The Deeper Meaning Of The Movie THE MATRIX

If one is to understand the deeper meaning of the movie “The Matrix” a person must also understand the basic belief of Luciferianism.  The matrix is written from the perspective of the occult.  In their view Lucifer is the savior of mankind and Jesus / Yahweh are the forces of darkness.  It stems from the Garden of Eden where the serpent beguiled man into eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, so they could become like God.  Lucifer is seen by the occult as having brought the light of knowledge to mankind while Yahweh wishes to keep man in ignorance.  Luciferian’s attempt to achieve ‘illumination’ or gain forbidden knowledge and become more like God.   “The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. Yes, Lucifer is God…”  33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike [1809 - 1891], one of their most revered masters of the craft.

Manly P Hall, from his book ‘the Lost keys of freemasonry’. “Out of the Hidden House, guarded by the silent god, must someday issue the glorious and illumined Horus, the very incarnation of his own father, the personification of the lord of Abydos, the avenger of all evil and the just god in whom there is no death. .. The great battle in which the sons of the Hawk (Luciferian followers of Horus [aka Abaddon / Antichrist Rev 9:11]) rout the hosts of darkness (Christians) is the mysterious Armageddon of Revelation…(pg 153-5)”   The tenants of Luciferianism:  the two messiahs, symbolized by the Masonic two headed eagle (or the ‘Eagle of Eagles’ as it is known to them).  This two headed eagle symbolizes the rejection of one Messiah in favor of another; the rejection of Jesus (Yahweh in the flesh) in favor of the Antichrist (Lucifer in the flesh).  Defiance is the hallmark of luciferianism; defiance of the most-high God, defiance of Yahweh’s orders; defiance of God’s plan.

RETURNING TO THE MATRIX: Ballard: “You’re asking for one of us to disobey a direct order.” Morpheus: “That’s right, I am. But we well know that the reason most of us are here is because of our affinity for disobedience.” Neo’s end of movie phone call to the head machine of the machine world (the movie’s version of Yahweh):  Neo; “I know you’re out there. I can feel you now.  I know that you’re afraid… you’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.”  Defiance!

Morpheus’s speech in the cave; “I remember that for one hundred years we have fought these machines! I remember that for one-hundred years they have sent their armies to destroy us and after a century of war I remember that which matters most! We are still here! Tonight let us send a message to that army! Let us shake this cave! Tonight let us tremble these walls of earth, steel and stone! Let us be heard from red core to black sky! Tonight let us make them remember this is Zion and we are not afraid!” Defiance!

The movie exists on two planes; the physical and the cyber.  The ‘physical’ world in the movie is the spiritual plane and the cyber world of the matrix is our earthly existence.  The battle that has been going on for millennia goes on mostly unseen by those asleep in the matrix (Earth).  The warriors from Zion, the beings dwelling in the ‘real world’ are fighting for the ’illumination’ of people to be awakened.  Warriors from Zion (Hell) seek to liberate mankind from ignorance and tyranny under their machine overlords or as the Luciferian’s wish to portray it from under Jesus and Yahweh.

Zion itself is similar to Hell, well below ground (Tank, “near the earth’s core, where it is still warm!”).  Zion’s spiritual center is the cave where the residents of Zion carryout rituals and carnal pleasures, the place of defiance against the ‘machine world’.  To get there initially, Neo must make a CHOICE, the Red pill or the Blue pill; Illumination or ignorance as shown in the movie.  It seems to be more an “Eve’s apple” moment where Neo chooses the mark of the beast chip or as Morpheus put it, “The pill you took is part of a trace program. It’s designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location.” A TRACE program?  A tracking system!  Designed to interrupt your input-output carrier signals?  Could it be that it interferes with your ability to connect with Yahweh through prayer.  Once this connection is severed between you and Yahweh/Jesus, you are damned!  It is the unforgivable act, REV 14:9-11.  The problem is CHOICE; 1Kings 18:20-22 “Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”   Upon taking the Red pill (mark of the beast) Neo, wakes-up and goes thru a tunnel, into the bowels of the earth. Neo symbolically dies to the Earth plane (the Matrix) and moves into the spiritual plane (the ‘real world’) and proceeds down the tunnel to receive illumination or hidden knowledge. Upon taking the ‘Mark of the beast’ he descends into the bowels of the Earth.

Neo, a normal man, who rises to a position of power helped by illuminated individuals (Morpheus, Trinity and the other warriors of Zion).  Morpheus and Neo exist outside of the physical world (represented by the matrix).  They exist in the ‘real world’ (or the spiritual world) and must connect to the physical world.  Neo’s nemesis, the agent Smith, is portrayed as a cold and calculating oppressor. At the end of the first film, Neo is killed by Smith and then resurrected from the dead as an enlightened being. Neo also possesses the uncanny ability to fly while none of the others can.  The “Prince of the powers of the air” Ephesians 2:2 anyone?  Smith initially is a high level control force in the machine world, but later is seemingly destroyed by Neo.  Smith later returns and begins replicating himself in each individual within the Matrix (the holy spirit within us / we are created in ‘his’ likeness [image] Gen 1:27).  Smith’s personality later moves from cold, cruel and calculating to that of a psychopath.  The picture painted by the writers of ‘the Matrix’ is that Smith is Jesus Christ who is destabilizing the system (both the earth-plane and the spiritual world).  It is here at the end of the last film that Neo (the Antichrist /Lucifer in the flesh) breaks into heaven (the machine city), past its defense’s to bargain with a cold, cruel and frightened Machine (this is how they portray Yahweh).

Sentinels and Agents blindly follow orders where the warriors of Zion do not.  Sentinels and Agents, as God’s angels are portrayed, are shown to be cold, cruel unforgiving robots. These ‘Agents’, ruthlessly dispatch the ‘freedom fighters’ of Zion or the fallen angels.  As Smith so aptly put in the end of the first movie, ”Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost.”  Could he have been referring to Eden?

The problem is choice!  Choose light or dark. As in the movie, each must choose their path.  The end of the last movie, Zion is left undestroyed after a truce is struck.  Like the Watchers from the book of Enoch who attempted to make a bargain or truce with Yahweh.  Could it have been their hope to hide out in the physical world to escape judgment?  As the Oracle told Neo, “A program can choose to hide here [in the matrix] or face deletion” (fallen angels to hide in the physical world rather than be judged and sentenced to hell).  Matthew 8:29

A bargain or deal is struck between Neo and the Machine (representing Lucifer and Yahweh). Could this be the hope of the Luciferian’s and the fallen angels?  Or is it the original plan from the first movie.  To ‘free’ the people in the Matrix and take them to Zion. Enlighten them (rebel against Yahweh) and ensure they follow the fallen angels (warriors of Zion) to hell.  The fallen angels can do nothing directly to Yahweh or Jesus but they can hurt them.  They can hurt them by taking as many of God’s creations to Hell (Zion) as they can.  Because he is a Just God, Justice must be served and the sentence given.  For the wages of sin is death.  With each unrepentant sinner cast into hell, God weeps.  But then again, the problem is choice: To accept the free gift of salvation and be washed in the blood of the Lamb of God or to reject him.

Morpheus [on the war that devastated the Real World]: “We don’t know who struck first, us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun…”   The fallen angels ‘scorching the sky’, trying to block out Yahweh as the light of the world.   Isaiah 60:19 [God the Glory of His People ] “The sun shall no longer be your light by day, Nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; But the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, And your God your glory.” It has been the goal of the fallen angels throughout the ages, to keep us from turning to God.  If the sky can be scorched and the light of Yahweh dulled we can be easily lost in the darkness.

