Through the Looking Glass



VeinViewer technology becomes foolproof identification method

By Amy O. Williams  


Imagine just waving your hand over a screen to pay the check at a restaurant.
It might sound like something from a "Star Trek" episode, but researchers at Snowflake Technologies in Memphis are well on their way to making it happen.

Using technology developed by their parent company, Luminetx Corp., Snowflake personnel are in the process of developing a device that can identify a person by the patterns of veins in his or her hand.

"We read your veins like barcodes - and no two are alike," said Jim Phillips, president and chief executive officer of Memphis-based Luminetx.

Better than a driver's license

Luminetx is the company behind the VeinViewer, a medical device that promises to revolutionize the way people have blood drawn by projecting an image of a person's veins right onto their skin using infrared light and a computer.

Using that same technology, Snowflake is developing a device designed on the concept of biometrics, which are automated methods of identifying, or authenticating, the identity of a living person based on a unique physiological or behavioral characteristic.

In this case, the unique characteristic is a pattern of veins on any part of human anatomy, from the foot to the forehead. The technology works because every person has a unique vein pattern, even identical twins.

Other forms of biometric IDs include fingerprinting and iris scans, but Phillips said the device Snowflake is developing beats the others hands down. Fingerprints, he said, can be left behind on a surface and easily lifted. Irises can be altered with contact lenses.

Also, for a fingerprint to be used, individuals must touch a surface.
"It is inevitable that all forms of ID will move to biometrics," he said.

A golden standard

With the vein scanning device, no touching is required, which makes it much more hygienic than prints or iris scans. Phillips envisions people one day using the vein scan in place of a key to enter their homes or offices.

"You just have to hold up your hand," he said.

And there is no way to beat the technology, Phillips said. For an identity to be recognized and the veins to be detected, blood must be flowing through the veins.

Phillips was in Washington, D.C., this week to discuss the technology of the vein scan and VeinViewer with a group of congressional aides.

Phillips said he believes the vein-scanning device will be on the market some time in 2008. The technology eventually could be marketed to government and law enforcement entities, as well as financial and retail industries. And life could change dramatically for people who travel for a living.

"It could be a real key in bringing convenience back to airline travel," said Phil Trenary, president and chief executive officer of Memphis-based Pinnacle Airlines Corp., a regional carrier of Northwest Airlines. "One of the prices we have had to pay for security - which is absolutely necessary - is that it is less convenient now. And what this technology does is allow the government, in a very non-invasive way, to positively ID a customer in record time.

Compared to other types of biometric identification, such as fingerprints and iris scans, the new technology is more accurate, said Trenary, who also sits on the board of directors for Snowflake Technologies.

"For airline travel, the key is to develop a standard," he said. "And in our opinion, this is the best standard."

High-tech aspirations

Among its many other potential applications, the Snowflake technology also might be developed into the Veincell, which would allow a cell phone user to ensure the security of his or her mobile devices. The Veincell only would be activated when it recognized the pattern of veins in the owner's hand.

The technology one day even could replace wallets, Phillips said. Instead of pulling out a wallet and a credit card that potentially could be stolen, people would just swipe their hands across a surface and reveal their account information. It also would make it much more difficult for thieves to steal someone's identity if it was connected to their vein pattern and not a plastic card.

"In the future, vascular identification will become commonplace," Phillips said. "What could be easier? It will be as common as an ID card."


How the US Became the USSR

Paul Craig Roberts

I spent the summer of 1961 behind the Iron Curtain. I was part of the US-USSR student exchange program. It was the second year of the program that operated under auspices of the US Department of State. Our return to the West via train through East Germany was interrupted by the construction of the Berlin Wall. We were sent back to Poland. The East German rail tracks were occupied with Soviet troop and tank trains as the Red Army concentrated in East Germany to face down any Western interference.

Fortunately, in those days there were no neoconservatives. Washington had not grown the hubris it so well displays in the 21st century. The wall was built and war was avoided. The wall backfired on the Soviets. Both JFK and Ronald Reagan used it to good propaganda effect.

In those days America stood for freedom, and the Soviet Union for oppression. Much of this impression was created by Western propaganda, but there was some semblance to the truth in the image. The communists had a Julian Assange and an Edward Snowden of their own. His name was Cardinal Jozef Mindszenty, the leader of the Hungarian Catholic Church.

Mindszenty opposed tyranny. For his efforts he was imprisoned by the Nazis. Communists also regarded his as an undesirable, and he was tortured and given a life sentence in 1949.

