The Shadow Patsy Rises Again: How Mind Control Is Connected To Gun Control

Saman Mohammadi
July 30, 2012

“Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man.” – The Prison Chaplain from Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 film, “A Clockwork Orange.” [1] Watch the review of the film by Alex Jones here [2].
Near the end of 1999, a Memphis court held the “trial of the century” [3] that resolved the lingering questions surrounding the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Attorney and author William F. Pepper represented the King family. Watch his opening statements at the trial here [4].
After the 30-day trial was over, the jury concluded that Martin Luther King Jr.’s death was caused by a government conspiracy, not a lone gunman. The government’s version of King’s murder was proven to be fake. A citizen jury legally put to death the myth of the “lone gunman” that has overshadowed America’s recent political history.
Fast forward to the year 2012. The “lone gunmen” of the world are being manufactured by the mind control technicians in the U.S. deep state [5] like microchips. The secret “manufacture-a-patsy” government industry has become so advanced and sophisticated that it has enabled the hijacked U.S. government to get away with the most atrocious of crimes against the American people and humanity.
Whenever a state crime is committed by the deep state [6] a patsy mysteriously rises to the surface from the shadows.
There is disturbing evidence [7] that suggests the “Dark Knight” shooter James Holmes is a shadow patsy who was involved in a secret government mind control program. He was catapulted onto the scene of the crime in the Colorado movie theatre after professional government killers finished off massacring movie goers in the dark of night.
One of the most startling pieces of evidence is that Holmes was under the stewardship of an ex-government psychiatrist [8] named Dr. Lynne Fenton, who is currently the “medical director for student mental health services at the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus,” (National Post, “Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes was seeing university psychiatrist” [9]).
Psychiatrists and psychologists have been involved in developing torture techniques [10] for the CIA, so to believe in their “professionalism” and “morality” is blind foolishness. We live in an age of moral bankruptcy and mass mind control. Professional psychologists help the government in many ways, from lending their expertise to improve the mental conditioning of the public to performing outlandish research on government subjects, mostly from the military and universities.
II. The Extraordinary League of Shadow Patsies
The U.S. shadow government’s love affair with patsies has really gotten out of hand. Oswald was only a prototype. Washington has created an extraordinary league of shadow patsies. Holmes could be the next-generation model of mind control assassins; the T-1000 [11] of government patsies.
Paul Joseph Watson describes the similarities between Holmes and another manufactured patsy in his article, “James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan,” [12] writing:
“The parallels between alleged Colorado shooter James Holmes and Sirhan Sirhan are staggering. Both appear to have been drugged, both cannot remember the shootings they were accused of carrying out, and in both cases other shooters were reported by eyewitnesses.”
It is super convenient that individuals who are connected to some of the biggest crimes in U.S. history are mentally incapacitated at the moment the crime is committed and never seem to remember pulling the trigger in the days and weeks after the event.
Moreover, the political ramifications of the “Dark Knight” massacre are beginning to be felt as establishment media pundits, Supreme Court judges, and the President attack the legitimacy of gun rights and the honored American tradition of self-defense.
Kurt Nimmo examines the bipartisan war on American gun ownership in his article, “Establishment Media Circles the Wagons on Gun Control.” [13]He writes:
“The highly suspicious mass shooting in Colorado arrived at exactly the right time for the globalists and their corporate media scriveners. Outlawing semi-automatic weapons with brand spanking new assault weapons legislation will now take center stage and will be used as a stepping stone for more draconian legislation down the road.”
The dangerous path to all-out gun confiscation begins with government brainwashing and media propaganda that gain steam after ritualistic events [14] like the “Dark Knight” shooting. The fascist tyrants begin with baby steps, as always, but their sight remains on their larger goal: instituting a global totalitarian regime run by criminal private international banks and corporations.
For this dangerous and tyrannical goal to be realized the American people must first be disarmed.

New World Order