Bane: A follower of Smith (Jesus) goes to assassinate Neo with a knife. Could this be an allusion to the assassination of the antichrist?  This replica of agent Smith (Jesus Christ) does later severely wound Neo and after this wound Neo is able to see without his human eyes which have been burned out. [Bane/Smith has burned Neo's eyes out].  Bane, “I wish you could see yourself Mr. Anderson… Blind messiah. You’re a symbol for your kind, Mr. Anderson.”  I would liken this to the possible resurrection of the Antichrist following his assassination.  It is after this assassination attempt that Neo (the Antichrist – Lucifer in the flesh) goes to make a bargain with the head of the machine world (Yahweh in the movie).  Neo returns to the matrix (the Earth) and destroys the destabilizing entity ‘Smith’ (Jesus Christ).  All those in the matrix are purged of Smith’s influence and are no longer ‘his image’ and a choice is given to all in the matrix whether to remain or to go to Zion.  Neo (the antichrist) sacrifices himself to save the machine world, Zion and the Matrix (Heaven, Hell and Earth) from the psychotic and destabilizing entity known as Smith (Jesus in the movie).

One of the last great lies of the trilogy interspersed throughout is the theme of ‘the play of opposites.’  Ying and Yang.  Light and darkness.  Neo and Smith.   The Oracle telling Neo, that Agent Smith is his Opposite, his ‘negative’. Oracle, “Very soon he’s going to have the power to destroy this world, but I believe he won’t stop there; he can’t. He won’t stop until there’s nothing left at all.  Neo: What is he?” Oracle: He is you. Your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out.”

                It is the Luciferian claim that Lucifer and Jesus/Yahweh are equals.  Once again, the words of Albert Pike, “The true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer the equal of Adonay [Jesus].”   Once again the great “I AM”, The Most High, must be reduced to being equal to one of his creations (Lucifer) in the eyes of his other creation (Man).  In the first movie, in its beginning, the manager of the software company, screen name of Rhineheart (likely portraying an angel of the Most High.  The name Rhineheart means; brave counsel; strong decision) lectures Neo (the AntiChrist).  Rhineheart, “You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously, you are mistaken.”  Isaiah 14:14, Lucifer, “I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”  Given that bold statement, I would say that Lucifer and his son do have a problem with “Authority”!

I leave the reader with the most powerful guide in making their choice; Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:5-7

The problem… or solution, is choice!

Agent Smith: Get away from me!

Neo: What are you afraid of?

Agent Smith: It’s a trick.

Neo: You were right Smith, You’re always right. It was inevitable.

Agent Smith: Wait. I’ve seen this. I stand here, right here, and I’m supposed to say something. I say, “Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo.”

Agent Smith: What? What did I just say?

Revelation 1:8

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Was The San Bernardino ‘Mass Shooting’ A False Flag Within A False Flag?

When nobody thought it could get any crazier (or more obvious) than the fake Sandy Hook massacre, along comes San Bernardino.  It certainly doesn’t take a Columbo to realize that the San Bernardino false flag is one screwed up case.  

The official FBI statements and their unusual posturing from the very beginning have left everyone scratching their heads.  Obama’s pronouncements and strange responses have been particularly curious and puzzling.  While Obama would have been very happy to see the 3 white American militiamen carry out the ‘mass execution’, he seemed too unhappy that the false flag was ultimately pinned on ISIS sympathizers.

Obama’s #1 MISSION: Take Away The Guns

We have been quite busy thinking about the many anomalies and inconsistencies throughout this inscrutable affair with no success in arriving at any reasonable conclusion(s).   

The following narrative suggest a “false flag within a false flag”.  The armchair analyst who wrote this exposé deserves full credit for their sleuthing and cogent presentation.  It’s clear that a high-powered intellect and extremely intuitive heart-mind figured this one out, if it is in fact the real plot.

San Bernardino False Flag Operation Designed To Trigger More Gun Control

The Anonymous Patriots are to be highly commended for their excellent contribution to the understanding of government-sponsored false flag operations.

San Bernardino: A Double False Flag

Commentary by Anonymous Patriots

The use of false flag events to trigger war or armed aggression has been used throughout all time—from the days of Nero to Sandy Hook.  America is no longer just one nation of fifty states; it is two sub-nations fighting a bloody turf war between patriots who believe in the rule of law and Constitution and the globalists and their marionettes who wish to destabilize and turn America into the same no-border, no-culture mess that Europe has become. President Obama seems to be more interested in turning control of America over to international corporations through the TPP and other agreements that are non-constitutional and bent on chaos and the dismantling of constitutional American rights. 

Homeland Security (the American SS), which is directly controlled by the Executive Branch is no longer a hidden secret government.  It has come out of the shadows and is staging one false flag event after the next against the citizens of the U.S.   Homeland Security controls FEMA and the ATF, two agencies that formerly conducted “black ops” activities within America.  But on today’s geopolitical landscape, the all-out battle between international forces (aka the New World Order) and faithful American Patriots from a variety of law enforcement agencies is in plain view for all to see.  Through “federal authority”, many patriots believe that every false flag terror event since 911 has been carefully designed, operated, and filmed by what is no less than the “Federal Homeland Security Motion Picture” production company. 

The evidence for two recent false flag terror events, Sandy Hook and San Bernardino, is so staggering that the poorly designed and executed plans were either created by idiots or the original plans were “upset” by insiders who commandeered the operation and turned it towards a different outcome. 

For instance, at Sandy Hook a “policeman” was apprehended in the forest adjacent to the Sandy Hook school (which according to state educational records had been closed for a year) on the day of the supposed shooting, just before the event.  Over fifty vehicles responded to this first call of “the policeman in the woods”, even before the Sandy Hook false flag 911 calls were made.  This policeman, who surely saw how the event was being staged, was apprehended and released; although, we know nothing more about him.   Could this policeman be an example of a new breed of “patriot insiders” (Patriots) who knows about the machinations of false flag terror events staged by our own government in order to terrorize its citizenry?

Do we again see possible evidence for patriot insiders foiling the intent of a government-sponsored false flag event in San Bernardino by creating a second false flag event on the same day that strategically moved the spotlight off of three white assailants who supposedly entered the Inland Regional Center to a husband-wife Muslim couple with a substantiated history of jihadist activity?

By simply opening our eyes to the possibilities of two different false flag events taking place on the same day by two separate groups — one with the agenda of limiting our gun rights (the Obama administration) and the other (Patriots) of indicting Homeland Security and other agencies for reckless immigrant vetting process — all of the strange pieces of information for the day begin to fit together coherently.    

The SUV Problem

For instance, there have been nine different photos of the bullet riddled black SUV.  Each picture is completely different and is pictured in at least three completely different locations.  With the slightest bit of scrutiny, we can see with our own eyes different “scenes” where these pictures were taken. 

There were also numerous pictures taken from unusual angles that indicate that the camera person was already staged to take pictures.  One scenario reports that the black SUV was surrounded by numerous police cars and that 36 officers fired over 350 rounds into the car, yet not one police car camera caught a single image.  Even the two videos from witnesses showing the “slow speed” chase of the SUV and were not from law enforcement.  There have been no videos released of any shoot-out(s) of the SUV. 

