Flat Earth Arguments

Point 1. The ISS is Fake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e-RnKAN...r_embedded
Point 2. Total Lack of Pictures of the Earth from Space. There are only a few alleged actual photos of the Earth from space showing the entire globe, primarily the dubious photo of Apollo 17.
Point 3. The Space Shuttle is Not a Space Craft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdoGTeM0koQ.
Point 4. The Phases of the Moon Every 6 Months Do Not Evince Movement of the Earth around the Sun. Watch at 7:53 - https://youtu.be/Qer1KF6epB8. The phases should be reversed at opposite times of the year because the Earth is at opposite sides of the solar system while the Sun remains roughly in the middle. Furthermore, how come we never see a dark "new moon" in our daylight/dusk skies? If the moon is covered in total darkness during new moon phases, why can't we ever see a black/brown round ball in the sky (daylight)?
Point 5. No Viewable Curvature Even 20 Miles above the Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExcBMb0Dh3Y
Point 6. The Horizon Remains Flat and at Eye Level No Matter How High You Go Up and the Perspective Problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clecIaAF...R&index=1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TASY9jch4Uo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjkERI3L...p=desktop.
Point 7. No Change of Speed from the North Pole Versus the Equator. For example, if you were in northern Alaska, the rotation of the Earth would be much slower (approx. 300 mph) than the rotation of the Earth at the Equator (approx. 1,025 mph); yet no one feels any change of speed when they travel from northern Alaska to the equator.
Point 8. The Sun Is Much Closer than 93 Million Miles and Can Even Produce a Hot Spot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IagpTwFppCs; also, watch at 30:29 - https://youtu.be/lchtwf5Fvhc
Point 9. No Lowering of Atmosphere Speeds as You Reach Higher Levels When Fluid Dynamics Principles Dictate Otherwise. Imagine a model of the spherical Earth being placed in a swimming pool and begins spinning at speeds near 1,000 mph. The water would begin spinning around the sphere as well. However, the speed of the water would not be uniform. The water closer to the sphere would move much faster than the water further away. We see no evidence of this on Earth and this raises the skydiver problem. Skydivers should end up hundreds of miles away from their targets.
Point 10. The Atmosphere Speed Near Space Would Be Many Thousands of Miles Per Hour if it Were Connected to the Earth.
Point 11. Many Photos of Objects that Should Appear Below the Horizon. Watch at 13:53 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8eIuT-nSAs. Spherical theorists counter that the effect is caused by refraction and looming. Flat earth theorists counter that "refraction," "mirages" and "looming" are convenient excuses that just so happen to create an appearance of a flat earth.
Point 12. Seeing a Full Moon During Near Noon Should Be Impossible. Why? Because the sun is well behind the moon and directly behind it.
Point 13. The Deliberate Use of Fisheye Lenses to Make the Earth Appear Round. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=217&v=u8u0p2w_Lvo
Point 14. The Polaris Problem - No Movement Yet the Earth is Traveling at Hundreds of Thousands of Miles Per Hour in Varying Directions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbRIbIeKj7E.
Point 15. The Bedford Level Experiment (also the Bishop Experiment and others).
Point 16. The South Pole Problem - No Time Lapse Photos Showing a Circular Pattern of Stars as Shown at the North Pole. No video of individuals over the south pole with compasses going crazy.
Point 17. The Apollo 17 Photo is Fake. The Apollo 17 photo and all other photos of the earth show that earth is a perfect sphere; however, NASA says that the Earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate spheroid (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E9G8fbnZ24). Also, the land sizes in the Apollo 17 photo (and every other alleged photo) are entirely incorrect. They should more closely follow the Peters Projection Map (http://www.petersmap.com/) not the Mercator Projection Map that we are all familiar with (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection). Finally, the Apollo 17 photo shows too much detail when the colors should appear washed out due to the atmosphere.
Point 18. The Thermosphere is Too Hot to Support Satellites, ISS, and Hubble.
Point 19. The Atmosphere Does Not Escape into the Vacuum of Space.
Point 20. The Sun Produces Non-Parallel Rays and the Moon Only Lights Up Surrounding Clouds. Watch at 4:14 and 10:13 - https://youtu.be/Qer1KF6epB8
Point 21. The Admiral Byrd Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czW0iRJuH1A. Admiral Byrd was a well respected naval officer, aviator, and explorer.
Point 22. The Gravity Problem. We are told that gravity keeps us from being flung from the Earth as it rotates at nearly 1,000 mph. However, the speed of the Earth's rotation is admittedly much less at the poles than at the equator. Accordingly, gravity would have to be stronger at the equator and a weight should weigh many times more at the North Pole than it would at the Equator. There is no change.
Point 23. Railroad and Bridge Engineers Do Not Account for Changes in Curvature. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/...earth.html
Point 24. No Hot Spot on the Moon. Take a globe and shine a light on it and the side closest to the light will be brighter than the other parts of the globe. However, the moon's light is uniform.
Point 25. The Sun and Time Problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfq600r0wU4
Point 26. The Lunar Eclipse Problem. At the rate of speed the Earth travels around the Sun (18.5 miles/sec.), it would be impossible for a Lunar Eclipse to last longer than a few milliseconds.
Point 27. The Selenelion (Horizontal Eclipse) Problem. Atmospheric refraction? Yeah, right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFN8_LukQMw
Point 28. The Antarctica and Flight Problem. Touring the depths of Antarctica is generally prohibited by treaty (why no commercial ventures where there are vast mineral deposits). No commercial flights are ever taken across Antarctica. Non-stop flights over long distances below the equator are almost non-existent.
Point 29. Solar Analemma Proves the Flat Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNGnz_1MMTg&app=desktop (watch at 5:34).
Point 30. The Roundtrip Airplane Model Would Produce Unequal Times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60Du0G7FA_Y. Spherical artists argue that its similar to playing ball in a car but ignore the fact that the car is closed - i.e., does the Earth have a dome that seals it? This also is similar to the wind problem, how does wind (and storms) flow the opposite direction of a ball that is pulling an atmosphere with it at 1,000 mph?
Point 31. The Airy's Experiment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87M2i61N1cU&app=desktop
Point 32. Pilots Don't Have to Tip the Nose of the Plane to Account for Curvature.
Point 33. Moonlight is Cooler. A property that is inconsistent with the claim that the moon reflects sunlight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sKe0POov-M
Point 34. The Time Problem. A solar day is almost exactly 24 hours and is not adjusted. Move the Earth from one side of the sun to the other (as supposedly done each year) and in 6 months day and night will be opposite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF_DnIdVDTU
Point 35. Very Little Experimentation Proves the Spherical Earth. There are few experiments that prove the earth is moving, spinning, rotating or that it's a sphere (e.g., Eratosthanes - see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QJ1KBaj...=desktop).
Point 36. The Seasons Problem. The sun is 93 million miles away and yet a minor tilt of the Earth produces seasons.
Point 37. The Arctic Nights Problem. There would be no Arctic nights lasting more than 12 hours - ever! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IagpTwFppCs
Point 38. Lunar Phases Should Change at Different Globe Vantage Points. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiX6egRqdv4. The moon can't look the same from the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the Earth.
Point 39. Water is Always Flat and Cannot be Curved.
Point 40. No Commercial Ventures in Antarctica Ever.
Point 41. Tall Objects Far Away Only Appear Vertical. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BjRYBDAfYA
Point 42. Time Lapse Video of the Sun Proves the Flat Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=444&v=CjehvTBrsNA
Point 43. No Zigzag of the Sun During the Midnight Sun in the Arctic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFhKpYJZeoM
The Flat Earth Theory

 A Flat Earth Map

The Earth Is Flat

A couple of weeks ago I thought this was a ludicrous thought and so when Mark Sargent (Flat Earth researcher) was on Canary Cry Radio, well I was sort of disappointed they weren't going to talk about something relevant. Thankfully, I decided to download the episode on my archaic MP3 player and listened to it at work that day. I haven't been the same since.

