Papers Please: Checkpoints in London ‘Because Terrorism’
Separate London Underground poster reads, “Electronic Surveillance is Essential”

Paul Joseph Watson

A photograph taken in London’s Park Lane underscores how authorities are randomly using dubious unspecified terror threats to set up ‘papers please’ checkpoints where innocent passers-by are searched by police.

The sign in the photo reads, “SECURITY OPERTION: Officers are conducting patrols in this area to deter and disrupt terrorist activity. There is not specific intelligence to suggest terrorist activity in this area but terrorists need to plan and prepare by observing possible targets or transporting equipment and material around.”
“Police activities, including stop and search, will make it harder for terrorists to operate. Your co-operation and patience will help keep London safe.”
In 2010, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that stop and search procedures without grounds for suspicion were illegal.
Last year it was found that a quarter of of police stop and search procedures in the UK were being carried out without officers obeying the law.
If random checkpoints where citizens are interrogated and frisked is not ’1984′ enough for you then check out this advertisement currently being displayed at London Underground tube stations.
“ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE IS ESSENTIAL,” the sign reads above an image of a man in a balaclava with an AK-47 sat at a computer. The ad goes on to make the claim, proven false by numerous recent credible studies, that electronic snooping is useful in disrupting terrorist plots.
The poster is actually an ad for the Economist magazine but looks more like something you’d see in a dystopian thriller like Minority Report or The Running Man. Although it should appear next to a similar poster which takes the opposing view on mass surveillance, it didn’t in this instance.


by Clay Watts

"Book Summaries – Van Impe’s Revelation Revealed" 

Revelation Revealed – Jack Van Impe – c 1980, revised 1993

Prior to 70th Week    
·        First 7 weeks of Dan 9 was the 49 years to rebuild Jerusalem in 445 BC.  Then the 62 weeks or 434 years comes to 32 AD when Christ was cut off.
·        Could be a major economic depression before the Rapture, as beginning of problems in the Tribulation period
·        We will not experience a great revival before the Rapture.  2 Tim 3:13, Rev 3:15 indicate an indifferent, back-slidden church.  Only revival is during the Tribulation by the 144,000 Jewish evangelists.
·        7 churches of Rev 2-3 represent time periods since Pentecost
o       Sardis 1520 AD through Tribulation
o       Philadelphia 1750 AD through Rapture
o       Laodicea 1900 AD through Tribulation

·        Believes in dispensational interpretation, based on 2 Tim 2:15, saying that dividing the word has to do with dividing into dispensations.  70 weeks of Dan 9:24 is a Jewish dispensation, involving Daniel’s people and holy city, so the church could not be involved in the 70th week, and must have been raptured prior to it.
·        The Jews are God’s “elect” in Matt 24:22, based on other Jewish references in that passage, such as Judea, Sabbath, and synagogues.
·        Rejects post-tribulationalism because it destroys doctrine of imminence and teaching of dispensationalism.
·        Mentions Rosenthal’s pre-wrath rapture theory, but doesn’t specifically refute it.
·        Last trump of 1 Cor 15:52 is not 7th trumpet of Rev since there is an 8th trump in Matt 24:31.  Also, 7th trumpet produces judgment & death, but trump at rapture produces eternal life and joy
·        Rapture happens suddenly, without a sign, pictured in John’s symbolic rapture in Rev 4:1, since believers are then shown laying crowns at Jesus’ feet in v 10,11, indicating they have been raised and have received their rewards at the resurrection of the just, Lu 14:14.
·        Rev 3:10 implies only those that dwell on the earth, which is a term for the unsaved, will experience the Tribulation period.
·        Rev 3:10 indicates church is kept from (ek) the hour of temptation.  Ek means “out of” or “evacuation”.  Would have used “dia” if the meaning is “through.”  Same in 1 Thess 1:10 to deliver from the wrath to come.  Also, 1 Thess 5:9 says we are not appointed to wrath.
·        2 Thess 2:1-5 speaks of the hinderer, which is the Holy Spirit abiding in the Church, which must therefore have been removed before the Antichrist can be revealed.
·        UFO’s could be angelic vehicles, like Elijah’s chariot.  Could be used by demonic spirits (fallen angels) as well as God’s angels.  May even come for us in the Rapture, as in Elijah’s case, 2 Ki 2:11.
·        Day of the Lord includes the 7 year Tribulation and the 1,000 year millennium.  2 Pet 3:10
·        Rev 4-11 portrays the 7-year Tribulation, with Christ’s return in Rev 11:15-18.  Rev 12-19 depict the identical scene a second time, with Christ’s return in Rev 19:11.
·        First half of 7 year Tribulation is “beginning of sorrows,” Matt 24:8; second half is “great Tribulation,” Matt 24:21

Tribulation begins with rise of Antichrist out of the EU as the leader of a confederacy of 10 nations, Rev 13:1.
·        Rider on the white horse in Rev 6 is the Antichrist
·        Ten toes of Dan 2 and 10 horns of Dan 7 are 10 literal nations of European Union that were original members of the old Roman Empire.  Denmark & Ireland were not part of the old Roman Empire, so don’t count.  Antichrist ousts 3 of the original members and replaces them.
·        Christians will absolutely not know who the Antichrist is before the Rapture, since he will not be revealed before the Holy Spirit, who lives in the hearts of believers, is taken out of the way.
·        We should definitely never attempt to name the Antichrist, although he is probably alive now.
·        Antichrist is a Gentile because he comes from the revived Roman Empire, or European Union.  He defects from religious upbringing and promotes New Age philosophy, including astrology, witchcraft and other occult practices.
·        The false prophet is the leader of the one-world church described in Rev 17.

Signs 7-year peace contract with Israel and the nations Dan 9:27
·        The seven-year peace pact must be signed in the presence of the western leader, the Antichrist.

Breaks covenant after 42 months Dan 9:27
·        Antichrist’s breaking of 7-year peace covenant with Israel mid-way leads directly to the events of the second half of the Tribulation.
·        Russia takes advantage of the opportunity to move against Israel
·        Temple is rebuilt so that Antichrist can sit on the throne in the temple and proclaim himself God
·        Two witnesses in Rev 11:3 are Moses and Elijah, based on transfiguration passage as a picture of the day when the two witnesses will be revealed; Elijah also in Mal 4:5,6
·        Agrees with others who say America is Babylon in Is 18, Jer 50-51, Rev 18

Russia invades Israel from north (Ezek 38:15, 16) at a time of peace.  Shows that Russia cannot march against Israel until a world peace contract, or disarmament program, is in effect.
·        EU leaders (10 kings under dictatorship of Antichrist) march to put an end to northern army of Russia and allies (kings of south including Egypt combined with federation of Arab nations, Persia, Ethiopia, Lybia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine) who have invaded Israel, with whom Antichrist has a treaty.
·        Rev 9:18 and other verses indicate nuclear war during the Tribulation.
·        Matt 24:40, two taken, two left, refers to judgment of the Tribulation period where half of the people on earth have been destroyed.  ¼ die in Rev 6:8, then 1/3 of the ¾ left die in Rev 9:18, or another ¼ of the original population.  Thus, ¼ + ¼ = ½ die, or are taken, and the other ½ are left.

Antichrist attempts to destroy Jews Rev 12.
·        But God miraculously delivers and preserves them.

Destroys world church that helped to bring him to power Rev 17:16,17
·        Antichrist betrays his religious followers since he now doesn’t want to share the glory with the religious leaders, even though they have directed worship to him.

Proclaims himself as God 2 Thess 2:4-11
·        Antichrist comes to Israel and sits on the throne of the temple. 
·        He hears about 200 million from the kings of the east under China and remainder of defeated northern armies marching against him. 
·        He is killed by Russia, but comes back to life, and is worshipped by the world. 
·        The armies of the east attack and are defeated. 
·        Then Antichrist marches against Christ and his army who have arrived in Jerusalem.

