"All hell will break loose": 'Prepper' families planning for Doomsday 


The survivalism movement has been around since the 60s when Cold War fears prompted thousands into stockpiling food and weapons

Tim Ralston with his guns
Once a week Tim Ralston and his wife Marie take their three teenage kids to a secluded cabin in the Northern Arizona desert.  
Surrounded by wildlife and the cows, sheep and chickens they raise it looks like a perfect eco-friendly family retreat.
But the Ralstons are not there for an American version of The Good Life.
On arrival Marie heads straight to the pantry to check the 15 years worth of tinned and freeze-dried food they’ve stockpiled, the kids test out their survival gear, first aid kits and water purifying tablets and Tim gets in some self-defence practice with his Crovel.
It’s a 13-tools-in-one weapon he has designed himself and, as he is more than happy to demonstrate, it can slice a pig in half with two blows.
“It’s the Swiss army knife of shovels,” explains Tim proudly.
“The spike at one end, a pry bar, a hammer... and the blade itself is so strong it’s used as an axe. It’s very hardcore.”
It’s also selling like hot cakes and has been voted the No 1 Zombie Killing Tool in the World by the more extreme members of the growing community who, like Tim, are getting ready for Doomsday.

Planning: Tim teaching his family to use guns
For Tim and his family are Preppers, some of the tens of thousands of people worldwide preparing for Teotwawki – or The End Of The World As We Know It in their language.
The survivalism movement has been around since the 60s when Cold War fears of atomic attacks prompted hundreds of thousands of Americans into stockpiling food and weapons.
In 1999, fears of the Y2K computer bug triggered another surge in prepping, while the 9/11 attacks and terrorism alerts drove it to new highs.
Survivalists used to be dismissed as wild-bearded weirdos living in caves.
But this week the Prepper phenomenon was thrown into the spotlight by the Sandy Hook school massacre in Connecticut.
Across the US, and in Europe and even the UK, apparently ordinary people are also preparing for WTSHF – prepping jargon for disaster, or when the s*** hits the fan.
They have their own organisation, the American Preppers Network, their own TV series Doomsday Preppers and Preppers UK on the National Geographic cable channel and scores of “how to prep” shows on local radio.

The supplies: Stockpiles of food
Then there are the websites and blogs, magazines and books like Preppers’ Home Defence, a snip at £8.35 in Walmart.
And a huge industry is cashing in on their fears with companies selling special food and equipment – such as the air-purifying SCape Mask – as well as purpose-built shelters.
In North Salt Lake, Utah, builder Paul Seyfried is doing a roaring trade in bespoke bunkers which cost from £32,000 to £40,000.
Some Preppers will have woken up this morning feeling pretty confused as, according to one doomsday prophecy based on the ancient Mayan calendar, the world should have ended yesterday.
Tim, 49, a former IT consultant, did not believe that was how the end would come, nor does he think it will be a zombie apocalypse, plague, or bio-chemical attack, as other Preppers do.
He fears an electromagnetic pulse attack, triggered by man-made sources such as a missile or small nuclear bomb, or through the sun having a solar flare.
It would cause all electrical systems to blow up rendering everyday life ­impossible.
But Tim, Marie, their 15-year-old daughter and sons aged 16 and 13, insist they could survive for up to a year “off the grid” in a post-apocalypse world by “bugging-out” from their home in Scottsdale to their secret cabin.
Their food store has hundreds of tins of chicken, beef and tuna neatly lined up.
And then there’s the stockpile of weapons – from an AK-47 assault rifle to hunting rifles – giving Tim enough firepower to keep a mini army at bay.
Tim, who runs a store specialising in outdoor and survival gear, adds: “My whole family knows how to shoot and use weapons responsibly.
"Why would they not want to know how to use a gun? I bring a gun to work with me every day.

Gas mask: Purifier air kit for Preppers
"If someone comes into my store and threatens me with a weapon I am not going to tell them to go away simply with good intentions.
“That is what my gun is for. People will not argue with a gun.”
With other Preppers living nearby, he said their community has all the skills needed to stay alive
 “The whole point of being a Prepper is that you are prepared for the worst,” he says.
“It’s a kind of insurance – like health insurance or life insurance.
“Prepping is different than survivalism. Survivalists used to be those lone guys sitting up the mountains counting beans and rice.
“The Preppers build communities with networks of people that have like minds and goals, mainly to protect themselves.”
His views are echoed by Jeff Nice, 46, who lives on a 13 acre farm in North Carolina with wife Jeannie and their stockpile of food and weapons.

Bunker mentality: Hideout full of supplies
They also have a 200 yard rifle range and teach other Preppers “hunter education”.
The Nices’ big fear is nuclear apocalypse.
“When there is an attack all hell will break loose,” says Jeff. “People will be looking for ways to survive.
“No one thought there would be a 9/11. You only have to see how unstable the world is and then people will realise what we are doing is not crazy.”
Jay Blevins, 35, from Berryville, Virginia is a former deputy sheriff and Swat team officer who now teaches self-defence.
He has been prepping for more than a decade and estimates he’s spent £9,000 on supplies.
His family is part of a network of 20 Prepper families who have three “strongholds”— houses with additional supplies — as well as a “bug-out” location in a wooded area away from cities.

  The bunker: Paul builds bespoke shelters
They also have a contingency plan to leave there and Jay believes, because of the network members’ skills, they could survive indefinitely.
He says: “You might laugh – but there’s millions of people that suffer in large types of emergencies, just because they didn’t do a little bit of preparation beforehand.”
"Preppers seek to prepare, save, and defend life. Preppers are like Victoria Soto, the teacher who sacrificed her life for her students.”

Top 10 survival items

1. Water and water filter
2. Food – easy to prepare such as military style rations or dehydrated
3. Bag packed with essential supplies for spending 72 hours without any outside help
4. Shelter such as tent or tarpaulin
5. First aid supplies and medication
6. Back up communication – CB, ham radio, am/fm radio
7. Generator
8. Escape vehicle
9. Security devices – pepper spray, Taser, baton, knife
10. Stored fuel for escape vehicle and power generator

Hurricane Sandy and the Disaster-Preparedness Economy

BUSINESS NEWS        The New York Times  Nov 2012

Folks here don't wish disaster on their fellow Americans. They didn't pray for Hurricane Sandy to come grinding up the East Coast, tearing lives apart and plunging millions into darkness.

But the fact is, disasters are good business in Waukesha. And, lately, there have been a lot of disasters.

This Milwaukee suburb, once known for its curative spring waters and, more recently, for being a Republican stronghold in a state that President Obama won on Election Day, happens to be the home of one of the largest makers of residential generators in the country. So when the lights go out in New York — or on the storm-savaged Jersey Shore or in tornado-hit Missouri or wherever — the orders come pouring in like a tidal surge.

It's all part of what you might call the Mad Max Economy, a multibillion-dollar-a-year collection of industries that thrive when things get really, really bad. Weather radios, kerosene heaters, D batteries, candles, industrial fans for drying soggy homes — all are scarce and coveted in the gloomy aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and her ilk.

It didn't start with the last few hurricanes, either. Modern Mad Max capitalism has been around a while, decades even, growing out of something like old-fashioned self-reliance, political beliefs and post-Apocalyptic visions. The cold war may have been the start, when schoolchildren dove under desks and ordinary citizens dug bomb shelters out back. But economic fears, as well as worries about climate change and an unreliable electronic grid have all fed it.

Driven of late by freakish storms, this industry is growing fast, well beyond the fringe groups that first embraced it. And by some measures, it's bigger than ever.

Businesses like Generac Power Systems, one of three companies in Wisconsin turning out generators, are just the start.

The market for gasoline cans, for example, was flat for years. No longer. "Demand for gas cans is phenomenal, to the point where we can't keep up with demand," says Phil Monckton, vice president for sales and marketing at Scepter, a manufacturer based in Scarborough, Ontario. "There was inventory built up, but it is long gone."

Even now, nearly two weeks after the superstorm made landfall in New Jersey, batteries are a hot commodity in the New York area. Win Sakdinan, a spokesman for Duracell, says that when the company gave away D batteries in the Rockaways, a particularly hard-hit area, people "held them in their hands like they were gold."

Sales of Eton emergency radios and flashlights rose 15 percent in the week before Hurricane Sandy — and 220 percent the week of the storm, says Kiersten Moffatt, a company spokeswoman. "It's important to note that we not only see lifts in the specific regions affected, we see a lift nationwide," she wrote in an e-mail. "We've seen that mindfulness motivates consumers all over the country to be prepared in the case of a similar event."

Garo Arabian, director of operations at B-Air, a manufacturer based in Azusa, Calif., says he has sold thousands of industrial fans since the storm. "Our marketing and graphic designer is from Syria, and he says: 'I don't understand. In Syria, we open the windows.' "

But Mr. Arabian says contractors and many insurers know that mold spores won't grow if carpeting or drywall can be dried out within 72 hours. "The industry has grown," he says, "because there is more awareness about this kind of thing."

Retailers that managed to stay open benefited, too. Steve Rinker, who oversees 11 Lowe's home-improvement stores in New York and New Jersey, says his stores were sometimes among the few open in a sea of retail businesses.

Predictably, emergency supplies like flashlights, lanterns, batteries and sump pumps sold out quickly, even when they were replenished. The one sought-after item that surprised him the most? Holiday candles. "If anyone is looking for holiday candles, they are sold out," he says. "People bought every holiday candle we have during the storm."

If the hurricane was a windfall for Lowe's, its customers didn't seem to mind. Rather, most appeared exceedingly grateful when Mr. Rinker, working at a store in Paterson, N.J., pointed them toward a space heater, or a gasoline can, that could lessen the misery of another day without power.

While sales of emergency supplies spike during storms, several retailers and manufacturers — including Generac — say their baseline of sales has grown in recent years, too, perhaps driven by economic uncertainty and the frequency of wild weather and power failures in an overtaxed electrical grid.

"Anytime you see as much devastation as what happened in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and in Joplin, Mo., it brings it to everybody's minds," says Mike Vaughn, president of the National Storm Shelter Association, referring to devastating tornadoes that swept through both cities last year. He added, "$5,000 isn't much to save your family's life," a reference to the approximate cost of a storm shelter.

Mr. Vaughn owns a company, too, which makes concrete storm shelters for protection against tornadoes, and he says business has grown about 30 percent in recent years. Talk to him and it's clear that he isn't a doommonger. Yet the members of his association market their products aggressively, warning about the dangers from tornadoes and hurricanes and telling how their products can save lives.

"Nature is strong," says the Web site for Vaughn Concrete Products, Mr. Vaughn's company. "Our shelters are stronger."

That sort of disaster marketing is all over the place, in the hope that the memory of a nasty storm will persuade consumers to plan ahead and, of course, spend some money.

It's hard to define the overall market for disaster supplies. For one thing, many products that are useful in emergencies — flashlights, batteries, duct tape and extension cords, to name a few — are also handy for everyday chores. And other products, like "bugout bags," packs holding enough gear to survive a disaster for a few days, continue to be marketed to a small, but apparently growing, niche of survivalists.