 As of now after further research answering the initial doubts I had, I'm convinced we are living on a flat earth! It's actually obvious when you finally break free of the matrix New World Order group think. And, yes this is another conspiracy from the powers to be. This could be considered the biggest hoax they have hoodwinked the people into yet (which is saying something).

 Now, I'm not going to go over every single argument here in this simple blog post, and I'm not going to begin a flat earth blog to begin to become a leader in the field. I do want to give a layman's approach to this deception we have been fooled into believing. There's some very good research you can find on YouTube on this, as well as websites and interviews. Just steer clear of the dis-info agents called the Flat Earth Research society. They are sort of like the Alex Jones of the New World Order conspiracy. 

Some notable leading researchers that I've found are Eric Dubay, Mark Sargent, and Math Bolylan. These guys know their stuff and think for themselves.

 So, how does a plane flying from New York to London end up having the same times either way they fly? Whether flying east or west, the plane takes the same time to get there?! The plane takes the same time to get to it's destination whether flying from New York to London, or from London back to New York! Right there, this proves that there is no ball earth spinning at a 1000mph eastward as the scientific elite tell us!

 Why can a boat see a lighthouse from the sea 80 miles away? The curvature of the earth wouldn't allow a lighthouse to be seen that far away, but it can be seen on a flat earth. Every mile away an object is it would go lower and lower, to the amount of about a half a mile below the curved horizon from 80 miles away, but the lighthouse is only around 200 ft high! Explain that one.

 Let me just start talking to you here: NASA is a satanic organization created by the Nazi's that came over after WW2, Freemasons run NASA and are the astronauts, there are no planets spinning around the sun – they are  close in stars and lights, the sun and the moon are circling around the top of the flat earth from only about 3,000 miles away and they are the same size, there are no satellites, there is no real pictures of the earth that are not manipulated- and only one that is used in all the books from Apollo missions window!, Antarctica surrounds the disc shaped earth's edges, the Bible talks about the earth being fixed and unmovable, the Bible calls the earth a circle (not a ball), the horizon is always eye level no matter how far you go up into the air (20,000 ft. a non-government camera has been), ancient cultures all thought the earth was flat until 500 years ago when Jesuit Priest said otherwise (Jesuits!), Antarctica is off limits to private industry although it has vast resources, no private explorer can explore the North Pole or Antarctica, and on and on....

 There is so much evidence that the earth is actually flat it's unbelievable. I learned about the hollow earth theory before a couple years ago, and I actually thought there was something to that, but it didn't resonate with my soul like this Flat Earth thought has. Spiritually, this reality of a flat earth settles in my soul and being with the up-most peace and reality. It's as if I knew it all along. I mean, flying around on a spinning earth in some vast universe just never clicked with me. From all observance, we are stationary and the earth is flat, not spinning and I don't care what some Jesuit says about some un-provable theories they made up about gravity and the solar system – it's all a lie!

 Now, I've brought up some points, but as I said you are going to have to research this more on your own. I know you'll have some questions as I did, but as far as I'm concerned, those questions can be answered much better than the questions you'll start to have about this earth being a ball that is flying around the sun.

 Now, about the motive of this conspiracy. This is in fact one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that I've come up with of why they came up with this ball earth theory. As I said before the Jesuits came up with this theory with a fellow named Nicolaus Copernicus (b. 1473 – d. 1543) who was a Jesuit.

 By brainwashing people into believing the world is a ball in a vast solar system the elite New World Order, Illuminati, Vatican Jesuits, Mystery Babylon, could gain the worship of the sun and become the scientific elite, which everyone was in awe and dependent on. Do you get that...

 By thinking everything revolves around the sun and the sun is 400 times bigger than the earth, then the importance of our tiny little earth lives becomes minimized to say the least. By showing that mankind is so advanced that they can land on the moon with one of their crafts shows that we don't need some God that the ancient dummies believed in. By having this galaxy and this solar system they could formulate and speculate there had to be life on other solar systems which are around every star we can see that is millions of light years away supposedly!

 So, by making this silly spinning earth thing up, they could then pave the way for evolution, the Big Bang Theory, Alien life on other planets, a scientific elite, the worship of a centered sun, the deity of modern science which can “space travel”, and basically throw us off our very common sense itself by conditioning us to not believe what we know to be true- that we are stationary and the celestial bodies are revolving around the earth!

 OK, this is very exciting to me, and I'm just the type of guy who cares less what anyone thinks. I simply want the truth! I'm that convinced that we are indeed living on a Flat Earth, and let me explain if I can how this has helped me feel even closer to God and his creation.

 Well, first of all I know what His creation is now, and so I can appreciate it that much more. When I go outside and look at this beautiful earth I can imagine all of this is made for us by God. We are the center of it all! The stars and lights in the sky are there for us to tell the seasons and that is exactly what the Bible says. When reading the Bible, it comes alive in new ways, and I can see where it over and over again alludes to a Flat Earth and not a spinning ball earth revolving around the sun. Your going to have to do your own research about this.  The Bible verses you need to know to understand the Bible describes a Flat Earth.

 In general, this is a very positive revelation to me. Mostly the conspiracies that I've uncovered through the help of many sincere Bible believing Christians have been hard to stomach because of the evil they uncover, but the Flat Earth uncovers a wonderful truth. 

 I mean the amount of people deceived by this deception is so encompassing. Even the Christian remnant believers who I listen to are almost all ball earthers... except for maybe now Canary Cry Radio and Rob Skiba... 

 By: thelowdown0.blogspot.com

Is This the 2nd Biggest Conspiracy of All?

The recent rise of the Flat Earth Movement and those pushing the flat earth theory has taken the webosphere and blogosphere by storm. It is, I would say, the 2nd biggest conspiracy of all. The interest has apparently been started and spearheaded by Eric Dubay, author of The Flat Earth Conspiracy. The idea of a flat earth has now attracted and converted some high-profile names, such as Andrew Basiago, the man who claims he teleported to Mars as part of Project Pegasus in the 1960s and 1970s. Basiago, by the way, revealed in this interview with Lisa Harrison that he intends to join the 2016 presidential race! Imagine the exposure a mass audience would receive if Basiago could start delving into topics such as teleportation, Mars colonies, extraterrestrials and the flat earth theory …

For the record, I am not saying I believe the Earth is flat, but I am open to the possibility. Clearly, more investigation needs to be done, and it would be wisest to admit we don’t know something rather than proceed as if we did – especially when the conspiracy cuts so deep and the deception has infiltrated every area of our lives. Socrates, the father of philosophy, showed that questions are more powerful than answers; indeed, his questions were so powerful that the leaders of Athens put him to death for them.

Let us never be afraid to ask questions – it is the only way we can learn and be truly sure of things.

Whatever the answer turns out to be, the idea that the Earth on which we all live could indeed be flat has ignited intense curiosity and healthy debate – and has already shaken people out of their apathy and generated critical thinking. This in itself is a victory for freedom, because once enough people start to question their reality in every way, the conspiracy will collapse, being only held up by deception and subterfuge.

It Sounds Crazy, but Open Your Mind …

Virtually everyone who first comes to the subject of flat earth (myself included) is thinking: “Flat earth? Are you serious? You must be kidding. That’s crazy! Don’t waste my time. That Makia Freeman guy has really gone off the deep end this time …” I know, I know. That’s how I first reacted to this topic. Let’s face it: we’re all conditioned to believe the world is arranged in a certain way. Right from the moment we go to school around age 5, we are shown miniature globes of the world and told the Earth is a ball. Our society makes fun of people we perceive to be crazy or behind the times by deriding them as “people who still think the world is flat.”

But how do you know the Earth is a globe? Only because you were told so by your teacher, who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else, who was told by some “authority” or “expert”. We already know the tendency humanity has for worshipping those outside of itself, for unquestioning obedience to authority, especially other people in uniform, white coats or black robes. Somewhere along the way as a child, you were probably shown some books with photographs, but as has been well exposed, space photos and videos are easily faked, as Freemason- and Nazi-controlled NASA knows very well. Those at the very top of the pyramid, who control the media, publishing houses and the education curriculum, do have the means to pull of such a grand deception.

Is Flat Earth the Mother of All Conspiracies?

