By Author Unknown

The mainstream media (NYT) is nipping around the edge of the electromagnetic weapons topic by talking about the "E-bomb" and "directed energy weapons" but the writer appears to have no knowledge of the scalar electromagnetic interferometers.
One has to decipher a bit in this type of story. The clue to look for is does the author make a distinction between "transverse" EM energy "longitudinal" EM energy. In the above story the author makes no such distinction, so we can assume he is talking about transverse EM weapons only.
To have appreciable effect using transverse EM one has to fairly bludgeon the target like hitting an ant with a sledgehammer. With longitudinal waves the energy is merely triggered to emerge from the local vacuum at the point of the target. Thus a modest triggering signal can cause a huge effect from a distant control booth, without having to fuss around with cruise missile delivery and all that. The scalar interferometer is clearly superior to the E-bomb, in many different ways: area of target, speed (instant), perfect aim, amount of energy available, ease of use, etc.
"Think invisible lasers, using high-powered microwaves and other sorts of radiation rather than the pulses of visible light common in science fiction. These new systems, which have been under development in countries including Britain, China, Russia and the United States for at least a decade, are not designed to kill people. Conventional bombs, guns and artillery can take care of that.
"Rather, most of the directed-energy systems are meant to kill electronics, to disrupt or destroy the digital devices that control the information lifeblood of modern societies and modern military forces. By contrast, traditional jamming equipment blocks communications gear from functioning but does not actually damage the device.
"If there is a war in Iraq, there is no question in my mind that we will see the use of both directed-energy and radio-frequency weaponry,'' said John Arquilla, a professor of defense analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif..." - SETH SCHIESEL
He then goes on to point out the U.S. is the most vulnerable nation regarding an attack on computers and electronics. Our society would collapse in chaos without its electronic devices. People could not get their money out of the bank!
"That is why, like the genie escaping its bottle, directed energy may harbor danger for the United States itself, not just for its adversaries. With its increasing reliance on digital communications and information systems, the United States is perhaps the most vulnerable potential target for directed-energy devices, military experts say." - SETH SCHIESEL
Sheisel's article would have been greatly improved if he could have brought up the topic of the scalar electromagnetic weapons, but either he is still uninformed about them or the great New York Times has a blanket taboo out on reporting about this vitally important issue. "The information is out there," but the NYT is not likely to report on it.
Schiesel throws another clue he is only talking about the use of transverse (ordinary) electromagnetic waves when he describes the effects on personnel.
"And while directed-energy weapons are not generally meant to kill people, there are certainly antipersonnel applications. In addition to the anti-electronics weapons, other directed-energy systems under development are meant to use microwaves to make people feel pain in the outer layer of the skin without generally causing physical damage. That pain is intended to inspire an instinct to flee."
First clue is he says "microwaves." Microwaves are in our ordinary spectrum of tranverse EM waves. The second clue is the relatively minor effects he describes. Anyone familiar with the new scalar weapons knows there is an incredible range of effects from mind-control, to many physical body effects, right on up to instant death. So the skin effect he describes is from transverse EM only, the hitting of the ant with a sledge hammer, an entire field of experiment which is quickly abandoned once the scalar effects are discovered.
So the NYT is bringing up the topic of electromagnetic weapons and leaving out the most important information, the discovery of longitudinal EM waves.
The important question I get from reading this article is "Is the U.S. really that far behind the Russians and the Chinese in the development of scalar weapons? Does the U.S. possess scalar wave interferometers by now? Never mind the E-bomb, does the U.S. intend to use scalar interferometers in the war on Iraq, or are we so far behind that the best we have is the clumsy, awkward and inefficient E-bomb?
Or is it just another case of the control of the New York Times by the secrecy directives of the U.S. Secret Agencies?

New World Order