Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Grows By 150 Tons A Day

More than six years after a tsunami overwhelmed the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Japan has yet to reach consensus on what to do with a million tons of radioactive water, stored on site in around 900 large and densely packed tanks that could spill should another major earthquake or tsunami strike. Experts advising the government have urged a gradual release to the Pacific Ocean, while local fishermen and residents are balking. And what about the world? Fukushima’s radioactivity has already spread across the world and releasing more tons of contaminated waters will surely not help to stop the global nuclear cataclysm currently sweeping across our seas. STOP THIS MESS!

A Tepco official wearing radioactive protective gear stands in front of Advanced Liquid Processing Systems during a media tour at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in November 2014.

The Japan Times explains the stalemate is rooted in a fundamental conflict between science and human nature.

Experts advising the government have urged a gradual release to the Pacific Ocean. Treatment has removed all the radioactive elements except tritium, which they say is safe in small amounts. Conversely, if the tanks break, their contents could slosh out in an uncontrolled way.

Local fishermen are balking. The water, no matter how clean, has a dirty image for consumers, they say. Despite repeated tests showing most types of fish caught off Fukushima are safe to eat, diners remain hesitant. The fishermen fear any release would sound the death knell for their nascent and still fragile recovery.

“People would shun Fukushima fish again as soon as the water is released,” said Fumio Haga, a drag-net fisherman from Iwaki, a city about 50 kilometers (30 miles) down the coast from the nuclear plant.

And so the tanks remain.

Fall is high season for saury and flounder, among Fukushima’s signature fish. It was once a busy time of year when coastal fishermen were out every morning.

Then came March 11, 2011. A magnitude 9 offshore earthquake triggered a tsunami that killed more than 18,000 people along the coast. The quake and massive flooding knocked out power for the cooling systems at the Fukushima nuclear plant. Three of the six reactors had partial meltdowns. Radiation spewed into the air, and highly contaminated water ran into the Pacific.

Today, only about half of the region’s 1,000 fishermen go out, and just twice a week because of reduced demand. They participate in a fish testing program.

Lab technicians mince fish samples at Onahama port in Iwaki, pack them in a cup for inspection and record details such as who caught the fish and where. Packaged fish sold at supermarkets carry official “safe” stickers.

Only three kinds of fish passed the test when the experiment began in mid-2012, 15 months after the tsunami. Over time, that number has increased to about 100.

The fish meet what is believed to be the world’s most stringent requirement: less than half the radioactive cesium level allowed under Japan’s national standard and one-twelfth of the U.S. or EU limit, said Yoshiharu Nemoto, a senior researcher at the Onahama testing station.

That message isn’t reaching consumers. A survey by the Consumer Affairs Agency in October found that nearly half of Japanese weren’t aware of the tests, and that consumers are more likely to focus on alarming information about possible health impacts in extreme cases, rather than facts about radiation and safety standards.

Fewer Japanese consumers shun fish and other foods from Fukushima than before, but 1 in 5 still do, according to the survey. The coastal catch of 2,000 tons last year was 8 percent of pre-disaster levels. The deep-sea catch was half of what it used to be, though scientists say there is no contamination risk that far out.

Naoya Sekiya, a University of Tokyo expert on disaster information and social psychology, said that the water from the nuclear plant shouldn’t be released until people are well-informed about the basic facts and psychologically ready.

“A release only based on scientific safety, without addressing the public’s concerns, cannot be tolerated in a democratic society,” he said. “A release when people are unprepared would only make things worse.”

He and consumer advocacy group representative Kikuko Tatsumi sit on a government expert panel that has been wrestling with the social impact of a release and what to do with the water for more than a year, with no sign of resolution.

Tatsumi said the stalemate may be further fueling public misconception: Many people believe the water is stored because it’s not safe to release, and they think Fukushima fish is not available because it’s not safe to eat.

The amount of radioactive water at Fukushima is still growing, by 150 tons a day.

Storage tanks for contaminated water stand at Tokyo Electric Power Co’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima. The government has still not decided what to do with the water. 

The reactors are damaged beyond repair, but cooling water must be constantly pumped in to keep them from overheating. That water picks up radioactivity before leaking out of the damaged containment chambers and collecting in the basements.

There, the volume of contaminated water grows, because it mixes with groundwater that has seeped in through cracks in the reactor buildings. After treatment, 210 tons is reused as cooling water, and the remaining 150 tons is sent to tank storage. During heavy rains, the groundwater inflow increases significantly, adding to the volume.

The water is a costly headache for Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc., the utility that owns the plant. To reduce the flow, it has dug dozens of wells to pump out groundwater before it reaches the reactor buildings and built an underground “ice wall” of questionable effectiveness by partially freezing the ground around the reactors.

Another government panel recommended last year that the utility, known as Tepco, dilute the water up to about 50 times and release about 400 tons daily to the sea — a process that would take almost a decade to complete. Experts note that the release of tritiated water is allowed at other nuclear plants.

Tritiated water from the 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the United States was evaporated, but the amount was much smaller, and still required 10 years of preparation and three more years to complete.

A new chairman at Tepco, Takashi Kawamura, caused an uproar in the fishing community in April when he expressed support for moving ahead with the release of the water.

The company quickly backpedaled, and now says it has no plans for an immediate release and can keep storing water through 2020. Tepco says the decision should be made by the government, because the public doesn’t trust the utility.

“Our recovery effort up until now would immediately collapse to zero if the water is released,” Iwaki abalone farmer Yuichi Manome said.

Some experts have proposed moving the tanks to an intermediate storage area, or delaying the release until at least 2023, when half the tritium that was present at the time of the disaster will have disappeared naturally.

Hogg-Tied To The Gunfire At Parkland School (Pt 5)

The evidence available thus far from the Valentine's day massacre has been mounting against the Hogg family as undercover accomplices and beneficiaries in the clandestine operation that killed 17 students and teachers. David Hogg has zero right to talk about "gun control" when his father works for the most murderous part of the assault-rifle industry, the killer-training program known as Cubic Simulation Systems, a nice name for Murder Inc. Version 2.

The Hoggs are lying hustlers and profiteers from the worst gun violence in the world from war-torn Iraq to downtown USA. Here it will be shown that the father, Kevin Hogg, and his employer belong on the most-wanted suspect list for the Parkland school gunshot deaths. American citizens have every to own guns to protect themselves from the lethal deceptions of the Hoggs. Mothers and fathers of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas students, do not let your children follow these Pied Pipers to their dishonor and destruction.

Media Clown Not A Pro

Right from the earliest interviews of student David Hogg, who majors in media and video production, many observers independently came to the conclusion that he's been reciting from a script drafted by higher-ups who ran the covert operation that killed 17 students and teachers. His video interviews of fellow students during the classroom siege were widely seen as a long-rehearsed stunt. His circle of theater students, laughing while others died, awkwardly suffer the snowflake narcissism of the selfie generation, which ironically ruined his only shot at journalistic glory.

Among many colleagues past and present who produce videos, along with my own media experience, the basic instinct in the craft is to capture the image and actions of the central figure in any given social drama, which in the Parkland assault was the main gunman of course. In a situation when an interview is inconvenient to say the least, then the next best thing is to capture his image. Despite the presence of hundreds of camera phones, and Hogg's video camera, why is there not a single, even blurry image of any of the alleged three shooters inside the school?

Sure there was a physical risk in taking such a photo but nothing close to the dangers, for example, of my reporting inside Taliban-controlled areas just before the start of the Afghan War, while bleeding profusely from a sandfly-transmitted infection. When people used to ask me how could I take on the risks of working behind enemy lines, I'd tell them there's more odds on being killed downtown, run over by a truck or hit with a stray bullet in a drug war. How hard is it to sneak a shot from the sidelines while a shooter is preoccupied with mowing down helpless victims in the hallway?

Somewhat like a sniper scope, the videocam can be positioned at some distance from the glass pane of a classroom door, allowing the zoom lens to close in on the target figure with surprising clarity and likely without being spotted. Camera versus gun is a classic confrontation in these modern times. In most cases, the video image wins the contest, although the slim odds for vice versa makes journalism the world's riskiest profession. I would have paid to be there inside Parkland school to score the "money shot".

As a rookie journalist, David Hogg failed the test with an F-minus for not making the minimal effort required of him. Cowering on the floor is not how the job gets done. In that situation, speaking with a pretty young girl about gun control is also completely out of order, when the task at hand is to figure out how to use a tripod, a light stand or a steel carrying case as a weapon against the shooter. In my past tasks of starting up of two journalism schools, I've lectured incoming j-school students that, especially in war, there's a moment to stop observing and start taking action to save lives. It's unnecessary to kill the assailant, when disabling and capturing him makes for a better story anyway.

In short, student Hogg has not been following the logic of the journalist's craft, but was doing something else called propaganda, mouthing political correctness that boiled away into nonsense in that situation. If it weren't for all the ridiculous qualms over the means of self-defense, one of the teachers could have easily taken out that gunman, sparing the lives of innocent children.

The fact that hundreds of healthy young people who practice kung-fu or do gymnastics could not overwhelm the shooter, when he was loading a clip, is a disgrace to countless past generations of Americans. Take a chair and whack him on the neck. It's simple enough to break his nose or fingers. I'm not saying it's commendable to act like a thug, but these kids sure never heard Elvis Costello's lyrics: "You've got to be cruel to be kind."

As for his master blaster mind-controller, one has to look no farther than his daddy Kevin Ralph Hogg, who is employed by a defense contractor that trains soldiers and police officers for special-ops in urban warfare exactly like the commando raid against Stoneman Douglas. This, Part 5 in a series on the Parkland school incident, examines the Hogg family link to Cubic Simulation Systems in Pompano Beach and Orlando, which provides tactical training with weapons similar to the firearms used at the school on Valentine's day. Also discussed below are Cubic's connections with the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and its dual-citizens reservists in and around Broward county.

Where Was The Deputy?

That line from Bob Marley's "I shot the sheriff" poses a hard question. The most recent blow to the official cover-up just came from the school resource officer (SRO), or head of security, Broward deputy Scot Peterson. After being absent on premises during the intrusion, he was subsequently castigated for failing to enter the 1200 building.

Not until 12 days afterward did SRO Peterson provide an explanation for his conduct. AP reported: "Peterson's statement said he and a security specialist ran to the scene at first word of the shooting, a report that mistakenly said firecrackers were being set off near one building. He then heard gunshots but believed that those gunshots were originating from outside of the building." Following the rule book from his police training, "he took up a รข€˜tactical position' between two nearby buildings while alerting dispatch and initiating a Code Red lockdown of the campus".

Next, the capper: "Radio transmissions indicated that there was a gunshot victim in the area of the football field, adding to his belief that the shooting was outdoors." Fair enough, he's deserves a reprieve for giving us some food for thought.