Whether we live on a flat earth or globe earth is not some passing fad of little importance. If we have been deceived into thinking the earth is a globe when it is really flat, it conclusively proves just how easily we can be hoodwinked into believing lies and absurdities on a colossal scale. If we have been massively fooled about the very planet on which we live, we could have been fooled on any other topic in existence.

Is the debate over the flat earth the biggest conspiracy or the “Mother of all Conspiracies”? Not quite, in my opinion. It’s huge: I’d call it the 2nd biggest conspiracy. The biggest conspiracy though is forgetting Who We Are – infinitely creative, spiritual beings having a brief human journey – and allowing other entities to siphon off our life energy. This includes the issue of what happens when we die (i.e. whether we are forcibly recycled at the point of death through a soul net). Flat earth is a close second, but ultimately, the two issues are connected; authors such as James of the WingMakers have joined the two in their work (e.g. by describing our world as the Hologram of Deception and describing the phenomenon of forced reincarnation). The notion that we are entrapped in some kind of holographic quarantine is highly disturbing, yet deserves our full attention.

What is the Flat Earth Model?

The flat earth model contends that the Earth exists on a giant, flat plane, with the Arctic or North Pole at the center, and a giant wall of ice (the Antarctic) surrounding the entire disc and forming the circumference. The implication of this is that we live in a giant dome, and that “space” as we know it does not exist, and that all the planets and stars we see at night are like projections on the ceiling of a planetarium.

Let’s take a look now at the points for and against the flat earth model. Points For the Flat Earth Model

– Lack of visible or measurable curvature: The horizon looks flat to the eye. Researchers have claimed that the skyline of cities such as New York City and Philadelphia are visible 40-60 miles away from the ground, when the alleged curvature of the Earth should not permit them to be seen. The famous Bedford Canal experiment performed in 1838 by Samuel Rowbotham showed that a canoe or small boat was visible from 6 miles away along a river (when the curvature of the earth should have rendered it invisible below the horizon or line of sight). Is this light refraction or evidence of a flat earth?

– Lack of discernible spin: When an airborne plane is trying to land, if the earth were really spinning, it should be difficult for the plane to land. It would be landing on a moving target. Yet no planes appear to have trouble doing this or use a spinning earth in their calculations. Why not?

– Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic expedition: Admiral Richard E. Byrd was a courageous explorer who earnt the trust of the US Government. They sent him down to Antarctica on a military mission in 1947. He reported that in Antarctica he ran into UFOs – “vehicles which could travel from one pole to the other in less than an hour” as he wrote in his diary – and found his way into the center of the earth, “inner earth”, where the temperature was warm, vegetation grew and a Nordic race of people lived. Remember, this was a hardened, rational military man writing such things. In this video interview, he also reveals that beyond the South Pole there was still much of Antarctica left unexplored (an area the size of the USA in fact). After this Governments of the world joined forces and made Antarctica off limits and all trips there highly regulated. Why?

– The problem of the Sun’s heat: If the sun is really 93 million miles away, how does its heat travel through space (an apparent vacuum) to reach us? Can space conduct or transfer heat? If not, can the atmosphere of Earth take the sun’s light and transform it into heat? If so, how does that work? Has it been proven beyond all doubt?

– The problem of the Sun’s light: Sometimes you can see the sun’s rays coming in at wide angles. How could this be if they were all coming from 93 million miles away? From that distance they are essentially parallel. Does the atmosphere disperse them? If so, how? Has this been proven beyond all doubt?

– Strangeness around Southern Hemisphere flights: Why are there so few direct flights in the Southern Hemisphere? Why do planes flying from places like Sydney (Australia) to Johannesburg (South Africa) routinely go via places like Dubai in the Middle East, which is completely off course and out of the way? The direct flight would be around 12 hours and planes have enough fuel to do this without needing to stop. Why are planes’ GPS turned off during Southern Hemisphere flights, so that their exact trajectories can not be easily tracked?

Points Against the Flat Earth Model

– Satellites: How does the flat earth model deal with satellites? Do they exist or are they faked?

– Varying star constellations: You can see constellations in the Southern Hemisphere that you can’t see in the Northern Hemisphere, and vice versa. How is this possible on a flat earth?

– Other celestial bodies: Other celestial bodies appear to be globes, such as the Moon and the Sun, not to mention other planets. Why are they spheres and the earth is not?

– Center of gravity: On a flat plane, isn’t the center of gravity at the center of the plane? If so, then when we fall, why are we pulled straight down to the ground rather than towards the center (the North Pole in the flat earth model)?

– The Catholic Church supported the flat earth: The Catholic Church has been a leader throughout the last 2000 years of suppressing information, keeping people scared and ignorant, and ruling through fear and guilt. It is highly strange and out of character, therefore, that when it comes to this issue of flat earth, that the Church would be on the side of the truth. The Church killed (or condemned) at least 3 people for proposing the heliocentric model (Copernicus, Galileo, Giordano Bruno). If flat earth were true, why would the Church kill or condemn those proposing a false model when it has a history of hiding the truth?

Could the Earth be Both Flat and a Globe?

Finally, I will end this article by quoting Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy on the flat earth subject. She wrote:

“In my view the “flat earth” people are simply seeing things in a hyper dimensional (collapsing the wave) mode. They are seeing a Planet “plane-net” from the point of view that reduces everything out of the hologram view into a sort of continuum of unlimited horizons viewed condensed, as in, down to the “thought” of source vs. the multi-dimensional aspects which allow you and I to navigate and go deeper into the quantum moment for the purpose of ‘experiencing the whole’.

It is similar to the way we view time. We see time as linear when it is actually simultaneous. In reality, time is an illusion. All things happen simultaneously. Well, if space is viewed the same way you could in essence say there is no space … space is an illusion or hologram. Everything it is at the same time infinite and infinitesimal and can be reduced to a single point … zero point or simultaneity.”

As David Icke, the late Michael Talbot (who wrote The Holographic Universe), some Western scientists and many others have said, the world is a giant hologram, that looks, feels, smells, tastes and seems like something solid, but is actually mostly empty space made from energy vibrating at a slow rate. We live in a giant version of the Holodeck on Star Trek. Quantum physics has shown us that the atom can appear as a particle (matter) or a wave (energy) and displays characteristics of both simultaneously. The wave is all possibility until it “collapses” (due to our observation and intent) into a particle and solidifies.

Is it possible that flat earth people are looking at the “wave” aspect of the atom rather than the “particle” aspect? Could the Earth be flat on an unlimited plane, until it collapses into particle form and becomes a sphere?

It is an open question that remains to be solved, but meanwhile, it is greatly encouraging to see people taking such an active part in questioning everything around them, because it is only by asking the right questions that we can gain freedom from ignorance and enslavement.

Has the “Flat Earth Theory” Found A New Audience?

It’s the last thing that most would ever think they would have to make a case for in the modern world: why the Earth is indeed a globe, and not a flat plane covered with topographical features like mountains and valleys, drifting along like an island in space.

Strange as it may sound, this was precisely the kind of argument I recently found myself having to address, in response to a discussion that took place on an online radio show which apparently brought the so-called “flat earth theory” back into question… at least in the minds of some.

The host in question, Rob Skiba, had been interviewing a fellow named Mark Sargent, a man with a background in graphics and CGI, in which the two men had a lengthy discussion about whether evidence supported a cover-up to withhold information about Earth’s true shape from the public (to his credit, and I want to be clear about this, Skiba made it known at the outset that he doesn’t believe in the idea that our planet is literally flat, though admittedly, a strong sense of favor toward the idea seemed to remain present throughout the discussion).

One of my readers contacted me about the interview, and asked if I would consider listening to what the men had to say, which I did. Among the kinds of points addressed were the fact that NASA and other space agencies have continually released CGI representations of Earth over the years, and that only one supposed “photo” released by NASA actually exists, purporting to show our round globe. Furthermore, anecdotal claims have arisen over the years about visitors to Antarctica being driven away “at gunpoint.” Paired with the fact that world organizations such as the United Nations feature flat earth symbolism in their logos, all of these points are believed to be “evidence” that our world is, indeed, a flat circular plane contained under a dome… a reality which elitists are working hard to hide from the public.

