Batman movie reference to Sandy Hook

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Before It's News

As most of you probably know, there’s a very strange link between the latest Batman movie and the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre. At about 1hr 50 minutes into the movie a map is shown on a table with the words ‘Sandy Hook’ written in pencil on an area of the map. One of the actors even puts his fingers over the words. Here’s the relevant video segment and a screen grab of the map.

The words ‘Sandy Hook’ has no relevance to that scene or any other part of the movie, so it is rather strange that those words would appear at all. The words are pointed to by the actor as the ‘target’, but even then from a plot point of view, it’s difficult to justify having any words written on the map, a simple gesture to a point on the map itself would have sufficed.

So in case you haven’t grasped the idea fully yet, what we are confronted with here is: a movie was released six months ago and played in movie theaters across the US. While the movie was being shown in one of those theaters, a person (possibly with accomplices) walked into the theater and opened fire on the audience killing 12 people and injuring 58 others. In the movie in question, there is an, as yet, inexplicable reference to the name of the school that would, six months later, experience a very similar type of gun attack where 28 people were shot dead, 20 of them children.

Other than the Sandy Hook village in the town of Newtown, Connecticut, I was only able to find two other places in the US named ‘Sandy Hook’. One is a beach in New Jersey, and the other is a small town in Kentucky. It would be useful if someone from the production of the Batman movie could come forward and offer some explanation for what, right now, seems like a very bizarre coincidence.

As regards the alleged gunman at the Sandy Hook school; according to media reports, about 3 years ago, after his parents’ divorce, he “fell off the map” and there is extremely little known about what he had been doing and with whom he had been doing it, during those 3 years.

Above his hand where he is pointing to is "Sandy Hook"

Blown up image

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Scene Eerily Shows “Sandy Hook” Written on Map       December 2012

Bizarre evidence that the Sandy Hook massacre in Connecticut may have been staged has surfaced in the form of YouTube videos which point out the words “Sandy Hook” were written on a map that appeared in the most recent Dark Knight movie, a startling revelation given the deluge of mysterious coincidences already plaguing the movie.

According to numerous YouTube videos, a scene appears in which Commissioner Gordon points at a Gotham City map and confusingly, directly to the words “Sandy Hook.” At least one user who tried to upload a similar video pointing out this curious coincidence had it strangely removed.

Another YouTube video asserts that the word “Aurora” also appeared in the movie, further fanning the flames of conspiracy swirling about the movie.

In July, following the Aurora “Dark Knight” massacre, we wrote how the audience in the theater the night of the fateful shooting was made to watch a trailer in which gangsters in the upcoming Gangster Squad movie shot through a screen at audience members. The controversial scene was later scrubbed from the trailer altogether. Warner Brothers alleged that, up until the night of the shooting, they had “forgotten” that the trailer contained the scene.

Another shocking coincidence came in the form of a Lil Wayne music video that absurdly featured skeletons in a movie theater. The video was released just days before the Aurora massacre took place.

As more of these “strange coincidences” continue to pop up, it would take a fool not to question the motive behind it all: Is this all part of an evil pre-conditioning program?

This definitely begins to tread into Satanic and occult territory, the purpose of which is known to only a select few in tight-knit circles at the very top branches of various secret societies.

In a June 2012 article, Jurriaan Maessen described predictive programming, stating, “Classic predictive programming is usually set in motion to desensitize a target audience to a concept, a possibility, or an event- so when an idea is finally introduced into society, or when an event actually occurs, they have been carefully foreshadowed, pre-programmed you might say, in the minds of people.”

As we have seen continually in the past, pre-conditioning and predictive programming go hand-in-hand in preparing, subconsciously, the minds of the masses for an event of ritual sacrifice.

Take, for instance, what some have called a “mega ritual” event: 9/11.

If 9/11 was set to be one of the largest mass rituals in history, it would require some of the grandest predictive programming that could be conjured, beginning as early as 1993 with various questionable insertions into the popular Simpsons TV show.

In 2001, the FOX series The Lone Gunmen aired a pilot episode that eerily predicted the events of 9/11.

In the episode, a scenario is played out in which the U.S. government remotely hi-jacks an airliner and attempts to fly it into the World Trade Center, justifying the launch of perpetual wars that would keep the military industrial complex busy for years to come.

In December 2005, actor, comedian and Lone Gunmen star Dean Haglund appeared on Infowars Live and spoke about the series’ pilot episode, saying, “Part of the plot, as it said in the script was that this event would be used to start an international war on terror.” Sound familiar?

He also spoke candidly about the funding for movies containing blatant Pentagon propaganda, saying, “These movies cost twenty, sixty million dollars to make, that money doesn’t come from some guy down the street out of his check book, these come from huge venture capitalists that have huge corporate interests.” He also “confirmed that government officials would regularly attend Hollywood parties and submit ideas to be planted in film and TV scripts,” we wrote in 2005.

These subliminal messages go a long way in charging and absorbing energies needed for different occult rituals, but they’re also a coding to other mafias designating territory and inciting fear, much like the ace cards American soldiers would leave on dead Vietnamese soldiers in attempts to psyche out the Viet Cong and forgo a firefight.

In this fashion, a subliminal trick is performed on the uninformed; a lesser magic spell that, as Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, describes in the Satanic Bible, can be suited to one of three types of satanic ritual: sexual, compassion, or destructive.

In the book, LaVey says that, “One of the greatest of all fallacies about the practice of ritual magic is the notion that one must believe in the powers of magic before one can be harmed or destroyed by them. Nothing could be farther from the truth, as the most receptive victims of curses have always been the greatest scoffers.”

There can be no question that occult magic is in practice in the upper-most tiers of secret societies and that it is continuously being researched and experimented with using us, the unwitting public, as disposable guinea pigs.

While the public follows a God of light and good, secret occult circles conduct depraved sexual acts (many times involving small children), along with blood sacrifices, and also ritual demonic summoning, possession and worship.