Destroyed at Armageddon Rev 19 and cast into lake of fire Rev 19:20
·        Armies of the world are gathered to destroy Israel.
·        Battle is fought in valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:2), just in front of Jerusalem.  Armaggedon is gathering place.  Armies come to attack Jerusalem Zech 14:2.  Blood flows 200 miles, the entire length of Israel.  Requires 7 months to bury dead.
·        Millennial temple, Ezek 40-47, is built
·        There are millions of Christians still alive when Christ returns to judge the nations Matt 25:31-46, so these will find a way to survive without taking the mark of the beast.
·        Bride of Christ is everyone saved from Pentecost through the Rapture.  Marriage supper of the Lamb takes place when Christ returns to earth with his bride, to be joined by the OT saints and Tribulation martyrs who are resurrected at his return.  These latter ones go into the millennium with their natural bodies, and get their glorified bodies at the end of the millennium when Christ creates all things new.
·        30 days after Christ comes are to consecrate priests
·        45 days after Christ returns (Dan 12:11,12) includes defeat of armies of the world, gathering elect Jews from 4 corners of the earth, separating the sheep and goat nations, binding Satan for 1,000 years, resurrecting OT and Tribulation saints, judging of fallen angels.
·        Gog and Magog of Rev 20 are just a remembrance of the Gog and Magog in Ezek 38 & 39

·        Church reigns as rulers, kings, and priests 1 Peter 2:9, Rev 1:6; 144,000 serve as bodyguards of Lamb and Bride, Rev 14:4; Gentiles saved during Tribulation are temple servants.
·        Locusts of Rev 9:3 are fallen angels
·        Little book of Rev 10 represents the “sweet” gospel and “bitter” judgment.
·        The temple of Rev 11 is the Tribulation temple, not the millennial temple.
·        The 5 kings who have fallen in Rev 17:10 are Assyria, Egypt, Babylonia, Medo Persia, and Greece.  The sixth one currently is Rome, and the seventh one not yet come is the Antichrist of end times.  The eighth king of vs 11 is the resurrected Antichrist.
·        Rev 17 describes “Mystery Babylon,” which is the religious world system.
·        Rev 18 describes “Babylon the Great,” which is the political-economic system typified by America.
·        While the church (Bride) is in heaven in Rev 19, she is inspected and judged, and each of us is given wedding garments corresponding to our good works.
Kerry: 'Long Past Time' for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Voice of America 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says it is "long past time" that Israelis and Palestinians "became known for what they can create instead of what conflicts they perpetuate."

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Friday, Kerry said the two sides have a lot to gain once peace is achieved. He said Palestinians could become masters of their own fate, growing their economy with new jobs -- and that Israelis could enjoy a new level of security while gaining economic partners across the Middle East that recognize their state. 

Kerry said that both sides would also see major economic boosts from an explosion of tourism to the area, which is rich with ancient and religiously significant sites. 

The secretary of state added Friday that "today's status quo will not last forever," and that failure will only embolden extremists.

Kerry has made several trips to Israel and the Palestinian territories to convince leaders on both sides to agree to a scaled-back framework deal. The peace agreement, he says, would be a "significant breakthrough."

Earlier, Kerry met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the WEF. A senior State Department official said that meeting focused on the need to address all "core issues."

Israel says the Palestinians should recognize Israel as a Jewish state and stop welcoming as heroes the released prisoners who were convicted of killing Israelis. Palestinians complain about the building of Israeli settlements, as well as proposals for security arrangements in the Jordan Valley.
Global Or Local Antichrist?

By Nathan Jones

Will the Antichrist rule over every nation of the earth, or just 10 of those nations? Will he be a global ruler, or a local ruler over a coalition of nations? Will the world tremble under his iron grip, or only the nation of Israel fear his wrath? Global, or local Antichrist?

Local View

Where does the local view that the Antichrist will rule just ten nations come from? Revelation 17:12-13 is the answer. It reads, "The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast."

As the text states, in the future ten kings (presidents, dictators, whatnot) will arise to rule kingdoms and will for a short time in history grant their power to "the Beast," which Bible prophecy students will recognize as the Antichrist. The Antichrist is given rulership over the ten kingdom nations.

The local view stops with this description. All the further acts in Revelation that the Antichrist commits against the Jews is just for the Jews, and as this view holds, has nothing to do with the rest of the world. It's Israel against a ten-nation empire, and that's that.

Global View

The global view takes Revelation 17:12-13 and puts it into context with other passages that express the scope of God's wrath during the Tribulation, the time period the Antichrist has such prominence in. The references are as follows:

Concerning the amount of nations the Lord is angry with: "The LORD is angry with all nations; his wrath is upon all their armies. He will totally destroy them, he will give them over to slaughter." - Isaiah 34:2

Concerning the number of nations the Jews were scattered to that the Lord will destroy: "I am with you and will save you,' declares the LORD. 'Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only with justice; I will not let you go entirely unpunished.'" - Jeremiah 30:11

Concerning the number of nations that will join to attack Israel: "I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land." - Joel 3:2

Concerning the available fighting men available to attack Israel: "Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack." - Joel 3:9

Also concerning the number of nations that will join to attack Israel: "I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city." - Zechariah 14:2

Concerning how much of the world the Lord will gather and destroy: "Therefore wait for me,' declares the LORD, 'for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them — all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger." - Zephaniah 3:8

Concerning the influence of the Antichrist's kingdom: "A second angel followed and said, 'Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.'" - Revelation 14:8

Concerning the scope of the Antichrist's ability to call the world into battle: "They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty." - Revelation 16:14

Also concerning the influence of the Antichrist's kingdom: "For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries... The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray." - Revelation 18:3, 23

In all ten of these verses, either or both of the words "all" and "whole" are used to explain the number of nations involved that:

1. the Jews were scattered to in the Diaspora
2. the Antichrist will influence
3. the Antichrist will command
4. the Antichrist will general their armies
5. the Lord's anger will burn against
6. the Lord will gather in Israel
7. the Lord will destroy


Beyond these verses, Revelation portrays the judgments God lets loose. Does he let loose these judgments on the whole earth, or just on the Antichrist's ten kingdoms?

Verses like the Seal Judgments in Revelation 6:12-17 set the scope:

"I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?'"

Then there's the Trumpet Judgments of Revelation 8 and 9, full of references to the plagues resulting in a third of the world, waters, light and peoples being destroyed. The "rest of mankind" in Revelation 9:20 are left to face the Bowl Judgments, ending with an earthquake so great that "No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake… Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found" (Rev. 16:18, 20).

Each of these plagues were so terrible in scope — involving sun, moon, stars, bodies of water and land — that they could not happen without effecting the entire planet.

Objection to the Global View

An objection made against the global view rests on a figure of speech called synecdoche. Synecdoche, pronounced "si-nek-duh-kee," is defined as "a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part." In this case, the words "all" and "whole" that the various authors in the Bible use is a form of exaggeration. It is like saying "he ate the whole bag of popcorn," when in reality he only ate the popcorn within the bag and not the bag itself (hopefully).

The objection rests on other references in the Bible that use synecdoche, such as Paul's compliment to the church in Rome in Romans 1:8 that their "faith is being reported all over the world." Or, in Daniel 2:38, when Nebuchadnezzar is told he in his dream was made ruler over all of mankind, beasts and birds. In these two examples the use of synecdoche is quite evident in the context, as clearly "all" the world at the time hadn't heard of the faith of the church in Rome, just the Roman Empire, and all of mankind at the time didn't know they were subject to Nebuchadnezzar, just where his influence resided over.