The fact that such “flat earth theories” have lingered into the present day is really nothing new; consider websites like that of The Flat Earth Society, which just last year announced its intention to expand its social media presence. “To kick this off,” one flat-earther had written at their site, “we’ll be running a celebratory campaign that showcases our supporters all over the Disk… We will be regramming the photos across our social media network so people can see our supporters all across the world.”

One must ask themselves, how could someone really believe that the Earth is flat, despite what are now centuries-old determinations first made by the likes of Eratosthenes, who as far back as 235 BC was able to prove its roundness using mathematic calculations?

Let’s remember that Eratosthenes was able make such determinations about our Earth’s shape based on differences in the length of shadows cast by objects in two separate locations, one being the ancient Syene (now Aswan), and the other at Alexandria, on the day of the Summer Solstice. 

Despite being able to use mathematics to determine the Earth’s roundness as far back as 235 BC, the pseudoscientific interpretation of various data in modern times has nonetheless contributed to the continuation of “flat earth” theories. For instance, as discussed during Skiba’s radio program on the subject, many have taken issue with the fact that images that purportedly feature our planet are “digital composites,” which some interpret to mean that they are purely fabrications using CGI technologies.

In response to questions my reader had asked about such things, I recommended a page where several photos of Earth taken in recent years could be viewed, all of which are composites that were assembled from photos using satellite imaging technologies:


To give an idea of the language that I think has led to misunderstandings of what a “composite” or “synthesized” image actually is, I’ll include one of the captions from the images, which reads as follows:

“Over a period of six orbits on on February 3, 2012, the recently launched Suomi NPP satellite provided the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument enough time to gather the pixels for this synthesized view of Earth showing North Africa and southwestern Europe.”

Let’s look at precisely what “composite” or “synthesized view of Earth” actually means. What we’re talking about here are sets of images that cover large portions of the Earth, and at considerably high resolutions. Experts will take the entire set of images, and then collect and combine the most visually useful portions from specific frames, and produce new composites that help reduce the presence of things like cloud formations that might obscure visibility of geographic features below. Using this technique, famous renderings such as the various incarnations known as “The Blue Marble” have been achieved, and while assembled from more than one image, they are by no means complete CGI fabrications. Again, my impression is that during the “flat earth” interview in question, images like those linked above were interpreted as being entirely digital renderings, which simply isn’t the case. As far as their source, most of the images in the link above were obtained either via the Suomi satellite, or the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra research satellite.


Moving along to address other points, let’s head further south, and around to the idea that Antarctica holds the key to unraveling the “flat earth” secret. Specifically, I’m interested in these anecdotal reports that suggest how those who have attempted to go there and investigate have “been driven away at gunpoint.”

Sure, Antarctica seems like the last place many would actually choose to visit, and hence the place no doubt maintains an air of mystique about it. This is especially the case when considering all the rumors associated with “dangers” Admiral Richard E. Byrd purportedly encountered there during the ill-fated Antarctic expedition called Operation Highjump, which some have associated with post-war Nazi conspiracies.

The truth about our coldest continent, however, and the visitors it receives, is a very different story. It was estimated in January that some 37,000 tourists will visit Antarctica this year alone (though around 10,000 won’t actually set foot on shore), as discussed in a BBC article earlier this year that examined such things as the environmental impact of such heavy visitation. Additionally, as many as 5,000 people actually may reside there annually, at any of the various research stations located on the continent. In summary, if people visiting there were being “turned away at gunpoint,” it seems that at least some of the 37,000 or so planning on visiting would have said something about this.

Conspiratorial scenarios such as those addressed here help show us one thing: that those who become proponents of ideas such as a “flat earth theory” have convinced themselves that their proof lies not in tangible facts or data, but within the evidences of a perceived conspiracy to conceal the “real truth” from the rest of us… which is nonsense. This is not “proof” at all, and such ideas have little — if any — reliance on real facts. On the other hand, a broad history of testable, repeatable data spanning more than 2,000 years proves for us, without a doubt, that our Earth is indeed a globe; just like our moon which we can see clearly on most nights, and several planets further away that are very much like our own, made visible with as little as a telescope one can purchase online.

In conclusion, I would like to observe here that, generally, the attitude conveyed by many within the modern skeptical movement toward those who propose such “fringe” ideas tends to be one not only of dismissal, but also ridicule. In fairness, I think I can understand their frustration, especially in this case; it is indeed troubling that ideas such as this might find an audience today, despite centuries of scientific work aimed at properly educating the public at large, with hope of preventing such falsehoods from finding their way into modern belief systems.

Years ago, when Carl Sagan was met with pseudoscientific claims like these, of course he would differ just as strongly; but he would also rely on an evidence-based approach to refuting such ideas that was both educational, and conducive to dialogue on the issues, rather than being purely confrontational. He was a gentleman, in other words.

Somewhere along the way, we seem to have lost the idea that discourse in relation to such ideas can occur in a civil fashion, and without having to rely on heavy cynicism and ad hominem attacks to get our points across. Therefore, here I hope the discussion presented has been, perhaps in the most literal sense, “civil discourse”, but also that the point has been made effectively too: any remaining advocacy of a “flat earth theory”, however absurd it may be, will hopefully be viewed with a bit more scrutiny by any proponents reading about it here. I think it is fair to call the idea absurd, as most would agree: but by the same token, having such an absurd debate is important, in my opinion, because it outlines how easily people can fall into fallacious thinking, despite the vast amounts of knowledge at our disposal in the present day.

I maintain that it’s alright to “ask questions”, and yes, I also think that doing so is at the very heart of good skepticism. But what also must be considered is whether the questions we’re asking send us along the best lines of thought that we could be following, and whether their outcome will present us with logical conclusions, or merely opinions based on circumstance, in the absence of any real facts.

This fundamental differentiation is the key, I think, and mastering this skill may be the best way to know what it truly means to be asking the right questions.

By: mysteriousuniverse.org/

Why the Earth May Really Be Flat

The hypothesis H is considered that the earth is flat. A relatively simple observation (or experimental outcome) that might plausibly be used to refute H is suggested. The purported refutation is analyzed, identifying the auxiliary assumptions involved, so as to show how H may be saved from actually being refuted. Then it is shown how H can be used, together with some revised auxiliary assumptions that seem reasonable or plausible, to account for the very observation (or outcome) that was originally supposed to refute H.

 According to a philosophy often attributed to Sir Karl Popper (1959), naive or dogmatic falsificationism, science is defined as a modus tollens argument of the following form. First, from a hypothesis we draw some observational consequence: H implies C. Then we do the experiment and find some observed outcome: C*. If C* is incompatible with C, then we conclude that H is false. Diagrammatically, we have the following logical argument:



 If this were all there is to science, then there could be no objection to the conclusion that H is false, because it is a consequence of a logically valid argument: given the truth of the premises, the truth of the conclusion follows. However, if we look at the actual practice of scientists, we will find that this is not a true picture of the way science is actually conducted. Scientists routinely argue over conclusions from observation and experiment. What could they possibly have to argue about if science progresses as a series of deductive arguments of the form proposed above? Well, it turns out that there is more to the logical structure of science than the naive scheme for falsification would hold. The key to understanding this "something more" is understanding the role of auxiliary assumptions. Auxiliary assumptions are subject-specific assumptions concerning the initial conditions or experimental assumptions, and/or the assumptions of the theory.

 According to the more sophisticated scheme for falsification (Popper's methodological falsificationism), we start out with a hypothesis plus some auxiliary assumptions, which combined imply some observational consequence: H plus auxiliary assumptions imply C. Then we do the experiment and find some observed outcome: C*. If C* is incompatible with C, then we conclude that either H is false or some of the auxiliary assumptions are false (or both). There is room for argument as to what exactly is to blame for the anomalous observational outcome, C*. Diagrammatically, we have the following:

 IF (H & A1 & A2 & A3 . . . ), THEN NOT C*.