But there's little question that the market is in the multiple billions of dollars. The size of the generator market in the United States, including residential, commercial and industrial models, is roughly $3 billion. Trying to nail down a figure for survival supplies is a much more dicey exercise, given the fuzzy parameters of the market.

Jonathan Dick, director of sales and marketing for the Ready Store, whose slogan is "where America goes to get ready," estimates that the market for disaster supplies like freeze-dried food, flashlights and radios was $500 million for consumers, but several billion dollars when sales to businesses and government agencies are folded in.

"The industry is very event-driven," he says. "When there is a hurricane like this, or the stock market crashes, we'll see crazy increases in demand."

Mr. Dick says the core customer for his company, which is based in Draper, Utah, and includes retail and online sales, remains "conservative, gun-toting Republicans." But he says the industry is steadily attracting a broader audience. And major retailers have taken note.

Both Walmart and Costco now sell a year's supply of food, much of it freeze-dried. Costco's offering is 120 gallon-size cans of food for $1,499.99. Sears offers emergency/survival rations for dogs. And the National Geographic Channel has a reality series called "Doomsday Preppers," which "explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it."

David Lyle, the chief executive of the National Geographic Channel, said the program was a breakout hit in its first season. The second season will begin on Tuesday.

"You start by thinking, 'Wow, these people are odd.' Then there is this creeping realization: Who is crazy now?" says Mr. Lyle, who notes that other shows like "The Walking Dead" and "Revolution" deal with similar themes, like living off the grid (albeit with zombies). "How interesting that some of them believe that the oil supply will run out and that will result in civil unrest. And now with Sandy, you see people having brawls in gas lines."

If there were a headquarters for the emergency preparedness market, one candidate would be Wisconsin, the center of residential generator manufacturing. Generac's two biggest competitors, Briggs & Stratton and Kohler, are also in the Badger State.

That may be no coincidence. The German immigrants who flocked to the state were particularly skilled in manufacturing engines, in addition to beer and bratwurst.

The founder of Generac, however, was an Iowa transplant and an engineer, Robert Kern, who found a way to make generators so they were more affordable for home use. The time was 1959, during the cold war, when Waukesha had its own missile silo, on the east side of town.

People scarcely seem to remember all of that — and the missile silo is now a park. But that period may have been the beginning of a survivalist economy, the early shoots of Mad Max capitalism.

It has grown ever since, through recessions and wars, Y2K and 9/11, tornadoes and hurricanes.

So has Generac, with a 15 percent compound annual growth rate since 2000. In 2012, with a big boost from Sandy, the company expects shipments of residential products, which account for 60 percent of its business, to increase nearly 40 percent.

At the company's plant in Whitewater, Wis., about 30 miles southwest of Waukesha, employees have worked three shifts, six days a week, since Hurricane Sandy increased demand. The plant makes residential generators and power washers. Inside, wires and cranes dangle above a bustling factory floor where workers, many in Green Bay Packers garb, assemble the parts. Air hoses hiss, drills drone and carts beep to alert unhurried visitors and keep them from being run over. At a 200,000-square foot distribution warehouse across a parking lot, oversize boxes of generators are stacked high, awaiting shipment.

"Everything in this building, except for the power washers, is sold and then some," says Russ Minick, Generac's executive vice president for residential products. "The metrics on this storm have been nothing like we have ever seen. Compared to Hurricane Isaac, this is five times bigger."

At the company's newly rehabilitated headquarters in Waukesha, Aaron P. Jagdfeld, the youthful and enthusiastic chief executive, says major storms typically create an immediate demand for portable generators — and the demand from Sandy was unprecedented.

But while his company has sold tens of thousands of portable generators in recent weeks, Mr. Jagdfeld gets more excited talking about the longer-term possibilities: the sale of more permanent, and more expensive, "standby" generators that can be hooked into a house's natural gas line and that turn on immediately when the power goes off.

He explains that standby generators for homes were once considered appropriate for only the largest estates. But the worries of Y2K — the idea that computers would stop functioning in the new millennium — made the company realize that it could sell standby computers to a broader market if it could bring down the price, he says.

He now envisions a day when standby generators, which start around $4,500, fully installed, are as common as central air-conditioning, a goal that is a long way off but one helped immeasurably by Hurricane Sandy. Standby generators are in roughly 2.5 percent of stand-alone single-family homes, he said.

"No one knows about it," Mr. Jagdfeld says, but he adds, "It is the next must-have appliance."

He later tempers his enthusiasm. "We don't want to appear we are profit-mongering," he says. "This is a horrible situation. It's really, really tough, the marketing around that."

For now, at least, with tens of thousands still without power and millions of others harboring grim memories, a chimpanzee could sell generators by the truckload. Like Generac, Briggs & Stratton and Kohler say they, too, are swamped by demand.

"People are really starting to understand the impact of what a power outage means to them, and it is changing their behavior," says Melanie Tydrich, a senior manager at Kohler, which sells kitchen and bath appliances and standby generators, among other things. "It's just not something they want to live through again."

Laura Giangeruso, the mother of two girls, 4 weeks old and 7 years old, certainly fits that description.

In the wake of the storm, Ms. Giangeruso, who is 42 and lives in Glen Ridge, N.J., spent nine of 10 nights living with relatives because her house had no power. With a newborn, she says, she had little choice but to leave. But she says the solution became obvious during a visit with her sister, who lives nearby.

"It was like a miracle," she says. "The power went out, and then in like 30 seconds, I heard this hum." She lifts her hands from her hips upward, along her sides. "And then the power came on."

So now she is leading an electrical contractor through her home's cold and dark basement, pointing out the electric box and meter, all so she can get an estimate on a standby generator of her own. A neighbor, Chris Nehrbauer, tags along, partly to be neighborly but partly because he is getting an estimate next.

Jack Lamb, the contractor, who works for Bloomfield Cooling, Heating and Electric, says he has been working nonstop since the storm, providing estimates. When he shows up for an estimate, often four or five neighbors are waiting, he says, adding that he is booked through Jan. 8.

Ms. Giangeruso, who notes that last year, after the "Snowtober storm" on Halloween, her house was powerless for six days. "If we are talking in the neighborhood of $6,000, it is worth every dollar. If I could get it right now, I'd write a check," she says. "The wives in this area don't want jewelry for Christmas. They want generators."

FEMA  Builds 'Hurricane domes' as shelters -- and gyms

By Juan Lozano,    NBCNews.com

 David J. Phillip / AP Work continues on the construction of a hurricane dome at Edna High School in Edna, Texas, on Dec. 6.  

Most of the time, the windowless building with the dome-shaped roof will be a typical high school gymnasium filled with cheering fans watching basketball and volleyball games.

But come hurricane season, the structure that resembles a miniature version of the famed Astrodome will double as a hurricane shelter, part of an ambitious storm-defense system that is taking shape along hundreds of miles of the Texas Gulf Coast.

Its brawny design — including double-layer cinder-block walls reinforced by heavy duty steel bars and cement piers that plunge 30 feet into the ground — should allow it to withstand winds up to 200 mph.

"There is nothing standard" about the building, said Bob Wells, superintendent of the Edna school district, as he stood inside the $2.5 million gym, which is set to be completed by March. "The only standard stuff is going to be the stuff we do inside."

The Edna dome is one of 28 such buildings planned to protect sick, elderly and special-needs residents who might be unable to evacuate ahead of a hurricane. First-responders and local leaders will also be able to take refuge in the domes, allowing them to begin recovery efforts faster after a storm has passed.

Storm-defense structures are getting increased attention in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which inflicted heavy damage on the East Coast in October. The city of New York, for instance, is considering a multi-billion-dollar system of sea barriers.

For Texas, a state always in danger during hurricane season, the domes offer the extra benefit of serving as recreation or community centers when not needed as shelters. They are being erected with help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

David J. Phillip / AP Bob Wells, superintendent of the Edna Independent School District, shows the new domed gym under construction in Edna, Texas.

"I think it's good for FEMA, and I think it's good for us. And I think it's good for the taxpayers," Wells said.

The gym in Edna, a town of 5,500 people about 100 miles southwest of Houston, is the second hurricane dome in Texas. The first was built in 2011 in Woodsboro, near Corpus Christi. Most of the domes will be around 20,000 square feet.

The plan calls for structures in 11 counties in the Rio Grande Valley, around Corpus Christi and along the coast from Victoria to Newton counties, said Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety.

So far, $34.5 million has been awarded. This month, FEMA approved funds for a hurricane dome that will serve as a community center in Brownsville, one that will serve as a wellness center and physical rehabilitation facility in Bay City and two that will serve as multi-purpose training centers in Kingsville.

Inside the gym in Edna, Wells' voice echoed as he pointed to the ceiling, which has layers of sprayed-on concrete, insulation and rebar, all of which are under a heavy duty fabric that gives the structure its distinctive wind-resistant shape.

The doorways are covered by awnings of heavy gauge metal and supported by concrete girders that go 15 feet into the ground.

FEMA is paying for 75 percent of the dome structures, with local communities picking up the remaining cost.

The funding is part of the agency's initiative to help homeowners and communities build hardened shelters that provide protection from extreme weather.

Nationwide, more than $683 million has been awarded in 18 states, including Texas, Alabama, Michigan and South Carolina.

Walking around the gym, Wells said it reminded him of when, as a teenager, he first walked into the Astrodome after it opened in 1965 in Houston.

"It was like, 'Oh, wow, this is so cool,'" he said. "I'm still kind of in the 'Oh, wow' stage with this."

South Korea charges North building missile that could reach US

South Korean officials say they have evidence that North Korea is working on an intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach as far as the United States.

By Donald Kirk,  December 23, 2012  The Christian Science Monitor

A piece of wreckage of a North Korean rocket that the South Korean Defense Ministry estimates could be a combustion chamber of the rocket. South Korean officials say this piece shows North Korea has the capability to fire a warhead more than 6,200 miles putting the U.S. West Coast in range.

South Korean defense officials say they have evidence showing a recent North Korean missile launch was to test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

South Korean navy divers have recovered more than three tons of debris from the first stage of a missile Korean analysts say was fueled by a type of nitric acid developed in the former Soviet Union over 40 years ago for firing missiles with warheads more than 6,000 miles. The rocket, fired from a pad in northwestern North Korea on December 12, managed to put a small satellite into orbit, but officials offer the discovery of nitric acid as evidence of the real reason why North Korea was anxious to test it....

DigiSensory cameras predict crime before it happens

By homelandsecuritynewswire.com

With DigiSensory Technologies’ sophisticated cameras and sensor systems, law enforcement agencies and transportation departments across the United States are now able to proactively monitor and respond to crimes or accidents as they unfold; the company’s Avista sensors process the images that its high-resolution camera records in real time and can automatically detect when a crime is occurring; when it senses something it will alert law enforcement officials instantly; the sensors can also assist transportation departments in analyzing traffic patterns in real time; the system could allow officials to change one way streets, design real time traffic signals, and multiple speed limits to make traffic flow more smoothly.