Who took the pictures of the various SUV “end results” of the so-called shoot-out?  Especially since the photos have hundreds of incongruencies between them that cannot be rectified.  For example:

In the first photos released, two bodies were in street clothes, with no apparent weapons near or on their bodies. Only one victim seemed to have a single bullet wound.  Then another picture surfaced where one victim has been handcuffed, but with examination, one can see that it does not correspond to other pictures of the victims. The victims are clearly in two different ground locations. 

In one of the first photos of the SUV, it is parked next to a large blue trash can that is in front of a fence the length of an empty lot.  (Really? How many readers take their weekly trash can out that far beyond their driveway?)  The trash can seems to be a “marker” of sorts for picture staging.  

Other photos show the SUV next to a driveway, or a fire hydrant, or next to another gray SUV. In one photo the black SUV seems to have crashed into gray SUV near a street that was close to an overpass, just slightly beyond a street corner.  At least three of these locations were separately named, described, and identified by the dispatcher.  So, at the very least, there were three different black SUVs that were intercepted and then subsequently “shot-up.”

If we just look at the black SUV photos, we can see that in some pictures the hood is up and in others it is down; different windows are shot out; different tires are flat; some pictures have white police cars around them; and others have black police cars or multiple armored vehicles.

By simple examination of the photos, the press is either blind, stupid or happy to release evidence that is completely incoherent, misleading and a clear statement that they are complicit in reporting the story line they are given and not concerned with investigating the truth.  

In two other videos of the black SUV, its emergency lights were flashing as it slowly pulled up to what seems to be a designated spot.  You can hear the police report on the dispatcher channel that they are in pursuit of an SUV.  Whereupon the driver “jumped from the vehicle and ran off.”  This element was reported for two different SUV’s, one was at the scene near the blue trash can and the other was reported to be at an intersection.

In yet another incongruent picture of the SUV, we see a police officer standing near a black SUV that has not been shot up.  He is bending over and looking in the front passenger side of the vehicle.  He has his hand on his gun but it is not drawn.  So clearly he isn’t feeling threatened about the situation at hand.  

Campaign of Disinformation 

Just the examples of the SUV incongruencies show clear evidence of a staged event.  But the anomalies seem to be so of control that one wonders what else could have caused the original staged event to get so out of hand that a campaign of disinformation was needed to cover up what really happened. 

Is it possible that some of the SUV pictures were taken by the Patriots inside agencies, or acting on their own, to create havoc and deflection from the original false flag event?  Or could we be witnessing an inter-agency battle going on within our government for the preservation of our nation?  Could one agency, perhaps the Federal Bureau of Investigation, be fully aware of another, perhaps Homeland Security-FEMA-Immigration, that has become an enemy within? And being sworn to protect the nation of internal and external enemies, these unseen Patriots are fighting a war unlike any we have seen before?    

Is it possible that loyal Patriots are countering anti-citizen activities that are being conducted by agencies within our own government?

Recently, after the San Bernardino event, a CIA intelligence agent reported that virtually all terrorist false flag events are staged.  Another report on the same day stated that an internal battle in the FBI splits the bureau into the 80% that are true patriots and 20% who have sold out to other forces in the government who wish to disarm all Americans.

It seems an unlikely coincidence that Obama’s gun control law was being voted on in Congress a day before an emergency drill-false flag operation in San Bernardino was scheduled.  Imagine how different the story-line would have been that day if three white males, using automatic and tactical weapons, murdered unsuspecting citizens at a holiday party?  Perhaps the administration supported the original false flag event so that anti-gun lobbying would have another “Sandy Hook” to support its efforts for more gun control. 

Is it possible that a Patriots saw what was about to happen and turned it into a “double false flag” event that made the poorly organized, inexperienced, Muslim patsies into ISIS operatives?  If this were so, these Patriot Americans turned the public tides from hating white gun owners into hating Muslim radicals.  It would have only taken one Patriot to have implemented the plan to disrupt the original false flag operation, one Patriot that knew Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik had a sketchy background and could be used in the manner that they were.  

False Flag Operation #1: 

This one might have been run by government agencies that had an anti-gun agenda. This could be branches directly under White House control such as Homeland Security, CIA (using Israeli, Egyptian or Saudi agents), Department of Immigration, FEMA, ATF or other Federal agencies.  The mission was to stage a false flag terror shooting (with concurrent drills in the area) a day before Obama and progressive lobbyists were trying to influence Congressional votes. 

We have seen three witnesses report three white gunman with assault rifles entering the Inland Regional Center.  Some witnesses even reported that they thought it was just one of the routine drills that had been taking place at Inland Regional.  Still pending is whether any actual deaths or injuries occurred since there haven’t been any reliable news reports.  We haven’t seen any coroner reports.  And we have already seen numerous false reports which name so-called deceased as people who did not work for the Health Department that was sponsoring the employee event.

It was important that the gunmen be noticed as “white” because later, the anti-gun government proponents would suggest that good-old-boy, white male militia-types, were involved and Americans just aren’t safe.  Thus, we need gun control as only the government can protect you!

Of course, they will never “find” the three white gunman because they were part of the staged event and after the total screw up of the events that day, they would be wise to remain in hiding.  We hear from all of the witnesses outside of the building that the “three white men” did not even bother to wear masks.  

At the very least, we need to demand verifiable death certificates issued by the coroner’s office. At Sandy Hook, there were never any death certificates issued and a state law was enacted to prevent anyone from making a Freedom of Information Act requesting death certificates of murder victims.  

The many, many details that are incongruent in this event are explained once we see that there were two false flag activities in play that day. 

False Flag Operation #2: 

This one was run by true Patriots within the FBI or other agencies that could eventually control the investigative aspects of the day’s events—both false flags.  The Patriots knew that false flag #1 was going to happen so false flag #2 was devised to upstage the attempt for the gun control agenda and place on the failures of the American immigration system. 

On several occasions, we hear FBI Director James Comey indicate that immigrants/refugees are not properly screened and that the FBI does not have enough resources to monitor terrorists within the U.S.  And why is it, by the way, that Congress keeps cutting the FBI funding? Without adequate funding how can the FBI monitor all of the poorly-screened refugees and immigrants pouring into our country?   

The Patriots know the jihadist history of Farook and Malik.  Clearly there is plenty of evidence that shows they had connections to terrorism and were being monitored by the FBI to some degree.  So this Muslim couple is set up as patsies, who are guilty by association and perhaps related deeds, to take the fall for being the murderers. 

As soon as false flag #1 goes into play, the Patriots go to Farook’s house and put the husband and wife in handcuffs in the SUV along with weapons, bombs, and all the evidence needed to convince everyone they were the killers.  Malik’s supposed Facebook message about her new commitment to ISIS may have been done by her under force or by the person who came to her home.  This message, sent during the time of the attack on the Christmas party supposedly confirms her current activity with a terrorist operation. 

Once the Patriot has the couple in the vehicle he drives around until the police “see the vehicle driving slowly by Farook’s apartment.”  Then, the SUV driver drives slowly for two miles, with the emergency lights flashing, back towards the crime scene at the Inland Regional Center.  At a designated spot, the SUV stops and the Patriot (who is the driver) gets out of the vehicle, shoots into the air, and runs away, never to be pursued or caught. Supposedly at this point, the “terrorists”, who are handcuffed, shoot at the police.  Law enforcement (36 police), believing the SUV to contain the shooters from false flag #1, open fire on the SUV.  However, it is really not possible to tell whether the Muslim couple were shot in the SUV by police or ahead of time by someone else. The many and various pictures of the shoot-out scene were possibly staged before false flag #2 went into play.