Key Issues Here Include -

- A "security specialist" was visiting Parkland school that day, which confirms the teacher statements about a planned emergency drill, which misled everyone into thinking that blanks were being fired in an evacuation exercise instead of the real deal;

- Peterson, the sole deputy assigned to Stoneman Douglas school, was therefore guiding a security expert around campus, which confirms a top school-district administrator's statement that the SRO had been "called away", apparently for official duties;

- The fact that the gunshots sounded like small firecrackers was the initial impression of many students and teachers inside the epicenter, Building 1200 (an important detail for ballistics analysis);

- The SRO, however, understood the "firecrackers" as being near (outside) a building, indicating that a sniper was, indeed, outdoors picking off anyone who ventured out;

- The police radio transmitted a report of a gunshot victim on the football field, which confirms witness accounts of several prone bodies lying outdoors; and

- His triggering of a Red Code had several immediate consequences, including 1.) teachers assuming that it signaled the start of the planned emergency drill; 2.) electronically locking all classroom doors that had not been left open; 3.) and then forcing the shooter(s) to set off up to three fire alarms to reopen the doors. The sequence meant that the assailants were well prepped on emergency procedures, indicative of their having inside sources.

What to make of Peterson's account? The distraction of a dead body outdoors conforms to first-day accounts of several people being shot dead outside, indicating the presence of a third shooter in addition to two assailants inside Building 1200. The tally adds up to an assault team of at least 3 gunmen, in addition to possible accessories to the crime. These witness accounts, which now include the deputy (and apparently the security expert on site), disprove the official claim of a crazed lone gunman named Nikolas Cruz.

The rough tally, therefore, is: up to four bodies outdoors; some seven dead on the 3rd floor of 1200 building, which still leaves the location(s) of 5-6 gunshot deaths unaccounted for. The police investigation is deeply compromised by the garbled locations of victims, plus the empty wheelchair that supposedly brought a strapped-down shooter to the hospital. In addition, only 4 individuals were hospitalized for serious wounds, resulting in a 4-to-1 kill-wound ratio, indicating superb marksmanship, far beyond the ability of a deranged amateur like Cruz.

Eyewitness Accounts

Female student witness Z, who escaped the third floor down the west-end staircase, claimed that suspect Cruz walked besides her. When she accused him of being a gunman, his reply was a shocked and confused "Uhh?". Witness Z said "the other gunman" was still firing from the opposite end (east side) of upper floor of Building 1200.

The lone gunman theory is a deception, perhaps for "strategic" reasons not to alarm to the 3-member assault team while they're being tracked down or, more likely, in another official cover-up like so many others in the past. Why not just post a bounty on a wanted list? Eventually one of the strike team will get caught by a bounty hunter, dooming the others.

Laser-Aimed Rifle

Witness T, a female teacher on the 3rd floor near the east end, provided the clearest description of the principle gunman, as described earlier in this series, as being clad in black "full metal gear", including an alloyed steel-plate bulletproof vest, helmet and ski mask. In her statement to national news, she said that the gunman was firing a "barrage of bullets" from "a rifle (the type of which) I had never seen before". In the earliest edition of her interview, the teacher also mentioned seeing the shooter walk past her classroom door with his rifle pointing a red laser beam down the hallway. (This tactic was apparently to mop up the wounded with a head shot, as indicated by the multiple wounds.)

Witness R, a male teacher at the opposite end from the gunman, confirmed her remarks, although in less detail.

Student Witness Q, female, said that the second shooter was dressed more casually, although also in black and with his face covered over, possibly with a scarf, not to be recognized. She did not pinpoint his location except somewhere opposite the main shooter. (Glimpses are, of course, a lot to ask for in this situation, considering that anyone who stopped and stared was shot dead.) Another Student Witness, M, a Latina, said that without doubt there were three shooters.

Question: With students congregated on the ground floor, how did the two shooters get past them undetected? Fire escape? Was that really Nikolas Cruz that Witness T spoke with, since two other male students with dark hair said they were also accused of being shooters? There are a lot of loose ends in this ball of yarn.

Weapons And Tactics

Now for the hardware. The laser-aimed gun is a key element in the female teacher's account, which at least explains the accuracy of gunfire, which left few students with survivable wounds, other than those scratched by ricochet fragments. The type of gun she had "never before seen" is probably a downsized assault rife with a detachable (by unscrewing) barrel, resembling a rectangular box, like the ones used for a single long rose stem on Valentine's. This type of foreshortened rifle, also a removable butt, is designed for urban warfare inside buildings or constricted areas such as alleys, arcades and between buildings.

The popping sound, much like a .22 pistol or balloons bursting, is based on a type of ammunition developed for short-range urban firefights, known as the .300 Blackout (or Whisper) used by special-ops. The shell contains a smaller charge than a standard NATO round (5.56 x 45 mm, or .233 caliber) and the bullet is heavier and slightly wider, since the distance in urban warfare is at much closer-range than in open-field combat. One advantage of less impulse force is a lower noise level inside the echo-chamber environment of a concrete building or other enclosed space, preventing damage to the ear drums (which must be avoided since listening is an important part of detecting enemy movements). The heavier bullet inflicts an even larger exit wound than a NATO round, as seen in the "football size" holes in the bodies at Parkland school.

The firing sequence of the "full metal" gunman is proof of hundreds of hours of tactical training and battle experience. The "barrage of bullets" initially downed his quarry, followed up with his steady slow steps along the hallway to mop up the dying with a merciful coup de grace through the forehead. Therefore the horrifying screaming of the wounded, as heard by the surviving students, did not last for long. He did not continue the pursuit of the fleeing students, presumably because he had achieved his assigned quota of kills, not much different than a bag limit during hunting season.

The plan, therefore, was a controlled count of confirmed dead victims so as not leave a lot of wounded to suffer for the rest of their lives, a professional practice that's part of standard procedure at tactical-training centers operated by defense contractor such as the one in Pompano Beach, which employs Kevin Hogg as an adviser and marketing liaison to the FBI, CIA and police departments. The operational rules make a sense since there's no point wasting money and time on someone who's no chance of living anything resembling a normal life. Now David, why don't you just choke on that thought over what Dad does for his living? Instead of blaming Americans who comprehend the situation of lawlessness the nation is facing, jut tell your father that he's a despicable war criminal, even if that takes moral backbone.

Through The PRISiM Darkly

As analyzed further on in this essay, the shooting at Parkland school was done by highly trained professional shooters, with an accuracy level far surpassing any weekend warrior and far beyond an amateur like suspect Nikolas Cruz. The Parkland shooters, plural, demonstrated their prior training at weapons handling and in tactical guidelines from either Kevin Hogg's company, called Cubic Simulation Systems, or one of the few other comparable special-ops training programs.

One of the promo videos from Cubic Simulation Systems was re-posted at rense.com, so that any casual viewers are not tagged and tracked by that spooky outfit. Since I've written this series, it can assumed they're not going to shoot me right away at least. The risk of reprisal one of the downsides of journalism, the constant knowledge that they're going to try to catch up with you, like what happened to Gary Webb who did the expose of the CIA role in the crack cocaine contagion. Call it an occupational hazard. Land-mine removers and lumberjacks face much worse odds, so why worry?

The software and visualization package, which trains new recruits to use assault rifles against simulated human targets on video, is called PRISim, an acronym that I have so failed to decipher. Here's a question for PC liberals: Do Black lives matter? Not at Cubic. PRISim offers the pleasure of simulated shootings of African-American criminals at point-blank range. Take note, that's one way to hold down the tax burden for building new prisons. After clearing the bar with an electronic toy gun, the shooter can then progress to firing live ammunition inside their "Village", a model of Ferguson, where novice shooters graduate can open up with short-barrel assault rifles at dummies, like the ones inside and outside Parkland school.

It takes a village of corpses before being awarded a certificate of excellence, as described in Cubic's press release after it won a contract with DuPage College in Glen Ellyn, Illnois, for the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA, pronounced "slay"). The 66,000 sq.ft. facility called the Homeland Security Training Center includes a 4,500 sq.ft "tactical village" (otherwise known as the ghetto). an indoor two-story replica of a downtown street used for immersion training. For a while in my youth, I grew up in a Bloods gang-controlled area of Southwest LA, so this replica would be a homecoming for me.

Cubic equipped the facility with its Advanced System Architecture for Urban Live Training (ASAULT, d'ya suppose these guys like to kill?), consisting of cameras, speakers, smoke generators, high fidelity indoor tracking and computer-based exercise monitoring and debriefing apps. Cubic uses targeting with ballistic-accurate lasers mounted on actual weapons to realistically simulate gun battles and to record hits and misses. These are used extensively by the U.S. and foreign military forces for combat training. Got that, Teach? Now you know where he's coming from.

This isn't about a lone gunman, it's a massive killing machine. If this is what the American citizenry is going to be facing soon, it's time to legalize 30mm Gatling guns for home protection. Now consider the fact that PRISim is the business as usual that puts food on the table in the Hogg dining room. Therefore one can conclude that CNN "gun-control advocate" from the Broward school district, Rebecca Boldrick aka Mom, must be packing too. Don't ask, don't tell when it comes to the Hoggs, unless you want to end up neck deep in the swill.

OK, little David, we see right through your BS game, so preach what you really practice. Come out of that closet and admit you're a con artist who defrauded those rich people in Hollywood who support gun control. One thing's for sure, you owe an apology to Senator Marco Rubio. Now go wash your lying mouth out with soap.

Devil Is In The Details

I have just two questions for the Hoggs and the boss at Cubic: Among your assault weapon toting trainees, which ones did Parkland? Or was the job contracted out to your company reps with Israeli Defense Force (IDF), maybe some Shomrim reservists down at Chabad House? There's some uncertainly about whodunits after President Barack Obama eliminated the Frank rule that American citizens cannot be killed by the CIA. The Parkland job, however, sure bore the hallmarks of an IDF-style raid on Gaza.

One pattern that's a known is: Americans tend to work as a team, to cover each other, whereas the Israelis are used to swaggering and acting like Uber-mensch (supermen) when they bully the Palestinians and gun them down in cold blood. This Israeli menace gets back to Cubic Simulation Systems, who's recently promoted chairman, Bradley Feldman, has focused on acquiring Israeli military-related high tech to compete in both the U.S. and global security market against his main competitor Thyssen Training of Germany. Sig Sauer rifles are top of the line, while Israeli Galil firearms have a lot of catching up to do.

Money, The Root Of Evil

Due to the Pentagon draw-down in Afghanistan and Iraq, defense-sector demand for combat training is in decline, though once the mainstay of revenues for Cubic. The ace in Feldman's hole is the Broward County Sheriff's department with the nation's largest police force, numbering 6,000 employees and a budget of $730 million. The trend of gentrification of South Florida, however, is leading toward an overall decline in violent crime rates in Florida, which is hitting a 50-year low. Miami Vice is not what it used to be, moving upstream into white-collar crime aka business as usual: money-laundering, casinos, escort services, porn and fraud.