Freed by the short-lived Hungarian Revolution in 1956, Mindszenty reached the American Embassy in Budapest and was granted political asylum by Washington. However, the communists would not give him the free passage that asylum presumes, and Mindszenty lived in the US Embassy for 15 years, 79% of his remaining life.

In the 21st century roles have reversed. Today it is Washington that is enamored of tyranny. On Washington’s orders, the UK will not permit Julian Assange free passage to Ecuador, where he has been granted asylum. Like Cardinal Mindszenty, Assange is stuck in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London.

Washington will not permit its European vassal states to allow overflights of airliners carrying Edward Snowden to any of the countries that have offered Snowden asylum. Snowden is stuck in the Moscow airport.

In Washington politicians of both parties demand that Snowden be captured and executed. Politicians demand that Russia be punished for not violating international law, seizing Snowden, and turning him over to Washington to be tortured and executed, despite the fact that Washington has no extradition treaty with Russia.

Snowden did United States citizens a great service. He told us that despite constitutional prohibition, Washington had implemented a universal spy system intercepting every communication of every American and much of the rest of the world. Special facilities are built in which to store these communications.

In other words, Snowden did what Americans are supposed to do–disclose government crimes against the Constitution and against citizens. Without a free press there is nothing but the government’s lies. In order to protect its lies from exposure, Washington intends to exterminate all truth tellers.

The Obama Regime is the most oppressive regime ever in its prosecution of protected whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are protected by law, but the Obama Regime insists that whistleblowers are not really whistleblowers. Instead, the Obama Regime defines whistleblowers as spies, traitors, and foreign agents. Congress, the media, and the faux judiciary echo the executive branch propaganda that whistleblowers are a threat to America. It is not the government that is violating and raping the US Constitution that is a threat. It is the whistleblowers who inform us of the rape who are the threat.

The Obama Regime has destroyed press freedom. A lackey federal appeals court has ruled that NY Times reporter James Risen must testify in the trial of a CIA officer charged with providing Risen with information about CIA plots against Iran. The ruling of this fascist court destroys confidentiality and is intended to end all leaks of the government’s crimes to media.

What Americans have learned in the 21st century is that the US government lies about everything and breaks every law. Without whistleblowers, Americans will remain in the dark as “their” government enserfs them, destroying every liberty, and impoverishes them with endless wars for Washington’s and Wall Street’s hegemony.

Snowden harmed no one except the liars and traitors in the US government. Contrast Washington’s animosity against Snowden with the pardon that Bush gave to Dick Cheney aide, Libby, who took the fall for his boss for blowing the cover, a felony, on a covert CIA operative, the spouse of a former government official who exposed the Bush/Cheney/neocon lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

Whatever serves the tiny clique that rules america is legal; whatever exposes the criminals is illegal.

That’s all there is to it.

Parallels of the Fall of the Roman Empire and that of America Today

Today, the United States has many parallels as an empire to that of the collapse of the ancient Roman Empire. There were many causes of the fall of Rome however, but the main problems which led to it are exactly the same as those we face currently, here in America as a nation.

The fall of the Roman Empire took a few centuries for the total dissolution of that government to take place. However, in America the same problems that brought down the Roman Empire are expedited to the point that we are looking at decades, rather than centuries before the collapse of the US government.

The following are examples of what brought Rome down as an empire, and what is going to destroy the American government in a very short time.

Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor:

We experience this in the US today in the form of the constant bickering between the House and Senate in their disdain of the President over power, money, and control.

Decline in Morals:

At present, this country faces the greatest decline in moral values since the Roman Empire, with forcing its own set of morals on citizens by demanding and forcibly removing traditional moral values, dictating that parents have no say in whether their children, some as young as 10 years old engage in sex, and a host of other immoral conduct proclaimed as law.

Political Corruption:

A force has been created in the same tradition as the Praetorian Guard which were a special force of troops used by Roman Emperors as body guards, security, and statesecurity.

This same Guard exists in America in the form of Homeland Security and other branches of government who perform like the Gestapo by enforcing Socialistic laws, through unconstitutional tactics.

Fast Expansion of the Empire:

We have been experiencing the expansion of the US in the world militarily since 9-11 encompassing more territory than at any time in the past.

Constant Wars and Out of Control Military Spending:

Since 9-11 America has been in a constant state of war, spending trillions on its military.