 A particularly effective rhetorical strategy is to take a potential falsifier, such as the anomalous observation C*, and, by modifying the auxiliary assumptions, turn it into a corroborating instance of the hypothesis, H. This is exactly the strategy that I will attempt to illustrate in the remainder of this paper.

 Consider the hypothesis, H, that the earth is flat. Now suppose we wished to derive some testable observational consequences from this hypothesis. If the earth is flat, then we should not observe a circular shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse. However, we do observe a circular shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse. Therefore, according to the naive scheme for falsification, we have a completely knock-down argument that the earth is not flat.

 However, what auxiliary assumptions intervene between hypothesis and conclusion? Auxiliary assumptions can be divided into two types: experimental assumptions concerning the initial conditions, and theoretical assumptions.

 As for the initial conditions of this experiment, we note the following. First, we assume that the sun gives the moon its light. Second, we assume that the earth and not another celestial body intervenes between the sun and the moon to cause the lunar eclipse. Third, we assume that the behavior of light is the same in outer space as it is on earth. Fourth, we assume that the rotation of the earth has no effect on the shape of the shadow cast by the earth upon the moon. Fifth, we assume that the shadow cast by the sun is not obscured by light from other heavenly bodies, such as the stars. On the theoretical side, we assume a theory of optics that would allow us to tell the difference between a curved and flat shadow.

 Let us take the fourth experimental assmption, that the rotation of the earth has no effect on the shape of the shadow cast by the earth upon the moon. Is this really credible? If this assumption were not true, then that could shift the evidence in favor of a flat earth. Let's see how.

 A quarter is a flat object. However, if you spin a quarter on its axis, the shadow made by a light overhead is in the shape of a circle.

 Suppose that the earth is flat, as per our initial hypothesis. Now suppose that the earth is in constant motion. In fact, it is widely acknowledged that the earth is spinning at the tremendous rate of approximately 1000 miles per hour. Given these assmptions, what shape shadow should the earth cast upon the moon during a lunar eclipse? Clearly, the earth should cast a circular shadow!

 I have demonstrated that the earth may in fact be flat. I have done so by turning a previous argument against the flatness of the earth on its head, showing the importance of the role played by auxiliary assumptions. Let us continue this exercise to account for one further observation.

 Given that the earth is spinning at a tremendous rate, why do we not fly off the earth? The answer is that gravity pulls us down, keeping us in close proximity to the earth. In fact, gravity seems to be equally in operation at every point along the surface of the earth, just as we would expect if the earth were a sphere.

 How can we account for the equal effects of gravity if the earth is a flat disc? Gravity is a force field. Nobody really knows what gravity looks like--we only know what gravity is like through its effects: it pulls us downward. Therefore, suppose that gravity is curved. It proceeds from the center of mass of the disc-shaped earth out to the further reaches of the earth, while all the time it is curved in such a way as to pull objects on the earth downward. That would account for the observed effects of gravity.

 Now I have shown how a little tinkering with auxiliary assumptions can change the evidence against a hypothesis to favor it. Given that the earth is spinning rapidly so as to cause a circular shadow during a lunar eclipse, and that gravity is curved so as to affect the whole surface of the earth equally, we can conclude that the earth may in fact be flat. On the other hand, the auxiliary assumptions themselves need to be subjected to empirical test, and their auxiliary assumptions need to be subjected to empirical test, and so on. Given different auxiliary assumptions, we might arrive at a different conclusion. As Einstein and Infeld (1938, pp. 30-31) say, "It is really our whole system of guesses which is to be either proved or disproved by experiment. No one of the assumptions can be isolated for separate testing.... [W]e can well imagine that another system, based on different assumptions, might work just as well."

By: personalityresearch.org/
Sandy Hook Staged FEMA/DHS Capstone Event/Exercise

Sandy Hook has been cloaked with mystery, conspiracy, and a lot of intrigue. 

It seems most people knew from square one that there was something not quite right about this event and then the children began to appear in advertisements, at photo ops with the President. 

In the video below, Wolfgang Halbig, former teacher, law enforcement, and current national school safety assessment & emergency management consultant, maintains that the so-called Sandy Hook CT shootings were a staged cooperative government – community “Capstone” exercise planned years before December 2012, for the purpose of banning commonly-used firearms and limiting free speech. 

Halbig asserts the incident was a financial bonanza for the Newtown community and involved parents, all involved parents moving into the CT community only between 2009-2011, and all receiving over $200K each for their involvement in the exercise. Halbig’s questions to Newtown are returned with silence and contempt; threat of arrest.

MSandy Hook has been cloaked with mystery, conspiracy, and a lot of intrigue. It seems most people knew from square one that there was something not quite right about this event and then the children began to appear in advertisements, at photo ops with the President. 

In the video below, Wolfgang Halbig, former teacher, law enforcement, and current national school safety assessment & emergency management consultant, maintains that the so-called Sandy Hook CT shootings were a staged cooperative government – community “Capstone” exercise planned years before December 2012, for the purpose of banning commonly-used firearms and limiting free speech. 

Halbig asserts the incident was a financial bonanza for the Newtown community and involved parents, all involved parents moving into the CT community only between 2009-2011, and all receiving over $200K each for their involvement in the exercise. 

Halbig’s questions to Newtown are returned with silence and contempt; threat of arrest.

By:  beforeitsnews.com
FBI Says No One Killed At Sandy Hook

Recently released FBI crime statistics curiously show that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, despite reports that numerous school children and faculty members were slaughtered during a shooting rampage in December of that year.

On December 14, 2012, the world watched in horror as the corporate media reported the deaths of 20 students and 6 staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown at the hands of a deranged 20-year-old.

Internet sleuths immediately took to the web to stitch together clues indicating the shooting could be a carefully-scripted false flag event, similar to the 9/11 terror attacks, the central tenet being that the event would be used to galvanize future support for gun control legislation. Two years later, and scores of politicians and gun control groups have cited the Sandy Hook incident as a pretext to curtail Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

The investigation took an odd turn earlier this year when a national school safety consultant and former Florida State Trooper, Wolfgang Halbig was visited and threatened at his home by homicide detectives after he began reporting on additional inconsistencies in the Sandy Hook narrative, which he believes prove the shooting to be fabricated.

Among 16 questions which Halbig says are key to unlocking the Sandy Hook mystery, Halbig asks, “Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the SHES shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was an Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents (AS/MCI)?”

Halbig says he’s spoken with the FBI regarding crime statistics which show no murders occurred in Newtown in 2012.

“I did get a response,” Halbig said on the Alex Jones Show. “I called New Haven FBI offices and their response is they’ve been asked by the Connecticut State Police not to put those numbers on their data sheet. Now when has the state police ever told the FBI what to do?”

In contrast to the Connecticut report, the 2012 FBI crime report for the state of Colorado shows that 20 deaths occurred in the town of Aurora that year, a figure which takes into account the number of people who died in the Century Theater during the premiere of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises film.

Additionally, Halbig questions why no trauma helicopters were ever summoned to the school, and why paramedics and EMTs weren’t allowed to enter the building to try to save lives.

After police and first responders failed to follow the proper emergency protocols at Sandy Hook, Halbig began looking into the shooting and has discovered various anomalies which have led him to believe the entire incident was a contrived event.

When questioned as to how an entire community could possibly be involved in the staging of such a massive event, Halbig points to top-down federal emergency exercises known as “Capstone” events, FEMA response drills where first responders and others train on “incident management and mass casualty response to manmade or natural disasters.”

“The American people need to wake up and listen to what these exercises are,” says Halbig. “A Homeland Security FEMA Capstone Exercise, it starts at the White House, at the president’s desk, goes all the way through Congress, through the Attorney General, down through the FBI, all the way down to the local government. It is a whole community event, and that’s what I think happened at Sandy Hook.”

Halbig has spent $15,000 trying to follow up on various FOIA requests, and said sources inside the Connecticut state police have guided him to key pieces of evidence inside documents put out by the state which reveal the “script” followed during the event.

“The state troopers showed me where the script is within the 11,000 page document. You know, the Sandy Hook commission the governor appointed they actually called this 11,000 page document the biggest data dump… You’ll spend the rest of your life trying to read it and trying to understand it.”