Therefore, graphic violence committed in Broward County was necessary to the security sector of the state economy, Cubic in a nutshell, and presto suddenly comes the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School attack, for no convincing reason other than Nikolas Cruz's stepmother's death by cancer (which should have been investigated, had her body not been cremated.) A murderous rampage with no apparent cause is similar to how and why the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings happened exactly when Sen. Joe Lieberman's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was in need of dramatic violence for Congress to authorize spending. These mass murders are all about money and have nothing to do with madness, other than insane greed.

As for Israeli reservists, and even active Israeli military officers, these maggots are now crawling over every college campus in America to intimidate students and faculty members who are supporting the BDS (boycott, divest, sanctions) movement against the State of Israel for its atrocious human-rights record. Now there's a cause more appropriate for you, David, since you can promote BDS and still carry a concealed weapon while donning a yamulka. You think like a Jew so act like one.

The Phony Arrest

Which raises the question: How is it that Nikolas Cruz was arrested just around the corner from the Chai Center Chabad House in Coral Springs? Rabbi Hershy Bronstein claims that he was monitoring the street after the Parkland shooting when he noticed the suspect walking past. It seems more likely that the born-again Jewish lad was boarding at Chabad, and left some gear there, when the rabbi assured him that fellow Shomrim vigilante member Sheriff Scott Israel would protect him under custody, since no Jew could prosecute another under the mafia-like "mesirah" code of unequal justice for all.

The other question is: Nikolas Cruz told his hosts, the Sneads, that he was not going to attend school on Valentine's day. He reportedly took an Uber to Parkland, but was it just to deliver a card to the girl he had formerly taken interested in? How did he get past the locked gate? Or was his presence on the school a case of mistaken identity, since at least two other male students were accused of being him? Was he actually at Chai Center Chabad House all that day, maybe waiting for an after-school party with other students?

The problem in the quest for justice in Parkland is: Other than one teacher's recollections, nobody else's word is worth a penny in Broward County, home to a bunch of habitual cheats, something like Clinton's Arkansas with alligators and Zika mosquitoes.

Civics 101

As for the confused Parkland students, get back to hitting the books. Ever since the school boards dropped Civics class, nearly all young people lack the American history lessons required to comprehend why the Founding Fathers were so insistent on the citizenry's right to bear arms. I learned it all about the Declaration and Constitution by second grade back in public school on the wrong side of the tracks in Los Angeles, where we used to give the pledge of allegiance every morning. Our lives didn't matter or amount to anything back then, but the flag, the anthem and country did, since there wasn't much else to believe in.

All I can recommend, short of a return to traditional education, is for all young people to watch and study "The Last of the Mohicans" to see what happens to ordinary people and local communities when absolutist governments control all the firepower. The other salient point in a serious curriculum is to study the role of the Hessian mercenaries, King George III, and the House of Rothschild in Hesse to understand why a free citizenry and not military contractors should defend the nation. There's no recommended film on that topic out of Hollywood coming soon.

Now here's something that Parkland kids might be able to comprehend, from the early chapters of Star Wars and not the snowflake sequels.

Are you so naive as to trust the sweet talk of the treacherous Senator Debbie Wasserman Palpatine and her allies, the merchants of death in the advanced weapons industry churning out droids and soon the clones? Can you not see that science fiction is just a figment of our reality?

Methinks to the Dark Side that David is being drawn, pulled in by the traction beam of CNN. If you want to be sucked in, like how Anakin Skywalker morphed into Darth Vader, go ahead but remember there's an ultimate price to be paid on the other side, which makes suffering and death noble by comparison. And that's never to know the meaning of love and its social app called honor. 

By: Yoichi Shimatsu

The Fourth Industrial Revolution And The 2030 Agenda

As We Watch The Full Import Of The Great Reset Come Into View, It Is A Frightening And Dystopian Future The New World Order Is Bringing To Us

The Great Reset, the New World Order, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are all the same thing.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it.

Speaking at a virtual meeting of the environmental charity Conservation International the other day, Prince William slipped in a codeword to tip his hat to the actual agenda he and his New World Order buddies are promoting. He said ‘All of us, across all sectors of society, and in every corner of the globe must come together to fundamentally reset our relationship with nature and our trajectory as a species.’ That codeword ‘reset’ tells you everything you need to know about, well, everything. So let’s connect all the dots, shall we?

The ‘great reset’ has a lot of working parts, so many in fact that you may be tempted to think they are different events when in fact they are one in the same event. So one must see the overview of the actual and active nefarious plan by the New World Order, happening now, to bring the whole world into submission to the authority of Antichrist.

 The Great Reset

The Great Reset: Think about COVID-19, the lockdowns, the economic crashes, the mandatory mask wearing, the race riots, ANTIFA, ID2020, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, the Declaration Of Human Fraternity, Chrislam, ponder for a moment on all of it. When you have wrapped your head around all those things, now wrap your head around this. Everything we have been experiencing, it is all part of the Great Reset, and it is all driving towards the same outcome. That is, the resetting of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist. That’s how close we are to seeing him step out of the shadows and onto the world stage.


2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: This nasty little bit of God-hating peace posturing comes to us straight from the pit of Hell via the United Nations, and it envisions a world at peace without the interference of Almighty God who created it. Take a look what this plan is, in their own words, all about and you will see what we mean.

“This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.


The One World Religion Of Chrislam

The One World Religion Of Chrislam: Revelation 13, 17 and 18 shows us the Antichrist ruling a political kingdom and the False Prophet ruling a spiritual kingdom. Pope Francis, looking for all the world like the False Prophet, officially birthed the One World Religion of Chrislam, and back in February, Chrislam was officially codified into universal recognition by the United Nations. Chrislam is the spiritual component to the Great Reset.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Awake, yet? Because this is what the Fourth Industrial Revolution is all about, and yes, it is being brought to us by the exact same group of people that gave us COVID-19, the global lock-downs, the crashing of the world economies, the coronavirus vaccine and the digital Immunity Passport by the ID2020 Alliance. Everything that has happen since the start of 2020, all these wacky, crazy, ‘living in Revelation‘ events are all from the same people and geared towards bringing about the same end, the New World Order. This is what all the other stuff has been about, and what it is all leading to. This is not some hazy, far-flung prediction, it is an accurate depiction of what is happening all around us right now.

Are you starting to see what we are talking about, these are not all different end times agenda items, they are the same agenda item. Everything you have been watching happen over the last 13 months are different arms of the same beast, and The Beast, who is on his way right now, will be the crown jewel in the ungodly crown of evil. COVID, lockdowns, vaccines, vaccination passports and everything else are the tools by which this new order is being fashioned.

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastics 12:13,14 (KJB)





The Great Reset in Bible Prophecy

What is The Great Reset? What is the World Economic Forum? How does it fit in Bible Prophecy? Will this lead to the Mark of the Beast? 

If you have been watching the news lately, especially during this pandemic, you probably have heard the term “The Great Reset.”

Some people believe that The Great Reset agenda is going to control the world, establish a one-world order, and eventually make people submit to the beast spoken of in the book of Revelation.

On the other hand, the majority of people would tell you straight that all these are just conspiracy theories and that they should be ignored.

So, today, we want to know the truth.

Let’s learn more about what The Great Reset is, how it fits in prophecy, and how you should respond.

What does bible prophecy say about the Great Reset?

What is the World Economic Forum?

Before we can know what the Great Reset is, we need to know where it originated.

The Great Reset is the name of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, held in June 2020.

So, this leads us to the question, “What or who is the World Economic Forum?”

According to Wikipedia, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. Every January, they hold an annual meeting in the mountain resort in Graubรผnden called Davos.

World Economic Forum headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
The annual meeting brings together about 3,000 members of the WEF and some selected participants ranging from businessmen, political entities, celebrities, economists, and journalists.

Now, why is it vital for us to know what the WEF is? It is because of their stance when it comes to the pandemic.

To quickly know what they think about the pandemic, you simply have to listen to what Klaus Schwab, their founder, has to say:

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

I want all to take note of the last part of his message. He said, “reset our world.”

The truth about COVID-19

I recently read a book entitled, “The Truth About COVID-19,” written by James Mercola and Ronnie Cummins.

This is what they wrote about the WEF:

The leaders and members of the WEF envisioned that this world would have a one-world political entity. According to these great thinkers, they believe that the world should move from national to transnational governments, where there will be fewer international boundaries, less national identity, and a singular government. They think that this is the only path to peace, equity, and ultimately eutopia throughout the earth.

The World Economic Forum is a conglomeration of the world’s largest and most powerful businesses, all of which are helping to further the technocratic agenda. They include Microsoft, which made Bill Gates a billionaire; MasterCard, which is leading the globalist charge to develop digital IDs and banking services; Google, the number-one Big Data collector in the world and a leader in AI services; as well as foundations started by the world’s wealthiest people, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

More and more world leaders are calling for a transnational world government except forg Donald Trump. Now that Trump is no longer in the Oval Office, it seems that the Great Reset is on its way to becoming a reality.

What is The Great Reset?

Now that we know what WEF is, it is time for us to know what The Great Reset agenda is, the program they are promoting.

To better answer this question, let me quote once again the book, “The Truth About COVID-19.”

Here’s what it says:

“The common goal of the Great Reset and of all these movements and agendas is to capture all of the resources of the world—the ownership of them—for a small global elite group that has the know-how to program the computer systems that will ultimately dictate the lives of everyone.”

Friends, what The Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, this world’s leaders, the technocrats, and this world’s most influential, powerful, and wealthiest people promise are these three things:




The pandemic serving as a catalyst

As you can see, what The Great Reset is offering seems to be appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want prosperity, peace, and security?

I think everyone would say yes to that.

That’s why, in this pandemic, we have seen how so many people are willing to give up their freedom for prosperity, peace, and security.

Some people are willing to get vaccinated just to keep their job. Some people are willing to comply with various requirements just to peacefully cross borders and travel. Some people are willing to be silent for security.

The Great Reset in Bible prophecy

The phrase “Great Reset” is nowhere found in the Bible.

However, we can certainly see the ideals of the Great Reset in the words of God.

As you can see, world leaders would like to unite all nations. That’s why we have the United Nations and a lot of countries are members of it.

While there’s nothing wrong with searching for peace, harmony, and unity, the problem is how this can be achieved. In search of harmony, world leaders would take away the freedom of people. They would rather dictate what the people should do and shouldn’t do.

The pandemic gave us a foretaste of what will happen in the future. Just a few years ago, I didn’t have any idea of how Bible prophecies would come to pass. Nevertheless, the pandemic showed us that people of this world at some point would willingly give up their freedom for security.

We have proven that in this pandemic.

World leaders would take advantage of this tendency in the future to establish the coming Beast Power.

The Great Reset and the Beast Power

The Great Reset aims to establish a transnational government. It envisioned a world where there’s only one government where an elite group of people is controlling the rest of mankind.

Think about how this is closely related to what the Beast will achieve in Revelation 13:1-2:

1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.

Notice an important key in understanding biblical prophecy.