In 2009 the East Orange, New Jersey police department was the first U.S. agency to install DigiSensory’s Avista Smart Imaging Sensor system as part of its broader network of security cameras around the city.

The Avista sensors process the images that its high-resolution camera records in real time and can automatically detect when a crime is occurring. When it senses something it will alert law enforcement officials instantly.

Jose Cordero, the East Orange police director, says that the cameras have helped reduce response times from minutes to seconds.

“It’s no different from what we do on the street, but now we have a system in place that can look at our data and turn information into intelligence in real time,” Cordero said.

This is particularly critical as East Orange’s streets are riddled with gang and drug related violence.

When Cordero joined the force in 2004, he says East Orange had a crime rate fourteen times the national average. Since then, however, violent crime has dropped by two thirds, largely as a result of the department’s $1.4 million camera system.

In 2009 East Orange installed ten Avista Smart Cameras. These cameras have sensors that can identify behavioral patterns and actually predict when a crime is going to occur. This information is then stored in a database tied to geographic location so that it will be able to forecast where a crime is most likely to occur next.

“The system will predict when the next likely event will occur at these locations during these particular times during this particular day,” Cordero says.

According to their Web site, Avista sensors are “programmed to analyze the environment, recognize specific user defined patterns or profiles, classify profile as a threat category and warn or alert of common and specific elements of street crime and help solve crime by providing video footage of completed or potential crimes.”

Craig Primiani, vice president of sales of DigiSensory’s North America division, says the technology takes a “proactive approach to law enforcement, so that officers are alerted as an event occurs, rather than after.”

He explains that unlike existing video systems which simply record events and store them in an archive to be reviewed only after a crime occurs, Avista sensors analyze events as they occur.

Primiani says that DigiSensory’s technology is applicable beyond just law enforcement and can greatly assist transportation departments in analyzing traffic patterns.

DigiSensory is in the final stages of installing a traffic camera and sensor system for Washington D.C.’s Department of Transportation (DCDOT). The system will provide DCDOT with real time analysis of traffic patterns to predict commute times.

Primiani believes that the system has vast future potential.

“There’s so much information we can gather about traffic patterns. If D.C. had 1,000 of these they could do predictive analysis. They could make decisions on one way streets that change from one way in the morning to the other way at night, design real time traffic signals, and multiple speed limits,” he said.

In short, smart sensors can provide cities with “information to make real time traffic decision to make the city’s existing roads more effective.”

In addition, these traffic systems could be integrated with existing law enforcement security cameras and vice versa. So if someone is hit in an accident, the cameras could automatically alert emergency responders.

To allay critics who charge that the camera systems are too invasive or violate privacy laws, the company has built in privacy safeguards.

Primiani explains that, “We have the ability with a flick of a switch to black out the objects we are tracking.”

The sensors can outline an object and make its specific characteristics indistinguishable.

“For instance, if a car is going down the road, with existing systems we can see that it is a 1984 Chevy Nova, but we can block it so that we do not know what type of car it is. We’ll just know it’s a car and the same thing applies to humans,” he said.

David Young, a spokesman for the company, says that the technology has a broad appeal and can be used in many different situations.

“The technology has wide application in law enforcement, school safety, government institutional safety, crowd management, transportation departments, prisons and more. With bullying being one of the biggest problems occurring in American schools today, imagine if principals would be automatically notified of a potential incident moments after students began to loiter,” Young said.

Government agencies and business around the world have already taken notice of DigiSensory Avista predictive sensors.

Louis Vuitton stores in China have already installed these cameras, while the U.K. Olympic Organizing committee is considering implementing these systems for the London 2012 games.

East Orange installs surveillance cameras with computer chips that sense criminal activities, alerts police - March 18, 2010

(East Orange unveiled its revolutionary crime-fighting technology. Police Officers closely monitor the cameras and sensors.)

N.J. -- First there were gunshot detectors, then surveillance cameras — both of which police credit with dramatic decreases in crime. Now East Orange has installed a state-of-the-art tracking system that may be able to snitch on bad behavior without human eyes.

Today, the city’s police department unveiled the new system that includes programmed sensors capable of identifying criminal behavior as it is happening.

Police Director Jose Cordero showed off the technology today at a press conference, at which over 200 public officials and international law enforcement agents were in attendance.

"We want to change the criminal mindset about wanting to commit the crime," Cordero said. "This is about real-time deterrence."

Cordero said the new system’s cameras, which have been installed throughout the city, have computer chips that automatically sense hundreds of suspicious scenarios and alert police.

For example, Cordero said, if two people approach an individual on the street, and the individual becomes evasive or tries to run away, the camera will alert operators of a possible robbery. The operators can view the area on their computers and dispatch the nearest officers within one second.

Cordero said the sensors do not recognize race, age or other factors that may lead to discrimination.

The cameras were developed by Australian company DigiSensory, which used the sensors in Sydney in 2008 when the pope came to visit, said the company’s chief executive officer Tarik Hammadou. The sensors are unique to the United States, and Cordero said they have mainly been used experimentally and have not been fully integrated into police tracking systems until now.

Hammadou contacted East Orange last year when he learned Cordero had installed gunshot detectors and surveillance cameras to reduce crime in 2004. The city has credited the technology, costing $1.8 million, with a more than 70 percent drop in crime between 2003 and 2008.

Police officials from around the world have taken an interest in East Orange. Last week, Brazilian government officials who are preparing for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics visited the city to learn how they could heighten security, Cordero said. Police director Ahmet Kirkpinak from Ankara, Turkey, came to the conference today, saying cities in his country were starting to develop surveillance technology.

"This is exactly what we want to do," Kirkpinak said. "This was a good opportunity to learn how this is done. (East Orange) is spending millions. They are doing it right."

But Dennis Kenney, a criminal justice professor at John Jay College, said using the technology as a law enforcement tool is a pipe dream.

"To argue that somehow it’s going to be able to distinguish the guy who’s going to the ATM and the robber at the ATM is a fantasy. The technology is just not sophisticated enough," Kenney said in a phone interview. "Basically, the citizens have to decide whether they feel comfortable being watched all the time."

Iran warns against Patriot deployment on Syria frontier

By Dominic Evans    Dec 15 2012

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran's army chief of staff warned NATO on Saturday that stationing Patriot anti-missile batteries on Turkey's border with Syria was setting the stage for world war.
General Hassan Firouzabadi, whose country has been a staunch supporter of President Bashar al-Assad throughout the 21-month uprising against his rule, called on the Western military alliance to reverse its decision to deploy the defence system.
"Each one of these Patriots is a black mark on the world map, and is meant to cause a world war," Firouzabadi said, according to the Iranian Students' News Agency. "They are making plans for a world war and this is very dangerous for the future of humanity and for the future of Europe itself."
Despite the warning, Firouzabadi did not threaten any action against Turkey in his speech to senior commanders at the National Defence University in Tehran. "We are Turkey's friend and we want security for Turkey," he said.
NATO's U.S. commander said on Friday the alliance was deploying the anti-missile system along Syria's northern frontier because Assad's forces had fired Scud missiles that landed near Turkish territory.
Damascus denies firing the long-range, Soviet-built rockets. But, forced on the defensive by mainly Sunni Muslim rebels, Syria's 47-year-old Alawite president has resorted increasingly to air strikes and artillery to stem their advances.
Warplanes bombed insurgents on the airport road in southeast Damascus on Saturday and government forces pounded a town to the southwest, activists said, in a month-long and so far fruitless campaign to dislodge rebels around the capital.
Activists also reported heavy fighting in the Palestinian district of Yarmouk in southern Damascus between rebels and fighters from a pro-Assad Palestinian faction.
In the north, rebels said they had seized control of an infantry college in the northern Aleppo province, but the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said there was still fierce fighting around the site by nightfall on Saturday, when it estimated at least 70 people had been killed across the country.
Desperate food shortages are growing in parts of Syria and residents of Aleppo say fist fights and dashes across the civil war front lines have become part of the daily struggle to secure a loaf of bread.
NATO military commander Admiral James Stavridis said a handful of Scud missiles were launched inside Syria in recent days towards opposition targets and "several landed fairly close to the Turkish border, which is very worrisome".
It was not clear how close they came. Turkey, a NATO member once friendly toward Assad but now among the main allies of the rebels, has complained for months of artillery and gunfire across the border, some of which has caused deaths. It sought the installation of missile defences some weeks ago.
"Syria is clearly a chaotic and dangerous situation, but we have an absolute obligation to defend the borders of the alliance from any threat emanating from that troubled state," Stavridis wrote in a blog on Friday.
Batteries of U.S.-made Patriot missiles, designed to shoot down the likes of the Scuds popularly associated with Iraq's 1991 Gulf War under Saddam Hussein, are about to be deployed by the U.S., German and Dutch armies, each of which is sending up to 400 troops to operate and protect the rocket systems.
Damascus has accused Western powers of backing what it portrays as a Sunni Islamist "terrorist" campaign against it and says Washington and Europe have publicly voiced concerns of late that Assad's forces might resort to chemical weapons solely as a pretext for preparing a possible military intervention.
In contrast to NATO's air campaign in support of Libya's successful revolt last year against Muammar Gaddafi, Western powers have shied away from intervention in Syria. They have cited the greater size and ethnic and religious complexity of a major Arab state at the heart of the Middle East - but have also lacked U.N. approval due to Russia's support for Assad.
Forty thousand people have now been killed in what has become the most protracted and destructive of the Arab revolts.
As well as the growing rebel challenge, Syria faces an alliance of Arab and Western powers who stepped up diplomatic support for Assad's political foes at a meeting in Morocco on Wednesday and warned him he could not win Syria's civil war.
Assad's opponents have consistently underestimated his tenacity throughout the uprising, but their warnings appeared to be echoed by even his staunch ally Moscow when the Kremlin's Middle East envoy Mikhail Bogdanov conceded he might be ousted.
Russia said on Friday Bogdanov's comments did not reflect a change in policy. France, one of the first countries to grant formal recognition to Syria's political opposition, said Moscow's continued support for Assad was perplexing.
"They risk really being on the wrong side of history. We don't see their objective reasoning that justifies them keeping this position because even the credible arguments they had don't stand up anymore," a French diplomatic source said, arguing that by remaining in power, Assad was prolonging chaos and fuelling the radicalisation of Sunni Islamist rebels.
European Union leaders who met in Brussels on Friday said all options were on the table to support the Syrian opposition, raising the possibility that non-lethal military equipment or even arms could eventually be supplied.
In their strongest statement of support for the Syrian opposition since the uprising began, EU leaders instructed their foreign ministers to assess all possibilities to increase the pressure on Assad.
With rebels edging into the capital, a senior NATO official said Assad was likely to fall and the Western military alliance should make plans to protect against the threat of his chemical arsenal falling into the wrong hands.
Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem told U.N. humanitarian chief Valerie Amos on Saturday that U.S. and EU sanctions on Syria were to blame for hardship in his country and urged the United Nations to call for them to be lifted.
Moualem also called on the United Nations to expand its relief efforts in Syria to include reconstruction "of what has been destroyed by the armed terrorist groups", state news agency SANA said, referring to the rebels.
The World Food Programme (WFP) says as many as a million Syrians may go hungry this winter, as worsening security conditions make it harder to reach conflict zones.
The conflict has also driven a flood of Syrians to seek shelter in neighbouring countries, which already host half a million registered refugees and perhaps hundreds of thousands more who have not declared themselves.
Two and a half million people have been displaced inside Syria, leading to fears of widespread suffering this winter.
"The international community needs to be prepared to step up its efforts," United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres told Reuters Television during a visit to Lebanon's Bekaa Valley on Saturday.
"This is not a conflict like many others. It's a very brutal conflict with a humanitarian tragedy associated," he said, calling for greater assistance to Syria's refugees and their host countries - Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq.