While those who question the official Sandy Hook story have largely been marginalized, the FBI’s own data is now seemingly substantiating their theories.

By:  infowars.com
The Capstone, The Top Of The Pyramid

There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.

Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.

This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’

The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.

The City is referred to as the wealthiest square mile on earth and is presided over by a Lord Mayor who is appointed annually.

When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state. She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor.

Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms.

In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.

The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.

As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).

Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.

The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court.

They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.

The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.

The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America.

To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.

At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown.

There is no lawful effect when a party signs as both the first and second parties. The Declaration was simply an internal memo circulating among private members of the Crown.

Most Americans believe that they own their own land, but they have merely purchased real estate by contract. Upon fulfillment of the contract, control of the land is transferred by Warranty Deed.

The Warranty Deed is only a ‘color of title.’ Color of Title is a semblance or appearance of title, but not title in fact or in law. The Warranty Deed cannot stand against the Land Patent.

The Crown was granted Land Patents in North America by the King of England. Colonials rebelled at the usurious Crown taxes, and thus the Declaration of Independence was created to pacify the populace.

Another ruse used to hoodwink natural persons is by enfranchisement. Those cards in your wallet bearing your name spelled in all capital letters means that you have been enfranchised and have the status of a corporation.

A ‘juristic personality’ has been created, and you have entered into multi-variant agreements that place you in an equity relationship with the Crown.

These invisible contracts include, birth certificates, citizenship records, employment agreements, driver’s licenses and bank accounts. It is perhaps helpful to note here that contracts do not now, nor have they ever had to be stated in writing in order to be enforceable by American judges. If it is written down, it is merely a written statement of the contract.

Tax protestors and (the coming) draft resistors trying to renounce the parts of these contracts that they now disagree with will not profit by resorting to tort law (fairness) arguments as justification. Judges will reject these lines of defense as they have no bearing on contract law jurisprudence. Tort law governs grievances where no contract law is in effect.

These private agreements/contracts that bind us will always overrule the broad general clauses of the Constitution and Bill of Rights (the Constitution being essentially a renamed enactment of English common law). The Bill of Rights is viewed by the Crown as a ‘bill of benefits,’ conferred on us by them in anticipation of reciprocity (taxes).

Protestors and resistors will also lose their cases by boasting of citizenship status. Citizenship is another equity agreement that we have with the Crown. And this is the very juristic contract that Federal judges will use to incarcerate them. In the words of former Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, “Equity is brutal, but we are merely enforcing agreements.”

“The balance of Title 42, section 1981 of the Civil Rights Code states,” citizens shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind”

What we view as citizenship, the Crown views as a juristic enrichment instrumentality. It also should be borne in mind that even cursory circulation or commercial use of Federal Reserve Notes effects an attachment of liability for the payment of the Crown’s debt to the FED. This is measured by your taxable income.

And to facilitate future asset-stripping, the end of the 14th amendment includes a state of debt hypothecation of the United States, wherein all enfranchised persons (that’s you) can be held personally liable for the Crown’s debt.

The Crown views our participation in these contracts of commercial equity as being voluntary and that any gain accrued is taxable, as the gain wouldn’t have been possible were in not for the Crown.

They view the system of interstate banks as their own property. Any profit or gain experienced by anyone with a bank account (or loan, mortgage or credit card) carries with it – as an operation of law – the identical same full force and effect as if the Crown had created the gain.

Bank accounts fall outside the umbrella of Fourth Amendment protection because a commercial contract is in effect and the Bill of Rights cannot be held to interfere with the execution of commercial contracts. The Crown also views bank account records as their own private property, pursuant to the bank contract that each of us signed and that none of us ever read.

The rare individual who actually reads the bank contract will find that they agreed to be bound by Title 26 and under section 7202 agreed not to disseminate any fraudulent tax advice. This written contract with the Crown also acknowledges that bank notes are taxable instruments of commerce.

When we initially opened a bank account, another juristic personality was created. It is this personality (income and assets) that IRS agents are excising back to the Crown through taxation.

A lot of ink is being spilled currently over Social Security.

Possession of a Social Security Number is known in the Crown’s lex as ‘conclusive evidence’ of our having accepted federal commercial benefits. This is another example of an equity relationship with the Crown.

Presenting one’s Social Security Number to an employer seals our status as taxpayers, and gives rise to liability for a reciprocal quid pro quo payment of taxes to the Crown.

Through the Social Security Number we are accepting future retirement endowment benefits. Social Security is a strange animal. If you die, your spouse gets nothing, but rather, what would have gone to you is divided (forfeited) among other premium payers who haven’t died yet.

But the Crown views failure to reciprocate in any of these equity attachments as an act of defilement and will proceed against us with all due prejudice.

For a person to escape the tentacles of the Crown octopus, a thoroughgoing study of American jurisprudence is required. One would have to be deemed a ‘stranger to the public trust,’ forfeit all enfranchisement benefits and close all bank accounts, among other things.

Citizenship would have to be made null and forfeit and the status of ‘denizen’ enacted. If there are any persons extant who have passed through this fire, I would certainly appreciate hearing from them.

The United States of America is a corporation, ruled by the British Crown and the Vatican

The USA is, and always has been, a huge corporation ruled from abroad. Its initial name was the Virginia Company and it is owned by the British Crown and the Vatican, who receive their yearly share of the profits.

The US presidents are appointed CEO’s (they are not elected by us!), and their allegiance is to the “board of directors,” not to the American citizens. We are seen as employees of the company and voting is designed as a distraction meant to offer us the illusion that we have a say in all this.

“In 1606 [King] James set up the Virginia Company which was granted Royal authority to begin settlements in the province of Virginia, named after Elizabeth I, who had been popularly called the Virgin Queen. The Union Jack first flew on American soil at Jamestown in Virginia as a permanent fixture in the spring of 1607…

“The early members of the Virginia Company were aristocrats who supported the Church of England and the Royalist cause. They included Lord Southampton, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Montgomery, the Earl of Salisbury, the Earl of Northampton, and Sir Francis Bacon…

“As chancellor of England, Bacon was able to persuade the king to issue the charters which enabled the new colonies to proliferate in the new world…

“The Virginia Company members who actually settled in America included several members of the Bacon family, and friends of his who were initiates of the Rosy Cross.” — Michael Howard – Occult Conspiracy (quoted by Michael Tsarion)

“I understand from contacts in America that it is through organizations like the London Metal Exchange that profits from the Virginia Company (United States of America) are channeled back to London.”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

“The House of Burgesses was formed in Jamestown in 1619. It was the first representative legislative body in the American Colonies. The House passed measures designed to help the company prosper. But a serious Indian uprising in Jamestown in 1622 caused the adventurers to lose what little interest they had left. In 1623, King James decided that the company was being managed poorly. He took over the association in 1624 and dissolved the company.” — World Book Encyclopedia;

“Its shareholders were Londoners, and it was distinguished from the Plymouth Company, which was chartered at the same time and composed largely of men from Plymouth.

“In 1619 the company established continental America’s first true legislature, the General Assembly, which was organized bicamerally. It consisted of the governor and his council, named by the company in England, and the House of Burgesses, made up of two burgesses from each of the four boroughs and seven plantations.

“…The court ruled against the Virginia Company, which was then dissolved, with the result that Virginia was transformed into a royal colony.”– Encyclopedia Britannica;

“This means that all the rights which applied to the owners of the Virginia Company to the gold, silver, minerals and duties, mined and paid in America, still apply to the British families who own the United States of America and the lands of the united states of America.

“Those same percentages have been paid since ‘independence’ and are still being paid by the American people via their federal officials who are, in fact, officials of the Virginia Company – yes, including the President.

“…But here’s yet another twist. Who owns the assets apparently owned by the Virginia Company? Answer: the Vatican.”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

“After the original 13 (again!) American colonies won their ‘independence’ and an ‘independent’ country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to… the United States of America.