Human beings won’t be able to control the entire world EXCEPT they would get their power from the dragon, we know as Satan the Devil.

So, it will be Satan who will give them power, throne, and great authority.

Let’s continue reading verses 3 to 4:

 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

The first Beast represents a GREAT military power coming out from Europe. They will rule the world with incredible power that other nations won’t have any other choice but surrender their sovereignty to the Beast.

Here’s another biblical key to understanding prophecy.

The coming Beast power won’t appear until and unless the United States of America will fall!

There’s one country in this world right now that Europe is not able to surpass in military power.

That is the United States.

That’s also what the Great Reset is all about.

A big chunk of this world’s wealth is concentrated in North America. By “resetting” this world, European leaders, who will eventually form the Beast power, would grab the immense wealth needed to bring the whole world to its knees and worship Satan and the Beast.

Notice the extensive rule of the Beast in Revelation 13:5-7:

5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

This pandemic has been a forerunner of what is going to come. It is actually giving us an idea of how this prophecy would take place. Today, we are seeing now how some elite group of people is being given authority over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Let me give you an example.

When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 as a pandemic, the whole world followed their recommendations and edicts.

There was no deliberation. There were no court hearings. There was no voting.

All of a sudden, cities are placed in lockdowns. Countries isolated themselves. Travel has been restricted. People can’t go out.

In our city, we can’t buy anything unless we have a “food and medicine pass.” Right now, we are seeing discrimination against people who refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

What we thought would be impossible is actually possible right now as we can see in this pandemic.

What’s worse, look at verse 8:

 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

It says, ALL. All who dwell on the earth will worship him and unless your name is on the Book of Life, you would be one of those people who would be standing on the wrong side.

Listen carefully, it takes a world-changing event to accomplish The Great Reset.

The promoters of this program have seen the pandemic as a great tool to accelerate their plan.

However, the Bible shows us that this is NOT enough.

The pandemic is not enough to give rise to the beast. There is one important world event that needs to happen.

Do you know what that is? It is the fall of the United States of America. Today, we can see that Europe can’t become the world’s superpower as long as the United States is around.

Much of the wealth of the world is centered in the US. Through The Great Reset, that wealth is going to be redistributed away from the US to Europe.

Religious deception

The beast power includes both military and religious power.
Now, remember, military power is not enough to control the world. They would need religion.

That’s why we read of another beast in verse 11 of Revelation 13.

Read what this beast will do v. 16-17:

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

We are seeing now how the world is being CONDITIONED to receive the mark of the beast. With the advanced technology that we have, it is not far-fetched to think that this is possible.

Whether this pandemic will finally lead to the one-world government and religion or not, it has shown us a glimpse of how prophecies would take place.

Prophecies serve as a warning

If we are going to read prophecies through the humanistic approach, there’s no denying that the future looks bleak and hopeless.

Thankfully, prophecies are not there to scare us. It is there to serve as a warning as well as a beacon of hope for everyone. Knowing Bible prophecies would help you to prepare for the coming great tribulation.


Going Direct Reset

A Summary – Going Direct Reset

The “novel” coronavirus pandemic marks the greatest turning point in U.S. monetary history since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. In large measure, the “novel” coronavirus pandemic narrative serves as a convenient cover story that distracts from and even masks the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented maneuvers in 2020—maneuvers that happen to have been planned and discussed in August 2019 some four months prior to the first mention of any “novel” virus in Wuhan, China.

What marks the Fed’s maneuvers in March 2020 as unprecedented really is not its sudden creation of $3.5 trillion in reserves; that amount, $3.5 trillion in a few weeks, was unprecedented to be sure, but that’s merely a matter of degree: the Fed created over $1 trillion in the space of a few short weeks back in September 2008 during the global financial crisis (GFC). In that light, and purely in terms of reserves, the Fed’s sudden creation of $3.5 trillion beginning in March 2020 wasn’t novel at all; it was merely bigger than what it had done starting in 2008.

No, what made the Fed’s 2020 pandemic maneuvers novel was what the Fed did with its new reserves: it disbursed them so as to cause the parallel, mirror-image creation of $3.5 trillion in new bank money. That simply did not occur during the GFC. This is the defining feature of the Fed’s 2020 pandemic maneuvers. To understand this, however, requires at least rudimentary knowledge of the split-circuit debt-based monetary system1 that’s in place in nearly all parts of the world (the exceptions all coming, curiously, in “anti-USA” flavors like the Taliban, Libya, etc.).

To be clear up front, what creates the need for two separate circuits of electronic money is the fact that all electronic money is created as debt. The electronic money we use as ordinary people is created by commercial banks when they lend money. Commercial banks are different from other financial institutions and businesses in that they create “money” out of thin air when they lend it. Other entities (ordinary financial institutions and businesses as well as people) are dispossessed of the money they lend out.

When “we” lend, it only changes the composition of assets on our balance sheets. A $100 loan to a friend only changes the asset side of our balance sheet, where the entry of “$100 in cash” gets replaced by “$100 IOU from Tom.” The liability side of our balance sheet remains the same.

This is not so with commercial banks. The asset side of their balance sheet isn’t amended at all—it is supplemented with the $100 IOU from Tom. When a commercial bank lends out $100, the asset side of its balance sheet increases by $100. The liability side increases by $100 as well, when Tom’s electronic checking account is increased by $100 in new “money.” That “money” is actually (and legally) an IOU from the commercial bank to Tom. The commercial bank simply creates a $100 IOU electronically, which is credited to Tom’s account. The commercial bank isn’t dispossessed of any money in this transaction. This is what distinguishes commercial banks from everyone else.

This is easy enough to understand, but it doesn’t explain why two separate circuits of electronic money are needed. To understand why another circuit needs to be added, we need to consider the things that Tom might do with his new $100 account money. One of those things, and this is what necessitates the addition of a second monetary circuit, involves the transfer of some or all of the new $100 to another commercial bank—call it Bank B (Tom’s bank being Bank A). This might occur if Tom proposes to pay Jerry $100, and Jerry banks with Bank B.

Because the $100 in Tom’s account is legally an IOU from Bank A to Tom, Bank B is not—without more inducement—going to willingly take on Bank A’s IOU as its own. Bank A would be perfectly fine with that proposal, as it would convert $100 of liability into $100 of equity and thereby fatten Bank A’s bottom line. Contrawise, however, Bank B’s liabilities would increase by $100 and its equity would be reduced by $100. So without more of an incentive, Bank B would simply refuse the transfer of Tom’s $100 account at Bank A to Jerry’s account on the liability side of its own balance sheet.

To make the transaction work, i.e., for Bank B to add $100 to the liability side of its balance sheet, Bank B is going to need a counterbalancing sweetener; that is, Bank B is going to need $100 added to the asset side of its balance sheet at the same time.

There are any number of ways that Bank A could make this happen. Bank A could send over to Bank B $100 in cash. That way, Bank B’s balance sheet would increase by $100 on both its asset side (with $100 in new cash) and its liability side (with $100 in Jerry’s account). However, cash is physical and slow, when what’s really needed is electronic and fast.

And this is where reserves come into the picture. Reserves are electronic IOU money too, but the issuer of reserves cannot be a commercial bank because commercial banks’ IOUs are liabilities, when what is needed to make the transaction work is an electronic asset.

The issuer of reserves is a central bank. They issue (electronic) reserves out of thin air just like commercial banks issue (electronic) bank money out of thin air. And reserves are IOUs just like bank money is an IOU. Only the “I” and the “U” in IOU are different. With bank money IOUs, the “I” is a commercial bank and the “U” is anyone who banks with (has an account at) a commercial bank.

With reserves, the “I” is the Federal Reserve and the “U” is anyone who banks with (has an account at) the Fed, including commercial banks. Just as commercial bank IOUs are money (an asset) to us, Fed IOUs are money (an asset) to commercial banks.

Whenever bank money, then, is transferred from one customer at one commercial bank to a second customer at a second commercial bank, what really goes on is this (using Tom and Jerry as our example): one, Bank A deletes $100 from Tom’s account; two, bank B adds $100 to Jerry’s account; three, Bank A transfers $100 in reserves to Bank B.

Now, let’s turn back to what made the Fed’s “pandemic” response in 2020 different from its response to the GFC starting in 2008. As mentioned, the Fed created over $1 trillion in new reserves starting in September 2008, and it created $3.5 trillion in new reserves starting in March 2020. Viewed just in light of reserves, the difference between the GFC and the pandemic insofar as the Fed is concerned is merely one of degree: the banking system got more sudden new reserves in 2020 than it did in 2008.

However, the bank money circuit is another story altogether, and this is what makes 2020 novel. Whereas there was no new bank money created starting in September 2008 (when the Fed created over $1 trillion in new reserves), in March 2020 there was $3.5 trillion in new bank money created (when the Fed simultaneously created $3.5 trillion in new reserves).

Put in different terms, in 2008 the Fed’s creation of wholesale money (reserves) did not occasion the parallel creation of new retail money (bank money), whereas in 2020, the Fed’s creation of wholesale money caused the parallel creation of an essentially matching amount of retail money.

This duality is reflected in the Fed’s monetary data. Wholesale money is shown in blue (digital liabilities on account at the Fed), and retail money (cash plus bank money, or M2) is shown in green.

Figure 1: The fundamental difference between the GFC (big gray bar) and the pandemic (small gray bar) is the use of reserves to lever up retail money (green line) in 2020, which did not occur during the GFC.

To understand the mechanism used by the Fed to effect the parallel increase of retail money in response to new reserves in 2020 but not in 2008, see the author’s video, “Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever,”3 which walks through the transaction structures used to pull off this David-Copperfield-like feat of financial legerdemain.

The magnitude of the Fed’s shift in monetary policy in 2020 is remarkable all by itself, to be sure. For the first time ever, the Fed used its power to create new reserves in the wholesale monetary circuit to effect the parallel creation of new bank money in the retail circuit, and it did so to the tune of about $3.5 trillion.

But there is something else about the Fed’s actions in 2020 that makes them independently remarkable in a truly breathtaking way: while the Fed insisted throughout this episode that the extraordinary actions it took were all emergency measures necessitated by the onset of an alleged virus pandemic beginning in December 2019, the irrefutable fact of the matter is that the Fed’s novel and extraordinary acts were carried out in accordance with the plan presented to the Fed on August 22, 2019—four months before anyone had ever heard of SARS-CoV-2.

What’s more, this plan was presented to the Fed by BlackRock, which the Fed later appointed to assist the Fed in executing the $3.5 trillion plan. To put it bluntly, the actions taken by the Federal Reserve starting in March of 2020—actions that represented a massive departure from the Fed’s responses to crises before that time, as we have just seen—are exactly what BlackRock told the Fed to do in Jackson Hole, Wyoming over half a year before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic. It was in August 2019, months before the first coronavirus story broke, that BlackRock instructed the Fed to get money into wholesale and retail hands when “the next downturn” arrived—which, as luck would have it, occurred less than a month later.