Barbarian Knowledge of Roman military tactics:

The same exists in America presently, where through the False Flag operation of 9-11, we have created hate and disdain for us among the Muslim world, thus creating a massive network of combatants in the world, who now study the military tactics of the US as was seen in Iraq.

Failing economy:

I needn’t say much about this topic, since we have been in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression from 2007 and continuing. As a nation, the US is bankruptand has to print any money it spends.


Since 2007, the US has had an unemployment rate that resembles a Third World country in every aspect. True numbers of unemployment, meaning not just counting those receiving unemployment insurance payments, are around 22% nationally and as high as 50% in certain areas of the country, such as California’s Imperial Valley.

The Decline in Ethics and Values:

The US government has managed to remove most values people adhered to and continues to run the economy into the ground by way of dirty politicians skimming money for themselves that belong to the people.

Slave Labor:

The quest for slave labor in the US has taken many jobs overseas to areas, where workers are hired for a fraction of what it costs for the same work done by Americans in America. The massive invasion of Illegal Aliens from south of the border, which the government promotes, makes it possible for companies and the government itself to hire workers for jobs at far below the minimum wage.

Natural disasters:

We have had our share over the years, costing billions, however at the same time the US government spends even more per year on climate change and renewable energy projects. Since global warming/climate change is proven false when compared to actual scientific records and renewable energy sources, such as the wind industry and solar power are proven to use more grid power than they will ever produce. Our government is essentially wasting trillions on failed projects.


8 striking parallels between the U.S. and the Roman Empire

Is our republic coming to an unceremonious end? History may not be on America's side

By Steven Strauss

Lawrence Lessig’s Republic Lost documents the corrosive effect of money on our political process. Lessig persuasively makes the case that we are witnessing the loss of our republican form of government, as politicians increasingly represent those who fund their campaigns, rather than our citizens.

Anthony Everitt’s Rise of Rome is fascinating history and a great read. It tells the story of ancient Rome, from its founding (circa 750 BCE) to the fall of the Roman Republic (circa 45 BCE).

When read together, striking parallels emerge — between our failings and the failings that destroyed the Roman Republic. As with Rome just before the Republic’s fall, America has seen:

1 — Staggering Increase in the Cost of Elections, with Dubious Campaign Funding Sources: Our 2012 election reportedly cost $3 billion. All of it was raised from private sources – often creating the appearance, or the reality, that our leaders are beholden to special interest groups. During the late Roman Republic, elections became staggeringly expensive, with equally deplorable results. Caesar reportedly borrowed so heavily for one political campaign, he feared he would be ruined, if not elected.

2 — Politics as the Road to Personal Wealth: During the late Roman Republic period, one of the main roads to wealth was holding public office, and exploiting such positions to accumulate personal wealth. As Lessig notes: Congressman, Senators and their staffs leverage their government service to move to private sector positions – that pay three to ten times their government compensation. Given this financial arrangement, “Their focus is therefore not so much on the people who sent them to Washington. Their focus is instead on those who will make them rich.” (Republic Lost)

3 — Continuous War: A national state of security arises, distracting attention from domestic challenges with foreign wars. Similar to the late Roman Republic, the US – for the past 100 years — has either been fighting a war, recovering from a war, or preparing for a new war: WW I (1917-18), WW II (1941-1945), Cold War (1947-1991), Korean War (1950-1953), Vietnam (1953-1975), Gulf War (1990-1991), Afghanistan (2001-ongoing), and Iraq (2003-2011). And, this list is far from complete.

4 — Foreign Powers Lavish Money/Attention on the Republic’s Leaders: Foreign wars lead to growing influence, by foreign powers and interests, on the Republic’s political leaders — true for Rome and true for us. In the past century, foreign embassies, agents and lobbyists have proliferated in our nation’s capital. As one specific example: A foreign businessman donated $100 million to Bill Clinton‘s various activities. Clinton “opened doors” for him, and sometimes acted in ways contrary to stated American interests and foreign policy.

5 — Profits Made Overseas Shape the Republic’s Internal Policies: As the fortunes of Rome’s aristocracy increasingly derived from foreign lands, Roman policy was shaped to facilitate these fortunes. American billionaires and corporations increasingly influence our elections. In many cases, they are only nominally American – with interests not aligned with those of the American public. For example, Fox News is part of international media group News Corp., with over $30 billion in revenues worldwide. Is Fox News’ jingoism a product of News Corp.’s non-U.S. interests?

6 — Collapse of the Middle Class: In the period just before the Roman Republic’s fall, the Roman middle class was crushed — destroyed by cheap overseas slave labor. In our own day, we’ve witnessed rising income inequality, a stagnating middle class, and the loss of American jobs to overseas workers who are paid less and have fewer rights.