And yet, hasn't the faith of the church in Rome today been spread all over the world since Paul's time through the Bible? And, didn't God give Nebuchadnezzar authority over the entire world, though some lands didn't know who God's "world king" at the time was? But, that's a side counter.

The local view concludes that in all ten verses by all six prophetic authors God Himself is exaggerating what He is going to accomplish during the Tribulation. Such a claim goes far beyond sound biblical, literal interpretation and sounds reminiscent of Satan's deceptive query in Genesis 3:1, "Did God really say..."

To attribute synecdoche to these weighty verses and conclude that the Antichrist is a local ruler that doesn't affect the world outside of his ten nations and Israel is to ignore God's plan for the ages — one that brings justice, restores Israel, and sets up His Millennial Kingdom.

An Old "Global or Local" Debate

Another "Global or Local" debate once raged over whether the Flood during Noah's time covered the entire planet, or was merely an overflowed body of water in the Middle East. The global view in this Flood debate continues to base itself on the Genesis account's literal, repeated statements that God's watery wrath upon man's evil was global in nature, such as in Genesis 6:17, "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."

The Genesis account has been confirmed as global in scope by both paleontology and geology beyond the literal reading of Genesis 6:17. After all, something had to get all those clam fossils up to the tops of mountains, and trees buried vertically through ground layers. And yet, despite the Bible's account of the Flood reiterating again and again that it covered the whole earth and all the extra-biblical evidence, a few remain who hold to the local view of the Flood.

How far the Antichrist's empire will extend has become the new "Global or Local" debate.


The Bible makes it clear the Antichrist will rule ten nations, but it also makes it clear their boundaries and authority encompass the entire planet. Like the Flood debate, the literal, biblical descriptions concerning the world-wide scope of God's wrath upon the whole world overwhelmingly support a Global Antichrist.

How Is Fukushima's Fallout Affecting Marine Life?

The Fukushima nuclear disaster delivered an unprecedented amount of radioactivity into the sea over a relatively brief time. How did that pulse of cesium and other radioisotopes make its way through the marine food chain? Scott Fowler, who helped pioneer marine radioecology for more than 30 years at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Marine Environment Laboratories, offered a primer on the subject at the Fukushima and the Ocean Conference in Tokyo in November 2012.
The food chain starts with marine phytoplankton—microscopic plants that account for as much photosynthesis as plants on land. These organisms take up radioactive contaminants from the seawater that surrounds them. As the phytoplankton are eaten by larger zooplankton, small fish, and larger animals up the food chain, some of the contaminants end up in fecal pellets or other detrital particles that settle to the seafloor. These particles accumulate in sediments, and some radioisotopes contained within them may be remobilized back into the overlying waters through microbial and chemical processes.
How much radioactivity gets into marine life depends on a host of factors: How long the organisms are exposed to radioactivity is certainly important, but so too are the sizes and species of the organisms, the radioisotopes involved, the temperature and salinity of the water, how much oxygen is in it, and many other factors such as the life stage of the organisms.
In all this, Fowler said, it’s important to remember the omnipresence of natural background radiation. Polonium-210 and potassium-40 are naturally occurring radioisotopes in the ocean, for example. Potassium-40 is the most abundant radioisotope in the ocean, but polonium-210 accumulates more readily in marine organisms.
“Polonium is responsible for the majority of the radiation dose that fish and other marine organisms receive,” he said. 
In an experiment in the early 1980s, Fowler demonstrated vast differences in how much plutonium was absorbed from seawater by marine life across a spectrum of taxonomic groups. Phytoplankton accumulated roughly 10 times as much plutonium as microzooplankton, which took up 100 times more than clams. Octopi and crabs took up about half as much plutonium as clams, but about 100 times more than bottom-dwelling fish. 
Another cross-species comparison showed that organisms took up different amounts of radioactivity depending on which particular radioisotopes were out there, he said.
Radioisotopes are also transferred to marine organisms from contaminated sediments—once again in ways that display a complex range of factors, Fowler noted. In one experiment measuring uptake of americium, worms exposed to contaminated sediments took up significantly more of the radioisotope than clams did. But both worms and clams took up much more of the radioisotopes from Pacific sediments, which contain relatively high amounts of silica minerals, than they did from Atlantic sediments, which contain more carbon minerals. 
Food is another pathway into marine organisms and “may be in some cases the most important factor in uptake,” Fowler said. Consumed radioisotopes are assimilated internally through the gut, potentially a far more efficient route than if they are absorbed externally from the environment. Marine invertebrates, such as bottom-dwelling starfish and sea urchins, are particularly proficient at absorbing a wide range of ingested radioisotopes, he said, but fortunately, they lose that incorporated radioactivity over time, via excretion. 

On an expedition in June 2011, biologists collected samples of phytoplankton, zooplankton (bottom), and fish, including the tiny hatchetfish (top), to learn if radioisotopes from Fukushima were accumulating in marine life. (Photos by Ken Kostel, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

From plankton to tuna 

Fowler’s longtime colleague, Nicholas Fisher, zeroed in on the isotopes that have had the most impact from Fukushima. Fisher, a marine biogeochemist at Stony Brook University, has spent 35 years studying the fate of metals and radioisotopes in marine organisms, including radioisotopes associated with nuclear waste. He and members of his lab participated in the research cruise led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution marine geochemist Ken Buesseler off the coast of Japan in June 2011. 
Analyzing plankton and fish sampled on the cruise, they consistently found cesium-134 and cesium-137. Not surprisingly, they found no iodine-131, the isotope which along with cesium had been released in highest quantity from the damaged Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Iodine-131, with its half-life of a mere eight days, was undetectable after a couple of months, Fisher explained. 
Cesium, of course, is a different story. The ocean and its denizens continue to bear traces of cesium-137 that date from the atmospheric weapons testing during the Cold War era of the 1960s. Cesium-134, while much shorter-lived, will persist for a number of years. 
The chemical properties of radioactive cesium are similar to those of non-radioactive cesium and naturally occurring potassium and sodium, which are abundant in seawater. So all these end up in the same tissues, particularly muscle, of fish and other marine organisms. But potassium and sodium are much less abundant in fresh water, so cesium uptake is much higher in freshwater organisms than in sea life.   
Fish also excrete cesium fairly efficiently, losing a few percent per day. So if fish are no longer exposed to new contamination sources, the levels in their tissue should decrease fairly quickly. 
Of particular concern for top-level consumers is the potential that these radioisotopes will be concentrated as they make their way up the food chain—what ecologists call biomagnification. Fortunately, cesium shows only modest biomagnification in marine food chains—much less than mercury, a toxic metal, or many other harmful organic compounds such the insecticide DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Fisher said. 
On the 2011 cruise, he and his team measured cesium in everything they sampled. “These were primarily zooplankton and some fish,” he reported. As expected, concentrations were higher in organisms sampled closer to shore. Radioactive silver (110mAg) was also detected in all zooplankton samples. In all cases, however, the amounts of cesium and silver isotopes were much lower than those of naturally occurring potassium-40 in the same samples.
“The radioactivity of the fish we caught and analyzed would not pose problems for human consumption,” he said. Which is not, he noted, the same thing as saying that all marine organisms caught in the region are perfectly safe to eat. 