This was, in its essence, BlackRock’s “going direct” plan,4 and it anticipates exactly what the Fed began doing—quite successfully—under the cover of the pandemic. Thus, when the WHO officially declared the onset of the pandemic, it provided perfect cover for the Fed to implement BlackRock’s plan, under which the Fed effected the creation of $3.5 trillion in retail bank money to buy low-yielding bonds from the Fed’s billionaire buddies, who then turned around with the proceeds and put them to work in special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) and high-flying stocks.

In a nutshell, the arrival of the 2020 pandemic was about as accidental as an assassination. The pandemic narrative is nothing but a cover story to conceal from the public what in reality is the biggest asset transfer ever.






Time for policy to go direct

We outline the need for a decisive, pre-emptive and coordinated policy response to the coronavirus shock.

Key views

The depth and duration of the coronavirus economic impact is uncertain but should be temporary as the outbreak will eventually dissipate.
To deal with the shock, a decisive, pre-emptive and coordinated policy response is required to avoid the disruptions to income streams and financial flows.
We believe it is time to go direct: a joint monetary and fiscal response that more directly relieves the cash flow pressures facing some sectors of the economy.

The future evolution and global spread of the coronavirus outbreak is highly uncertain. What we know is that containment and social distancing are ultimately achieved by reducing economic activity. Faced with resource constraints in healthcare systems, there are strong incentives to take aggressive containment measures to slow the spreading. The impact on economic activity will likely be sharp – and could be deep.

Coronavirus calls for coordinated policy action

Central banks have started cutting interest rates to mitigate coronavirus concerns, but we see more to come. Our latest episode of the BlackRock Bottom Line explains why.

The depth and duration of the economic impact is uncertain but should be temporary as the outbreak itself will eventually dissipate. That requires a decisive, pre-emptive and coordinated policy response to avoid the disruptions to income streams and financial flows that could cause persistent economic damage – and end the cycle.

Authorities in all major economies have to fast-track sizeable, comprehensive and flexible support programs.

We wrote in August 2019 about the nearly exhausted monetary policy toolbox and the challenges it poses for dealing with the next downturn. This has now come to the fore – and that’s why it is time to go direct with policy support. Simply using up the limited monetary policy space remaining – interest rates, forward guidance or even quantitative easing – could quickly put the macro focus on the lack of tools left and thus backfire. The only way to address this is to add further lines of defense and make fiscal policy an explicit part of the crisis response toolkit.

The first step is to provide frontline public health agencies with necessary financial resources. But a joint effort between monetary and fiscal policy is required to avoid a raft of financial failures at the grassroot level due to demand shortfalls, production disruptions or payment delays that can all lead to cash flow squeezes. Small- and medium-sized enterprises, for example, risk having cash flows cut off if they have to rely solely on support through financial markets. That is why any solutions will need to involve “going direct” with policy – that is, more directly relieving the cash flow pressures facing some sectors of the economy.

Authorities in all major economies have to fast-track sizeable, comprehensive and flexible support programs to pre-emptively provide direct financial support to companies and households facing a short-term loss of income. That would prevent these temporary disruptions from turning into a full-blown global recession. Deploying these programs will involve coordination of monetary and fiscal policy. Recognizing that these measures will be temporary justifies an aggressive policy response. The experience of the global financial crisis and aftermath shows that the policy effectiveness would be greatly enhanced if the international community approached these measures as a deliberate package delivered in a coordinated fashion.

A comprehensive global response should have the following elements:

First, to support households, fiscal measures could also include generous sick-pay support and short-time work schemes to stabilize incomes and to limit job losses – especially where such arrangements were not available before. Several countries are already preparing such measures. Income support can come via adjustments to welfare and labor market programs, such as unemployment insurance. Welfare programs could also be tweaked by temporarily enhancing benefits and reducing waiting times until citizens become eligible. Direct payments to affected households are also an option.

Second, to support companies, fiscal authorities could suspend collection of tax revenues and social security contributions to provide temporary cash flow relief to firms and the self-employed while at the same time accelerating outgoing public payments and reducing unpaid bills to the private sector. In some instances, cash grants via local governments and natural disaster relief agencies might be required beyond loans. These are ways to directly provide some relief to company balance sheets that can be quickly implemented within current government programs. Automatic fiscal stabilizers should be allowed to work fully and, if needed, existing fiscal rules could be temporarily suspended.

Third, monetary authorities should also be ready to deploy more direct and targeted liquidity support, including expanding funding-for-lending facilities – providing liquidity to commercial banks that is earmarked specifically for lending to corporates hurt by the virus outbreak. Government guarantees can help cover any bank lending at preferential rates to meet the corporate sector’s need for additional working capital. Alternatively, state-owned development banks could be used as a conduit for such lending. In countries with weaker public finances, asset purchase programs could safeguard the government’s funding conditions.

A decisive and pre-emptive policy response is essential given the uncertainty around what will likely be material near-term disruptions due to the coronavirus outbreak. For the most part these measures will be fiscal in nature – and some will require coordination between fiscal and monetary authorities. Monetary policy should focus on preventing an unwarranted tightening in financial conditions and ensure the functioning of financial markets. Central banks going it alone with interest rate cuts risk wasting precious policy ammunition. We believe decisive policy action now would help avoid opening the door to more radical ideas and uncontrolled fiscal spending.

China Is Building A “Social Credit” System. So Is The United States.

Is China's social credit system really the dystopian sci-fi scenario that many fear?

A measure of trustworthiness

The system is portrayed by some media as a big-data surveillance system that aims to monitor, assess, and discipline citizens' social, political, and economic behavior.

It was first referred to in 2014 in a government document (in Chinese) issued by the State Council—the highest executive organ of state power in the People's Republic of China. The document described an omnipotent social credit system due to be launched in 2020, which aims to rate everyone's "trustworthiness."

The 'credit' referred to in the unnerving train announcement is the translation of the Chinese word 'xinyong,' which indicates a person's honesty and trustworthiness.

It is believed that the system entails a series of big data and AI-enabled processes that compute an individual's behavior, from online purchasing to obedience to traffic laws, timely bill payments, or your choice of friends.

High scores beget social privileges

All 1.35 billion Chinese citizens will be subjected to the system. People with high scores will enjoy better social privileges and economic benefits. Low scores on the other hand, could get you blacklisted from accessing certain services, such as flights or train travel – just as everyone heard on the train.

The potential for misuse and the likelihood of mishandling personal, private data is easily drawing public attention in today's data-sensitive era.

Data in the hands of an authoritarian government like China becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, which vividly illustrates how digital technology is aiding authoritarian regimes to augment their rule and sustain themselves by pressuring their citizens to act in certain government-approved ways (for higher social credit scores in this case).

China’s draconian censorship efforts appear a world apart from the freedom of speech protections tenuously preserved in American society. But as the two world powers evolve the similarities are becoming just as striking as the differences. While their social designs diverge, their intended results do not: both seek to shrink the Overton Window in favor of what the governing class considers a healthier, more orderly, more moral discourse.

In China, censorship isn’t just limited to critiques of the government. It also includes what the ruling party considers moral rot. Underage drinking, drug use, violence, and hyper-sexualized content get scrubbed from media and film. This top-down social engineering finds its shape in the country’s new social-credit system, which punishes undesirable behavior like canceling dinner reservations or jaywalking by restricting travel rights or access to (financial) credit.

Far from feeling threatened by this development, ordinary Chinese seem to actually welcome it. A 2017 Ipsos poll revealed that 47 percent of the population regards moral decline as the country’s biggest threat and an astonishing 87 percent believe the country to be heading in the right direction. According to the same poll, only 43 percent of Americans feel their country is heading in the right direction, and most would argue we are undergoing a moral reckoning. (It is important to note that a cross-national comparison of survey results is complicated by China’s punitive monitoring of criticism.)

In the U.S., there is no law against denying the holocaust or hurling racial epithets. What we lack in legal redress, however, we are quickly and successfully suppressing via business, media, and academia. These institutions increasingly find themselves overrun by “internet mobs,” those vicious and fickle masses of self-styled online vigilantes who comb the internet for transgressions by public figures. The pattern is predictable: targets are identified based on their statements or positions, their offenses are amplified on social media, and then a litmus test is presented.

Companies overwhelmingly respond by capitulating. Universities respond by de-platforming speakers, or students drown them out with protest. Though universities have historically been the bastions of rigorous intellectual debate, they are also, like businesses, adapting to their new boundaries. Media entities, especially mainstream ones, more often than not succumb to calls for eliminating perspectives that fall afoul of the approved discourse.

In Stalinist Russia, citizens were encouraged to report their neighbors for “counter-revolutionary” thought or behavior. Mere accusations were often enough to ensure the banishment of the state’s “enemies” to gulags to die of torture, starvation, and disease.

The United States is not Soviet Russia or Maoist China. Neither is modern-day China. 

Nevertheless, both share outcasting as a potent social and economic weapon. The ruling class in Russia and China was of course the government. In the U.S., where the government is regularly refreshed, our ruling class is comprised of those who define our accepted modes of discourse through the institutions—many of them non-governmental—that they control. While no one serious has suggested the transgressors of today be sentenced to hard labor in a gulag (though certainly some non-serious individuals have), it is alarming how accepting many have become to inflicting on these transgressors a direct hit to their careers as just punishment for their wrongthink. Today’s mob scans and censors the citizenry like past regimes have, except businesses and academia are the enforcement mechanism. This dynamic will continue to evolve.

America’s leading tech companies are already grappling with how to censor, de-platform, or de-rank fake or inflammatory content. Facebook and Twitter have purged large numbers of Russian and Iranian accounts even though the spread of misinformation and divisive content is protected under the First Amendment. Along with YouTube and Instagram, their efforts have often gone too far. They ban not only foreign-sponsored actors but also repeatedly “shadowban” the accounts of domestic conservative activists and other “offenders” in both intentional and purportedly unintentional ways.

YouTube parent Google has been building a sophisticated, censorship-powered search engine for the Chinese government and Facebook has begun attaching a “reputation score” to its users. While these efforts don’t contravene American law, the impact can be considerable since many rely on social media for their livelihood. This social currency will only increase in utility and sophistication as technology evolves and adapts. According to job search firm CareerBuilder, 70 percent of employers screen their candidates’ social media presence before making a hiring decision. Avoiding social media altogether isn’t a wise decision either — 57 percent stated they were less likely to hire a candidate if they had no social media presence at all.

Tech companies’ censorship and content-grooming techniques are now primarily a defensive posture, but users will soon recognize the impact of these changes and demand to see how they’re “scored.” Failure to respond will invite intervention by the government, who will use it to identify potential security threats. Businesses will add it to the trove of user information they already gather like demographics, location data, shopping preferences, and credit scores. Employers will integrate the preliminary vetting into their recruiting processes. Universities will use it as another critical data point in assessing applications. Dating tech will add it into its growing list of filterable criteria. The digital ghetto will become a reality, and we will know what we need to do to avoid it.