7 — Gerrymandering: Rome’s late Republic used various methods to reduce the power of common citizens. The GOP has so effectively gerrymandered Congressional districts that, even though House Republican candidates received only about 48 percent of the popular vote in the 2012 election — they ended up with the majority (53 percent) of the seats.

8 — Loss of the Spirit of Compromise: The Roman Republic, like ours, relied on a system of checks and balances. Compromise is needed for this type of system to function. In the end, the Roman Republic lost that spirit of compromise, with politics increasingly polarized between Optimates (the rich, entrenched elites) and Populares (the common people). Sound familiar? Compromise is in noticeably short supply in our own time also. For example, “There were more filibusters between 2009 and 2010 than there were in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s combined.”

Compiled from Perry Stone's "Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled, Volume3: Discerning the Future Destiny of America"....

1)Both Rome and America were considered military "superpowers"

2)Both occupied the Middle East and dealt directly with Israel.

3) Both had a Senate, a central leader, and a center of government called "Capitol Hill".

4)Both had an Eagle as their national emblem

5) Both experienced "slave wars"

6)Both allowed the killing of infants

7)Both gave freedom to homosexuals

8)Both had stadiums for sporting events and their national anthems were sung before these events.

9)Both had highly paid atheletes

10)Both pledged alliegence to their respective flags

11)Both experienced a rise in eastern cults

12)Both became obessed with luxuries

13)Both conducted regular censuses

14)Both has a large population that lived in "suburbs"
Liberty Slipping: 10 Things You Could Do in 1975 That You Can’t Do Now


In 1975:

1.You could buy an airline ticket and fly without ever showing an ID.

2.You could buy cough syrup without showing an ID.

3.You could buy and sell gold coins without showing an ID

4.You could buy a gun without showing an ID

5.You could pull as much cash out of your bank account without the bank filing a report with the government.

6.You could get a job without having to prove you were an American.

7.You could buy cigarettes without showing an ID

8.You could have a phone conversation without the government knowing who you called and who called you.

9. You could open a stock brokerage account without having to explain where the money came from.

10. You could open a Swiss bank account with ease. All Swiss banks were willing and happy to open accounts for Americans.

There are thousands of other examples.The monitoring is in place all that is required from here is the clampdown.

The differences, between now and 1975 in the business sector are even more prevalent. In recent years, in industry after industry regulations and prohibitions have been poured on top of free markets. It doesn’t look like things will get any better in years to come. Eventually, the economy will suffocate and collapse, if this continues.
Laying the groundwork for a Third Temple in Jerusalem

By Ben Sales

JERUSALEM (JTA) – No praying. No kneeling. No bowing. No prostrating. No dancing. No singing. No ripping clothes.

These are the rules that Jews must abide by when visiting the Temple Mount, the site where the First and Second Holy Temples once stood, located above and behind the Western Wall in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City.

Although the area is under Israeli sovereignty, the mount — known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif — is controlled by the Islamic Wakf, a joint Palestinian-Jordanian religious body. As the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, whose golden dome overlooks the city, the Temple Mount attracts daily crowds of Muslim worshipers.

Under Wakf regulations, Jews may only access the mount for 4 1/2 hours per day and are forbidden from praying there.

But when Rabbi Chaim Richman stands only feet from the Dome of the Rock, surrounded by Muslim visitors, he whispers a chapter of Psalms.

“God will answer you on your day of trouble,” he mutters on a recent visit. “The name of the God of Jacob will protect you.”

On previous visits to the mount, Richman says he’s sung the entire Hallel prayer under his breath.

A frequent presence on the mount who knows the guards by name, Richman is the international director of the Temple Institute, an organization based in the Old City with a singular goal: to rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Ahead of Tisha b’Av, the fast day next week that commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples, the institute released a video showing Jewish children donning tool belts and leading their fathers out of synagogue to begin construction of the Holy Temple.

“Our goal is to fulfill the commandment of ‘They shall make a Temple for me and I will dwell among them,’ ” Richman says, quoting Exodus. “The basis of a Torah life is action.”

Following the Second Temple’s destruction in 70 C.E., most rabbis adopted the position that Jewish law prohibits reconstructing the Holy Temple prior to the age of messianic redemption, or that the law is too ambiguous and that the messiah must come first.

The Temple Institute takes a different position.