The Farook Home Crime Scene

Another seemingly gross error concerning the case is the “crime scene” at the couple’s house (also called apartment by some accounts).  The house was left unsecured after the FBI “investigated” the scene.  Perhaps it was left unsecured because the false flag #2 planners within the FBU knew it was not a crime scene.  It was a decoy so that media would find a list of so-called “taken items” from the FBI investigation.  No one will ever know if these items were ever found in the Farook house.  

Now that the crime scene has been riffled through by man and dog, it is tainted and can never be used for trial purposes. This, along with the slaying of Farook and Malik, leaves the entire matter without witnesses or evidence and makes the case essentially closed.

In the meantime:

Anti-gun government operatives can’t really tell the truth because they were staging false flag #1 for their anti-gun agenda and the “survivors” that were interviewed at the Inland Regional Center were crisis actors.  Of course the president won’t be attending these funerals or acknowledging those who died because he knows that no one died in San Bernardino, just like at Sandy Hook. 

Is this what Jade Helm was really about?  It is logo says it all: “Controlling the human domain”.  Are other Jade Helm and anti-citizen agencies ready to launch other false flags against us?  Perhaps to create civil unrest, leading to martial law, and possibly a suspension of the presidential elections? If so, the evidence will make itself known to all of us over the next year.

Did you notice the United Nations markings on Jade Helm military trucks and vehicles this summer as they were crossing America?  And, by the way, has anybody seen these vehicles go in the opposite direction since the Jade Helm exercise was supposedly over on September 15, 2015?