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Close your eyes and imagine a world without electricity and modern conveniences: no Fox News, no Facebook, no email, no Blackberry, no cold drinks, no heat in the winter, no automobiles, no food and no way to cook it even if you had it.

It’s just become the end of the world as we know it. Are you and your family going to survive?

Ours is a world of steaming hot lattes on demand, ice-cold beer in the twinkling of an eye, and internet and phone connections in a nanosecond. We are the ultimate immediate gratification society.

And what would happen if ….

The dollar bought nothing

A virus could not be cured

Terrorists exploded nuclear bombs across the country

Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic activity all became more prevalent

There would be no more lattes on demand (not even coffee grounds)

No more ice-cold beer (not even a warm one)

The internet, television, radio, phone system, all dead as a door nail

Suddenly, America (And The World) goes back to the year 1794, only worse.

Why do I say it would be worse? Simply because people no longer have the skill sets needed to survive in a world without electricity and modern conveniences. If there was a societal and economic breakdown, there would be no way to communicate, no way to ship, buy or to sell food, goods and services. It would simply be “Law of the Jungle” and “Survival of the Fittest”.

Only one type of person will be able to deal with this: Those with the skill sets needed to survive and are emotionally and spirituality prepared.

In today’s culture, these skill sets are rare, almost lost from modern knowledge. Skills like:


Food preparation

Food preserving

Basic self defense skills

Finding potable water

Heating your home

I’ve been actively preparing for the end of the word as we know it for several years now. I’ve been buying supplies left and right, collecting all the essentials people think of in a task like that: canned goods, 50-pound bags of wheat, rice, medical supplies, garden tools, canning supplies, food smokers, dehydrating equipment, hand tools…and the list goes on and on and on.

Fall is a busy time for me. Just in the past month I’ve prepared dried vegetables, canned vegetables, frozen vegetables, (same with fruit), smoked salami, jerky and meat sticks, cut and stacked enough wood for the winter.

I used to feel like Noah, building an ark in the dessert, being jeered and laughed at by family and friends, but those times have come and gone. A growing number of people see the handwriting on the wall, and they scurry to make last-minute preparations. Because, deep down inside, in their heart of hearts, they know the stuff is about to hit the fan. And it won’t be pretty.

I would recommended that one read two books by James Wesley Rawles: A nonfiction book titled “How to Survive the End of the World as we Know it” and a novel titled “Patriots; Surviving the Coming Collapse”.

Both are excellent resources and will serve you well.

In retrospect, I have been preparing for societal collapse since my childhood and I didn’t even know it. I was raised in the country, in a poor family who worked very hard to scratch out a meager living. Back then I hated my father for making me cut, haul and stack wood, plow, plant, weed and harvest the garden, milk the cow, feed the chickens, and can the fruits and vegetables.

You see, my parents had grown up during the “First” Great Depression, so they always believed that hard times would come again and they lived their lives accordingly. I always thought they were crazy, but I was wrong and they were right. Hard times have come again and it’s going to get worse.

We need to develop a mental toughness, physical toughness, and a return to traditional values and hard work. Even a relationship with God couldn't hurt.

So I hope you’ll join me as we travel back in time to 1794 and begin to learn how to survive in a fierce new world that would have you dead. Relax, it’s not as bad as you think. In fact, once you get used to the idea, you might even enjoy yourself.

A condensed summary of an article by Skip Coryell. His website is www.skipcoryell.com

Read these articles   Our Collapsing Economy and Currency       and   The world of 2030: U.S. Declines; Food, Water May Be Scarce.

The world of 2030: U.S. declines; food, water may be scarce

By Olivier Knox, Yahoo! News  Dec 10, 2012

Sorry, everyone, but flying cars don't appear in the "Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds" report that the director of national intelligence's office made public on Monday.

Instead, the National Intelligence Council paints the picture of a world in which the U.S. is no longer the unquestionably dominant global player; individuals and small groups may carry out devastating cyber or bioterror attacks; oh, and food and water may be running short in some places.

The 160-page report is a great read for anyone in the business of crafting the script for the next James Bond movie, a treasure trove of potential scenarios for international intrigue, not to mention super-villainy. But the council took pains to say that what it foresees is not set in stone. The goal is to provide policymakers with some idea of what the future holds in order to help them steer the right economic and military courses.

"We do not seek to predict the future—which would be an impossible feat—but instead provide a framework for thinking about possible futures and their implications," the report cautioned.

Other ideas the futurists reported: Global population will reach "somewhere close to 8.3 billion people," and food and water may be running scarce in some areas, especially regions like Africa and the Middle East.

"Climate change will worsen the outlook for the availability of these critical resources," the report said. "Climate change analysis suggests that the severity of existing weather patterns will intensify, with wet areas getting wetter, and dry and arid areas becoming more so."We are not necessarily headed into a world of scarcities, but policymakers and their private sector partners will need to be proactive to avoid such a future."

What about America in 2030? The report predicts that the U.S. "most likely will remain 'first among equals' among the other great powers." But "with the rapid rise of other countries, the 'unipolar moment' is over and Pax Americana—the era of American ascendancy in international politics that began in 1945—is fast winding down."

Also, "Asia will have surpassed North America and Europe combined in terms of global power, based upon GDP [Gross Domestic Product], population size, military spending and technological investment," the report said.

It also suggests that Islamist extremism may be a thing of the past in 2030. But that doesn't mean small groups won't try to wreak havoc.

"With more widespread access to lethal and disruptive technologies, individuals who are experts in such niche areas as cyber systems might sell their services to the highest bidder, including terrorists who would focus less on causing mass casualties and more on creating widespread economic and financial disruptions," said the report.

Four "megatrends" shaping the world were cited: growing individual empowerment; diffusion of power; major shifts in demographics; and rising demand for food, water and energy.

The report also sees the potential for "black swan" shocks to the system. These include: a severe pandemic; faster-than-forecast climate change; the collapse of the European Union; the collapse of China (or its embrace of democracy); and a reformed Iran that abandons its suspected nuclear weapons program. They also include a conflict using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, or a large-scale cyber-attack; solar geomagnetic storms that may knock out satellites and the electric grid; or a sudden retreat of the U.S. from global affairs.

So what about the flying cars, a staple of science fiction? The report is mum on that front, but it does raise the intriguing possibility that "self-driving cars could begin to address the worsening congestion in urban areas, reduce roadway accidents, and improve individuals' productivity (by allowing drivers the freedom to work through their commutes)."

And the cool cats over at Wired magazine's "Danger Room" national security blog have underlined how the report sees the growth of other technologies, including "superhumans" potentially roaming the landscape.

TSA Seeks Permission to Conduct “Security Assessments” on Highways

Paul Joseph Watson     December 4, 2012

The TSA is seeking permission from the Office of Management and Budget to conduct “security assessments” on highways as well as at 140 other public transportation hubs, including bus depots and train stations.
The request was buried amidst a deluge of jargon and published in the Federal Register on November 30 .
If approved, it would allow the TSA to to “conduct transportation security-related assessments during site visits with security and operating officials of surface transportation entities.”
“Similarly, TSA wants to conduct on-site assessments with public agencies that run buses, rail transit, long-distance rail and less common types of service, such as cable cars, inclined planes, funiculars and automated guide way systems,” reports Government Security News .
On the face of it, the “security assessments” involve TSA officials telling transportation organizations what security measures they should adopt  as part of the Highway Baseline Assessment for Security Enhancement (BASE) Program. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what measures the TSA is likely to recommend – more “security assessments” that require more TSA agents and more funding for the federal agency.
“TSA’s Highway BASE program seeks to establish the current state of security gaps and implemented countermeasures throughout the highway mode of transportation by posing questions to major transportation asset owners and operators. Data and results collected through the Highway BASE program will inform TSA’s policy and program initiatives and allow TSA to provide focused resources and tools to enhance the overall security posture within the surface transportation community,” states the federal filing.
In other words, get ready for TSA agents to be groping Grandma on the interstate.
Critics of the TSA will undoubtedly see this as another example of the federal agency extending its tentacles into forms of transportation other than airports and greasing the skids for airport-style security at highway checkpoints. Such measures have already been put in place  at numerous train and bus stations across the country.
The TSA has already conducted checkpoint-style programs on highways before, notably in Tennessee last year where Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams checked trucks at at five weigh stations and two bus stations in the state, as well as making trucks pass through x-ray scanners . TSA officials also used the checkpoint to try and recruit truck drivers to become citizen snitches under the First Observer Highway Security Program.
Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons justified the highway checkpoints by stating, “Where is a terrorist more apt to be found? Not these days on an airplane more likely on the interstate.”
After the presence of TSA screeners on the highway made the news , the TSA responded  by claiming concerns were overblown, and that TSA workers were only, “supporting state and local personnel as they inspected vehicles to identify potential security threats.”
Now it seems the TSA is looking to run its own “security-related assessments” on highways without the involvement of law enforcement.
Last year, the TSA was responsible for over 9,000 checkpoints  across the United States, a number set to increase thanks to the agency’s bloated budget and its expansion beyond anything vaguely related to transportation. Since its inception in the US after 9/11, the TSA has grown in size exponentially. The agency was slammed in a recent congressional report  for wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on security theater.
As Infowars has repeatedly stressed, any attempt to protest against the practices of the TSA by simply refusing to fly is largely pointless given the fact that the federal agency is expanding to cover virtually all forms of transport, as well as events that have nothing to do with transportation such as political functions , music concerts , and even high school prom nights.