“You see there are two USAs, or rather a USA and a usA. The united states of America with a lower case ‘u’ and ‘s’ are the lands of the various states. These lands, as we have seen, are still owned by the British Crown as the head of the old Virginia Company, although there is something to add about this in a moment.

“Then there is the United States of America, capital ‘U’ and ‘S’, which is the 68 square miles of land west of the Potomac River on which is built the federal capital, Washington DC and the District of Columbia. It also includes the US protectorates of Guam and Puerto Rico.

“The United States of America is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same Brotherhood reptilian bloodlines who owned the Virginia Company, because the USA is the Virginia Company!”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

“In 1604, a group of leading politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers, met in Greenwich, then in the English county of Kent, and formed a corporation called the Virginia Company in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans, mostly British at first, into the North American continent.

“Its main stockholder was the reptilian, King James I, and the original charter for the company was completed by April 10th 1606. This and later updates to the charter established the following:

“…The Virginia Company comprised of two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company…The ‘Pilgrims’ of American historical myth were, in fact, members of the second Virginia Company branch called the New England Company. The Pilgrim Society is still a major elite grouping within the Illuminati..

“The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA, and any lands up to 900 miles offshore. This included Bermuda and most of what is now known as the Caribbean Islands.

“The Virginia Company (the British Crown and the bloodline families) had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of the ore of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures.

“These rights, the charters detailed, were to be passed on to all heirs of the owners of the Virginia Company and therefore continue to apply… forever!

“The controlling members of the Virginia Company who were to enjoy these rights became known as the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London.

“After the first 21 years from the formation of the Virginia Company, all ‘duties, imposts, and excises’ paid on trading activities in the colonies had to be paid directly to the British Crown through the Crown treasurer…

“The lands of the Virginia Company were granted to the colonies under a Deed of Trust (on lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land…

“The monarch, through his Council for the Colonies, insisted that members of the colonies impose the Christian religion on all the people, including the Native Americans…

“The criminal courts on the lands of the Virginia Company were to be operated under Admiralty Law, the law of the sea, and the civil courts under common law, the law of the land… Now, get this. All of the above still applies today!”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

The United States Inc.

England, Canada, Australia and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries. America, Russia, and other countries, however, have a “President” and “Vice-President.”

Usually corporations have Presidents and Vice-Presidents. What does this mean? The US Presidents rule from the “White House.” The Russian Presidents also rule from the White House. The Jesuits, a large force behind the Illuminati, have their own White House as well. England is ruled from “Whitehall.”

“The United States government is being ruled from the ‘White House,’ the government of England is being ruled from what is called ‘Whitehall,’ and Whitehall, like our White House, is the symbol of power because the hall is like the Masonic hall, the lodge hall, the union hall.”  — Jordan Maxwell – Matrix of Power;

“For those who think America controls the roost it would do well to consider that the Queen of England is still the official head of Commonwealth (123 countries) and the official monarch of Australia and Canada along with the United Kingdom… add to that the fact that all Bush Sr. got for his two terms as president of USA is a mere knighthood of the British Empire.” — Prash Trivedi;

The original 13 colonies were actually called companies. Military units are also called companies. We sing patriotic songs like “the Star-Spangled Banner” but a banner is a corporate advertisement, not a flag.

You surrender with a white flag, no colors. When you get mad you show your true colors. If you just won independence in a bloody revolution with Britain would you choose the same three colors for your new US flag?

Why does “every heart ring true for the red, white, and blue?” What about the gold-fringed flag used by the military, hung at all courts, schools, and government buildings?  It all has to do with the British Maritime Admiralty Law of Flags.
Barack Obama is the current CEO of the USA Corporation and
the gold-fringed flags in the background stand for “ruled from abroad.”

“This is also known as British Maritime (military) Law and this is why the American flag always has a gold fringe when displayed in the courts of the United States. You find the same in government buildings and federally funded schools.

“The gold fringe is a legal symbol indicating that the court is sitting under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code – military and merchant law not common or constitutional law, under the Admiralty Law of Flags, the flag displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (in this case the court) is regulated.

“Anyone entering that ship (court) accepts by doing so that they are submitting to the law indicated by that flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked by defendants who know the score because that changes the law under which the court is sitting.

“If you appear in a court with a gold fringed flag your constitutional rights are suspended and you are being tried under British Maritime (military /merchant) Law.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;

International Maritime Admiralty law, the law of the high seas, began in Sumeria, was perfected in Rome and continues to this day. Jordan Maxwell has explained that the way we trade commerce today is modeled after the Masons’/Templar Knights’ 1,000 year old system.

Notice how regardless of whether you send a product by air, water, or land – you “ship” it. The ship pulls into its “berth” and ties to the “dock.”  The Captain has to provide the port authorities with a “certificate of manifest” declaring the products he has brought.

Through a legal loophole the royals have created, US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law. Since we are born of our mother’s water, from her “birth canal,” we are thereby a maritime product, a “shipped” commodity. Our mothers were delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we are born in a “delivery room.”

That’s why the “doc” signs your “berth” certificate, your “certificate of manifest.” You’re kept in the Maternity “Ward.” Why a ward? No other hospital areas are called wards. Prisons have wards and wardens.

The United States Corporation came about just after the civil war. The Act of 1871 was passed by congress creating a separate form of government for DC, essentially turning it into a corporation.

It was decided that employees would be called “citizens.”  So when you say in court or on paper, that you are a citizen of the United States, you are not a free American, but an employee of US Inc.

When you get a fine, a ticket, a bill, or get sued, you must sign in all capital letters. When you die your Masonic tombstone by law will have all capital letters to show their employee has died.

The entity that is your name in all caps is your maritime admiralty product code. Upper and lower case legally represents you, your body.

“The Uniform Commercial Code was approved by the American Bar Association, which is a franchise, a subordinate branch, of the British legal system and its hierarchy based in London’s Temple Bar (named after the Illuminati Knights Templar secret society).

As I have been writing for many years, the power that controls America is based in Britain and Europe because that is where the power is located that owns the United States Corporation. By the way, if you think it is strange that a court on dry land could be administered under Maritime Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7.

It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations: (1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state.

In other words, mainland America. All this is founded on Roman law because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider ‘journalists’.

Those who realize what is happening and ask the court for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the ‘legal system’ are always refused this information by the judge.

The true creditors in such cases, and the ultimate recipient of the fines, are the bankers to which the corporation ‘country’ is bankrupt.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;

Lawyers or “barristers” have to take the Bar Association “bar” exam just as alcoholics go to the “bar,” sugar-junkies eat candy “bars,” and gamblers hope to get 3 “bars” on the slot machine. These all derive from the Templar’s turn of the 13th century “Temple Bar” in England.

Originally the Temple Bar was literally just a bar or chain between two posts next to the Temple law courts.  This soon became a huge stone gate and there were eventually eight of these gates built so the elites could restrict / control trade within the city of London.

They were taken down during 19th century, but then each stone was numbered and kept in storage until 2004 when they just re-built the Temple Bar in London.

“The United States corporation was created behind the screen of a ‘Federal Government’ when, after the manufactured ‘victory’ in the American War of ‘Independence’, the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London with the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.

In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the ‘former’ colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms.

These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and ‘Feds’. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia and the current president of the corporation is a man called George W. Bush.

He is not the president of the people or the country as they are led to believe, that’s just the smokescreen. This means that Bush launched a ‘war on terrorism’ on behalf of a private corporation to further the goals of that corporation.

It had nothing to do with’ America’ or ‘Americans’ because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term ‘federal’.

This includes the Federal Reserve, the ‘central bank’ of the United States, which is, in reality, a private bank owned by controlling stockholders (and controllers of the US Corporation) that are not even American. This is the bank from which the United States Corporation borrows ‘money’.”

By:  http://blogfactory.co.uk    David Ike   Tales from the Time Loop
 Walmart Closings, Jade Helm And The China Connection

Are Some Walmart Supercenters Being Refitted Into 'Processing' Centers For Americans?

With the recent announcement that multiple Walmarts would be closing due to "plumbing issues," at the same time, many in states where the controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercises are set to take place across the the US, some are saying their "alarm bells" are ringing as they feel they are witnessing a series of events happening simultaneously within America that lead them to believe the US is preparing to declare martial law and start rounding up citizens for processing.