Persistently higher-than-normal levels

What’s puzzling to Fisher, Buesseler, and many other scientists is the persistence of these low but significant levels of radioactivity in the ocean. Jota Kanda, an oceanographer at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, has extensively studied coastal waters off Fukushima and calculated the amount of cesium still present in coastal waters shallower than 200 meters (660 feet) and in sediments on the seafloor. By his reckoning, what remains is less than three percent of the total discharge, with the rest long since flushed out to the open ocean.
Yet levels of the cesium radioisotopes are still being measured at several tens to hundreds of becquerels per cubic meter in this area, Kanda noted, considerably higher than the levels prior to the Fukushima disaster. More importantly, levels measured in coastal sediments and in some species of fish are higher than those in the surrounding water. 
As Kanda sees it, there are three sources responsible for this stubborn presence. One is river runoff—the fallout washed by rainfall into nearby rivers that drain to the sea. He also suggested that a small amount of contaminated water from basement compartments in the reaction unit housing is continuing to leak from the plant itself. But the biggest culprit—the only plausible explanation for the steady levels of radioactive cesium being measured in fish tissue—is continuous input through a food source. And that, he said, points to sediments.
Kanda has estimated that a total of 95 terabecquerels of cesium (1012 becquerels) is present in coastal sediments. The question, he maintained, is how it got there. It could have drifted down to the seafloor in the fecal pellets of plankton that consumed it at the surface—and in fact, plankton in shallow waters sometimes showed elevated levels of cesium. It could also be arriving with organic bits and pieces carried along by river water. It could have adhered to clay particles that came in contact with contaminated water; such radioactive cesium is tightly bound to clay particles and may not be easily transferred to marine life.
Sediment is complex stuff, he explained. Viewed up close, a single grain of what looks like sand is likely a mélange of mineral, organic matter, and pore water—the liquid trapped in the tiny gaps between particles. How contaminants are taken into these agglomerations is not well understood. Echoing Scott Fowler, Kanda noted that the composition and properties of sediments can vary dramatically.
Solving the mystery of the ongoing radioactivity will require a thorough analysis of the seafloor off Fukushima’s coast, he stressed. “Local communities are concerned. They want to know ‘When can we resume fishing?’ We scientists will have to answer this question.”
The key may be how long cesium stays put and the pathways for its uptake into the food chain. Given the 30-year half-life of cesium-137, the sediments could be a possible source of contamination in the food chain for decades to come.


By Fritz Springmeier

The Word of God teaches that there will be a future, visible, personal coming of the Christ who left Palestine approximately 2,000 years ago.

This article exposes a plan to co-opt that teaching so that the satanic hierarchy of the Illuminati can install their own great “Christ”. Their agents have worked both inside and outside of Christendom to co-opt “end-time prophetic” expectations. The Illuminati has encouraged false doctrines within the so-called Christian churches to the point that these false doctrines have become entrenched as religious idols. Many Christian churches have left off their first love (Christ) and are now active agents for supporting Big Brother and idolatry. Other churches have neutralized and neutered Christians so bad they are like salt that has lost its saltiness.  Others are unbalanced in their end time doctrines, teaching false doctrines that set the stage for the Illuminati agenda. The net effect of all this, is to place all people in danger of a great end-time Anti-Christ delusion, as well as many minor deceptions.

My approach in presenting this information is to keep this article brief and easy to read. Rather than bog the reader down with Bible verses and complex arguments, I have chosen to touch on several controversial issues only lightly. The only alternative would be to plunge the reader into debates that could fill libraries. I believe that even though I have not attempted to prove all my statements by writing book-length defenses of my statements (and thereby turning this into a book), that the reader will appreciate the article if he or she persists to the end. Before I discuss the Illuminati directly, let me lay the groundwork for how the churches have been neutered.

One of the most dangerous and unscriptural teachings is dispensational pre-millennialism. (One of the problems it presents Bible believers is that it believes in more than one way of salvation—although this scriptural defect is rarely admitted by its promoters.) Many Christians and non-Christians are not even aware of what Dispensational Pre-millennialism is (nor do they care), but most have heard prophetic ministries on television, which warn us what the Bible predicts based on this system of interpretation of the Bible.  One way that you can spot this doctrine is that its believers believe that they are going to be raptured because supposedly God doesn’t want them to suffer. (Which is contrary to what He says in His Word.) They will not challenge the evil global dictatorship that continues to tighten its grip on us like a boa constrictor because they are going to be magically whisked away from trouble. (They tell me, “It doesn’t matter what I do, I’m saved and am going to be raptured.”) When good no longer will confront evil, the salt has lost its saltiness. It may be asked why God is leaving saints here on planet earth if they are not to confront Satan’s kingdom?  It is no exaggeration for me to say that hundreds of these dispensational pre-millenialists have told me that to fight the New World Order is to fight God.  Since when do the people of God acquiesce to evil?

Dispensational pre-millenialists, who are of course double pre-s, believing also in a pretrib rapture, have captured the popular attention of Bible believers today, even though many of the seminaries, which used to teach it have discarded this system due to its proven un-scripturalness. Dispensational Pre-millenialism is associated with its founders the Jesuits, its promoters Darby and Schofield (both lawyers), and its advertisers in our present day, the popular television ministers. Its flexible doctrines lend themselves to sensationalism and emotionalism. Additionally, its promoters have at times been like wolves attacking anyone who would dare not share their multitude of arrogant interpretations.

I write arrogant, because for over 150 years, pre-millenialists have repeatedly been proven wrong by events, their false predictions are quietly forgotten, but their arrogance continues.  Just one example of many pre-millenialists would be the Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose original name during the first half of the Watchtower’s history was Bible Students.  The Bible Students (from the 1930’s on known as Jehovah’s Witnesses) predicted that the end was coming in 1874, 1878, 1914, the end of W.W. I, 1925, 1940, 1941, Oct. 1975, and then highly likely in 2000. Charles T. Russell was in a white robe on the 6th St. Bridge in Pittsburgh, PA with his followers waiting for the rapture on the Memorial night of Christ’s death in 1878. Later in 1914, they were waiting in the Bethel dining room in Brooklyn, NY to be raptured up.

These dates were presented as “written in stone”. They were advertised as God’s dates, and anyone who suggested that they might not happen was of the devil, an opposer of God, who didn’t believe the Bible. I personally remember Jehovah’s Witnesses who sold their houses and didn’t marry because the Watchtower Society told them the end would be 1975.  The problem was that these dates were always portrayed as God’s definite date—let’s exactly quote the Watchtower Society’s portrayal: “…it is beyond the breadth and depth of human thought, and therefore cannot be of human origin [i.e. its God’s date].” “…definitely marked…” “…is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures because it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel.” “…Armageddon is very near. It behooves all who love righteousness to put forth every effort to advertise THE THEOCRACY while the privileges are still open.”

What is also very interesting about C.T. Russell and the Watchtower Society which is revealed in three of my books (The Watchtower & the Masons, Be Wise As Serpents, Bloodlines of the Illuminati) is that C.T. Russell came from an Illuminati bloodline, the hierarchy of the WT Society is Illuminati, and that they (the Watchtower Society) received financial support from Jewish financiers, the B’nai B’rith and Freemasonry. Russell himself was a Freemason. The connections between the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society continue to this day.

The Watchtower Society is perhaps the best example of an Armageddon preaching religion and they are Illuminati sponsored. Most groups calling themselves Christian have various ministries that they emphasize such as benevolence, running hospitals etc., but the Jehovah’s Witnesses have all their spiritual eggs in one basket, the preaching of Armageddon.

The Illuminati have also supported other Pre-millenial groups, and their promotion of the Armageddon warning. I have exposed other Freemasons besides C.T. Russell, who are religious leaders, who are also supported by the Illuminati, and who have preached Armageddon. Just one of many is the Freemason William Miller, whose end-time prophecies in the 1840’s caught the attention of many in America and Europe, and helped lay the groundwork for another “end-time” Masonic project, the Bahai religion (now associated with the United Nations).