Some Japanese Beginning to Realize that 3/11 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Blasts Were Sabotage Events 

~ ZS Livingstone, Jim Murray, & Don Nicoloff in Conversation

May 13, 2011

Transcript: May 13, 2011 Evident Footprints Radio Show

Evident Footprints - BBS Radio Interview- Tokyo Nights
Some Japanese Beginning to Realize that 3/11 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Blasts Were Sabotage Events ~ ZS Livingstone, Jim Murray, & Don Nicoloff in Conversation - May 13, 2011

Transcript of May 13, 2011 Evident Footprints Radio Interview
Transcribed by <kamele2353@gmail.com>
Posted May 27, 2011

Transcript May 13, 2011 - 10-11:30 pm, BBS Radio, The Evident Footprints radio show with Don Nicoloff

[Introduction to the show]

Participants:  Don Nicoloff (host), ZS Livingstone (ZSL), and Jim Murray

Don Nicoloff:  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Evident Footprints on bbsradio.com. I am your host, Don Nicoloff, and I will be with you for the next hour on this May the 13th, Friday the 13th on the west coast, and May the 14th, the day after Friday the 13th on the east coast and in the Central Time Zone. We'd like to welcome all those listening in, also, on Windtalkers Radio Network, and I'm sure you're going to find tonight's show very fascinating. As usual, my regular guests on Friday nights, and my co-hosts: scientist/inventor Jim Murray is with us; and as well tonight, we decided to invite on the show for a round-table discussion: essayist, metaphysician, intuitive extraordinaire, ZS Livingstone, whose work is featured on Ken Adachi's site: educate-yourself.org. As you may know, if you've been listening to the show on a regular basis, we've been covering, from time to time, the Japanese earthquake, the tsunami, and what we feel has actually occurred there. And we're going to be bringing some damning evidence forth tonight - this is going to be damning to those who have been putting out nothing but propaganda and creating fear all over the planet, especially in the United States. And so a lot of truth is going to come out tonight.  And we could say - we could label this show "Tokyo Nights".

That was Rob Mullins, keyboardist extraordinaire, from his album, Tokyo Nights. That was Tokyo Nights, and I felt it was at least a little bit appropriate to include the Japanese and a little bit of Japanese singing there on tonight's show. Why? We're going to talk about the earthquake, the tsunami, and behind the scenes what happened.

Now this is going to be stretch for some people. We have a scientist with us tonight who understands physics; understands power production - both guests actually do. And we're finding that we were right on target with what's happening; and we're finding corroborating evidence. We were told that there was an earthquake, let's say, a 9.0 / 9.1 magnitude - whatever number you want to assign to it - a catastrophic event, and a tsunami. And our take (I say our take, because on the shows that we did previously with Ken Adachi and ZS Livingstone, and separately with Jim Murray, we concur that something was rotten both in Denmark and Japan. And we're going to bring our guests on board, and we're going to discuss what we feel really happened, and the evidence that we have been able to dig out from underneath the rocks and all the creepy places that they hide the truth, and we're going to bring it out into the daylight.

First I'd like to invite back to Evident Footprints, my regular Friday night guest and co-host, our resident science advisor, as I affectionately call him, and a very dear friend, Mr. Jim Murray. Jim, welcome to the show.

Jim:  Thanks, Don. It's good to be back.

Don:  Alright, it's great to have you back here. Now before we go into a discussion, let's bring ZS Livingstone (Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone) on board. ZS, how are you?

ZS:  I'm great. It's great to hear Jim up and close and personal.

Don:  Yes. You gentlemen haven't met yet, so, ZS this is Jim - Jim, ZS.

ZS:  Hello, Jim.

Jim:  It's good to hear your voice.

Don:  Jim, do you want to comment on this event? Anything you want to comment on, as far as it was delivered to us in the media, before we go deep into the discussion. Now I did give just a short summary of what we've been told, leaving out the fact that they're talking about radiation that's coming over here, and what source and the nature of that is. Anything you'd like to comment on?

Jim:  Well, as you know, and I have mentioned on other shows, I have friends in Japan. I've been over there probably seven times in the last few years and I keep in touch. And I talk fairly regularly with this one individual, and this person was kind enough to tell me, just a couple of days ago, that traces of plutonium were actually found in the containment site, and that was not a material that should have been there under normal circumstances. And so, they are now pretty confident that it was probably destroyed by a suitcase nuke that was smuggled in, and it was part of a scheme; it was obviously a man-made scenario, the whole thing. And I think that the Japanese people are very rightfully annoyed with this to the point where they're not doing anything to hide it. I mean, it seems to be common knowledge that they have been attacked, basically.

Don:  Yes, this is an act of war.

Jim:  And it's in the media, too.

Don:  Mm-hmm. It's in the media, and yet we're getting a totally different spin on this in other parts of the world, aren't we? They've been filtering that out, obviously; preventing us from getting that information, haven't they?

Jim:  Well, yeah, but not only that; I think that the entire thing was used for more than one purpose. I mean, it appears that the attack on Japan was to achieve certain ends, with respect to that particular nation. But then in order to cover their tracks and to produce downstream damage, as it were, this whole idea of the radiation plume and all of the destruction that's going on was related to that, as far as the news reports were concerned, but it may not have been a direct cause of that, if you understand what I mean.

Don:  Yes.

Jim:  We had discussed that on another show, where the possibility that airplanes have actually sprayed radiation into our own atmosphere here in the U.S. and then blamed it on the happenings in Japan. And what was interesting was, by coincidence, I was talking to a friend of mine in California just a few days after the calamity in Tokyo, and he happened to mention (we got on the subject of these chemtrails and what-not) that the entire west coast on that particular day - at least the area where he could see for quite a few miles - was just covered with these chemtrails. And he said the density of it was far more than what they were normally used to seeing. And I said, "Well, gee, that can't be a coincidence, you know - that's got to be part of something." And so it just all falls into place, at least in my opinion.

Don:  Yes. Now the reason we invited ZS on the show tonight, Jim and ladies and gentlemen, is because he had intuited what had occurred, and he had written several essays that Ken Adachi posted on his website: educate-yourself.org. Now ZS, I have to make amends for not having all the titles memorized, because you were so prolific in seeing what went on, and intuiting what went on, regardless of the methods that you use to arrive at the conclusions which enable you to discern what happened. So much of what you said corresponded with what I felt - with what Jim felt - and when you actually explore these pathways that our discernment opens up, we find corroboration, don't we?

ZS:  Yes, you do.

Don:  And I'd like you to comment on, if you would, some of what you've written; and you don't have to refer to the articles, unless you care to, but you sensed that there was an explosion in the Fukushima reactor. When Jim said the containment area, he was referring to the nuclear reactor that Tepco owns. That's the facility that was built by General Electric, by the way. And we understand from various sources that it was not up to standards that would make it a safe place, but it wasn't faulty - is what you were saying. Would you expound on that, please?

ZS:  They are very, very large reactors; some of the largest in the world. But they're kept up to standards - they're 30 years old, built around the 1980 era, and the containment buildings were built way over spec. They were built with steel structures instead of concrete, in order to survive large earthquakes up to 8.5. And they did survive the 9.0, except maybe one of the foundations might have been cracked where the water leaked. But also, the cracking could have been caused by one of the suitcase nukes. The explosions went off almost like in time sequence, and from the very first explosion I knew that that was not a hydrogen explosion. They were just too big, too dark, and the smoke was black. And there was actually a mushroom cloud over Reactor Number 3, the one that was later said to be a containing a fast-breeder reactor MOX fuel, which is something that as soon as I heard that I knew it was an absolute lie. Japan would not be producing nuclear weapons-grade plutonium in quick order.

That's a Hafner sort of reactor, which is a very dirty reactor and very leaky; and Japan wouldn't do that. It's way against public opinion, and the government would not commit to that type of program or allow Tokyo power to do that. And also, in reading up and studying nuclear reactors for over 40 years - reactors do not explode. They might melt down, or they might have hydrogen explosions, but hydrogen explosions would be contained within the containment building. It might blow the doors out and some of the glass in the doors, but hydrogen would not build up to the point - it would be vented - and it wouldn't be too radioactive, and they would just blow it right out of the building as fast as it was accumulating.

And I don't believe that the earthquake caused so much damage, even though it knocked power out and also backup power. It would have been no problem for them to open up a vent; and they got the explosive conditions reduced. Of course, hydrogen explodes with a clean, blue flame; and the explosions were not a clean, blue flame. It's a fuel/air explosion. You have to get the exact - in the right parameters - a mixture of hydrogen with oxygen - or air - in the building, to cause everything to go Kapoof.

Don:  Now if there was, let's say, a hydrogen explosion, and there was water that had leaked into the building from the tsunami (that's part of the story - I mean, it's not been clearly stated if it was - and this leads to what we're revealing tonight, too), if there was a nuclear explosion and the smoke was black, it would say that something dry had caught fire. Okay?

ZS:  Yes.

Don:  And in the case of water, it would be a white plume, would it not?

ZS:  Steam, yes.

Don:  Yes, it would come out as steam. You would see white, white plumes of smoke coming out of the hole in the roof. And the images… I looked at the images of this - video images. And it reminded me of the phony shots that we saw of the Gulf of Mexico. Images are claimed to have been from a Japanese source, but it had that murky, creature from the black lagoon look to it. You couldn't see a lot of detail. But I didn't see any fuel rods in the image, if there were rods there. And you had commented that there were no rods. You feel they had been removed.

ZS:  Yeah… I was sent a picture taken by one of the helicopters - or maybe it was the hovering drone that was brought in - looking down on top… where the water had been drained out through a crack in the foundation, and they had tried keeping the level up as much as they could. They actually had helicopters from the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier dumping water very messily in and around, but not inside the building.

Don:  Yeah, we remarked that it was sort of spraying out of this helicopter as it flew.

ZS:  And that was supposedly light water, with no deuterium.

Don:  Was this heavy water that leaked out of the building? Or was this water that was leaking out after the foundation cracked and the tsunami, let's say, surged and entered the building? Do you know?

ZS:  Well, the containment water would be what they call lighter water; it would have had the deuterium, or heavy water, extracted from it, because deuterium acts as a moderator for neutrons, slowing it down and causing a sustained nuclear reaction. And if you had heavy water inside the cooling ponds, then you would not be able to cool it down. The heat would continue on being generated. And so, light water is very expensive stuff. It takes months and months to get even enough for a helicopter ride from the aircraft carrier.

Don:  Yeah, now Jim, if I can, we are going to be bouncing back and forth, because I want to give you both an opportunity to discuss this. Jim, your impressions on what ZS just said, because I think this is the first time you've heard him speak on these matters.

Jim:  Well, I think before we even get into that it's probably important to clarify something: I don't think most people are familiar with the layout of these plants. I used to work in a nuclear plant, and so to me it's easy to follow what the other gentleman is saying; but the word containment is actually used in two different ways, and I think that should be clarified. There is a dome, that is usually reinforced concrete - sometimes steel - that encases the building that has the reactor in it. And that's usually referred to as the containment dome. But then you've got the other place where the spent fuel rods are put to cool and to go through their half-life cycle. And that's sometimes referred to as a containment pond or a containment pool. And I just don't think that some of those casually listening would be able to make that distinction. I think we need to say which building is which, when we're talking about these things. That was my only observation. But other than that, yeah, I agree with what the gentleman said, and I can tell just by what he's saying that he understands the mechanisms involved, and the purpose for the heavy water and all this other technical stuff. So far everything is right on.

