Lady Gaga and the New World Order

Dorian Lynskey

Lady Gaga's music videos are undoubtedly elaborate – but is there any truth to one blogger's claims that they are loaded with occult references and masonic symbolism?
Lady Gaga: puppet of the Illuminati? You might think that by know you've read more than enough online exegesis of Lady Gaga's videos but you haven't even scratched the surface until you've read the work of The Vigilant Citizen. This anonymous Canadian blogger explained last year's Paparazzi video with reference to the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control programme, Fritz Lang's Metropolis, the Eye of Horus and the goat-god Baphomet, concluding that Gaga was indubitably an "Illuminati puppet". Bad Romance apparently "offers a chilling description of a music industry ruled by the elite". In Alejandro, she "flashes in her fans' faces the symbols of their own oppression".
The Vigilant Citizen has a good claim to be the world's most distinctive music critic. On his website,, he describes himself as a graduate in communications and politics and a producer for "some fairly well-known 'urban' artists". He has spent five years researching "Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Bavarian Illuminati and Western Occultism". All of these interests converge in his insanely detailed analyses of the symbolism of pop videos and lyrics. Thus Pink's MTV awards performance mimics a Masonic initiation; Jay-Z's Run This Town trumpets the coming of the New World Order (NWO); and the video for Black Eyed Peas' Imma Be Rocking That Body advances "the transhumanist and police state agenda".
What's surprising is the methodical, matter-of-fact, occasionally humorous tone of his essays. He does not write like a swivel-eyed loon rambling about Obamunism (although, inevitably, there's an unsavoury fascination with Jewish influence). To those who don't study occult symbolism, he concedes, it might all seem "totally far-fetched and ridiculous", but for those in the know "I was simply stating the obvious". His examinations are certainly exhaustive. Scrolling down his densely illustrated posts, you may find yourself thinking, "Say, Lady Gaga really does very often cover up one eye. And a lot of pop stars really do pretend to be robots."
But the Vigilant Citizen can't encounter a predictable pop trope without interpreting it as part of an occult music-industry plot to brainwash the masses. The ostensibly meaningless "Bum bum be-dum" refrain in Rihanna's Disturbia, for example, is decoded as: "You good-for-nothing, idiotic person, let yourself become dumb, stop thinking and let yourself be hypnotised and possessed." It's something of a stretch.
Nonetheless, his eccentric readings have attracted a large and passionate following: several posts have received more than 1,000 comments. Some readers recently took it upon themselves to analyse Muse's seemingly sympathetic album The Resistance, with its references to the "third eye" and MK-ULTRA, concluding sadly that the band were "definitely tools of NWO", assigned to make real conspiracy theorists look ridiculous.
Although the Vigilant Citizen insists he is neither a political conservative nor a religious fundamentalist, he is heir to such off-piste 60s pop critics as the Reverend David A Noebel, author of Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles, and Gary Allen, who theorised that post-Rubber Soul Beatles material was so technically sophisticated that it must have been "put together by behavioural scientists in some think tank". Leftwing thinkers at the time had their own take on pop as mind control. Peter Watkins' 1967 movie Privilege starred Manfred Mann's Paul Jones as a puppet of the state, pacifying the populace with catchy patriotic tunes. In such analysis, the villains may change but the mechanisms remain the same.
The Vigilant Citizen's work is a fascinating glimpse into the current resurgence (witness the Tea Party movement) of what academic Richard Hofstadter diagnosed in 1964 as "the paranoid style", with its obsession with plots and "refusal to accept the ineluctable limitations and imperfections of human existence". To the Vigilant Citizen, a pop star appearing "vacuous, incoherent and absent-minded" must be "a tribute to mind control" rather than them actually being vacuous, incoherent and absent-minded. Sometimes, surely, pop music is just pop music. Or is that what the Illuminati want us to think?

Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet

By Vigilant

The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it’s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyses like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.


Essential Background Information

What do you mean by “mind control”? I suggest you research “project MK Ultra” to get a little background information on the subject. Here’s a quick overview taken from the surprisingly accurate Wikipedia:
Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.
Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a “cover story.”
An outgrowth of that project is unofficially referred to as “Project Monarch”. It is a mind control technique which exposes the subject to a trauma so violent that his/her mind creates a dissociation. The victim’s brain becomes compartmentalized and a new personality, which is then molded and educated  by the manipulators, emerges.
“When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.”
Butterfly Symbolism
During their reeducation, subjects are said to be exposed to numerous symbols such as trees, spider webs, masks, mazes, butterflies, etc. They are also shown movies which contain specific symbols (or “triggers”) such as The Wizard of Oz and many Disney Movies. The same way those subjects are brainwashed and reeducated, mass media conducts a large scale mind control project, which starts at birth with Disney movies and continues with Hollywood flicks and music videos.
OMG! What does this crazy stuff has to do with Lady Gaga? I luv her!!
What we must retain here is the symbolism Monarch project engendered and its use in mass media. Monarch is a type of butterfly and became the ultimate “insider’s”symbol of mind control. Symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga, in her pictures and videos, mixes those symbols with occultism of secret societies..  Her vacuous, robotic and slightly degenerate persona embodies all the “symptoms” of a mind control victim. Let’s look at what Lady Gaga represents, starting by the basics: her name

Her Name

Gaga is a term that immediately refers to absent mindedness. Here are some synonyms taken from a thesaurus:

  • Given to lighthearted silliness: empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, giddy, harebrained, lighthearted, scatterbrained, silly. Slang birdbrained, dizzy.

  • Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness: brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong.

  • “Gaga” is probably the easiest word to say in the English language, as it is often the first sound emitted by babies trying to imitate speech. So her name basically says: I’m a lady and I’m empty-headed. This empty head can filled with any crap you want. Imitate me young people. This state of mind is achieved after successful mind control.
    Her name is also said to be inspired by  Queen’s song “Radio Gaga”. The video of this song contains many scenes of the 1927 movie Metropolis.  As seen in my article on Beyonce/Sasha Fierce, the motion picture tells the story of a woman from the working class that was chosen by the elite to give life to a robot, through a mix of science and Black magic.
    Scene from Metropolis – Maria giving her likeness to a robot. Is this a metaphor for mind control? Notice the inverted pentagram in the background: Black magic and Satanism.
    This robot becomes a sexy and alluring performer and is given the goal to corrupt the working class. References to this movie abound in music videos, as if it was very significant for the occult elite. Madonna, Beyonce, Kylie Minogue and many others have taken the likeness of this female robot and, as you’ll see in the “Paparazzi” video, Lady Gaga also continues this “tradition”.

    Her Logo

    Her logo is pretty revealing and particularly fitting. Its a headless female body with a bolt of lightning  going through her and exiting  her genitalia. There is once again a focus on the lack of conscious thought by the singer. The body looks like the weird headless mannequins you find at clothing stores. The bolt of lightning implies that her thoughtless body has been “charged” with a force that gives it life (interesting note: trauma-based mind control is often induced using electro-shock treatments).

    All-Seeing Eye Symbolism

    You only need to look at a couple of Lady Gaga pictures or videos to notice that she is constantly hiding one of her eyes. Most people will simply interpret this  as ”a cool thing to do” or a “fashion statement”. Those who have passed the 101 of Illuminati symbolism know that the All-Seeing Eye is probably its most recognizable symbol. The gesture of hiding one eye, usually the left one, goes way back in occult orders. Here’s an explanation of the origin of the Eye of Horus.
    Horus, the sun of Osiris and Isis was called ‘Horus who rules with two eyes’. His right eye was white and represented the sun: his left eye was black and represented the moon. According to the myth, Horus lost his left eye to his evil brother, Seth, who he fought to avenge Seth’s murder of Osiris. Seth tore out of the eye but lost the fight. The eye was reassembled by magic, by Thoth, the god of writing, the moon and magic. Horus presented his eye to Osiris, who experienced rebirth in the underworld.
    -Dictionary of the Occult
    One thing is for sure: Lady is Gaga for the All-Seeing Eye.
    This last picture is very significant. It confirms the fact that the closed eye is used in the context of esoteric symbolism. Her left eye is in her hand, referring to the Hand of Fatima (evil eye). Also, one can’t ignore the resemblance with good ol’ Baphomet.
    All Seeing Eye on the backs of Gaga’s dancers during her Monster Tour.
    Baphomet Reminiscent horns
    How about this ad…could there by more pyramids and eyes?

    To Conclude

    Lady Gaga incorporates in her videos, photos and shows symbolism that refers to the Illuminati and mind control. Her symbolism is deep, esoteric and even spiritual yet she makes song like “Just Dance” which is about being totally numb. This paradoxical aspect of Lady Gaga is something that deserves to be analyzed and understood. While masses of young people imitate Gaga’s gestures, her act is part of a bigger system that incorporates many other stars with the same symbolism.  She is creative and a gifted song writer. But at the end of the day, the “Lady Gaga” persona is a Fame Monster, doing everything required to be an international superstar, including incorporating in her act the symbolism of the elite, making her an Illuminati puppet.

    Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet – Part 2

    This article is the second part of Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet. The first article, published in August 2009, analyzed the occult meaning behind Gaga’s photo shoots and videos. We’ve seen that a great deal of her symbolism revolves around occultism, secret societies and references to mind control. This article analyzes Gaga’s latest media and the fact her symbolism is still permeated by the same themes.