 Sun cleared dawn's drizzle, but gloom clouded Dallas 
 by Bryan Woolley                           
                          Staff Writer                             
     The valet walked past the Secret Service guard and entered    
Suite 850 of Fort Worth's Texas Hotel. He knocked on the door of   
the master bedroom. It was 7:30 a.m. "Mr. President," he said,     
"it's raining out."                                                
     President John F. Kennedy, coming out of sleep, replied,      
"That's too bad."                                                  
     While he was dressing, he heard the murmur of the crowd       
outside and went to the window. Below him, 5,000 people were       
standing patiently in the soft drizzle, some wearing raincoats,    
some holding umbrellas, most simply ignoring the weather. They     
were office and factory workers. They had begun gathering before   
dawn to hear the speech the President would make in the parking    
lot where they stood. Mounted police officers wearing yellow       
slickers moved among them. "Gosh, look at the crowd!" the          
President said to his wife. "Just look! Isn't that terrific."      
     In the lobby, he was joined by Vice President Lyndon          
Johnson, Gov. John Connally, Sen. Ralph Yarborough, several        
members of Congress and the president of the Fort Worth Chamber    
of Commerce. They crossed Eighth Street and plunged into the       
crowd, shaking hands, smiling. They mounted the truck that was to  
serve as the speaker's platform. Kennedy grabbed the microphone    
and shouted: "There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth!"            
     The crowd cheered. Somebody yelled, "Where's Jackie?"         
     Kennedy pointed toward his eighth-floor window. "Mrs.         
Kennedy is organizing herself," he replied. "It takes her a        
little longer, but, of course, she looks better than we do when    
she does it."                                                      
     Fort Worth was the third stop on the President's five-city    
Texas tour. He had ridden through Houston and San Antonio like a   
triumphant emperor, and Fort Worth had stayed up past midnight to  
welcome the handsome 46-year-old President and his beautiful       
34-year-old wife, lining their route from Carswell Air Force base  
to the hotel.                                                      
     After an informal speech in the parking lot, he would go to   
the hotel, deliver a breakfast speech, fly from Carswell to Love   
Field, ride in a motorcade through Dallas, deliver a speech at a   
$100-a-plate luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart, fly to Austin for  
a banquet and a reception at the Governor's Mansion, and then go   
to the LBJ ranch for a weekend of rest.                            
     Back inside the Texas Hotel, Kennedy accepted the ceremonial  
cowboy hat from his hosts, but refused to wear it for              
photographers and TV cameramen. He would model it later, he said,  
at the White House. His breakfast speech was the standard          
fence-mending one-- about the greatness of Texas and Fort Worth    
and the Democratic Party--and it drew a thunderous ovation.        
     The President and the first lady retired to Suite 850 to      
prepare for the flight to Dallas. Kennedy placed a call to former  
Vice President John Nance "Cactus Jack" Garner in Uvalde, Texas,   
to wish him a happy 95th birthday, and an aide showed him a        
black-bordered full-page ad with a sardonic headline in The        
Dallas Morning News. "Welcome Mr. Kennedy to Dallas," it read. In  
13 rhetorical questions, something called the "American            
Fact-Finding Committee" accused the administration of selling out  
the world to communism.                                            
     "Oh, you know, we're heading into nut country today," the     
President said. Mrs. Kennedy later told author William Manchester  
that he paced the floor and then stopped in front of her. "You     
know, last night would have been a hell of a night to assassinate  
a president," he said. "There was the rain and the night, and we   
were all getting jostled. Suppose a man had a pistol in a          
briefcase." He pointed a finger at the wall and pretended to fire  
two shots.                                                         
     Not many in the presidential party were looking forward to    
Dallas. Several Texans--some from Dallas--had warned the           
President not to include Dallas on his Texas tour, that an ugly    
incident was likely to occur there. But Kennedy insisted that the  
state's second-largest city be placed on the itinerary.            
     So the preparations had been made. Dallas civic leaders had   
launched a public relations campaign to try to ensure a friendly   
turnout for the President.                                         
     Seven hundred law officers--city police officers and          
firefighters, sheriff's deputies, Texas Rangers and state highway  
patrol officers--had been assembled to keep order. About the time  
that John Kennedy was waking up, Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry   
had gone on TV to warn that his officers would take "immediate     
action to block any improper conduct." If the police were          
inadequate, he said, even citizen's arrests were authorized.       
     Others were preparing, too, in the early morning. Waiters     
were setting the places for the Trade Mart luncheon. A warehouse   
worker named Lee Harvey Oswald sneaked a rifle and a telescopic    
sight into the Texas School Book Depository. Because of forecasts  
showing that the rain probably would be past Dallas by the time    
the presidential party arrived, a Kennedy aide told the Secret     
Service not to put the bubble-top on the big blue limousine in     
which the President and Mrs. Kennedy would ride.                   
     Air Force One had barely left the runway at Carswell before   
it began its descent toward Love Field. The flight took only 13    
minutes. The big plane touched down at 11:38 a.m. Police armed     
with rifles stood along the roof of the terminal building. A       
large crowd waited beyond a chain-link fence. Many in the crowd    
were jumping, screaming, waving placards: "We Love Jack," "Hooray  
for JFK." Others were less friendly. They held placards, too:      
"Help Kennedy Stamp Out Democracy," "In 1964 Goldwater and         
Freedom," "Yankees Go Home And Take Your Equals With You." They    
booed and hissed when the President and first lady emerged from    
the plane, smiled, waved and descended the stairs of Air Force     
     For the fourth time in 24 hours, Lyndon and Lady Bird         
Johnson were waiting to welcome the Kennedys to a Texas city. The  
presidential couple was introduced to the 12-man official          
welcoming committee. Mrs. Earle Cabell, wife of the Dallas mayor,  
presented Mrs. Kennedy with a bouquet of red roses. Then Kennedy   
broke from the official cluster and moved along the chain-link     
fence, smiling, shaking hands; letting people touch him.           
     At 11:55, two motorcycle police officers led the motorcade    
out of Love Field and turned left on Mockingbird Lane. Police      
Chief Curry drove the lead car. With him rode Dallas County        
Sheriff Bill Decker and two Secret Service agents. Then came       
three more motorcycles. Then the blue limousine with two Secret    
Service agents in the front, John and Nellie Connally in the jump  
seats and the Kennedys in the back seat. Two motorcycles flanked   
the car on each side. Next was another convertible, full of        
Kennedy aides and Secret Service agents, and four more agents      
standing on its running boards.                                    
     Then came the vice presidential convertible, carrying two     
Secret Service agents, the Johnsons and Yarborough. A Texas        
highway patrol officer and four Secret Service agents rode in the  
next car. A press pool car, a press bus, convertibles bearing      
photographers, and cars carrying lesser dignitaries completed the  
     The motorcade would move through a sizable portion of         
Dallas--along Mockingbird to Lemmon Avenue, right on Lemmon to     
Turtle Creek Boulevard, along Turtle Creek and Cedar Springs Road  
to Harwood Street, down Harwood to Main Street, where, at City     
Hall, it would turn right and move westward along Main through     
the downtown business district.                                    
     At the west end of downtown, it would turn right onto         
Houston Street and then immediately left onto Elm Street and move  
through the Triple Underpass. A few yards beyond the underpass,    
it would turn right again onto Stemmons Expressway and move to     
the Trade Mart at the intersection of Stemmons and Harry Hines     
Boulevard. After the President's speech, it would proceed out      
Harry Hines to Mockingbird, turn right, and return to Love Field.  
     The sidewalk crowds were sparse at first. A few people in     
the factories and offices along Mockingbird came out to have a     
look. The sun was bright now, and Mrs. Kennedy was regretting      
that she was wearing the pink wool suit. She had expected woolen   
weather. It was, after all, late November. She put on sunglasses,  
but her husband told her to take them off. The people wanted to    
see her, he said.                                                  
     At the corner of Lemmon and Lomo Alto, a group of children    
held a long banner reading, "Please Stop and Shake Our Hands."     
Kennedy ordered his driver to stop. He got out and shook their     
hands. Farther along, he ordered another stop and got out to       
greet a group of nuns. At Lee Park on Turtle Creek, the crowd      
began to thicken. And at Harwood and Live Oak, still two blocks    
from the turn onto Main, the people in the motorcade heard the     
downtown crowd murmuring like a distant tide.                      
     When the caravan made the turn, it faced pandemonium. People  
were standing 10 and 12 deep on the sidewalks. Red, white and      
blue bunting fluttered from the buildings. People leaned out       
windows, waving and screaming. There were no picket signs, no      
sour faces. The feared Dallas crowd was friendly--even adoring.    
The nuts had stayed home. It was 12:21 p.m.                        
     At the Trade Mart, the luncheon guests were showing their     
tickets to the door guards and filing to their seats. The huge     
building was surrounded by Dallas and Texas police, standing at    
parade rest, holding riot sticks, glaring at a handful of          
protesters. Inside the atrium hall, parakeets flew freely from     
tree to tree. A fountain splashed. An organist was practicing      
"Hail to the Chief." Dozens of yellow roses adorned the head       
table. The presidential seal had been mounted on the rostrum.      
     As the motorcade neared Houston Street, the size of the       
crowd diminished, but the cheers and applause were still hearty.   
Nellie Connally turned in her seat and said, "You can't say        
Dallas doesn't love you, Mr. President."                           
     Kennedy replied, "No, you can't."                             
     Workers from the Texas School Book Depository, the Dal-Tex    
Building and the Dallas County buildings lined the sidewalks at    
Houston and Elm as the head of the motorcade turned toward the     
Triple Underpass. Others stood on the grass of Dealey Plaza. Many  
had brought their children to see the President. Several           
spectators noticed a man standing very still in a sixth-floor      
corner window of the depository. One man saw the rifle he was      