“There are no Jewish legal barriers” to rebuilding the temple, Richman says, only political ones.

The institute isn’t shy about advocating what many see as a radical goal: replacing the mosque at the Dome of the Rock with a new Jewish Holy Temple. A painting in the institute’s exhibition depicts this scenario, with the city’s light rail line taking residents to the Temple Mount. The Temple Institute is dedicated to laying the groundwork for this vision.

The organization has formulated a program for where the temple will stand and what its vessels will look like, aided by 20 men who study Temple law full-time. The products of this research — 40 ritual objects — are on display in Plexiglas cases at the institute’s headquarters in the Old City.

Silver trumpets to be blown by priests and a wooden lyre are perched next to two deep pans with long handles — one for collecting blood from small sacrificial offerings and another for large sacrifices like the Passover lamb.

In another room, mannequins with beards wear the respective vestments for deputy priests and the high priest. The high priest’s outfit, with azure weaves, gold thread and a breastplate with 12 precious stones, took 11 years of research and $150,000 to complete. Next to it stands a massive 12-spigot sink with electric faucets — technology that Richman says will be permitted in the Third Temple.

The institute’s crowning achievement — the Temple’s golden, 200-pound, seven-branch menorah — stands outside in a case overlooking the Western Wall. Unlike art or history museums, the institute’s goal is to remove the objects from their cases and bring them to the mount for use as soon as possible.

Many Israelis view the goal as a danger to the status quo that has kept this site holy to Muslims and Jews from turning into a tinderbox.

In 1984, Israel’s security services stopped a group of Jewish terrorists conspiring to blow up the mosque at the mount who reportedly got very close to achieving their goal. Ever since, authorities say they have kept a close watch on any attempts to disturb the peace on the mount.

Though observant Jews pray thrice daily in the Amidah prayer for the Temple to be rebuilt, few do anything about it. That’s as it should be, says Michael Melchior, an Orthodox rabbi and former Knesset member who is considered a religious moderate.

“We pray for holiness, but we also need to be careful of others’ desire for holiness,” Melchior said. “The moment you want to translate that into building a Temple, you upset the sensitive balance we’ve created here, by which we exist here.” He called Temple construction advocates “irresponsible.”

Given the obstacles to breaking ground on a Holy Temple, the institute also has taken up a more modest cause: expanding Jewish rights on the Temple Mount to allow unrestricted access and prayer. In that endeavor, Richman is joined by several right-wing Knesset members and a group of archaeologists who say the Wakf is reckless with archaeological remains at the site.

“It has exceptional historical importance,” Eilat Mazar, a Hebrew University archaeologist, said of the site. “There needs to be access for everyone. Authorities don’t take care of it.”

Moshe Feiglin, a nationalist Likud Knesset member, made a practice of visiting the Temple Mount monthly until Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu banned him from the site in order to prevent provocations there. Last month, Feiglin wrote on Facebook, “Whoever turns his back on the Temple Mount is also giving up on construction in the city.”

Richman says support for the institute’s goals is growing. For him, the issue involves far more than politics, archaeology or even Jewish legal research. The Temple Institute, he says, is doing God’s work.

“The point is that we can’t live without the Temple,” Richman says. “It’s not about building, it’s about a concept: the idea that all of human experience can be elevated to a sense of divine purpose.”

Chaim Richman, international director of the Temple Institute, standing next to a replica of the
holy ark at an exhibit of Third Temple vessels in the institute’s offices in Jerusalem. 

A 200-pound. gold menorah, built for use in a future Third Temple by the Temple
Institute, stands in a case overlooking the Western Wall in Jerusalem. 

The high priest’s diadem, created for use in a future third temple by the Temple
Institute, at an exhibit of Third Temple vessels in the institute’s offices in Jerusalem. 

A model of the Second Temple at an exhibit of Third Temple
vessels in the Temple Institute’s offices in Jerusalem. 
The Rise of the New World Order

The rise of the one-world government is beginning to take its shape as early as now. Its form is hidden in the emerging New World Order. The New World Order is established by the Elite of the Elites consists of the Fourth Reich of the SuperRich/the Lords of Money/ the International Bank Cartels/the Secret Societies/the Broherhood and the Order/the Committee of the 300 Billionnaires of the World including the Power Elite of 13 Old Line Families through the years.

This group envisions a one world banking system and currency that will give in to a cashless computer financial system, one world centralized control of global population, global control of the world’s environment, economy, trade and army.They have already made a giant step. The year was 1945, when they drafted and created the United Nations.

