Walmart ‘Plumbing’ Issue Related To DHS Underground Tunnel Network?

There’s been much speculation about the recent closures of Walmart stores around the country. Walmart claims the their stores, closed almost simultaneously in different cities, is a result of plumbing issues. But many employees and customers suspect that something else is going on, though no one, including store managers, has any idea what that might be.
Several theories have popped up, with some claiming that it is an economic issue and Walmart may have shut those stores down because of lackluster sales, but they don’t want to announce falling retail sales so as to avoid a hit to their stock price.
The outcome is that “while WMT (or MCD or GAP or Target) boosts the living standards of its employees by the smallest of fractions, it cripples the cost and wage structure of the entire ecosystem of vendors that feed into it, and what takes place is a veritable avalanche effect where a few cent increase for the lowest paid megacorp employees results in a tidal wave of layoffs for said megacorp’s vendors.”
If that doesn’t turn out to be enough in the face of an economy which isn’t really recovering and in which low-income shoppers are constrained by lackluster (and by that we mean nonexistent) wage growth, some sacrifices may have to be made. The problem is that laying people off and shuttering stores two months after a celebrated wage hike initiative doesn’t inspire much confidence and could turn into a PR issue, but one thing you could do is get creative, and while we’re not plumbers, we do find it curious that five geographically distinct WalMart stores have been closed in the past week for “ongoing plumbing issues that will require extensive repairs.”
Source: Zero Hedge
Others have suggested that the closings may have something to do with upcoming military exercises and the possibility that the massive stores could be used as detention centers for American citizens.
In a report published in July 2014 on, Shepard Ambellas outlined a plan by the Department of Defense and FEMA to use, “abandoned or unused department stores, shopping malls and warehouses as camps to accommodate the mass human influx from South America.” 

Although FEMA has used a massive influx of immigrants as the reason for needing detention centers, their power to control the entire country in the event of a martial law scenario could easily lead them to use the centers for American citizens.
Source: Intellihub via The Daily Sheeple
But a new theory brought forth by researcher and Youtube commentator Daboo777suggests that Walmart might be working directly with the Department of Homeland Security and the so-called plumbing issues give them the pretext to bring in heavy machinery without having to explain the specific reasons for doing so with an overly curious public.
But what would this heavy machinery be for?
According to one theory, Walmart is working in conjunction with DHS to expand the government’s underground tunneling system and is integrating it with a larger national emergency response network designed to move supplies and people during a crisis:
In this information…in digging… we come to find out that there have been projects in different areas… not specifically tied to the exact Walmarts that have been closed down at the moment… but they can very well be going through a process connecting them to an underground network.
This is a very real situation… this was brought up years ago.. they were getting the funding and passing this… Homeland Security, in order to secure the safety of citizens in case of a nuclear, biological, chemical or other attack… this was a joint venture by the NSA, DoD, DHS…
These tunnels were to serve as conduits from specific places to rapidly move supplies or whatever they need between these locations.

Are there certain Walmarts out there that have underground connections? I wouldn’t doubt it one bit, especially now that we know DHS over the past decade has had this deal with not only Walmart, but other big sports stadiums and businesses.

While it may seem like a stretch of the imagination, is it possible that these abrupt closures have something to do with the Department of Homeland Security and the integration of private businesses with broader government emergency response plans?