This decade will likely be remembered as the final chapter in the unregulated adolescence of our collective digital identities. The many calls to silence critics, curb misinformation, and improve the toxicity of our discourse are a cry for constraints on our freedom. China’s social-credit system seems like an Orwellian dragnet, and it very well may be, but the U.S. is quickly constructing a parallel scheme. Because much of this evolution is inevitable, it is our responsibility to demand transparency from the organizations that seek to catalog and classify us. As technology and society evolve, we will be challenged to protect the voices of the people we’d most like to silence. Progress relies on a vigorous stress-testing of dogma. After all, Socrates was a traitor, Galileo a heretic, and Gandhi a dissident, and we are wiser now because we heard their voices.

The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship

Illuminating the Occult Origin of Darwinism

As antiquity gave way to modern history, the religious power structure shifted to an autocracy of the knowable, or a ‘scientific dictatorship.’ Subtly and swiftly, the ruling class seized control of science and used it as an ‘epistemological weapon’ against the masses. This article will show that the history and background of this ‘scientific dictatorship’ is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed by the historical tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry.
The Epistemological Cartel

In The Architecture of Modern Political Power, Daniel Pouzzner outlines the tactics employed by the elite to maintain their dominance. Among them is: ‘Ostensible control over the knowable, by marketing institutionally accredited science as the only path to true understanding’ (Pouzzner, 75). Thus, the ruling class endeavors to discourage independent reason while exercising illusory power over human knowledge. This tactic of control through knowledge suppression and selective dissemination is reiterated in the anonymously authored document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:

    “Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems. Mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping. All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control.”
    – Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203

The word ‘science’ is derived from the Latin word scientia, which means ‘knowing.’ Epistemology is the study of the nature and origin of knowledge. This elite monopoly of the knowable, which is enforced through institutional science, could be characterized as an “epistemological cartel.” The ruling class has bribed the ‘bookkeepers’ (i.e., natural and social scientists). Meanwhile, the masses practically deify the ‘bookkeepers’ of the elite, and remain ‘ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.’ The unknown author of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars provides an eloquently simple summation: ‘The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary?’ (Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203).

In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley more succinctly defined this epistemological cartel:

    “The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work’ with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.”
    – Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 116

This is the ultimate objective of the elite: an oligarchy legitimized by arbitrarily anointed expositors of ‘knowledge’ or, in Huxley’s own words, a ‘scientific dictatorship.’

The New Theocracy

How did the ‘scientific dictatorship’ of the twentieth century begin? In earlier centuries, the ruling class controlled the masses through more mystical belief systems, particularly Sun worship. Yet, this would all change. In Saucers of the Illuminati, Jim Keith documents the shift from a theocracy of the Sun to a theocracy of ‘science’:

    “Since the Sun God (and his various relations, including sons and wives) were, after several thousands years of worship, beginning to fray around the edges in terms of believability, and a lot commoners were beginning to grumble that this stuff was all made up, the Illuminati came up with a new and improved version of their mind control software that didn’t depend upon the Sun God or Moon Goddess for ultimate authority.”
    – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78

Priests and rituals were soon supplanted by a new breed of ‘bookkeepers’ and a new ‘methodology of bookkeeping.’ Keith elaborates:

    “As the Sun/Moon cult lost some of its popularity, ‘Scientists’ were quick to take up some of the slack. According to their propaganda, the physical laws of the universe were the ultimate causative factors, and naturally, those physical laws were only fathomable by the scientific (i.e. Illuminati) elite.”
    – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79

This consciously induced paradigm shift facilitated the emergence of the elite’s new theocracy. The official state-sanctioned religion of this theocracy was ‘scientism’: the belief that the investigational methods of the natural sciences should be ecumenically imposed upon all fields of inquiry. This form of epistemological imperialism is not to be confused with legitimate science. Researcher Michael Hoffman makes this distinction in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:

    “Science, when practiced as the application of man’s God-given talents for the production of appropriate technology on a human scale, relief of misery and the reverential exploration and appreciation of the glory of Divine Providence as revealed in nature, is a useful tool for mankind. Scientism is science gone mad, which is what we have today.” (Hoffman, 49)

Hoffman further elaborates on the folly of scientism:

    “The reason that science is a bad master and dangerous servant and ought not to be worshipped is that science is not objective. Science is fundamentally about the uses of measurement. What does not fit the yardstick of the scientist is discarded. Scientific determinism has repeatedly excluded some data from its measurement and fudged other data, such as Piltdown Man, in order to support the self-fulfilling nature of its own agenda, be it Darwinism or ‘cut, burn and poison’ methods of cancer ‘treatment’.” (Hoffman, 49)

It must be understood that this new institution of knowing is a form of mysticism like its religious precursors. Contemporary science is predicated upon empiricism, the idea that all knowledge is derived exclusively through the senses. Yet, an exclusively empirical approach relegates cause to the realm of metaphysical fantasy. This holds enormous ramifications for science. Do we really know what causes anything?

Although temporal succession and spatial proximity are self-evident, causal connection is not. Affirmation of causal relationships is impossible in science. What is perceived as A causing B could be merely circumstantial juxtaposition. Given the absence of known cause, all of a scientist’s findings must be taken upon faith. This is all one can deduce while working under the paradigm of radical empiricism. Thus, the elite merely exchanged one form of mysticism for another.

Returning to Pouzzner’s previous statement, ‘ostensible control over the knowable’ is achieved through the promulgation of ‘institutionally accredited science’ (Pouzzner, 75). Now, the elite had to meet two requirements to insure their epistemological dominance: a science specifically designed for their needs and an institution to accredit and disseminate it.
The British Royal Society

The new secular church and clergy of the elite originated within the walls of the British Royal Society. The creators of the Royal Society were also members of the Masonic Lodge. According to Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln in Holy Blood, Holy Grail:

    “Virtually all the Royal Society’s founding members were Freemasons. One could reasonably argue that the Royal Society itself, at least in its inception, was a Masonic institution – derived, through Andrea’s Christian Unions, from the ‘invisible Rosicrucian brotherhood’.” (Baigent, et al, 144)

Jim Keith makes it clear that the Masonic Lodge ‘has been alleged to be a conduit for the intentions of a number of elitist interests’ (Keith, Casebook on Alternative 3, 20). In service to the elite, the Royal Society Freemasons would re-sculpt epistemological notions and disseminate propaganda. Jim Keith provides a brief summation of the Royal Society’s role in years to come: ‘The British Royal Society of the late seventeenth century was the forerunner of much of the media manipulation that was to follow’ (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 79).

Before the advent of the British Royal Society, science (i.e., the study of natural phenomena) and theology (i.e., the study of God) were inseparable. The two were not separate repositories of knowledge, but natural correlatives. In Confession of Nature, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz established the centrality of God to science. According to Leibniz, the proximate origins of ‘magnitude, figure, and motion,’ which constitute the ‘primary qualities’ of corporeal bodies, ‘cannot be found in the essence of the body’ (de Hoyos).

Linda de Hoyos reveals the point at which science finds a dilemma:

    “The problem arises when the scientist asks why the body fills this space and not another; for example, why it should be three feet long rather than two, or square rather than round. This cannot be explained by the nature of the bodies themselves, since the matter is indeterminate as to any definite figure, whether square or round. For the scientist who refuses to resort to an incorporeal cause, there can be only two answers. Either the body has been this way since eternity, or it has been made square by the impact of another body. ‘Eternity’ is no answer, since the body could have been round for eternity also. If the answer is ‘the impact of another body,’ there remains the question of why it should have had any determinate figure before such motion acted upon it. This question can then be asked again and again, backwards to infinity. Therefore, it appears that the reason for a certain figure and magnitude in bodies can never be found in the nature of these bodies themselves.”

The same can be established for the body’s cohesion and firmness, which left Leibniz with the following conclusion:

    “Since we have demonstrated that bodies cannot have a determinate figure, quantity, or motion, without an incorporeal being, it readily becomes apparent that this incorporeal being is one for all, because of the harmony of things among themselves, especially since bodies are moved not individually by this incorporeal being but by each other. But no reason can be given why this incorporeal being chooses one magnitude, figure, and motion rather than another, unless he is intelligent and wise with regard to the beauty of things and powerful with regard to their obedience to their command. Therefore such an incorporeal being be a mind ruling the whole world, that is, God.” (de Hoyos)

Of course, this conclusion was antithetical to the doctrine of the scientific dictatorship, which contended that ‘the physical laws of the universe were the ultimate causative factors’ (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79). Metaphysical naturalism (i.e., nature is God) had to be enthroned. Meanwhile, God’s presence in the corridors of science had to be expunged. To achieve this, the Royal Society created a Gnostic division between science and theology, thus insuring the primacy of matter in the halls of scientific inquiry (Tarpley).

Blind Reverence to Science

Indeed, biases and presuppositions pervade the very fabric of the elite’s epistemic autocracy. Academia itself has become the official church for this cult of epistemological selectivity. Christian philosopher Ravi Zacharias personally encountered the enormous prejudicial hurdles of scientism during a casual conversation with a few scholars, wherein one scientist makes a shocking confession:

I asked them a couple of questions. ‘If the Big Bang were indeed where it all began, may I ask what preceded the Big Bang?’ Their answer, which I had anticipated, was that the universe was shrunk down to a singularity.

I pursued, ‘But isn’t it correct that a singularity as defined by science is a point at which all the laws of physics break down?’

‘That is correct,’ was the answer.

‘Then, technically, your starting point is not scientific either.’

There was silence, and their expressions betrayed the scurrying mental searches for an escape hatch. But I had yet another question.

I asked if they agreed that when a mechanistic view of the universe had held sway, thinkers like Hume had chided philosophers for taking the principle of causality and applying it to a philosophical argument for the existence of God. Causality, he warned, could not be extrapolated from science to philosophy.

‘Now,’ I added, ‘when quantum theory holds sway, randomness in the subatomic world is made a basis for randomness in life. Are you not making the very same extrapolation that you warned us against?’

Again there was silence and then one man said with a self-deprecating smile, ‘We scientists do seem to retain selective sovereignty over what we allow to be transferred to philosophy and what we don’t’ (Zacharias, 64).

This ‘selective sovereignty,’ vigorously enforced by the epistemic autocracy of the elite, effectively marginalized dissenters and consummated the apotheosis of the ‘bookkeepers.’ Hoffman explains:

    “The cryptocracy has successfully harnessed to its own ends the huge potential for promoting secret political-occult agendas to the public, by presenting them as unassailable ‘objective scientific truth.’ Since the bogey of ‘science’ instills in secularists a sort of blind reverence, opponents of political and occult agendas promoted through the propaganda of scientism are quickly stigmatized as ‘Neanderthal,’ especially with regard to their opposition to Darwinism, a dogma proved false by Norman Macbeth in his magisterial Darwin Retried and exposed as a cult by Gertrude Himmelfarb in Darwin.” (Hoffman, 49)

Suddenly, ‘ostensible control over the knowable’ became the Divine Providence of god-like ‘bookkeepers.’ Meanwhile, their opponents became heretics and were ‘burned at the stake’ (i.e., marginalized by academia and other secular institutions). Hoffman states:

    “The doctrine of man playing god reaches its nadir in the philosophy of scientism which makes possible the complete mental, spiritual and physical enslavement of mankind through technologies such as satellite and computer surveillance; a state of affairs symbolized by the ‘All Seeing Eye‘ above the unfinished pyramid on the U.S. one dollar bill.” (Hoffman, 50)

With the inculcation of the masses into scientism, the unfinished pyramid is almost complete.