These men have unbelievable power and they have spelled out their agenda in advance. That global agenda is constructed around six goals. It is amazing to know that they are following prophecies written in the Bible.

Goal #1 : The establishment of international economic order (cashless society)

Goal #2: The establishment of a one-world government

Goal #3 : The conquest and subjugation of two super powers (USA and USSR)

Goal #4: The ascension of the United States of Europe as the dominant nation in a Confederated one-world government

Goal #5: The ushering in of a supreme world leader to preside over the new unified One-world government

Goal #6 : The establishment of a one-world religion which will coordinate all the world’s religions, cults, faith groups and spiritual beliefs under the guidance of Supreme Pontiff

All these goals are coming to fulfillment right before our eyes. We are now in the era of the “Debit Card System.” This is the final step before the cashless society (the system of the Antichrist). With this system, we don’t need to bring cash whenever we go shopping. All we have to present is a card with microchip that bears information about ourselves and our accounts. This card is scanned and then the amount of our purchase is deducted from our account. Also similar systems are being used in the form of Smart cards and E-cards. The European Union has implemented its one currency unit for all the member nations, the EURO. 

The one world currency is a major requirement for the establishment of a cashless society. Ordinary citizens of the world are not aware that the world is already divided into ten magnum regions referred to as kingdoms. Regionalization of countries is a step forward to the one-world government. Organizations associated with the New World Order use a “ten kingdom” model in their plan for the coming world government. In the Book of Revelation, the prophet John revealed that the AntiChrist and his ten-nation confederacy will rule the world during the last 31/2 years of the coming Tribulation Period. Organizations associated with the establishment of a one-world government have already drafted their one-world constitution.

On December 31, 1992, the plan for full integration of Europe came into reality. European Union has finally emerged. The Europeans now have :

One European citizenship

One High Court

One Central Bank and Currency

One Foreign Policy and European Army

One Political, Economic and Military Control

The New World Religion is at hand. With the forming of the United Religions Initiative 2000, one world religion is coming to reality. In June, 1997, delegates from 100 historic religions and 100 spiritual movements gathered at Stanford University to begin work on United Religions Charter. Sitting together were Christian ecumenical leaders, black muslims, American Jews, Australian aborigines, California pagans,South African Hindus, Thai Buddhists, British Baha’ias, Catholic priests, Indian Sikhs, and other religious leaders.

USA and USSR are yielding their sovereignties to United Nations due to economic crises in their respective countries.Their governments are coming under the folds of The New World Order. There is still one major goal set to be fulfilled, the ushering of one “Supreme Leader” to head the one-world government, he is the AntiChrist.

The Economic System of the AntiChrist

One of the most distinctive feature of our generation is the tremendous rise in the wealth of rich nations while the third world countries become poorer each year. In Revelations chapter 6 :5,6 John recorded his vision;

“When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say “Come!” And I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, “a leaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day’s pay.”

The vision refers to the third horseman of Apocalypse which is famine. A time will come when a day’s wage will be just sufficient to buy a meal. In fact, we are experiencing the birth pains as early as now. We are moving towards that crisis. The World Bank ‘s poverty threshold $1 a day and that “near poor” are those who live in less than $2 a day. In the Philippines as of 2001, 13% and 46% are classified as “poor” and “near poor” respectively. $2 is hardly sufficient to sustain the basic food needs in a day.

The world’s most exclusive and private club of international power brokers meet secretly ten times a year in Basel, Switzerland. These men are the most powerful leaders in the world of international finance. This small group of financial leaders use their vast amount of wealth to trigger the recurring recessions, booms and busts affecting world economy. They may create an economic climate for the world that nations will be compelled to embrace the one-world government.

Who Is The AntiChrist ?

“And now in my vision I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns on its horn. And written on each head were names that blasphemed God.”

Revelations 13:1

The beast rising out of the sea refers to the AntiChrist. He is destined to rise in the last days as the ruler over the one-world government. He will rule in tyranny and will bring great terror. The AntiChrist is destined to be the ruler of the last empire to rule the world which is actually the revived Roman Empire. This empire will control politics, economics, army and religions of the world. This ruler will be fearless and will not embrace any religious conviction. He will demand to be worshiped as God. He will force everyone on earth to bear his mark on their forehead or in their hands. Without this mark, neither anyone can buy nor sell. The revived Roman Empire is now existing in our time as the United States of Europe or European Union which consists the rich nations of Europe.

Summary from The World's last Dictator By Dwight L. Kinman