So the big question is: WHAT DO THE GENERATIONAL SATANIC BLOODLINES HAVE TO GAIN FROM PREACHING WORLDWIDE ABOUT ARMAGEDDON?  At first thought, it would seem that they would not want to advertise something from the Bible. But they are and are using many groups and many forms of the same general message. Actually, while Christians have been preaching the “end-times”, so have many of the hard-core occult groups associated with the Illuminati.  For instance, Hans Hofer, a Fabian Socialist and student of Fabian Bertrand Russell, has written about the coming Golden Age.  The Golden Dawn, a satanic lodge system, is another example of a hard-core occult group warning about Armageddon (for instance their publications This Final War, and Watch Jerusalem). This last decade, the Illuminati gave the green light to finance Hollywood movies that showed natural disasters, so that the public has been inundated by movies about natural disasters of all kinds, (which are often referred to as “the Wrath of God”).

Art Bell’s radio show is a reflection of the popularity of end time predictions and scares. Art Bell uses an Illuminati logo and has said he is a Freemason. All this, as well as his guest list, which is full of Illuminati/CIA agents, suggests that he is sanctioned on the air by the Illuminati. Whatever the case may be, the popularity of his show indicates the mood of the times, which is being encouraged by Illuminati financed broadcasters.

I have written a good number of articles about weather modifications, and the evidence of how many of our natural disasters (famines, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc.) are being encouraged by weather modification. There are many avenues that the Illuminati is taking to create the appearance of the end-times. “Appearance” may not be strong enough language for the person who has to endure his home being destroyed by a flood or earthquake. I use this word only to emphasize that problems are being artificially created worldwide.

Indeed, people who I have worked with who I helped out of the Illuminati confirm that the Illuminati do indeed have an agenda to use the concept of Armageddon for their own ends. This returns us to the question, what do they have to gain by scaring us with Scriptures?

Evil is so devious that it has consistently tried to co-opt and control the truth of the Word of God. The men who were behind Christ’s martyrdom were the Bible scholars of his day. These men were occultists. They used the Bible for their own arrogant purposes. Today, within the Illuminati is an arrogance. They have run this planet for hundreds of years.  Their occult power has not been seriously challenged or stopped by the God of the Bible. They haven’t seen any lightening bolts from heaven ordering them to stop. Actually there have been a number of strong witnesses of God’s power to these generational satanic families, but in general most of them are too arrogant to accept any witness from God Almighty. In reality, the Illuminati’s power is ultimately that of a paper dragon, but its appearance is very frightening. The point is, the movers and shakers do not have a proper fear of the God of the Bible, so they think they can use the Bible for their own agendas.

I can think of numerous benefits to the Illuminati to preach Armageddon including the following:

The fear about disasters puts us into a survival mode and rather than think about concepts such as freedom and faith in Christ; we are easy to manipulate because we will do most anything to survive. (“Help us, we need FEMA, and please give them total dictatorial emergency powers.”) Fear and trauma are also key components to their total mind-control.

It makes the God of the Bible appear wrathful and cruel, while they can present their Lucifer as a light bearer, as one who liberates us from all the cruel harsh arbitrary rules of God. While this is not what God is really like, people have YHWH God is so often misrepresented that people tend to believe God is cruel. El Nino, with its disastrous warm currents and weather effects, was the Spanish name meaning “the Christ child”. Why don’t we name natural disasters after demons?

They are attempting to control events and disasters in order to install their own “Christ” and thereby use their opponent’s holy book to legitimize their own world ruler. This ruler will be able to save us from our troubles, just as Hitler saved Germans from their troubles during the first few years of Nazism. Appreciation for the Bible’s wisdom is reduced by all the wild end-time theories that the Bible seems to support.

One important purpose of Armageddon preaching is the creation of a one-world government. National governments and nationalism can be destroyed, because entire countries are being taught that nationalism is evil. While Christ taught us to respect all men, love for one’s family and nation is not evil. I can love my country and still appreciate that you love yours. I can love my family and still appreciate you love yours. Nationalism does not have to be an evil. On Thanksgivings Day we tend to renew family ties in this nation. No one would suggest that Thanksgivings Day is dangerous. Our love for our nation (our extended family) could also be that benign if our evil leaders didn’t create unnecessary wars to pit us against each other. There have been clan wars, royal bloodline wars, mafia and other family feuds, and this shows us that even family ties can lead to violence.

But my point is that the love of the family and nation are not inherently bad, and are not condemned in the Word of God. The Word of God actually wants us to honor our families and nations, and asks us not to destroy them or their boundaries. Most people are unaware that in some areas of Africa, the Watchtower Society is the biggest religion, and their Armageddon teachings have totally destroyed any chance for certain relatively new African nations to claim the allegiance of their people.

Another big benefit of these Armageddon teachings is to stop people from resisting their agenda. People are taught that to resist these disasters is to resist God. People are taught that to resist the One-world-government is to resist God. Another great side effect is that genuine Bible believers who have correctly understood scripture can be mocked and discredited.  In the long run, the Bible itself is discredited. For instance, Chinese believers in China prior to the Mao’s Red Chinese takeover were told that they would be raptured before they suffered any tribulation. The communists took over and tortured and martyred millions of Chinese Christians who mistakenly thought the Bible taught that they would be raptured before any suffering. The Bible was widely discredited, because it had been mistaught.

So I have shown the reader that the Illuminati has already used pre-millenial Armageddon teachings and rapture teachings to discredit the Bible, destroy trust in God, remove trust in honest Bible interpreters, and to promote their own agenda for a One-World government and a world wide savior (a “benevolent” dictator similar to Hitler) who will rule the planet.  Their disdain and arrogance toward God can be seen in their audacity to spread the use of the Bible through institutions they control. They think they have the power to control its message and use.  They may control essentially all of organized religion (which was what Be Wise As Serpents documented); and they may control the weather to some extent (which I’ve documented in other writings)-- but they do not control the hearts of God’s people. This is one place they underestimate the power of the Word of God, and God has chosen the weak things, the insignificant people, to show His power.  And really what will these powerful men gain, if they gain the entire world and lose their own souls?

The $23 Trillion Credit Bubble In China Is Starting To Collapse – Global Financial Crisis Next?

Michael Snyder     Economic Collapse    January 21, 2014

Did you know that financial institutions all over the world are warning that we could see a “mega default” on a very prominent high-yield investment product in China on January 31st? 