Evolution: The Occult Doctrine of Becoming

With the British Royal Society acting as their headquarters of propaganda, the elite had created an institution to provide credibility for their specially designed ‘science.’ Now, they needed to introduce the ‘science.’ Recall that the founding members of the Royal Society were all Freemasons. Thus, whatever ‘science’ these men would design would be derivative of Masonic doctrine. In The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmhurst reveals the worldview underpinning the new Masonic ‘science’:

    “This – the evolution [emphasis added] of man into superman – was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into practice; whilst to join the Craft for any other purpose than to study and pursue this science is to misunderstand its meaning.” (Wilmhurst, 47)

Later in the book, Wilmhurst reiterates this theme:

    “Man who has sprung from earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature to his present rational state, has yet to complete his evolution [emphasis added] by becoming a god-like being and unifying his consciousness with the Omniscient – to promote which is and always has been the sole aim and purpose of all Initiation.” (Wilmhurst, 94)

With God’s effective exile from science, man’s position as imago viva Dei (created in the image of the Creator) was summarily relegated to obsolescence. Now, Freemasonry could introduce its occult doctrine of ‘becoming,’ the belief in man’s gradual evolution towards apotheosis.

According to Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, was the first to promulgate the concept of evolution:

    “Dr. Erasmus Darwin (1731 – 1802) was the first man in England to suggest those ideas which later were to be embodied in the Darwinian theory by his grandson, Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882), who wrote in 1859 Origin of Species.” (quoted in Daniel, 34)

The Lunar Society

Erasmus Darwin was the founder of the Lunar Society. According to author Ian Taylor, the Lunar Society was active from about 1764 to 1800 and its prominent influence ‘continued long afterwards under the banner of The Royal Society.’ The group’s name owed itself to the fact that members met monthly at the time of the full moon. The membership of this group boasted such luminaries as John Wilkinson (who made cannons), James Watt (who owed his notoriety to the steam engine), Matthew Boulton (a manufacturer), Joseph Priestly (a chemist), Josiah Wedgewood (who founded the famous pottery business), and Benjamin Franklin. It is with the Lunar Society that one begins to identify Erasmus’ ties to Freemasonry. (Taylor, 55)

Interestingly enough, in an article by Lord Richie-Calder, Lunar Society members were assigned the very esoteric appellation of ‘merchants of light.’ This was precisely the same description used for the hypothetical society presented in Sir Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis (Taylor, 55). In her examination of J.G. Findel’s History of Freemasonry, Nesta Webster made the following observation: ‘Findel frankly admits that the New Atlantis contained unmistakable allusions to Freemasonry and that Bacon contributed to its final transformation’ (Webster, 120).

Researcher Ian Taylor adds:

    “Webster pointed out that one of the earliest and most eminent precursors of Freemasonry is said to have been Francis Bacon, who is also recognized to have been a Rosicrucian; the Rosicrucian and Freemason orders were closely allied and may have had a common source.” (Taylor, 445)

Still, these are tenuous ties at best. Are there any sources that firmly establish a Darwinian/Freemasonic connection? Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry conclusively confirms a link:

    “Before coming to Derby in 1788, Dr. [Erasmus] Darwin had been made a Mason in the famous Time Immemorial Lodge of Cannongate Kilwinning, No. 2, of Scotland. Sir Francis Darwin, one of the Doctor’s sons, was made a Mason in Tyrian Lodge, No. 253, at Derby, in 1807 or 1808. His son Reginald was made a Mason in Tyrian Lodge in 1804. The name of Charles Darwin does not appear on the rolls of the Lodge but it is very possible that he, like Francis, was a Mason.” (quoted in Daniel, 34)

In 1794, Erasmus wrote a book entitled Zoonomia, which delineated his theory of evolution (Taylor, 58). Being a Freemason, there is little doubt that Erasmus cribbed liberally from the Lodge’s occult doctrine of ‘becoming.’ Before Erasmus had penned his precursory notions of progressive biological development, Freemason John Locke (1632 – 1704) extrapolated the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation into the context of metaphysical naturalism and formulated a theory of evolution (Daniel, 33-34).

The British East India Company had imported the Hindu belief in reincarnation to England where it would be adopted by the British Royal Society. A prominent member of the Royal Society, John Locke studied reincarnation extensively and, working with the occult doctrine as an extrapolative inspiration, developed his own evolutionary ideas. In fact, Locke’s theory of evolution received the support of the male members of Darwin’s family (Daniel, 33-34). Two centuries later, this occult concept of ‘becoming’ would be transmitted to Charles Darwin and On the Origin of Species would be born.

Metaphysical Naturalism: The Golem Reborn

Underpinning the concept of metaphysical naturalism is the notion that life originated with lifeless matter. This notion, dubbed ‘spontaneous generation,’ excludes the involvement of a supernatural Creator. Thus, nature became a god creating itself. Louis Pasteur, whose work established the Law of Biogenesis, provided the most succinct summation of this anthropomorphic mysticism:

    “To bring about spontaneous generation would be to create a germ. It would be creating life; it would be to solve the problem of its origin. It would mean to go from matter to life through conditions of environment and of matter [lifeless material]. God as author of life would then no longer be needed. Matter would replace Him. God would need to be invoked only as author of the motions of the universe.” (Dubos, 395)

Like all of the ‘false gods’ of antiquity, the voracity of this new deity was soon demolished. ‘Spontaneous generation’ was proven impossible by the Law of Biogenesis. However, this fact did not stop certain ‘men of science’ from chronically deifying nature. For instance, Charles Darwin unconsciously revealed his idolatrous impulses through statements like: ‘natural selection picks out with unerring skill the best varieties’ (Hooykaas, 18).

Evident in such statements is the idea that nature is sentient. After all, only a sentient being holds discriminative tastes and, therefore, ‘picks out’ the recipients of its favor. Moreover, such statements reveal that ‘nature’ itself is a sovereign deity acting as the ultimate arbiter of life and death. This meme has metastasized, presenting itself today as the Gaia Hypothesis. This hypothesis holds that the biosphere is a self-creating, self-sustaining, and self-regenerating entity. Central to this thesis is the contention that both the living and non-living are inseparable (Lovelock, 31-33).

Although the concept of ‘spontaneous generation’ was proven scientifically bankrupt years ago, many continue to resuscitate its corpse. Why does this theme of lifeless matter spontaneously generating life continue to emerge? The answer is because it has been with man for a very long time. It is derivative of the golem, an occult concept presented in the Hebraic Kabbalah. Thirty-third Degree Freemason Albert Pike revealed that: ‘all the Masonic associations owe to it [the Kabbalah] their Secrets and their Symbols’ (Pike, 744). According to this occult text, the golem was an artificially created man whose life was the result of supernatural intervention. The late Isaac Bashevis Singer, who studied the Kabbalah extensively, explained:

    “’the golem ‘ is based on faith ‘ that dead matter is not really dead, but can be brought to life [emphasis added]’ What are the computers and robots of our time if not golems? ‘ The Talmud tells us of an interpreter by the name of Rava who formed a man by this mysterious power’ We are living in an epoch of golem-making right now. The gap between science and magic ‘ is becoming narrower’.” (Hoffman, 115)

Drawing upon the esoteric doctrines of their occult heritage, the Freemasonic members of the British Royal Society re-introduced the golem to the public mind under the guise of ‘metaphysical naturalism.’ Gradually, the corporeal machinations of nature supplanted the miraculous Creator. Of course, these machinations were only intelligible to anointed scientists of the epistemic autocracy. Thus, the ‘bookkeepers’ of the elite became the new expositors of ‘miracles.’ This virtual deification of the ‘bookkeepers’ is evident in Singer’s later statements regarding the golem:

    “I was interested in the golem ‘ from my early childhood. I was brought up in the home of a rabbi, and his sermons often spoke of miracles, by the Baal Shem Tov and other wonder rabbis. ‘ I realized early in my life that science and technology had actually created a civilization of miracles. Science is one long chain of miracles.’.” (Hoffman, 116)

Recall the words of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World Revisited: ‘The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles [emphasis added], and mysteries.’ The new dictators do not intend to make the same mistake. With the effective enshrinement of metaphysical naturalism, the British Royal Society prepared to unleash their next golem. However, this golem would be an artificially created ape-man presented to the public imagination under the appellation of Darwinism.

The Darwin Project

In the article ‘Toward a New Science of Life,’ EIR
journalist Jonathan Tennenbaum makes the following the statement concerning Darwinism:

    “Now, it is easy to show that Darwinism, one of the pillars of modern biology, is nothing but a kind of cult, a cult religion. I am not exaggerating. It has no scientific validity whatsoever. Darwin’s so-called theory of evolution is based on absurdly irrational propositions, which did not come from scientific observations, but were artificially introduced from the outside, for political-ideological reasons.” (Tennenbaum)

Given Darwinism’s roots in occult Freemasonry and its expedient promotion of an emergent species of supermen (i.e., the elite), this is a fairly accurate assessment. Charles Darwin acted as the elite’s apostle, preaching the new secular gospel of evolution. Darwinism could be considered a Freemasonic project, the culmination of a publicity campaign conducted by the Lodge. Evidence for this contention can be found in controversial Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion.

Although an examination of the Protocols and a critique of their authenticity are not the purposes of this essay, it is important to address the questions surrounding their origins. After all, the Protocols have been employed throughout history in numerous genocidal campaigns against the Jews. However, the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail provide evidence that the document may be Masonic in origin:

    “It can thus be proved conclusively that the Protocols did not issue from the Judaic congress at Basle in 1897. That being so, the obvious questions is whence they did issue. Modern scholars have dismissed them as a total forgery, a wholly spurious document concocted by anti-Semitic interests intent on discrediting Judaism. And yet the Protocols themselves argue strongly against such a conclusion. They contain, for example, a number of enigmatic references – references that are clearly not Judaic. But these references are so clearly not Judaic that they cannot plausibly have been fabricated by a forger, either. No anti-Semitic forger with even a modicum of intelligence would possibly have concocted such references in order to discredit Judaism. For no one would have believed these references to be of Judaic origin.”

