The Illuminati Arrive In America (Date 1785)

The New World Order
George Washington's assessment concerning Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati
The 'Illuminati' have been in Europe and America since George Washington's time!

George Washington (1732-1799) spoke of the Illuminati in a letter written to the Reverend G. W. Snyder (24 October 1798. He said: "It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread to the United States. On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than I am".

The Illuminati was the brainchild of Adam Weishaupt, who was the chair of canon law and later the dean of the faculty of law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria (a state in southeast Germany) in the early 1770's.

The Bavarian Illuminati, founded on the date of May 1, 1776, exist as an organization that has blurred the line between “spiritual” and “political” Secret Societies.

Their plan has been and is world domination. The Illuminati are alleged to be the primary motivational forces encouraging global governance, a one-world religious belief system, and centralized control of the world’s economic systems.

Weishaupt was initiated as a Freemason in 1774 in either Hanover or Munich, but found that no one in his order truly understood the occult significance of the ceremonies. He decided to found his own organization, which he did. This organization was first known as "The Order of Perfectibilists" but became famous as the "Ordo Illuminati Bavarensis", or the Illuminati for short.

By mixing the occult sciences of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism while conspiring to achieve precise political goals, the Illuminati has become an actor on the world stage.   While most Secret Societies have catered to rich people and their fascination with occultism, the Bavarian Illuminati has actively sought to profoundly change the world.

Washington issued several warnings shortly before his death, about the Illuminati.   President Washington was well aware that Adam Weishaup's radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to America.

To infiltrate the Masonic lodges in Europe, Weishaupt had enlisted the aid of John Robison who was a long time, high degree Mason in the Scottish Rite, a professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland, a British historian, and Secretary-General to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. When he went to Germany, he was given Weishaupt's revised conspiracy plans to study, in order to expand the Illuminati's influence in the British Isles. However, Robison didn't agree with their principles, and after warning American Masons in 1789, published a book to expose the organization in 1798 called Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried On In the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies which presented the Protestant view. He wrote: "I have observed these doctrines gradually diffusing and mixing with all the different systems of Freemasonry till, at last, an association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments, and overturning all the existing governments of Europe."

David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating-class and lectured them on how Illuminism was having an influence on American politics and religion, and to top it off; John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings.

In 1785, the Columbia Lodge of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Among its members were Governor DeWitt Clinton, Horace Greeley (politician and editor of the New York Daily Tribune), Charles Dana, and Clinton Roosevelt (the ancestor of Franklin D. Roosevelt). Roosevelt wrote a book called Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, in which he wrote: "There is no God of justice to order things aright on earth, if there be a God, he is a malicious and revengeful being, who created us for misery." He referred to himself and other members as the "enlightened ones," and said that the U.S. Constitution was a "leaky vessel" which was "hastily put together when we left the British flag," and therefore needed revision.

In 1786, a lodge was started in Portsmouth, Virginia, where allegedly, Thomas Jefferson was a member; followed by fourteen others in different cities of the thirteen colonies.

In April 1793 France sent new ambassador Edmond Genet to America so he could collect payment for the American debt incurred during the American Revolution. The money was to be used to finance France's war with England. However, his real reason for being here was to gain political favor for France and spread Illuminism, which he did through the establishment of 'Democratic Clubs.'