We are being told that this could lead to a cascading collapse of the shadow banking system in China which could potentially result in “sky-high interest rates” and “a precipitous plunge in credit“.  In other words, it could be a “Lehman Brothers moment” for Asia.  And since the global financial system is more interconnected today than ever before, that would be very bad news for the United States as well.  Since Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008, the level of private domestic credit in China has risen from $9 trillion to an astounding $23 trillion.  That is an increase of $14 trillion in just a little bit more than 5 years.  Much of that “hot money” has flowed into stocks, bonds and real estate in the United States.  So what do you think is going to happen when that bubble collapses?
The bubble of private debt that we have seen inflate in China since the Lehman crisis is unlike anything that the world has ever seen.  Never before has so much private debt been accumulated in such a short period of time.  All of this debt has helped fuel tremendous economic growth in China, but now a whole bunch of Chinese companies are realizing that they have gotten in way, way over their heads.  In fact, it is being projected that Chinese companies will pay out the equivalent ofapproximately a trillion dollars in interest payments this year alone.  That is more than twice the amount that the U.S. government will pay in interest in 2014.
Over the past several years, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England have all been criticized for creating too much money.  But the truth is that what has been happening in China surpasses all of their efforts combined.  You can see an incredible chart which graphically illustrates this point right here.  As the Telegraph pointed out a while back, the Chinese have essentially “replicated the entire U.S. commercial banking system” in just five years…
Overall credit has jumped from $9 trillion to $23 trillion since the Lehman crisis. “They have replicated the entire U.S. commercial banking system in five years,” she said.
The ratio of credit to GDP has jumped by 75 percentage points to 200pc of GDP, compared to roughly 40 points in the US over five years leading up to the subprime bubble, or in Japan before the Nikkei bubble burst in 1990. “This is beyond anything we have ever seen before in a large economy. We don’t know how this will play out. The next six months will be crucial,” she said.
As with all other things in the financial world, what goes up must eventually come down.
And right now January 31st is shaping up to be a particularly important day for the Chinese financial system.  The following is from a Reuters article…
The trust firm responsible for a troubled high-yield investment product sold through China’s largest banks has warned investors they may not be repaid when the 3 billion-yuan ($496 million)product matures on Jan. 31, state media reported on Friday.
Investors are closely watching the case to see if it will shatter assumptions that the government and state-owned banks will always protect investors from losses on risky off-balance-sheet investment products sold through a murky shadow banking system.
If there is a major default on January 31st, the effects could ripple throughout the entire Chinese financial system very rapidly.  A recent Forbes article explained why this is the case…
A WMP default, whether relating to Liansheng or Zhenfu, could devastate the Chinese banking system and the larger economy as well.  In short, China’s growth since the end of 2008 has been dependent on ultra-loose credit first channeled through state banks, like ICBC and Construction Bank, and then through the WMPs, which permitted the state banks to avoid credit risk.  Any disruption in the flow of cash from investors to dodgy borrowers through WMPs would rock China with sky-high interest rates or a precipitous plunge in credit, probably both.  The result?  The best outcome would be decades of misery, what we saw in Japan after its bubble burst in the early 1990s.
The big underlying problem is the fact that private debt and the money supply have both been growing far too rapidly in China.  According to Forbes, M2 in China increased by 13.6 percent last year…
And at the same time China’s money supply and credit are still expanding.  Last year, the closely watched M2 increased by only 13.6%, down from 2012’s 13.8% growth.  Optimists say China is getting its credit addiction under control, but that’s not correct.  In fact, credit expanded by at least 20% last year as money poured into new channels not measured by traditional statistics.
Overall, M2 in China is up by about 1000 percent since 1999.  That is absolutely insane.
And of course China is not the only place in the world where financial trouble signs are erupting.  Things in Europe just keep getting worse, and we have just learned that the largest bank in Germany just suffered ” a surprise fourth-quarter loss”…
Deutsche Bank shares tumbled on Monday following a surprise fourth-quarter loss due to a steep drop in debt trading revenues and heavy litigation and restructuring costs that prompted the bank to warn of a challenging 2014.
Germany’s biggest bank said revenue at its important debt-trading division, fell 31 percent in the quarter, a much bigger drop than at U.S. rivals, which have also suffered from sluggish fixed-income trading.
If current trends continue, many other big banks will soon be experiencing a “bond headache” as well.  At this point, Treasury Bond sentiment is about the lowest that it has been in about 20 years.  Investors overwhelmingly believe that yields are heading higher.
If that does indeed turn out to be the case, interest rates throughout our economy are going to be rising, economic activity will start slowing down significantly and it could set up the “nightmare scenario” that I keep talking about.
But I am not the only one talking about it.
In fact, the World Economic Forum is warning about the exact same thing…
Fiscal crises triggered by ballooning debt levels in advanced economies pose the biggest threat to the global economy in 2014, a report by the World Economic Forum has warned.
Ahead of next week’s WEF annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the forum’s annual assessment of global dangers said high levels of debt in advanced economies, including Japan and America, could lead to an investor backlash.
This would create a “vicious cycle” of ballooning interest payments, rising debt piles and investor doubt that would force interest rates up further.
So will a default event in China on January 31st be the next “Lehman Brothers moment” or will it be something else?
In the end, it doesn’t really matter.  The truth is that what has been going on in the global financial system is completely and totally unsustainable, and it is inevitable that it is all going to come horribly crashing down at some point during the next few years.
It is just a matter of time.
Obamacare penalty for uninsured: 8 questions

By Susan Ladika •

Obamacare penalty for uninsured: 8 questions | Business man: © Bplanet/, family silhouettes: © baldyrgan/, March 31st: © Mahesh Patil/, price tag: © ekler/, legal symbol: © mamanamsai/, bible: © Natykach Nataliia/, April 15th: © Yurlick/
'We like our Venuses young'

Germaine Greer  The Guardian, Tuesday 29 April 2008

The portrait of Miley Cyrus. Photograph: Annie Leibovitz exclusively for Vanity Fair

When Annie Leibovitz's picture of child star Miley Cyrus appeared in Vanity Fair her tween fans - and their parents - went ballistic. The naked back, the satin sheet, the damp hair ... how dare the innocent heroine of the hit series Hannah Montana look so provocative? Germaine Greer dissects the image itself, and we look at the people behind it: the photographer, Annie Leibovitz, and Disney, which markets the billion-dollar actor.

When Miley Cyrus was asked about the picture of herself clutching a satin sheet to her chest that Annie Leibovitz has taken for the current issue of Vanity Fair, she said it looked "pretty and natural" and that she thought it was "really artsy". If by this she meant artistic, rather than artsy-fartsy, she was right on the money. In western art most of the women portrayed semi-clad or totally nude are children. Their nipples are pallid and undeveloped, their breasts hard and veinless, their pubes unfurred. When Lucian Freud paints girl children, nobody cares; when Leibovitz photographs them, everyone goes ballistic. When Botticelli paints the yet-to-be-enjoyed goddess of love emerging from the sea, people come from all over the world to gape at her. The Greeks and Romans liked their goddesses meaty; our preferred Venuses are children. Hardy perennials such as Diane de Poitiers held their sway as long as they did because their bodies never matured.

Kate Moss has been able to earn millions only as long as she could continue to project the body image of a 13-year-old. The appeal of her nude portraits derives from the heart-breaking curve of her narrow hip-line and the tautness of her barely perceptible cleavage, not to mention the sulky innocence of her unfocused gaze. The icon of the 34-year-old mother qua 13-year-old virgin is even more disturbing than the sexy image of the 15-year-old Cyrus, because it is so much rarer and weirder. Sexually knowing 15-year-olds are normal. No matter how much energy Disney - which makes the TV show Hannah Montana, in which Cyrus stars - might put into denying the obvious, 15-year-olds are sexually aware. Any schoolteacher coping with a heaving mass of 15-year-old women knows that whatever their tribal culture or their religious affiliation, they are fascinated by sex. Girls' magazines pay lip service to health and friendship issues: their real subject is boys.

We train female children to be manipulative and to exploit their sex. From the time she is tiny, a girl in our society is taught to flirt. She is usually dressed like a mini-whore in pink and tinsel, short skirt, matching knickers, baby-doll pyjamas, long hair falling over her face. She learns to court attention and, when successful, to hide her face. If she's lucky enough to get to be a big sister she might get over this sleazy conditioning, but very few daughters these days get to grow out of being "daddy's girl". When the time comes she is likely to reject approaching womanhood, desperate to keep her thighs skinny, and nearly as desperate to acquire hard, high breasts. The idea of growing into her own body is charmless, frightening. One thing we know about the Leibovitz photograph is that Cyrus saw nothing amiss in clutching a satin sheet to her apparently naked bosom, and looking at the camera over her shoulder. Girls are taught to look at the world in that sidelong fashion from the time they come to consciousness.