Don:  So, this is not pseudo-science, is what you're saying. This is the real deal. Now I congratulate you, ZS, on your take, because as we go further into this discussion, we are going to reveal some other facts, some of which I steadfastly held to, and then Jim was able to corroborate some more things to show that some of the other things that you said in this regard were also very accurate: that we've got confirmation from the Japanese, that they know what happened; they know what caused the tsunami. Before you jump in here, I just want to make a general statement, because I was alerted to this event and I was paying attention to what mainstream media was saying about it, because I just knew that it was something that I should listen to. And they were already predicting when the tsunami was going to hit. It was too scripted. They were giving schedules - it was going to be at Guam at this time; and then they described a few scattered islands in the Pacific; then they said Hawaii; then they said the West Coast. And they were predicting this, as if they knew the intensity of the tsunami instantly, but before any waves appeared. It was as though the reports came out, and they knew by design, which explains how the tsunami occurred - not as a result of the earthquake. And we're not going to get into the earthquake yet, okay? We can refer to it, but we're not going to get into what actually caused it, yet. But regarding the tsunami, your impressions - share that with the listeners, and then I'd like Jim to add the information that he found out in that regard.

ZS:  The tsunami came in 20 minutes after the 9.0 earthquake. And the distance offshore, to the trench where the earthquake was is about 80 miles. And the speed at which tsunamis travel is around 600 miles per hour. Do the math and it should be… 600 miles an hour in open ocean at 10,000 feet depth; but when it comes close to the shore it slows down a bit. And then as it gets right to shore it starts building up and forming the white cap crest - the breaker. The 9.0 - there was an 8-foot shift of Japan towards Asia, and with any changes in the topography of the ocean bottom (whether it's stretched out or lifted up or dropped) will cause a cavity into which water falls, then slops around and creates the seismic ocean wave. And since the earthquake came in 10 minutes later than that, the 9.0 did not cause the tsunami. It appears that the tsunami was caused by a 6.0 earthquake in the Japanese trench, at about 10,000 to 20,000-feet depth, about 10 minutes later. The seismogram on that earthquake shows an explosion under the water.

Don:  An underwater explosion. Okay, I'm going to stop you right there before we go into the math, or talk about what the probability of the tsunami being a certain intensity, and how fast it was going. Only someone who knew when it was going to begin - that whole process that you described - would be able to calculate the time, right?

ZS:  Right.

Don:  Okay now, Jim, share with the listening audience, first of all, any comment about what ZS said. I'd like you to talk about what you've learned, also, from the people in Japan, as to what they've determined was the cause of this tsunami.

Jim:  Well, there was a deep-sea drilling ship that was spotted off the coast of one of the islands, not too far from ground zero of the effect, and it has apparently been determined that they had drilled a mile-deep hole in that area. And it is now pretty clear that some type of explosive device - probably nuclear - was lowered into that shaft and ignited. And in my opinion, if that turns out to be the case - and they seem pretty confident that it is - that would certainly give plenty of impetus to create a tsunami in that region. And of course, if this whole thing was orchestrated - the tsunami, the earthquake, the blast at the building - then all these things would have to have been carefully choreographed, and that automatically suggests massive conspiracy. There isn't any way that you can call it natural; and there isn't any way that you can call it coincidental. It's a plan!

Don:  Yes, now I just want to comment. Think about the earthquake, folks. In other words, this explosion was timed to go off at a certain time, so somebody knew the earthquake was going to take place. That's all I want to say right there. ZS, do you want to comment a little?

ZS:  Well, the earthquake was on 3/11 and it was like the occultists who planned it were looking for the numbers that they wanted. And on the seismogram for the 9.0, you can see that up to about the initial event was an explosion up to 7 on the Richter scale. And then, that caused a tectonic slip along fracture zones. So they knew exactly where to place another explosion in order to cause a shift on the tectonic plates of built-up pressure, which was the 8-foot move of Japan towards Asia. And so they gave it a kick-start up to 7.0, and then a massive amount of energy came rolling off the next 5 to 10 minutes, causing shaking which was in Tokyo and all along the coast there in Miyagi Province, where that was an earthquake that wouldn't stop. And there was tectonic pressure, which they had located and knew how to release.

Don:  Uh-hmm. Now my understanding is - and my intuition tells me - that the tsunami, if we determine that it was an explosion, had a tremendous impact in its downward movement. Is it possible that the hole that Jim described was drilled in which to place that nuclear device, was not as deep as you say, but that the explosion actually caused the downward continuation of that path of the original hole?

ZS:  Well, they actually tried over the next month - the rest of March there was over 1200 earthquakes over 4 on the Richter scale, and many of them were in the 5 and 6 range. And the layout of the earthquakes along the whole 200-mile long coast, from about 20 miles out to over 100 miles out, that whole area was just peppered with artificial earthquakes - 80% of the earthquakes were artificial, mostly in the 4.7 to the 5.1 range, at specific depths of 10 kilometers, 35 kilometers, and some a little deeper. In talking before about that, it appears to be the earthquake machine of targeted energy that hits a certain frequency at a certain depth. For over 4 years, I've been tracking the 10-kilometer deep, or 6.2-mile deep earthquakes. Since 9 of these type of earthquakes happened in the Canadian archipelago right near where the north magnetic pole is - 4 years ago - and knowing the seismic action of the archipelago up there's almost nothing; and then you have 9 earthquakes 4.7 to 5.1, all at 10 kilometers deep, forming actually a square grid pattern, in an area off the slope of the archipelago. I knew it was truly artificial, and I suspected that they had drilled and put nukes down as far as they could. And my theory on that was that actually they were trying to go for deep oil, which they later did in the Gulf of Mexico.

Don:  Yeah, it's possible that the hole was widened maybe. Maybe it was deeper, but it was widened to put this weapon at a certain depth.

ZS:  Well… I'm not sure. I've never actually physically been near a nuke, but…

Don:  Oh really? I saw one last… [Chuckles]

ZS:  I don't have that expertise, other than watching the movies. But, Jim, could they put a cylindrical fission nuke, which at Hiroshima 20-megaton to 100-megaton bomb, down an 8-inch hole?

Jim:  Well, that's a good question. I could only stretch my imagination to give you the answer, but before I do that, I don't think that we're limited to 8-inch holes anymore. They've got even horizontal boring capabilities now that can put even much larger, up until maybe 12, 14, 18-inch holes down, and some of them are done deliberately for the sake of putting casements and all kinds of other stuff down. And of course, it's used primarily for the oil industry. And they've got these guided drills, that can actually go at an arc and can go at an angle - they're pretty sophisticated. So, I wouldn't say that we're necessarily limited to a 4- or an 8-inch hole. But let's assume for a moment that we are. People who spend all their spare time designing nuclear weapons could probably come up with the geometry of a long skinny bomb, if they wanted to. I mean, the material has to be there, and the trigger mechanism has to be there; and they don't necessarily need the same type of a yield. What I mean by yield would be the conversion efficiency from primary fissionable material into actual electromagnetic energy. The yield wouldn't have to be as high as it would be, for instance, if you were trying to demolish a city and wanted to get the effect, because everything is going to be magnified by the rock strata, and the containment of the hole, and the propagation of the vibrations through the tectonic plates. So, my guess would be if you've got billions of dollars at your disposal, and you're nuts to begin with, there's no reason why you couldn't make an investment in whatever type of explosive device would be necessary to achieve your objective.

Don:  Mm-hmm. Now I'd like to comment on something, because Jim said something that reminded me of another aspect of this. And this was just shortly before this event occurred - on one of my shows I revealed that I had discovered an underwater base - at the northern tip of Japan there's a strait that moves to the north of there, and if you go due east, maybe 200/250 miles or so (and I'm guesstimating the distance, because I didn't actually measure it or calculate what it might be. I suppose I could intuit it. I've done it before very accurately, within a 10th of a nautical mile - actually 210 of a nautical mile, on 2 occasions as far back as 1999. So I'm capable of doing it, is what I'm saying, but it's not necessarily the distance). But this could have been bored through access from this underground base, using the nuclear boring machine and creating a large tunnel that they could bring this device in on large equipment to the actual location; and then take precautions to seal it off so there's no back flash going back through the tunnel. Or if it is, it could be neutralized somehow. But this is an alien base - the underwater base. And we shouldn't discount the fact that that possibility is there. So what Jim just said fits hand-in-glove with that. I was suspicious of the fact that this base might have had something to do with it. When we get into the earthquake, it even gets further out there. [Chuckles] So, either of you like to comment on what I just said?

Jim:  Well, I don't know anything about that particular area, and to be honest with you, I don't have your gift of intuition when it comes to that sort of stuff. But I would kind of be suspicious of the nuclear-size boring machine, for one reason. That darn thing is so huge, that if they were using something like that, I think that Japan is riddled with seismic detectors, because it's a very active volcanic area. And I think a machine that big would probably set up some kind of a signature that could be detected by various seismic outposts. I think it would probably make more sense for them to use something smaller and more stealthy, if they were trying to pull this off without being caught.

Don:  Yeah. Well, they certainly could be doing it unseen, by accessing the location of where they place that explosive. And they could have done it in a way that it was very easy to prevent - some sort of back flash, I'm calling it - a backward or a sideways exposure of that explosive material, because it's going to create a big hole, too. It would be sufficiently far away that it may have had no consequences on the underwater base, too. Maybe they didn't have to do anything to worry about that. But the point I'm making is that when you said that, it reminded me of that. In fact, at the Google Earth location at the surface of the water, there is some device that is purported - there's a photograph of it, actually. When you locate this base, there are also some picture icons, and you click them and they're right above the location you are. If you don't change your longitude and latitude by moving the picture around, you see what's on the surface of the water. And there is a device that's either a seismic sensing machine, or it may be a combination of that and like a tsunami-warning machine, or a cyclonic alarm, if you will. I don't know what they use it for, but it happens to be on the surface right above that base. Would you like to comment, Jim? [Chuckles]

Jim:  Well, I'm kind of in the dark when it comes to that, to be real honest with you, but I would like to point out that even if all those things are exactly as you say, the most amazing thing is that this deep-drilling rig which is in the form of a ship, was actually seen and photographed; and as far as I know, they even have the name of the vessel. That's at least a very tangible and obvious component in all this. I really don't see how everything fits together. The only thing I can tell you is that regardless of how well-engineered it is, or was, it's certainly the work of madmen. That part's very obvious.

ZS:  Yeah, but how deep can the boring machine go? I know that around 7 miles seems to be a limit. The casing would just collapse back down, because the plasticity of the rock at that pressure - also, it's getting a bit warm down there. And would the nuclear boring machine, or any sort of boring machine, be able to create a sustainable hole at that depth, beyond 6 miles?

Don:  Well, keep in mind that there is an alien base down there - an underwater base. And if it's connected to that tunnel, it could have done some horizontal drilling, you see, to meet the vertical (the vertical hole that Jim said the Japanese have discovered).

ZS:  Okay.

Don:   You see? You know, I'm thinking outside the box, but that kind of explains. So, they could keep the temperature down, I think. And if you're going down at a slant with that machine, you should be able to go to any depth, as long as it doesn't crush the machine. You know, that's a huge piece of equipment, and they've been using it for years. And maybe they're using something else.

ZS:  Hm-mm. Yeah. Just how noisy those machines are, because you hear about the Kokomo Hum, and you hear about the Taos Hum, where they hear like diesel train type of noises constantly coming from the underground…

Don:  So, there's tunneling going on, you're saying?