On March 13, 2015 ANP reported "From July 15th to September 15th of 2015, the US Army's Green Berets, US Navy Seals, US Marines Special Ops Command and US Air Force Special Ops Command will be taking part in 'Jade Helm 15', 8 weeks of night time drills in 7 states in the southwestern portion of America," with two additional states being added by March 23, 2015, those being Florida and Mississippi.

The states slated to participate are Florida, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah. Texas and Utah are listed as "hostile" in the leaked documents which exposed Jade Helm 15 to the general public. A portion of California was listed as an "insurgent pocket."


On March 28, 2015, ANP reported on a massive martial law roundup drill, captured on video, that took place in Florida, where helicopters, vans and DoD personnel were rounding up citizens as part of a military exercise that was not revealed to Florida residents until after the exercise had already begun. April 12, 2015, ANP reported on a massive military convoy was spotted in Oklahoma, heading towards Texas, images seen here.

Also in Oklahoma, we see a SQ alert, which states "We were in Tulsa yesterday on a scheduled flight and were delayed for a time while F16s were training at the airport which is a joint use airport and has a National Guard wing established. The strange thing about this is that they were flying with full bomb, missile and long range tank loads. I have not seen this at civilian airports before although I am sure it has been done as there are military aircraft based there. I think this was part of the Jade Helm 15 Drill."


Comparing the sudden announced Walmart closings, where in some cases even employees were not informed until just hours before, we see multiple locations are in some of the same states that Jade Helm exercises, other military drills and military movement, is scheduled, has taken place or been captured on camera.

California, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma.

Walmart operates over 4,000 stores in the US, with over 3,000 of them being "supercenters," meaning stores that offer food, a pharmacy and are generally  much larger than regular Walmarts. Walmart supercenters are considered the largest supermarket chain in the US.

Not only are these stores located in states recently in the news for the aforementioned reasons, but all the Walmarts that "abruptly" announced these closures, laying off hundreds of employees, are supercenters, and all stating the issue causing them to close for the same "six month" period was "plumbing."

According to ABC Action News, "none of the five affected stores have sought any plumbing permits for future repairs."

Via an email forwarded to ANP, we see that in the opinion of one former military man, "Walmart's are outfitted with extensive communications, communications that are identical from store to store and even country to country," stating he believes "the primary purpose for Walmart's, similar stores and malls will be for supply depots for military and initial staging area for local civilians to be processed (clothes ID's etc.), then moved to sanctuary's/FEMA camps after processing." He continues on to point out "the delivery entrances and storage are already set up."

Another forwarded email shows the concern some US citizens are feeling from recent events:

Closing THAT MANY stores for 6 months, coincidentally during Jade Helm sets off more alarm bells that one can possibly imagine. IF these stores are being refitted to such an enormous extent, one must wonder just WHAT they are being refitted for? Just plumbing? That's a WHOLE LOT of plumbing! What would require that much plumbing?

Detention centers? Processing centers? Centralized and controlled distribution centers? What ever the case, closing that many of the country's main food distribution stores will almost certainly cause scarcity for consumers, regardless of real food availability. This almost HAS to be martial law.Perhaps it is related to the planned financial collapse. What ever really is up...SOMETHING IS UP!..

Those emails are not the only example of concern as InfoWars reports that customers and employees affected by these sudden closures are also expressing skepticism about the state reason for these particular stores closing.

Employees and customers are not buying Walmart’s explanation that it is closing five nationwide stores for six months due to “plumbing” issues, with questions swirling about the sudden closures that left hundreds of workers unemployed.


Henry Kissinger famously stated "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."

For the last year we have been seeing alerts, a couple shown below are a representation of the type of concerns people from smaller towns have been expressing about Walmart and food shortages.

April 14, 2015:

“Here in Butte MT. The super Walmart has had " Last chance" signs on manyitems all winter. I worked for Walmart years ago and never saw thesebefore. I asked the employees what it meant. They all said they had no ideawhat they were. They had never been told about last chance stuff. But thespots where these items were have not been replenished. In fact this pastmonth the shelving has been spread out and the refrigerated/frozen itemsare spread out thinly to keep it from looking too bare. My husband is anover the road truck driver and tells me he's seen the same issue all over.Especially in the west. He is also seeing the military equipment movementALOT. Anyway, I had told him months ago that I thought the stores weregoing to close . So glad the aware are stocking up.P.S. The Albertsons grocery chain was abrubtly bought out by the Stokes andswitched over night. They bought out the Safeway too apparently and maybetrue value hardware. All quite suddenly.

Another alert was sent to me this morning by Steve Quayle, who has been documenting these witness accounts in his Alert section, which states "

Steve, I was in my local Walmart in Boone NC, yesterday.. I too notice empty spaces on shelves, the deli meat was not as full as usual and some things like their slaw were not present. I did not go up and down the frozen food sections, but the one I did you can see things spread out , or just one to three bags of different types of Tyson products. Usually there is a bunch of food items in bulk in the main aisles along the grocery dept, Progresso soups, Libby Vegetables, cereal etc...there were none...no large 25 lb bags of sugar or flour either, the sugar stock was not full. Thanks to you and Hawk I went to pick up some more Borax..I picked up 2, which left about 4 on the shelf that item is usually stocked well. The cold bins where they keep franks or Bologna, or other meats were less then 1/2 full....They also are pulling items to the front of the shelf so it appears to be full but there may be only 2. Yes, I too have seen last chance tags also, it usually means they will no longer carry an item.I wanted to share this with you to confirm that this is happening in another part of the country. Gary the butcher told me that he heard beef and pork will be going up even more, he said get what pork you can now.. Folks need to get what they can while they can.Thank you both for all your alerts and info to try and help those with ears to hear and eyes to see prepare. May GOD bless you and keep you safe.

By 2011 it was reported that over 200 Walmarts had opened up in over 101 Chinese cities with other reports detailing China and Walmarts' connections, which brings us back to the comment from the military man quoted above about how Walmarts extensive communications systems that are identical from store to store and country to country, meaning they "they know how the stores operations work, how they are laid out and how things can be reconfigured."

This brings us to the final SQ alert from April 13, 2015:

While the young black man was trying to pull out the manual ladder we heard the equipment that has the warning signal when it is backing up. My husband & I looked to see a Chinese man in his late 20's very physically fit, like a soldier, driving an automated lift. It was apparent that he was using more sophisticated automated equipment that the average employee was not allowed to use. It also appeared he was a man with authority. The average employee had to use the manual ladder. This Chinese man was clearly someone with more authority. He spoke English but with a VERY HEAVY Mandarin accent as if he just stepped off the boat from China.

My husband & I couldn't help but notice it appears WalMart is now operated by Chinese management, possibly even military management, that are still more out of site from the average American shopper. As if they are keeping them in the back. We sense it is only a matter of days before our local WalMart is completely and overtly run by the Chinese, possibly even the Chinese military. No more just "Made In China" but now owned, operated, and controlled by the Chinese. Lord have mercy!

We live in an area of Appalachia that is predominately southern anglo farmers. We would love to know if anyone else is seeing this?

The China connection could be very important if we look at the big picture, see the US Dollar is at the high end of the scale of how long any nation keeps it's world reserve currency status, the amount of money we owe China, the amount of land China already owns in the US, the push to replace the Dollar with the RMB, their recent successes in getting many US allies to join their China-led investment bank, and the 2012 call by China to disarm Americans.


Is the US government preparing for an all-out economic collapse with Jade Helm, on behalf of the Chinese? Are Walmarts in the poorer areas being closed down to "control the food," send those that are hungry scavaging to the more affluent areas, and to set off food riots, which would give the government a reason to declare martial law? Are some Walmart Supercenters being retrofitted to prepare to turn them into some type of processing centers for Americans after they have rounded them up as they practiced doing in Florida last month? Will they be used as China's C3 (Command, Control And Communication)?

Has the endgame we have heard so much about.... finally arrived?

By: All News PipeLine