For her photograph of the teenage celebrity, Leibovitz chose a palette strongly redolent of the dirty postcards of yesteryear, sepia embittered with black, a suggestion of eye-blue and lip-red, as if retouched by hand, with never - thank our stars - a hint of pink. The light is centred on the child's sallow, unformed cheek. Her eyes are shadowed and puffy, her lips slightly set, as if she is waiting out the slow shutter-click of an obsolete camera. Nobody has run a comb through her disordered mass of dark hair, which seems greasy and damp, as if with sweat. As one of her now ex-fans shrieked in his blog, "She looked like she is freshly f**ked in these photos!" The subject of Leibovitz's photo could be a child prostitute from Casablanca, vintage 1900, the camera in the hands of a sex tourist who is about to toss a few coins to the doorkeeper. It is Disney, after all, that is merchandising this child, and the suggestion of pimping will cling to it. Leibovitz may be cynical, is obviously cynical. She is also, as usual, justified.

Now Disney accuses Vanity Fair of drumming up controversy and deliberately manipulating a 15-year-old in order to sell magazines, as if its own motives were not identical. The photo shoot for Vanity Fair was probably carried out weeks ago but the brouhaha has been timed for the very day the magazine appeared on the newsstands. Disney could have refused to make its star available for a shoot with Vanity Fair, or, if what it wanted was to protect its brand image, it could have demanded the right to vet the pictures. Cyrus was not undefended in the clutches of Leibovitz; her parents and minders were present and apparently saw nothing amiss in the offending photograph, which, in its original state, probably looked less like a dirty postcard than it does on the pages of Vanity Fair.

Before Leibovitz, Cyrus was regularly photographed on red carpets dressed as a 35-year-old in sequins and chiffon with heavy makeup, hair extensions, fuck-me shoes, and occasionally a segment of baby breast escaping at an ill-cut armhole. Otherwise she dresses as a schoolgirl in long socks, very short skirts and the same hanks of rather gluey-looking hair. These publicity shots are far cheaper and far nastier in implication than the Leibovitz image, which has class. Meanwhile, in a series of candid snapshots apparently of Cyrus that have found their way on to the internet, Cyrus the professional virgin is apparently happy to show herself nipples akimbo in jersey underwear, pulling down a vest to display a green bra, and disporting a bare belly on a bed with a boyfriend. All tacky, all in circulation, and all displaying the usual knowingness.

Cyrus said that Leibovitz didn't photograph her "in a skanky way". That she can be relied on to do for herself. Prostitution is the paradigm of service industry. It is the tragedy of Cyrus's life that she has nothing to sell but herself and she is fast approaching her sell-by date. From this time forward her price can only go down.

Branded for life 

How the tweens became an advertiser's dream

With their unbeatable combination of "pester power" and burgeoning brand awareness, tweens are the advertiser's dream. Aged between six and 12, American tweens spend $51bn of their own pocket money annually - mainly on never-ending TV spin-off products, collectables, so-called multi-platform opportunities (video games, live shows, downloads, clothing). And, as if that wasn't enough tacky plastic stuff, an additional $170bn is spent on them by friends and family. It is thanks to these tween spenders that Miley Cyrus, star of Hannah Montana - up there with High School Musical as one of Disney's biggest money-spinners - is set to be worth $1bn by the time she's 18.

Part of the phenomenon is so-called "age compression" - kids getting older younger - and rejecting traditional toys as unsophisticated. The falling birth rate is significant, too, along with the rise in parental working hours: a lot of the tween market is guilt money.

The company that appears to have the best understanding of the tween market is Disney. In 2006, High School Musical, the soundtrack to the Disney Channel film of the same name, became the biggest-selling album of the year in the US, with 3.7m copies sold. High School Musical has since become one of the biggest brands in Disney's history. In 2007, the sequel became the most watched cable broadcast ever, with 179m global viewers. High School Musical 3 is out this October.

Hannah Montana first aired on the Disney Channel in March 2006 and it, too, has grown into a massive brand. It starts its third season in the US later this year. It has made Miley Cyrus, who plays Hannah, a schoolgirl who leads a "secret life" as a pop star by night, into the US's highest-paid teen entertainer. Cyrus's concert movie took $65m at the US box office, and she is paid in $1m a week on tour, with millions more coming from her TV show, CDs and endorsements. Disney has just signed up her autobiography for an undisclosed billion-dollar figure.

The Hannah Montana merchandise is extraordinary: pink frilly T-shirts emblazoned with Hannah's face, Capri pants, camouflage mini-skirts, sparkly handbags, skin-on nail sets, necklaces, earrings, Nintendo games, plus a range of novels and collectable dolls. Arguably, it's oversexualised, but it's also a boring feminine stereotyping: the message is that sparkly makeup, manicures and "killer" mini-skirts are what it means to be a girl. This is bling and glam for the under-10s. And little girls lap it up.

"Tweens heavily influence buying way out of proportion to their numbers," says Ken Hertz, an entertainment lawyer and branding expert whose firm represents Will Smith, Beyoncé Knowles and Gwen Stefani. "By the time someone has reached their late teens, they're much more difficult to influence." Tween consumers can get happily sucked in for life. "If you can get a fan at tween age, you have a good chance of keeping them for a long time. It's not a new thing. That is what allowed the Spice Girls to sell out Madison Square Gardens in 10 seconds. And that is why New Kids on the Block have a reunion coming up."

Not surprising, then, that big players in the music industry - Sony, Warner, EMI - are now homing in on this lucrative market. The tween client base is seen as crucial in a climate where sales to teenagers and adults have dropped by 21.2% annually since 1999.

British children are less consumerist than American kids, says Louise Barfield, London-based branding specialist and mother of a nine-year-old daughter, but the pressure is on. "I don't allow my daughter to watch commercial TV," she says. "It's useless products that are not going to enhance her life - clothing, tattoos, cosmetics." Sleepovers are a big thing with girls from the age of six and seven, she says, where girls may want to swap makeup and clothes. "The way they communicate via brands, products and characters can be worrying: it's the sharing of it all they are fascinated with. You want them to enjoy themselves, but you have to ask: is this what I want my little girl to be focused on?"
Viv Groskop

Caught up in the moment 

Why stars love to pose for Annie Leibovitz

Five hours before John Lennon was shot dead in 1980, Annie Leibovitz photographed him naked. His arms and legs were wrapped lovingly, needily, around the fully clothed body of his wife Yoko Ono. His lips pressed to her cheek, his eyes shut in bliss. But that wasn't Leibovitz's original idea for the Rolling Stone cover. She had wanted him on his own, but Lennon insisted that his wife appear too. So Leibovitz suggested that the two pose together nude. Lennon obligingly began to strip, but Ono refused to take off her trousers. Without thinking about it much, Leibovitz recalled, she told Ono to keep all her clothes on.

"Then he curled up next to her and it was very, very strong. We took one Polaroid," said Leibovitz, "and the three of us knew it was profound right away." Lennon reportedly told her: "You've captured our relationship exactly. Promise me it'll be on the cover." It was, but not as planned: it appeared on the memorial issue for the murdered Beatle. But what had Leibovitz captured? "You couldn't help but feel that she was cold and he looked like he was clinging on to her." Which seems unfair: I can see Lennon's clinginess, but not Ono's chilliness.

The story of Lennon's last photoshoot undoes some of the mystique of how Leibovitz gets her subjects to disport themselves in daft, degrading, mildly titillating or otherwise compelling poses: sometimes at least, she has responded on the hoof to her celebrity subjects' annoying demands. She doesn't create a moment but is responsive to it, realising that the thing she's after is right there. But most professional snappers would say they could realise that too if they only had the same access to exhibitionist celebs as Leibovitz has had in the past 40 years. They, too, could have got the Queen to look wistful in a crown.

To be fair, Leibovitz can do jaunty, contrived composition, too. Her picture of Whoopi Goldberg in a bath of milk subverts the glumly pious Riefenstahl-Mapplethorpe black-meets-white aesthetic by sheer dint of Goldberg's joyfully cheeky open-mouthed pose. What Leibovitz often does is capture a striking image that flatters the sitter into thinking it discloses something profound, when it doesn't. Maybe that's what her lover Susan Sontag meant when she told Leibovitz: "You're good but you could be better."