    My first article on Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta called Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet generated a great deal of interest and controversy. It got featured on many websites and I was deemed either a “genius” or “batshit crazy” depending on the point of view. I can confirm that I’m neither of those two things and that I’m just a guy who knows his symbolism. Many news sites and blogs linked to my article by deforming its original intent (probably for more sensationalism) by adding sarcastic remarks like “Oh No Lady Gaga Wants to Control our Minds!” or “The Crazy Lady Gaga Conspiracy“. I guess those reactions were to be expected. To people who are not acquainted with obscure concepts such as Monarch programming and occult symbolism, the whole thing might sound totally far fetched and ridiculous. But to those who have background knowledge and who have researched these topics (a small minority), I was simply stating the obvious.
    Since this article, Gaga has released more material re-using exactly the same themes as were discussed in the first article: mind control and secret society occultism. I have to hand it to Gaga, she knows how to generate buzz and controversy around her persona and keep people guessing. The great majority of people still have no idea what her symbolism refers to. So, at the risk of being called “batshit crazy” again here’s Lady Gaga’s latest occult pictures.

    In my articles on Lady Gaga and the 2009 VMAs, I’ve identified the use and display of elements taken from Masonic symbolism. If my previous claims were considered inconclusive or “grasping at straws” by some, I wonder if they’ll remain skeptical of the presence of Masonic symbolism in pop culture after seeing this set of photos, taken INSIDE A MASONIC LODGE,
    If you have minimal knowledge of Freemasonry, you already know the great importance of the twin pillars Jachim and Boaz. They are depicted in a great number of Masonic works of art, such as this one.
    Gaga is standing between both pillars, wearing Hello Kitty shoes, occultly referring to mind control programming (innocence, childhood, re-education, etc). Her eyes are closed but she has wide-open eyes painted on her eyelids, which is very symbolic: her eyes seem open but they are still wide shut.
    In the above picture, Gaga is sitting on a Masonic throne, complete with the twin pillars on each side of her. Above her head is the compass of Freemasonry:
    She is wearing a Hello Kitty dress and posing in a very mannequin-like stance. Her hands are positioned in way reminiscent of iconic art which displays the hermetic maxim “as above so below”.
    In the picture above, Gaga is standing next to the bust of an important Mason (easily recognizable by the collar). The “one eye” symbolism discussed in the previous article is still an intricate part of Gaga’s imagery. She is however far from being the only artist doing this (see Rihanna’s R Rated album cover). Hello Kitty is covering Gaga’s…kitty in another odd juxtaposition of Masonic symbolism with mind control, often found in entertainment photo shoots.

    Maria from Metropolis Strikes Back

    In the previous article, I’ve mentioned that the name “Lady Gaga” was taken from the Queen video Radio Gaga, in which many scenes were taken from the movie Metropolis. This movie is known for its highly occult themes (Black Magic, sacrifices to the pagan god Moloch, mind control, the * of Babylon) and is very often referred to in the music industry.
    In the movie, Maria, a girl from the working class, is “chosen” by the elite to give her likeness to a mind-controlled robot in order to confuse the masses. There is a dichotomy between the real and the false Maria that is also found in Gaga’s latest offering called Fame Monster.

    In this scene from Fritz’s Metropolis, the android Maria is meant to embody the “* of Babylon” from Revelation 17:
    “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
    And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
    And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
    And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.”
    -Revelation 17
    The false Lady Gaga is opposed to the real, natural and apparently unhappy Lady Gaga.
    Gaga’s wardrobe during the 2009 VMA’s left many viewers confused and baffled. Her six costumes referred to different characters from Alice in Wonderland. This tale, along with the Wizard of Oz, is known to contain many triggers relating to mind control programming.
    “Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz are two of the biggest mind control themes in use, interestingly enough, due to all their ready-made symbolisms, use of “inverted reality”, reality vs. dream and illusion, and word play.”
    If we combine this wardrobe with the occult vibe of the awards (as analyzed in the 2009 VMA article), the Alice in Wonderland theme takes on a sinister meaning, alluding to the inner-workings of the entertainment industry.

    This metallic head is a pretty blatant reference to an alternate personality, as developed in MK Ultra programming.

    In Conclusion

    Since the publishing of the first article, Lady Gaga’s symbolism has continued to expoit the same themes as were previously discussed. Although she is very smart and educated in symbolism, the settings of the pictures are the creations of photographers, stylists and other “consultants”. Whether she is commenting on the mind control phenomenon in mass media or simply a victim of it is still hard to determine but one thing is for sure: the symbolism is there and that’s the goal of the article. What is more unsettling is the fact that those themes are not exclusive to Gaga. They are associated with many acts in the music and the fashion industry to a point that one inevitably realizes that these artists are pawns of a greater machine, pushing its symbols through various outlets. References to mind control, to secret societies, to Baphomet and to Metropolis are too widespread to be coincidences or results of artistic expression. There is an obvious media campaign pushing these elements into pop culture. What should we do about it? MTV says: Just dance.