ZS:  Yeah, or a lot of tunnel making. But it's definitely heard on the surface. Well, the people feel that the deep underground military bases are 2 miles to maybe up to a depth of about 3 or 4 miles, at the depths of these earthquakes and actually artificial explosions. Now we're talking from 6 to 20 miles deep. So that's where I'd be suspecting that they have a pulse - some sort of a beam weapon - which could be from space, or nearby, hitting some sort of strata with a very high-intensity microsecond blast in the nuclear range of energies.

Don:  Yeah. Now, I don't know enough about scalar weapons to tell you exactly what happened in that regard, but I can sense the timing of the weapon, and it's in the form of a pulse code, okay?

ZS:  Okay.

Don:  And it's scalar, and therefore it's difficult to direct the wave. But would it be a possibility, or had you had any impression on possible, let's say, receivers; whether those would be crystals or some technology that might pick up that signal from space, in other words, and act as receptacles for desired resonance frequencies and amplitudes - maybe amplify it.

ZS:  Well, one type of crystal that does happen at depth is Olivine, a very, very highly compacted silicate. And that might have the particular resonant frequencies that would accept the pulse and convert it to energy at that depth. When you're getting down to 20 miles, you're actually getting into the area where oil is being generated by the earth - abiotic oil - and it could be that the pulse is hitting oil pockets at that 20-mile depth, and causing thermal explosions from the oil.

Don:  Mm-hmm. Is it your understanding - whether it's scientific or intuitive - that that would travel as a standing wave at some point, with a particular resonant frequency?

ZS:  I just see just a whole bunch of energy hitting there. Those deep earthquakes have a pressure wave - P-wave type earthquake signal - and not too much of an S-wave, or the surface or lateral route; and so it's more of a pressure wave.

Don:  Okay. Now, my intuition tells me, and I've held to this. I've listened to others' explanations for what caused the quake, but I have the impression - and a strong impression - not just from a perspective of being somewhere within the earth's atmosphere looking down, but past the ionosphere out in space, where I could see the general area from where this came from. And this has been corroborated on several fronts, that there were weapons being used from space. And there are ways to track that and measure it, and document it by observing data that had been collected. It's not as though this was an event being watched and monitored, as if someone knew what was going to happen, but because the infrastructure was in place to monitor all happenings; that it was able to be retraced / reviewed, okay? (In the sense of looking at the time this happened and what certain readings would have been.) Without going into technology or anything, I would presume that you're talking about an unimaginable amount of computing power. [Chuckles]

ZS:  Yes.

Don:  Lots of data being collected, and in ways that we haven't thought of collecting this data, yet. Maybe wishing, but not developed. Go ahead.

ZS:  Yeah. Well the Department of Energy has been purchasing super computers for 30/40 years. Of course, the 30-year-old super computers are laptops now. I remember reading newspaper reports where they were going to map out the whole stratigraphy under the United States, using a super computer, and bore holes for oil samples, plus seismic soundings, plus all of the studies which have happened regarding reading stratigraphy through looking at earthquakes themselves.

So they probably have 30 years of super computer technology for maybe how the ground lies up to 50 miles deep worldwide now. Maybe… I believe that they are plotting right to the core into the interior of the earth, and seeing the topography at the core / mantle interface, which they say is surprisingly a very stiff sphere inside at about 4,000 miles depth. So you're right about computing power. They've probably got gangs of super computers figuring out what's happening down there; and also, they're probably also figuring out how to create a standing wave through simultaneous earthquakes in a cluster or a sequence, creating explosions on the standing waves, as you were saying, and causing the earth to ring like a bell. And so, that would take a tremendous amount of computing power to see the seismic pattern of the standing waves worldwide inside the crust - inside the mantle. But then you get into this Dr. Strangelove sort of stupidity of trying to trigger every single earthquake in the world - a Dr. Doomsday weapon, trying to release every bit of tectonic pressure everywhere all at once. And considering that gives me a headache. It's just so psychopathic, it's hard to imagine why they would want to do that. But I'm also absolutely amazed that in the time period during the two days before the March 11th earthquake, 9.0, and up to today, there's still artificial earthquakes going off, off the coast of Japan - not as regularly as they were for the first month - which was almost like clockwork every 10 minutes or so. And I believe 800 of them were artificial.

Don:  Mm-hmm. Yeah. Jim, I want to give you the opportunity to comment on what we've been saying here. But before I do, I want to just let you know - and this is for the listeners out there, too (whether they're wearing white hats or black hats) - that I can hear the tempo - the pulse - and the speed of the pulse. And if you could hear this energy as a sound, it would be like "fwoom, fwoom, fwoom, fwoom, fwoom" in just bursts like that - short, but very compressed bursts of energy. And I see it expanding into standing waves as it hits the earth in this; it moves deeper into the earth. So Jim, would you like to comment on anything that you haven't in regard to what we've been saying over the past couple of minutes or so?

Jim:  Well, the one thing that had resonance with me was your remark…you know, you're not sure why they're doing this. If these people are as psychopathic as I suspect that they are, and if they really have a concern that they might be losing control of their empire - you know, the attitude has always been: If I can't have it, nobody else is going to have it. And there's an enormous amount of information (and there has been for quite some time) about the fact that there are polar shifts that occur from time to time. And nobody knows exactly what sets them off; there's a lot of different theories about it, including the centrifugal force differentials that are caused by the ice packs at the poles, and this type of thing.

But apparently under certain conditions, there's a lubricating effect that occurs between the crust and the mantle; and if there's enough force involved, the crust can slip. And this, of course, rearranges the position of the outer shell of the earth, without necessarily interfering with the main mass of the planet. But the reason I bring that up is because if the slip is large enough - let's say, it was a full 90 degrees, you would have just astronomical destruction, and it would be worldwide; it wouldn't even be local. And you're talking about, for instance, tsunamis that could easily be 3 and 4 miles high; and winds accompanying these water displacements would be in the neighborhood of 1500 miles an hour.

And you know, it's this type of thing that had occurred around the close of the last ice age. And these high winds and all this water displacement; and the relocation of the tectonic plates and stuff like that; and the earth's crust slips has also been linked to the extermination of untold thousands of animals that were once living altogether on the earth in the late millennia epoch 00:58:30.

Well, I must put it this way: There's just not enough to want to induce something like this, because it would certainly get rid of the so-called surplus population. But the irony of it is, even if they are down under the earth in these tunnels that they've created and these subterranean cities, I don't think that their own probability of survival is too high, because a slip like that - the one thing that they may not be counting on, is the fact that the equatorial bulge of the earth has to be contended with. And if the crust slips in such a way that it moves across the equatorial bulge, all our land mass will just be absolutely chopped to pieces in the process. And you know, this is one of the things that caused the Great Africa Rift. It's one of the things that caused the Grand Canyon and other enormous topological scarring in various parts of the planet. And even if they do survive, they're going to come out to a very bleak and very different world.

Don:  Mm-hmm.

But my point was, not to question why they're doing it, because I don't think that they necessarily understand their own cravings. If they're truly nuts, they're just nuts! But that could be one of the reasons why they've got such a repetitive pattern of blasts going on - to get this one layer to the point where there is significant slippage. The irony of it is, that there would still have to be a very large tangential force available to cause the actual impetus to twist. And I can easily see that the polar caps, particularly the one in Antarctica, because that's definitely anchored to a continent as opposed to being a floating mass of ice, would have significant bearing on this process under normal conditions. But, the so-called warming of the planet and the melting of the ice caps may actually wind up being a preventive measure in that respect. [Chuckles from ZS]

Don: Yeah. Now coincidently, there's knowledge that there's an underground base in Antarctica. So there again, we have this anomaly of an underground or underwater base, alright? That has garnered a lot of interest lately. We know this is occurring, and I think we've talked about this on several shows, too. Even you and I, Jim, have done shows on Commander Perry, or I mean, Byrd - Admiral Byrd. Excuse me - I misspoke. Commander Perry is another whole other issue. [Chuckles from Don & ZS]

But let me pose a question to both of you, and you can give either a scientific or an intuitive / metaphysical response to this. Assuming that I am correct and all the data really has been discovered that there was a pulse beam, or a scalar pulse, or scalar weapon used to initiate all of these phenomenon that result in an earthquake, and let's say, one or more craft involved in a synchronous process orchestrated in a timing sequence - you know, you could do this off of one computer, or you could have synchronized clocks and just automatically initiate the process, that it all happens at the rate it must happen (or is designed to happen) - which could also be intentionally out of sequence, but at timed intervals between each ship firing the weapon; and since by its very nature, scalar weapons or scalar energy is a measurable quantity of energy that has magnitude, but it lacks direction; is it possible that this was fired through a natural vortex that exists as a means of maybe accelerating it, or giving it direction? Would either of you like to comment on it?

Jim:  I'll take a crack at that, because I know a little bit about scalar technology. But actually, in order for scalar waves to really produce a large result, it really takes more than one. And they have to be at orthogonal angles, or at least at some severe angle. The Russians played with this idea back in the 60's, and what they were endeavoring to do is to have two transmitters that would be able to transmit waves using great arcs of the earth, and where these two waves intersected the energy would be released thermonuclearly, but not as a result of an actual bomb. So it would just simply be that the two scalar streams suddenly interacted and released their latent energy at that location, which is very interesting, because that is the same effect as a thermonuclear weapon, except there's no delivery system, so to speak.

So if these things were coming down from space, let's say, radially with respect to the surface of the earth, in order to do the most damage there would have to be a transverse wave somehow coming to intersect at that same location, and that would be following the contour of the planet as opposed to being radially disposed. So that would be something worth investigating, if there was any way to do it. Find out if there was a secondary transmission sight somewhere in the vicinity that could have contributed to this.

Don:  Yeah. Well, I know there was more than one craft, which was why I proposed that this was either done totally in 100% synchronization, or possibly to give a more chaotic effect to the whole thing. Maybe they were firing in a sequence, but not in synch with each other; in other words, in synch with the clock. Okay?

Jim:  Well, I understand what you're saying, but I'm trying to get the point across is that unless their scalar technology is completely different from what we know, there needs to be a second beam that is actually originating on the surface of the planet and intersecting the down-coming beam.

Don:  Okay.

Jim:  And so you would have like one beam coming across the circumference of the planet, and the other one coming down radially. That would be… go ahead.

Don:  Could it be possible… I'm not necessarily implying that all three craft are side by side, you know; that they could be on the opposite side producing that counterweight that you're talking about - that transverse wave.

Jim:  Well, yeah, I mean, anything is possible. What this really all seems to be pointing to, is the fact that in order for this to have happened at the magnitude and intensity that we're talking about, somebody off earth is involved. And I think that that's where this whole conversation seems to be leading.

Don:  Yes. Well, of course. I'm not saying it was one of our craft. In fact, I say that it's not. And that was my initial impression on this. I have to give ZS credit for a lot of what he said. I looked at what caused the earthquake first, and I stayed focused on that for quite some time. And he was already looking at the nuclear aspects of this, you see? And he was very accurate. What you brought forth on the show tonight, Jim, corroborates what ZS has said. So, we've got it from a metaphysical source, and we've got it from the people on the ground that are saying, "We've discovered plutonium within the reactor site." And plutonium is not used for manufacturing or producing nuclear power. So, there's an anomaly there, and what ZS said about that right out the gate from the beginning was 100% accurate.