holding and assumed he was a Secret Service agent.                 
     As the blue limousine made the sharp left turn from Houston   
onto Elm, the Hertz rental car time-and-temperature sign on the    
roof of the depository red 12:30. A Secret Service man in the      
motorcade radioed the Trade Mart: "Halfback to Base. Five minutes  
to destination." He wrote in his shift log: "12:35 p.m. President  
Kennedy arrived at Trade Mart."                                    
     Some thought the noises were firecrackers. Others thought a   
motorcycle was backfiring. Some recognized them as rifle shots.    
Pigeons flew from the roof of the depository. Kennedy lurched      
forward and grabbed his neck.                                      
     Sen. Yarborough, in the vice president's car, cried, "My      
God! They've shot the President!" Secret Service agent Rufus       
Youngblood climbed from the front seat to the back, threw Johnson  
to the floorboard and covered him with his own body.               
     In the blue limousine, Gov. Connally had been hit, too. He    
pitched forward and fell toward his wife. "No, no, no, no, no!"    
he screamed.                                                       
     Then another shot. The President's head exploded. Blood       
spattered the occupants of the blue car. The first lady, in        
shock, tried to climb out over the trunk. A Secret Service agent   
pushed her back. The car slowed and then lurched out of the        
motorcade line and sped past the Triple Underpass, with Chief      
Curry's car and the Secret Service car in pursuit.                 
     UPI White House correspondent Merriman Smith was sitting in   
the middle of the front seat of the press pool car. He grabbed     
the mobile phone. He called the wire service's Dallas bureau and   
dictated the first bulletin: "Three shots were fired at President  
Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas."                           
     The cheers of greeting in Dealey Plaza rose to screams of     
horror and fear. "They killed him! They killed him! They killed    
him!" Parents grabbed children and ran. Men and women lay          
prostrate on the grass and sidewalks, as if dead. The motorcade    
was disintegrating, the cars veering hither and yon, trying to     
get through the crowd and follow the limousine. Helmeted police    
officers leaped from motorcycles, pulled guns, looked wildly       
about. The Hertz clock still read 12:30.                           
     The staff at Parkland Memorial Hospital had only five         
minutes notice of the massive emergency rushing upon them, and     
many thought the message was a joke. When the blue car arrived,    
they weren't ready. No one was waiting at the emergency entrance.  
A Secret Service agent dashed inside to order stretchers.          
     Connally--whose wounds were serious but not fatal--was        
wheeled to Trauma Room No. 2, Kennedy to Trauma Room No. 1. Teams  
of surgeons and nurses went to work. The Secret Service regrouped  
around the Johnsons and hustled them to seclusion in another part  
of the hospital. Reporters dashed around the halls and offices,    
searching for phones. Parkland patients heard the news and rushed  
to have a look.                                                    
     "Gentlemen," a weeping Yarborough told reporters, "this has   
been a deed of horror. Excalibur has sunk beneath the waves."      
Mrs. Kennedy insisted on being in the trauma room with her         
husband. A nurse protested, but she was admitted.                  
     Outside, more of the motorcade vehicles were arriving. Their  
passengers tumbled out and stared in horror at the blood-soaked    
     At 1 p.m., Dr. Kemp Clark, the senior physician working on    
the President, pronounced him dead. A priest administered last     
rites. At 1:13, the news was carried to the vice president. At     
1:26, the Secret Service, fearing the assassination was part of a  
massive plot against the government, spirited the Johnsons away    
to unmarked cars and sped to Love Field. They boarded Air Force    
One at 1:33, while Kennedy press aide Malcolm Kilduff was          
announcing the President's death to the press.                     
     Police were still combing the Dealey Plaza area for           
Kennedy's murderer. Indeed, only a minute after the fatal shot     
was fired, Marrion Baker, a Dallas motorcycle officer, had         
pointed his pistol at Lee Harvey Oswald. Baker had been riding by  
the Texas School Book Depository when the killing occurred, and    
he jumped off his motorcycle and dashed inside with Roy Truly,     
the building's superintendent. They encountered Oswald in the      
second-floor lunchroom. Baker drew his gun. "Do you know this      
man?" he asked Truly. "Does he work here?" Truly said he did, and  
Baker let him go. A minute later, Oswald walked out the front      
door of the depository, where he encountered NBC reporter Robert   
MacNeil, who was looking for a phone. Oswald told him he could     
find one inside. Five minutes later, police sealed off the door.   
     At 12:44, Oswald boarded a bus at Elm and Murphy streets,     
seven blocks from the depository, but got off a few minutes later  
when the bus was caught in a traffic snarl. By 12:45, Dallas       
police had questioned the witness who had seen the man standing    
in the depository window with the rifle and had broadcast his      
description from a radio car in front of the depository. Two       
minutes later, Oswald caught a taxicab at the Greyhound bus        
station and rode to Beckley and Neely, a corner near his Oak       
Cliff rooming house. He went to his room, got a pistol and left    
     Meanwhile, Roy Truly had drawn up a list of depository        
employees and told police that Oswald was missing. At 1:12,        
sheriff's deputies found three empty cartridge cases near the      
sixth floor corner window. Ten minutes later, they would find the  
rifle, hidden between boxes of textbooks in the room.              
     At 1:15, Dallas officer J.D. Tippett was cruising by a drug   
store at 10th and Patton, less than a mile from the Oak Cliff      
rooming house, and spotted Oswald walking along the sidewalk.      
Tippett, for reasons never determined, pulled over and stopped     
him. Oswald jerked his pistol from under his jacket, shot four     
times and ran away. Nine people saw the shooting. A pickup truck   
driver took the dead officer's radio mike and said, "Hello,        
police operator. We've had a shooting out here."                   
     On Air Force One, stewards were removing some of the seats    
in the tail compartment to make room for President Kennedy's       
coffin. In the plane's stateroom, Lyndon Johnson was watching      
Walter Cronkite on television and was asking aides and             
congressmen whether he should be sworn in immediately or wait      
until they had returned to Washington. Some thought he should      
wait. Others thought it might be dangerous for the country to be   
without a President while he was en route. Johnson decided he      
would assume the office in Dallas. "Now," he said, "What about     
the oath?"                                                         
     The aides and congressmen were embarrassed. They could        
remember neither the words nor where to find them. They couldn't   
remember who, besides Supreme Court justices, was authorized to    
administer the oath. Everyone was in such shock and confusion      
that phone calls were made to several Justice Department           
officials in Washington and Dallas before someone remembered that  
a President may be sworn in by any judge and that the oath is in   
the Constitution. Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach      
dictated it by phone from Washington, and U.S. District Judge      
Sarah Hughes, an old friend of Johnson who had been appointed to   
the North Texas federal bench by Kennedy, was dispatched to Love   
     At 1:40, Lee Oswald ran into the Texas Theater on West        
Jefferson--eight blocks from officer Tippit's body--without        
buying a ticket. The box office attendant called the police.       
Cruisers began converging on the theater. At 1:50, the house       
lights went up, and officers moved up and down the aisles, looked  
into the faces of the few patrons. Officer M.N. McDonald stopped   
at the 10th row and said to a man sitting alone: "Get up."         
     "Well, it's all over now," Oswald said, according to          
witnesses and he stood up. But when McDonald moved closer, Oswald  
struck him in the face and went for his pistol. McDonald struck    
back and grabbed for the gun. Oswald pulled the trigger, but the   
web of skin between McDonald's thumb and forefinger was caught     
under the hammer. The gun didn't fire. Other officers joined the   
fight. They subdued Oswald and hustled him out of the theater. "I  
protest this police brutality!" Oswald shouted.                    
     Twenty-five minutes later, Capt. Will Fritz, chief of         
homicide, returned to the Police Department and ordered that the   
missing Texas School Book Depository worker named Lee Harvey       
Oswald be arrested as a suspect in the presidential killing. An    
officer pointed to a small young man with a bruised eye who was    
sitting in a chair. "There he sits," he said.                      
     At Parkland, a Secret Service agent called Oneal's Funeral    
Home in Oak Lawn to order a casket. The funeral director, Vernon   
Oneal, arrived with it at 1:30. After the President's body had     
been placed in the casket, Mrs. Kennedy entered Trauma Room No.    
1, took off her wedding ring and placed it on her husband's        
finger. The casket was closed and placed on a funeral home cart    
to be moved to the hearse.                                         
     Dr. Earl Rose, the Dallas County medical examiner,            
protested. Kennedy was a homicide victim, he said, and the body    
couldn't be released legally until after an autopsy had been       
performed. A quarrel developed between him and the Secret          
Service. Kennedy aides and the Secret Service agents forced the    
casket through the crowd that had gathered at the hospital door    
and loaded it into the hearse. Mrs. Kennedy rode in the back with  
it. At 2:20, the dead President was carried up the stairs into     
Air Force One. Mrs. Kennedy retired to the bedroom.                
     Judge Hughes boarded the plane at 2:35 and was handed a       
small white card with the oath scrawled on it. Capt. Cecil         
Stoughton, an Army Signal Corps photographer, tried to arrange     
the crowd in the cramped stateroom so that he could take a         
picture of the ceremony. "We'll wait for Mrs. Kennedy," Johnson    
said. "I want her here."                                           
     Mrs. Kennedy came out of the bedroom still wearing the        
blood-soaked pink suit. Johnson pressed her hand and said, "This   
is the saddest moment of my life." The photographer placed her on  
Johnson's left, Lady Bird on his right. Judge Hughes, the first    
woman to administer the presidential oath, was shaking.            
     "What about a Bible?" asked one of the witnesses. Someone     
remembered that President Kennedy had kept a Bible in the bedroom  
and went to get it.                                                
     "I do solemnly swear..."                                      
     The oath lasted 28 seconds. At 2:38 p.m., Lyndon B. Johnson   
became the 36th President of the United States. The big jet's      
engines already were screaming. "Now, let's get airborne," he      
Predictive Programming