But how did Leibovitz get Sting to stand in a bracingly ridiculous naked pose in the desert, covered in mud with hands coyly covering his tantrically accomplished genitals? How did she get Demi Moore to pose heavily pregnant, one hand cradling the heft of her bump, the other protecting readers' eyes from the sight of her nipple? How did she lure Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong to pose high and naked in the saddle of his racing bike? Or the voluptuous Scarlett Johansson and non-voluptuous Keira Knightley to lounge nudely in a double portrait, their daft rhyming pouts making the photo's wannabe sexy allure unintentionally hilarious? Because Leibovitz will get them on the cover of the glossies. Because, in the narcissistic cesspool of modern celebrity, she is Echo. Because she gives her subjects what they want and the rest of us, well, we get what we are given and some of us like it.

Leibovitz said that when Sontag came into her life, "I wanted to do better things, take photographs that matter." Has she? Leibovitz has taken some fine photographs of her family, children and Sontag. They are intimate, convincing and unflashy, everything her more recent celebrity work has not been. But she has become something of a hack, an obliging furnisher of kitsch. It happens, particularly when you've been doing something too long.

Earlier this month, for instance, her photo of US basketball star LeBron James and Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen caused a fuss. James had become the first African-American to figure on Vogue's cover, but some critics suggested it espoused racist stereotypes: he looked, they said, like the King Kong to her Fay Wray. James, it is worth pointing out, said he enjoyed the picture. We needn't: it brings two ho-hum stars together in a collision of cliches.

Or take her fascinatingly hideous, 2006 shot of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes en famille à l'herbe, dandling Suri Cruise. In this frame, the couple close their eyes in Hollywood's vapid simulacrum of conjugal felicity (the opposite of the real thing that John and Yoko gave Leibovitz). Even now, it makes me want to Photoshop in a payload of manure falling on to them from a swooping helicopter. Leibovitz held up a mirror to their smug narcissism and it refused to crack, damn it. No wonder she can get her subjects to do what she wants.
The Illuminati and the music industry
The Illuminati is something that is very mysterious to most. Some believe it is a secret society, a cult, sometimes also involving keys leading to the underworld of Satanism. The head of Baphomet is often used as a symbol for those who are involved. It is something very unheard of and dates back to the Kennedy’s and the Rockefeller’s. This secret society is thought to be the control center for all politics and everything pertaining to “big brother.” It is quite a different story when musical icons of our time are thought to be included in this secret society.
Rumors are floating around everywhere saying that Jay Z, an alleged Freemason, is one of the elite leaders of the Illuminati. That he uses symbolism in all of his music videos, and is using Rhianna as his prime puppet. Beyonce, the wife of Jay Z, has been spotted wearing a ring that is identical to the head of Baphomet. Baphomet is the horned one, a goat face with large horns, usually with a pentagram in the background when illustrated. Baphomet is associated with paganism, Christian folklore, and the occult. Rhianna appears in Jay Z’s video, “Run this town” with many undertones leading to the presumption she and him are “going to run this town” when the new world order comes to be. In her latest music video there is a headline in the newspaper behind her that states, “Princess of the Illuminati.”
The Illuminati is directly linked to the new world order and a one world government. It is thought that the leaders of this society are using music with subliminal messages to sway the masses of their message. The all Seeing Eye is one of the messages. Jay Z always makes a triangle gesture covering one eye. This is also the same illustration that appears on currency, with the pyramid. Rhianna can be seen using this gesture over and over as well. Lady Gaga uses this gesture constantly as well, as she is thought to be a puppet of the Illuminati too.
This is just the beginning to a world of conspiracy theories. Like the theory that the VMA’s were just one big initiation to welcome Taylor Swift into the Illuminati. The theory is that it was all a big set up, from the secret society, which humiliated Taylor through Kanye West. All members of the Illuminati must be humiliated at one point to be initiated. Kanye West is also thought to be a member of this order. The blood sacrifice was played out through Lady Gaga’s song, in this theory.
The Illuminati is such a secret order, that any theory using musical icons as a tool for this sect sounds utterly ridiculous to most. The song “Umbrella” by Rhianna is thought to be her transition into the dark side, when reading the lyrics it is easy to take it tongue in cheek, and laugh hysterically at the thought of such nonsense. When analyzed correctly it can easily convey a dual message, that she has sold her soul to the Devil, for fame and wealth. The term “Rocafella,” is used frequently to add fuel to the fire. Also Jay Z’s line of clothing is called “Rocawear.” The Rothschild’s, the Rockefeller’s and The Bilderbergers are just to name a few of the trillionaire founders of the Illuminati. The plural of Latin illuminatus, means “enlightened.”
For whatever reasons it is thought by many conspiracy theorists and scholars that “The Illuminati” exists. This can be taken with a chagrin attitude to most. As for what is truth and what is pure nonsense, that is in question to whether or not a person would entertain the thought that maybe there really is a sinister secret order out there, dictating the future state of the world, through music, to a “new world order.”

5 things you might not know about JFK's assassination

By Tricia Escobedo, CNN

(CNN) -- It has been 50 years since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Whether you were alive at the time or not, you probably know that Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President, only to be fatally gunned down by Jack Ruby two days later.

You probably also know there are hundreds of conspiracy theories about who was behind the assassination, and whether Oswald was the lone gunman or if there was another shooter on the infamous grassy knoll.
As the nation marks this tragic anniversary, here are five things you may not know about the assassination of the 35th president of the United States:

1. Oswald wasn't arrested for JFK killing

Mugshot of Lee Harvey Oswald, November 23,1963.

Lee Harvey Oswald was actually arrested for fatally shooting a police officer, Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippitt, 45 minutes after killing Kennedy. He denied killing either one and, as he was being transferred to county jail two days later, he was shot and killed by Dallas nightclub operator Jack Ruby.

2. Assassinating the president wasn't a federal crime in 1963

President John F. Kennedy moments before he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas.

Despite the assassinations of three U.S. presidents -- Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley -- killing or attempting to harm a president wasn't a federal offense until 1965, two years after Kennedy's death.

3. TV networks suspended shows for four days

The NBC News Bureau covers the assassination of Kennedy.

On November 22, 1963, at 12:40 p.m. CST -- just 10 minutes after President Kennedy was shot -- CBS broadcast the first nationwide TV news bulletin on the shooting. After that, all three television networks -- CBS, NBC, and ABC -- interrupted their regular programming to cover the assassination for four straight days. The JFK assassination was the longest uninterrupted news event on television until the coverage of the September 11 attacks in 2001.

4. It led to the first and only time a woman has sworn in a U.S. president

Sarah Hughes, lower left, became the only woman to preside over a presidential oath when she swore in Lyndon Johnson.

Hours after the assassination, Vice President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president aboard Air Force One, with Jacqueline Kennedy at his side, an event captured in an iconic photograph. Federal Judge Sarah Hughes administered the oath, the only woman ever to do so.

5. Oswald had tried to assassinate Kennedy foe

Edwin Walker organized protests against the racial integration of University of Mississippi in September 1962.

Eight months before Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK, he tried to kill an outspoken anti-communist, former U.S. Army Gen. Edwin Walker. After his resignation from the U.S. Army in 1961, Walker became an outspoken critic of the Kennedy administration and actively opposed the move to racially integrate schools in the South. The Warren Commission, charged with investigating Kennedy's 1963 assassination, found that Oswald had tried to shoot and kill Walker while the retired general was inside his home. Walker sustained minor injuries from bullet fragments.