Well, I have a question, and then ZS, maybe you would like to jump in. As far as you know, Jim, has there been any adverse effect on the population because of the plutonium? Have they had to take any special precautions in regard to what they've discovered?

Jim: I'm not sure if anything specific was done on account of plutonium - because as you know, it's extraordinarily poisonous - but from what I understand, almost every citizen in every major city is doing two things: they had bought up all the Geiger counters available in the world, literally, [Chuckles] and everybody has one; and in addition to that, they're all wearing face masks and filters, and stuff like that. But God bless the Japanese; I mean, despite the problem they're just going on with their everyday lives. So, according to what I was told, women who are going shopping are wearing these filtration masks and they have a Geiger counter in their purse, and whatever they intend to buy, they take readings of the vegetables and stuff like that, before they purchase them. [Chuckles]

Don:  Well, gentlemen, I want to give you both a chance to make a closing comment, but before we do this I want to give you the opportunity to gather your thoughts. And I want to preface this: I'm going to play a song - if you can't tell - to give us that opportunity.

The information that came out tonight, you know, we're not asking anyone to believe us. If you do the type of research, from really a multi-dimensional perspective, we go by our intuition and we trust that God directs us to understand these things, whether it's from a metaphysical or a scientific perspective. Jim is a very spiritual person, and he understands scientifically what he's saying spiritually. And likewise, he understands the opposite methodology, as well. He can approach science from a metaphysical perspective, and combine the two. And that's really understanding the true nature of God.

And we can look at this event, and the timing, and all of the things that led up to this; and the evidence shows that it's not what they told us - period. What has occurred has not been what they told us, other than that there were many earthquakes, and there was a tsunami. They even put out a second tsunami warning at one point. But my understanding was nothing happened. That was just to put more fear out there. And they put the fear of radiation, but they're not telling us the nature of the radiation; if the plutonium is traveling eastward, and has reached Canada and the U.S. and at least Central America. It depends on what is really going on there - the obfuscation of the chemtrails and all that.

So, we're adding information here that you haven't heard, but it corroborates with what we told you over the past month-and-a-half, on a series of shows that I did with Ken Adachi and ZS Livingstone, or just ZS, or just Jim Murray. We've all talked about this numerous times. And we said we were going to find the truth in this. You have to accept that this is a reality.

It all connects to space every time, folks. I've been saying that for some time. And my guests agree; these trails all lead to what's going on in other parts of our solar system and across the galaxy. And I said on the show last night, that it's like a freeway up there. It's like the German Autobahn, or the center of Milan, Italy, during rush hour. The traffic is enormous and the battles that are going on there. And there are those here who are doing what they can to put an end to all of this madness. But you've got this struggle for Planet Earth going on. And Japan is a very desirable area, and it does have an underwater base, off the northern tip of Japan, due east several hundred miles east of there. It's just too coincidental, and the scientific information that Jim brought forth tonight even corroborates other things that are going on, and could be used in conjunction, or could have been affected by what has happened.

So, gentlemen, I don't mean to sound so long-winded. You've brought forth most of the information tonight. I want to give you both the opportunity to make a closing comment, after we consider Otis Redding's thoughts before the tsunami and the earthquake hit.        

Don:  Otis Redding said it many years ago. It's amazing how that song fits this story. You can picture a tsunami. He's naming the mileage and just describing the scenery. He's into the moment. And that's what we get into when we see these things, from a metaphysical perspective, certainly.

Gentlemen, would you care to comment with the audience your closing remarks? Just to make it easy, ZS, would you like to start off?

ZS:  If I was on the dock of the bay and suddenly the water retreated rapidly, I would be moving as fast as I could to higher ground. [Chuckles] I would not be watching what was coming in next…

Don:  Mm-hmm. Yeah. He said, "Looks like nothing's going to change" you know?

ZS:  Okay.

Don:  The waves were only a foot-and-a-half on the west coast of the United States and Canada, from what I was told.

ZS:  Yeah. Yeah.

Don:  So it wasn't this predicted wall of water that was going to come in here. They didn't get the effect they wanted. But go ahead. I didn't mean to interrupt - I just wanted to comment on that.

ZS:  So going to your idea of energy being star-gated from light years out on other star systems, the math on it would be incredible. You'd have to have multiple portals to get the angles proper from the different points of the planet. And you'd have to calculate the time distortions through hyperspace or whatever medium you're going to call it. But of course, they are able to jump from other star systems in a split second to here. They would have that type of technology. So, you're picking up intuitively that it's coming from what, 10 or 15 light years out?

Don:  Well, there's that possibility. Certainly, the people are from 10, let's say, 10 light years out.

ZS:  Okay.

Don:  Now, they could be anywhere from that point up to, let's say, outside of our ionosphere.

ZS:  Right. Yeah, I tried looking at orbiting craft. I tried looking at the moon. I tried looking at other systems. And when you consider the rotation of the earth, you either had to have the craft inside the atmosphere, let's say, at the ionosphere level, or at geosynchronous levels to have that continuous barrage of energy beams every ten minutes like clockwork.

Don:  Yeah, because you were saying it would take the shape of the ionosphere, and probably be dispersed before it got to the depth they wanted, right?

ZS:  Yeah, right. It would have to be inside the atmosphere to have some of the more intense scalar effects.

Don:  Okay. Alright. Anything else you'd like to add before we have Jim make his closing remarks?

ZS:  Yeah. I was trying to read Rense.com. It just turns my stomach now the amount of fear that's being generated on that website. It's not in the regular media - they're not talking about it - but a lot of people are going to Rense.com to get a fix on fear.

Don:  Mm-hmm.

ZS:  They have to get their adrenalin rush today. And the science there is very questionable. They're saying, the possible meltdown. If you had a meltdown, you'd have a steam plume coming up from deep in the earth, which would look like Old Faithful Geyser on continuously - a white plume of steam, which would be highly radioactive. You wouldn't want to be anywhere near that site. And that's not what we're seeing at Fukushima. It's just they'll see a little puff of smoke or steam from something and say, "Oh, that's a meltdown!" But in a real meltdown you're having tens of tons of fuel coagulating into one molten ball somewhere in the water table you'd have steam and smoke. And that's not happening. And people are working in and around the plant, cleaning up the roads in paper suits with a breathing apparatus. So they're not getting the hard radiation at all. They're not getting high quantities of radiation. The place is being cleaned up.

Don:  Mm-hmm. I have to comment, and I have to again congratulate you on the tremendous amount of attention you put on this, and the work and the truth that you brought forward, because this all connects. It really does. It makes sense that what the Japanese have disclosed to their people, and has been kept from the rest of the world, is in line with what we have been saying, and what caused this. The timing folks is just off the charts: 3/11 on 3/11? That's an Illuminati formula; that's a Secret Society Masonic formula. So you know, Satanic. And so from a metaphysical standpoint, the numerology even has their signature on it.

Jim, your closing remarks before we say, "Good evening."

Jim:  Well, strangely enough, The Dock of the Bay happened to be one of my favorite songs from that time period. And the irony of it is that every time I hear it I think of more serene things. I think of the days I spent while I was going to college, working on the waterfront in New Jersey. And many a time I ate my lunch sitting on the edge of the dock watching the ships maneuvering in the harbor. So I really don't want to make a mental association between that song and the horror story that we're talking about. Allow me a few shreds of pleasurable memories to fall back on here.

But as far as the main content of the information that was disclosed this evening, I think there is enough information already out there - not only from us, but from numerous sources - that if people really want to get a fear fix, all they have to do is start thinking about what these madmen are trying to do, and come to the realization that we're the only ones who can stop them. The only difference between making that statement and actually taking action is the realization that if good people do nothing, evil always prospers. And if we want to sit around and wait and see what they've got in store, I can only assure you it's going to be something even worse. So, I think everybody should start to consider how the human race can work as a unit to rid ourselves of these insane monsters that call themselves The Elite.

Don:  Yes. Well said. Jim, I want to thank you and congratulate you on your efforts with your enormously busy schedule that you maintain, that you were able to follow through as we promised. And we will continue to bring forth information as it comes to us. But this is certainly the opposite of what we have been told. And we've talked about this on past shows. Again, I want to congratulate both of you for the amount of work and personal effort and sacrifice that you have put into viewing this, and considering from both a metaphysical and scientific perspective what had occurred. And investigative, as well, because there's a lot of that that went on. And I thank you both.

I want to encourage you ladies and gentlemen out there listening in Radio Land, that you should go to Ken Adachi's website: educate-yourself.org and on the second line, fourth link from the left - or is it the fourth line?

ZS:  Fourth line.

Don:  Fourth line, okay. Is it the second link from the left?

ZS:  No. It's right in the middle.

Don:  Okay. But I think it's a little bit on the left side, fourth line down. The page links that are at the top of Ken's site on every page, you can click on ZS Livingstone and read his essays, because he's put this in writing. He's documented this. He's brought it to us in real time tonight in the context of all this new information that has come out, and he's with us because his research and his discoveries are corroborating the information that we've gotten from the people on the ground in Japan. And these aren't people who are just out there twiddling their thumbs. They're people in the know, paying attention to what's going on.

So I congratulate and thank you both for your contribution to Evident Footprints tonight, and may we all agree that we should be still praying for the people of Japan, for their healing from this catastrophe that was intentionally created from a multiplicity of fronts; and that we pray for their peace, as well. And for those who were lost, the families who have lost loved ones, due to what amounts to nothing more than extortion, blackmail, and sabotage leading to mass murder.

Gentlemen, I want to say "goodnight" and wish you both a very pleasant weekend. You are permitted to respond [Chuckles] if you care to.

Jim:  Well, okay, I thank you. I thought that the young gentleman was going to go first, but that's okay. So, thank you for your good wishes, and you have a good weekend, too. And hopefully, next week we can continue on with the revelation of more important facts.

Don:  Okay. Well, you are my co-host, so ZS is our guest tonight, that's why I let him go first. So, ZS, again I wish you a great weekend, and I want to say, "Thank you".

ZS:  Okay. I sure wish to explore this deeper. There are other angles to look at metaphysically, but it wasn't appropriate to go into those tonight. Maybe another time we'll go into them, and other metaphysical actions, as well.

Don:  Yes. Okay, very good. Well, folks, that wraps it up. You've been listening to Evident Footprints on bbsradio.com and tonight's guests: Jim Murray, scientist/inventor who is my co-host, and Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone. You can read ZS's work at educate-yourself.org. I encourage you to do that. Very interesting stuff there. Special thanks to Windtalkers Radio Network for broadcasting Evident Footprints. We're at BBS Radio tonight and we had Seth Hendrick on the sound. I'd like to thank Don and Doug Newsome for making Evident Footprints possible, and most of all "you" the listening audience for tuning in. Join me next Monday night for another episode of Evident Footprints. In the meantime, I wish everyone a night filled with peace, love and light, and have a good night.