What is predictive programming?   Is it an invasive form of Subliminal Behavior Modification?   Alan Watt   author of   'Cutting Through The Matrix'   says that, "Hollywood is the magician's wand which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public. Things or ideas which would otherwise be seen as bizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films in the realm of fantasy. When the viewer watches these films, his/her mind is left open to suggestion and the conditioning process begins. These same movies which are designed to program the average person, can give the discerning viewer a better understanding of the workings and the plan of the world agenda."

It used to be just TV and cinema, but now 'the screen' implies a number of different media flavours and delivery formats: television, film, HD, DVD, Blue Ray, computer/console games, and also the internet and mobile media.

The control system works by keeping everyone focused on the lowest levels of the pyramid, the base levels of illusion/reality. Within this contrived paradigm, people are conditioned to believe in the synthetic culture received through their screen. Cars and football, home makeovers and cooking, gossip and reality television, etc. It all amounts to the same thing: diversion. The magician’s misdirection distracts attention while the Illuminists controls your thoughts.

The phenomenon of 'predictive programming' is heavily used on the screen. It presents and acclimatizes the public to new ideas and trends. Usually put forward in a fictional context (to circumvent issues of consent or morality), many of the events, technologies and social attitudes dipped into the collective consciousness are in fact already in the pipeline.

Taking this one step further, the screen actually seeds the imagination to manifest a pre-determined reality. Far from being the trivial plaything we are told it is, the imagination illustrates, energizes and manifests the world around us, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is the portal through which we receive thoughtforms. The imagination directly formulates our experience of reality, as strongly now as it did when we were five years old.

They want our imagination to mirror the incoming data stream. Output only what is input. With the adult mind discouraged from connecting with reality through actual felt experience, input is predictably derived from the mainstream media. The reality blueprint is transmitted, electronically and literally, from the screen.

Film, perhaps more than any other media, has the distinct capacity to convey the viewer into lush territories of hyper-articulated pre-imagined fantasy, far from the habitual consensus vision of boring normality. It differs from literature in the sense that its fantasy articulations (CGI, sets, costumes, etc.) are entirely prepackaged and do not require your imagination to create anything. The control system knows that the subtle psychoactive trigger of 'watching a film' reinforces the escapist impulse in the mind. And how pleasurable it can sometimes be. However, the screen voyager is rarely aware of the gravity of their undertaking. Every pixel, frame, syllable, sound and byte of information is imprinted into the psyche of the individual. Watching a movie, no matter how passive or engaged we may feel, is an act of imaginal sorcery, and the reality modifications invoked are not aligned with the will of the viewer, but others. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as 'natural progressions'; thus lessening any possible public resistance and commotion.

Predictive programming involves using the power of suggestion through a media of fiction to create a desired outcome.

And it's believed that public media (such as films, television, news casts, etc.) are deliberately seeded with subtle clues to future social, political, or technological changes. And when the relevant change is later introduced into the world, the public has already become used to the idea through exposure, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition. Predictive programming is therefore thought to be a means of propaganda or mass psychological conditioning that operates on a subliminal level.

One example is the film "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" which depicts a totalitarian government ruling over the shattered remnants of the United States. The predictive programming theory would predict that if such a government were to arise, people would be less likely to resist it and more likely to accept it based on their exposure to the film. By using predictive programming, mere exposure to a concept induces acquiescence to it.

Another example is when the words "Sandy Hook" on a map is featured for a moment in the 2012 Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises". Also, there were many depictions of the destruction of the World Trade Center in films and tv as a form of predictive programming, preparing the public to accept the September 11th attacks.

Read  9/11 Predictive Programming;   and   Illuminati Manipulating Humanity With Predictive Programming;   and then check out these youtube videos.   Family Guy - Boston Marathon and Robin Williams   and   9/11 IN HOLLYWOOD BEFORE 9/11.
The Ultimate Weapon Of Mass Destruction: Scalar Weapons

"Electric power is everywhere! Present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels." Nikola Tesla

Electromagnetic pulse and plasma weapon R & D is rapidly occurring behind the misnomer of "Non Lethality," and clearly parallel Tesla's work. Major US defence contractors and leading government weapon research laboratories are intensely interested in "Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)." Research includes "Radio Frequency and Particle Beam Weapons", "Air and Space Based Directed Energy Weapons", and, among many others, "DEW Weapons Effects on Personnel". Of interest too, is a paper written by Australian defence analyst, Carlo Kopp, which outlines in considerable detail an "Electromagnetic Bomb." The "E-Bomb," Kopp says, has the ability to inflict damage "... not unlike the experience through exposure to close proximity lightning strikes." In a broadcast dated 27 February 1996, Beijing radio outlined advances in particle beam energy technology and alluded to a "weapon even more powerful than the 'death ray.'" The broadcast likened the weapon to a "Thunderbolt," adding that the moment it struck it's target (vaporising it), a temperature of 8000 degrees Celsius would be produced. Not least are the comments of Boris Belitsky, a leading Russian Science and Engineering correspondent, broadcast on Voice of Russia, 24 February 1997. Belitsky in replying to a question on Russian military applications of microwave generators, stated "they can be used to fire a plasmoid, that is, a blob of plasma..." Despite the uncanny similarity of these latter-day lightning and directed energy weapons to his own published research almost 100 years ago, the name Tesla remains unuttered. Tesla, clearly has become an Orwellian "non person" in the scientific and weapon research community. His classified research papers, however, may well have been dusted down and quietly re-cycled ...

A brief foray into the literature of Tesla reveal an ingenious inventor years ahead of his time. Born in Serbo-Croatia in the former Yugoslavia, Nikola Tesla settled in the USA where he received citizenship. Today, his work - at least that part which is not hidden under national security wraps - is undergoing a marked, although unofficial revival. He is belatedly credited with the discovery of alternating AC/DC currents, fluorescent lighting, free energy and remote-controlled robots. However, his inquiring mind carried him into far wider realms.

During the late 1890's, Tesla built a "lightning bolt machine" at Shoreham, Long Island, NY. Funding for the project, dubbed "Wydenclyffe" was provided by banker-entrepreneur, J. P. Morgan. The construction consisted of an enormous 187 foot high tower, capped by a 55 ton, 68 foot metal dome. Tesla was confident his machine would work as envisaged - following previous experiments in Colorado where he had accidentally destroyed the generating station at Colorado Spring's Electric Company.

Former US Army Colonel and missile specialist, T. E. Bearden, credits Tesla with the invention of what he calls the "Tesla Howitzer." This, Bearden maintains was able to transmit electric energy over vast distances wire-lessly. Tesla himself argued that this device could destroy entire armies and thousands of airplanes at a distance of hundreds of miles. It is this device, using Scalar waves, that lays at the heart of discussions of an earthquake weapon. Bearden's work, however, is generally regarded as being theoretical rather than practical. Non-the-less, Tesla claimed his inventions were not only possible but fairly straight-forward. The fact that many of his more exotic weapons concepts arose at the turn of the last century is, of course, remarkable. Nor should we loose sight of the fact that his work papers remain veiled behind US national security classification.

Scalar Waves

The first thing to try to comprehend is that a "new" kind of electromagnetic (EM) wave has been discovered in the empty vacuum of space which, when engineered, can be an inexhaustible supply of energy in great magnitude at any place in the universe. The word "new" is in quotes because the discovery really goes back to Nikola Tesla and his discovery of what he called "radiant energy." It is also not "new" because the Russians (KGB) have been working on this technology for over 30 years and have weaponized these "new" longitudinal scalar waves to a great degree.

These are the weapons Nikita Khrushchev spoke of in January, 1960.

"By 1957-8 the Soviets had progressed to the point of a giant scalar EM accident in the Urals which exploded nearby atomic wastes, devastating the area. They had also progressed to development of great new superweapons using their new energetics - weapons to which Khrushchev referred in 1960 when he informed the Soviet Presidium of a new, fantastic weapon in development, a weapon so powerful that it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly employed."

