers to believe that the inscription refers to gold and silver. Conspiracy theorists believe that the inscription refers to the deadly hepatitis strain Australia Antigen AKA AUAG. AUAG was discovered by one of the founders of the airport and is believed to have potential as a weapon should biological warfare ever break out. Coincidentally, this inscription sits in front of the “biological warfare” mural.

A New CIA Base?

News headlines have touted for some time plans for the CIA to move their headquarters to Denver. According to a story in the Washington Post, a U.S. Intelligence official has confirmed the plan for the move and stated that it was being made for “operational reasons.” According to sources around $20 million has been budgeted to help to relocate employees of the agency. Reasoning for the move has been made and includes the following explanations:
  • Moving the CIA to Denver would provide new ways to operate under cover.
  • Moving to Denver would also help to stop the growth of the CIA headquarters and headquarters-based group-think.
No finalized plans have been made for the move as of yet but some former CIA employees criticize the move stating that it makes no sense and it would cause more of a disconnect. Is the tentative move of this domestic division strategic or is it more simply a way to convene more elites around the large underground bunker?

Where is the “Sanity?”

Many people who hear about theories behind the Colorado bunker question the sanity of those who claim its existence. The truth is however, that similar bunkers have been proven to exist. These bunkers, built during the Cold War like the bunker underneath the Greenbrier Hotel, were designed to give shelter to the elite should “the time” come. So is it really so farfetched to believe that similar projects could exist today?

Key World Events Leading Up To the Scouting Of The Airport Location

In the time leading up to the scouting of the airport location, from 1980 to 1983, a number of key world events took place including:


  • The Ayatollah Khomeini takes power in Iran and introduces Islamic law
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan
  • Skylab fell into the Indian Ocean
  • Three Mile Island partial meltdown
  • Radical militants of the Wahhabi sect of Islam stormed the grand mosque of Mecca.


  • The Summer Olympics in USSR which the US boycotted.
  • Turner Cable Network begins the first all news service.
  • Ronald Reagan is elected.
  • Mt. Saint Helens erupts.
  • Sadam Hussein launches war against Iran for close to a decade over oil rights.
  • The US shows its response to the Soviet Union’s support of war in Afghanistan by suspending sales of grain to them.
Did these significant events influence the decision to build a secret underground bunker to protect the social elite? It is very possible, yet until someone is able to provide solid proof, speculation is all we have to turn to. Well, speculation and the fact that editors of The Chive received a mysterious phone call from “Government Affairs” shortly after publishing their article on Denver International Airport, a phone call by a caller who hung up as soon as the phone was answered…