After over 30 years of development, and extensive testing around the globe, these new scalar electromagnetic weapons are up and running and ready to go.

Read this article   Directed-Energy Weapons   and then watch this video on Nikola Tesla.   Nikola Tesla's Biography and Life
Towards An Israel-Palestine Two-State Solution

With the ceasefire in Gaza and a projected unity government in Palestine, the spectre of a two state solution has again risen to haunt Netanuyahu.  He has responded by announcing the annexation of nearly 1000 more acres of Palestinian territory for settlements.  Meanwhile, a new post-war poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) shows that 79% of Palestinians think Israel lost the war and 72% favor an armed intifada in the West Bank.  That is a big change from a poll taken in Gaza June 15-17, when 73% said they favored non-violent resistance, though, as PSR  points out, Palestinian poll numbers always swing widely after a war: these changes might be temporary. 
The Gaza war has thus made it more urgent than ever to get serious about Palestinian nation-building.  As Israeli elder statesman Uri Avnery has pointed out many times, a secure, well-run, democratic state in Palestine is the key to progress and economic development for the region; it is also the only possible way either side can be secure. 
Recently, however, prominent Jewish liberals like Anthony Lerman andJonathan Freedland have begun to say that a two state solution has become impossible because the growth of Israeli settlements have created an irreversible situation.  To Avnery, this idea is nonsense: "I can think of a dozen different ways to solve the settlement problem, from forcible removal to exchange of territories to Palestinian citizenship (meaning the settlers will become Palestinan citizens).... All the Herculean problems of the conflict can be resolved—if there is a will. It’s the will that is the real problem."
The majority of people in both Israel and Palestine are still convinced that two states are needed.  75% of Palestinians in the new PSR poll reject a one state approach.  Within the region, right wing Israeli politicians are the main ones talking about one state—and they certainly don't mean a state in which all citizens would be equal.  But the problem of political will is real.  Israeli society has succumbed to the despairing worldview of the Likud, which sees any talk of peace as either fantasy or treachery.  As David Grossman says, "the right has not only vanquished the left: It has vanquished Israel.... In the area most critical to its survival, today’s Israel is practically immobile, one might even say incompetent....(There is) a void of actions, a void of consciousness, a void in which an efficient suspension of moral judgment prevails, a failure to notice the injustice at the root of the entire situation."  
At this crux, people who still believe in a two state solution have got to get smarter and tougher, particularly in the US, where groups that support this goal have tended to be timid and overly focused on Beltway politics, hoping that, if they play nice, they will be accepted by conservative Jewish institutions.  This approach hasn't worked.
In fact, the only dynamic anti-occupation groups in the US are those that support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions ( BDS) - but they do not have a two state perspective.  The goals of the BDS movement are to end the occupation and dismantle the separation wall; give full equality to the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel; and promote the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes as guaranteed by UN Resolution 194.  The last demand, for the right of return, is usually understood to mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state. AsNoam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein have both observed, this demand will limit the base of BDS support to college campuses and the left, making impossible the kind of broad-based movement needed to change US policy.
The US is Israel's chief enabler.  Congress, more focused on donors than on votes, is totally one-sided on this issue.  The Republicans, led by their Christian Zionist wing, can be relied on to push for war in the Middle East, hoping it will lead to the rapture, while even the most progressive Democrats, like Bernie Sanders, stand up for Israel right or wrong—Hillary Clinton now seems poised to make doing so central to her campaign strategy.  The Obama administration has been more reserved in its support than Congress, even holding up a shipment of Hellfire missiles in August because of the Gaza war.  But all are basically responding to a strong public identification with Israel.
On Aug. 28, 2014, after seven weeks of a war in which Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians received much more coverage than usual, 66% of thosepolled by the Pew Research Center sympathized with Israel. A broad coalition against the occupation needs to be able to reach the many Democrats who are"liberal on everything but Israel;" this requires much more energetic organizing for a two state solution.
Two main obstacles stand in the way of this solution.
The first is the religious-nationalist right on both sides—Hamas and the Likud coalition.  They have a symbiotic relationship: Israel's destruction of Gaza has enormously increased the popularity of Hamas, while the rockets of Hamas have strengthened the Israeli right.  And both have historically opposed a two-state solution, though on Sept. 5, according to the Lebanese weekly Al-Akhbar, Khaled Meshal, head of the political wing of  Hamas, agreed to accept two states within the 1967 borders.  Netanyahu, on the other hand, is more intransigent than ever, as he said in a speech last month: “there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.”  
But Palestinian support for Hamas is not written in stone.  Hamas is an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and, if it ever actually becomes part of the government of a Palestinian state, is likely to have the same problems reconciling its ideology with the need to govern as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Tunisia.  The youth of Gaza in particular have found Hamas politically incapable and far too repressive; they want peace, freedom and development, not a theocracy. Nor does Islamism mesh well with the secular ideals of the Palestinian National Charter, written in 1963 and amended in 1968, which calls for setting up a nation founded on "freedom of worship and of visit (to Jerusalem) to all, without discrimination of race, color, language, or religion." 
Like Hamas, the Israeli right is an obstacle to a two state solution, as shown by its practice for the last twenty years.  It includes the religious fundamentalists of the National Religious Right, who think God gave them the right to all the land "from the river to the sea," and the ethnic nationalists of the Likud coalition.  Some, like Netanyahu, are traditional maximalist militarists; others are open racists and advocates of ethnic cleansing, like Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin.  Of the five parties in the current governing coalition, all except Tzipi Livni's Hatnuah are relentlessly opposed to giving up land occupied by settlements, sharing Jerusalem, or doing anything else that could bring about an independent Palestinian state. They do not conceal their views; Feiglin wrote a recent op edproposing total war on the civilian population of Gaza, to be followed by ethnic cleansing:
"After the IDF completes the 'softening' of the targets with its fire-power, the IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations....The enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave.... Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews."
The second obstacle to a two state solution is a lack of concrete progress towards a Palestinian state.  Unless nation-building begins soon, the whole idea will seem like a hopeless fantasy.  
While the new coalition between Fatah and Hamas is a step in the right direction, it is a far cry from a democratically elected government based on the rule of law. Palestine needs a functioning economy, an updated secular constitution, political parties, transparent elections, and a strong civil society.  It also needs better leadership than it has at present— which is why freeing Marwan Barghouti must be a key international demand.  Nation-building will require capable honest leaders who are younger and less compromised than Mahmoud Abbas and are not militaristic theocrats like the leaders of Hamas.
The parameters of a two state solution have been clear for many years: a return to the 1967 borders with just and mutually agreed upon solutions to the refugee problem and the question of Jerusalem.  The details can only be settled by real peace negotiations leading to a settlement, not just by temporary breaks in a permanent state of war.  The urgent task of the anti-occupation movement is to build enough international pressure to force such a settlement.
Dark Illusions for a Dark World

In an effort to become even more out-of-touch with reality and to convey the message that most of what you see isn’t real…
…some tattoo-happy Millennials are seeking to express themselves by way of true-to-life body art.

After years of political optical illusion and delusion, brought to us by way of politicians – not tattoo artist – and in keeping with an artistic craze is catching on where inked skin is able to mirror what’s happening by feigning dark authenticity.

Some young people are searching for a way to express the ensuing desperation and are finding it through realistic-looking illusions that send dark messages that mirror the prospect of the dark future ahead.