Thus, for instance, the text of the Protocols ends with a single statement. ‘Signed by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree.’ Why would an anti-Semitic forger have made up such a statement? Why would he not have attempted to incriminate all Jews, rather than just a few – the few who constitute ‘the representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree’? Why would he not declare that the document was signed by, say, the representatives of the international Judaic congress? In fact, the ‘representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree’ would hardly seem to refer to Judaism at all, or to any ‘international Jewish conspiracy.’ If anything, it would seem to refer to something specifically Masonic. And the thirty-third degree in Freemasonry is that of the so-called Strict Observance – the system of Freemasonry introduced by Hund at the behest of his ‘unknown superiors,’ one of whom appears to have been Charles Radclyffe (Baigent, et al, 192-3). Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln conclude:

    “There was an original text on which the published version of the Protocols was based. This original text was not a forgery. On the contrary, it was authentic. But it had nothing whatever to do with Judaism or an ‘international Jewish conspiracy.’ It issued, rather, from some Masonic organization or Masonically oriented secret society that incorporated the word ‘Sion’.” (Baigent, et al, 194)

Given the Masonic language, one can completely discard the racist contention that the Protocols constitute evidence of an ‘international Jewish conspiracy.’ Nevertheless, the document holds some authenticity:

    “The published version of the Protocols is not, therefore, a totally fabricated text. It is, rather, a radically altered text. But despite the alterations certain vestiges of the original version can be discerned’.” (Baigent, et al, 195)

The remnant vestiges of the original text strongly suggest Masonic origins. Having established the Masonic authorship of the Protocols, one may return to issue at hand: Freemasonic involvement in the promotion of Darwinism. Consider the following excerpt from the Protocols, which reads distinctly like a mission statement:

    “For them [the masses or cattle] let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the goyim [the masses or cattle] will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.”

Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism [emphasis added], Marxism, and Nietzsche-ism (reprint in Cooper, 274-5).

In addition to establishing the Lodge’s official sanction of Darwinism, this excerpt also reveals a direct relationship between Marxism, Nietzsche-ism, and evolutionary theory. 

It was the grandfather of Aldous Huxley, T.H. Huxley, who would act as the ‘official spokesman for the recluse Darwin’ (White, 268). Many years later, Aldous would propose a ‘scientific dictatorship’ in Brave New World Revisited. Whether Aldous made this proposition on a whim or was penning a concept that had circulated within the Huxley family for years cannot be determined. Given the family’s oligarchical tradition, the latter assertion remains a definite possibility. Yet, there may be a deeper Freemasonic connection, suggesting that the concept of a ‘scientific dictatorship’ may have originated within the Lodge.

T.H. Huxley was a Freemason and, with no apparent achievements to claim as his own, was made a Fellow of the Royal Society at the age of 26 (Daniel, 34). T.H. Huxley tutored Freemason H.G. Wells, who would later teach Huxley’s two grandsons, Julian and Aldous. Both Julian and Aldous were Freemasons (Daniel, 147). Given this continuity of Freemasonic tutelage within the Huxley family, it is a definite possibility that the Huxlian concept of a ‘scientific dictatorship’ is really Masonic. Considering Freemason H.G. Wells’ endorsement of a ‘scientific dictatorship,’ which he called a ‘Technocracy,’ this is highly likely.

The rest is history. With the publicity campaigns of the Royal Society and the avid defense of evolution apologist T.H. Huxley, Darwin’s theory would be disseminated and popularized. The seed had taken root and, in the years to come, numerous permutations of the elite’s ‘scientific dictatorship’ would emerge.

 Science Fiction: A Means of Predictive Programming

Aldous Huxley first presented the ‘scientific dictatorship’ to the public imagination in his book Brave New World. In Dope, Inc., associates of political dissident Lyndon LaRouche claim that Huxley’s book was actually a ‘mass appeal’ organizing document written ‘on behalf of one-world order’ (Dope, Inc., 538). The book also claims the United States is the only place where Huxley’s ‘science fiction classic’ is taught as an allegorical condemnation of fascism. If this is true, then the ‘scientific dictatorship’ presented within the pages of his 1932 novel Brave New World is a thinly disguised roman a’ clef – a novel that thinly veils real people or events – awaiting tangible enactment.

Such is often the case with ‘science fiction’ literature. According to researcher Michael Hoffman, this literary genre is instrumental in the indoctrination of the masses into the doctrines of the elite:

    “Traditionally, ‘science fiction’ has appeared to most people as an adolescent genre, the province of time-wasting fantasies. This has been the great strength of this genre as a vehicle for the inculcation of the ideology favored by the Cryptocracy. As J.H. Towsen points out in Clowns, only when people think they are not buying something can the real sales pitch begin. While it is true that with the success of NASA’s Gemini space program and the Apollo moon flights more serious attention and respectability was accorded ‘science fiction,’ nonetheless in its formative seeding time, from the late 19th century through the 1950s, the predictive program known as ‘science fiction’ had the advantage of being derided as the solitary vice of misfit juveniles and marginal adults.” (Hoffman, 205)

Thus, ‘science fiction’ is a means of conditioning the masses to accept future visions that the elite wish to tangibly enact. [Ed. Note: SF also widely uses Darwinian notions and language to project a fantastic future. This is another area of potential research.] This process of gradual and subtle inculcation is dubbed ‘predictive programming.’ Hoffman elaborates: ‘Predictive programming works by means of the propagation of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to look in the future’ (Hoffman, 205). Memes are instilled through the circulation of ‘mass appeal’ documents under the guise of ‘science fiction’ literature. Once subsumed on a cognitive level, these memes become self-fulfilling prophecies, embraced by the masses and outwardly approximated through the efforts of the elite.

If the concept of ‘predictive programming’ seems fantastic, consider the case of H.G. Wells. Wells was mentored by T.H. Huxley, grandfather of Aldous. In turn, Wells would tutor Aldous and his brother, Julian. All of these men were members of the Freemasonic Lodge (the significance of which will be revealed shortly). Wells would author several ‘mass appeal’ tracts disguised as science fiction novels. Most notable of these novels was The Shape of Things to Come. Researcher Jim Keith offered the following assessment of Wells’ The Shape of Things to Come:

    “Interestingly, deceptively, the book is presented as a work of science fiction, but within its pages is Wells’ best guess of how the New World Order would come to pass, from a 1930s perspective.”

While primarily a work of propaganda that pushes the one-world worldview of Wells and other internationalists during the first half of this century, the book is particularly revealing in that it also exposes many of the strategies that are to be employed (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 13).

Of course, not all of Wells’ prophecies were 100% accurate. In his examination of The Shape of Things to Come, Keith concluded that:

    “Wells was no prophet as regards to his timeline, only a science fiction writer privy to the plans of men with an interest in promoting the coming of the dictatorial world-state. His crystal ball is somewhat cloudy on certain details.”
    – Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16

However, Wells’ novel did exhibit a strange degree of precision. Jim Keith enumerated the various instances of uncanny accuracy in Wells’ The Shape of Things to Come. Among one of the synchronicities Keith found in the text was Wells’ description of the elite’s primary apparatus for the amalgamation of the world’s economic systems:

    “Not surprisingly Wells places the City of London – the international center of banking culture – and its financial credit as responsible for knitting together world economic life over the previous hundred years. With these innovations in communications and finance, but also with the frustrations and wars inherent (so he says) in the existence of independent national states and sovereignties, came about the gradual dawning of the idea of the World-state.”
    – Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 14

Another instance of uncanny accuracy was Wells’ prognostications concerning a second global war and a proliferation of infectious diseases:

    “Wells has World War II beginning in 1940 in Poland, over an imagined slight taken by a Nazi over the actions of a Pole of Jewish origin. He characterizes World War II as it was, as an orgy of violence, and has the fighting end in 1949 – staying remarkably close to the actual dates of the conflict – only to be followed by another scourge, that of rampant disease, ‘The Raid of the Germs.’”

Given the present-day climate of AIDS, Ebola, Mad Cow disease, and other resistant viral strains – and the persistent rumors of the military engineering of those same diseases – perhaps Wells’ dating in this particular should have been moved forward a few years (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16).

One of the most elucidating revelations found in The Shape of Things to Come was the group that Wells claimed would be central to the formation of a one-world government:

    “Wells places responsibility for the creation of the New World Order in the lap of scientists of the future
    [emphasis added], the group he dubs the ‘Technocracy’.”
    – Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16

Wielding ‘ostensible control over the knowable,’ the scientists of this ‘Technocracy’ would implement a Fabian strategy of ‘gradual ideological assimilation’ (Keith, World Control, Mind Control, 16-17). Incrementally, this network of scientists would engineer the amalgamation of nation-states into a global government. Again, the Huxlian theme of a ‘scientific dictatorship’ emerges. This is the future that the masses have been conditioned to accept through predictive programming.

The Sirius Connection

In Morals and Dogma, 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike bestows special honor upon Sirius, a heavenly body that ‘still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star’ (Pike, 486). Indeed, Sirius represents a foundational axiom of the Masonic Craft. Pike explains that the star is: ”an emblem of the Divine Truth, given by God to the first men, and preserved amid all the vicissitudes of ages in the traditions and teachings of Masonry’ (Pike, 136). As Pike continues, he reveals that Sirius has also held numerous other appellations: ‘The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represent Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls’ (Pike, 506).

Whatever its name, the star represents an entity of great esoteric significance to Freemasonry:

    “In the old Lectures they said: ‘The Blazing Star or Glory in the centre refers us to that Grand Luminary the Sun, which enlightens the Earth, and by its genial influence dispenses blessings to mankind’.” (Pike, 506)

A little later, Pike reiterates: ”the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun’ (Pike, 506). Recall that, before the external characteristics of the oligarchs’ control apparatus were cosmetically altered to present a ‘scientific dictatorship,’ the elite ruled through institutionalized Sun worship (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79). Within these statements, Pike provides a brief glimpse of the god of Freemasonry. Although the topographical features of its theocracy have changed, the deity has remained the same and his identity is associated with the star called Sirius.

According to Pike, Sirius was responsible for imparting numerous innovations to mankind:

    “He was Sirius or the Dog-Star, the friend and counselor of Osiris, and the inventor of language, grammar, astronomy, surveying, arithmetic, music, and medical science; the first maker of laws; and who taught the worship of the Gods, and the building of temples.” (Pike, 376)

It is interesting to note that, among his various contributions, this Freemasonic deity was responsible for the introduction of several forms of science. Does Sirius also represent the Lodge’s ‘ostensible control over the knowable?’ Is the Dog-Star a symbol of the elite’s ‘scientific dictatorship?’ Michael Hoffman further elaborates on the identity of Sirius:

    “The mythical Satanic bringer of civilization to earth was supposed to be an alien from the star system Sirius, around whom the Egyptians and all subsequent Hermetic systems constructed their elaborate and obsessive religio-astronomic observances. This star Sirius also served as an astronomic secret code, an allegory of the illusory quality and inherent ‘trickiness’ of the material world.” (Hoffman, 26-27)

This Freemasonic mythology of extraterrestrial intervention in human evolution may be poised for a return. Given the impossibility of spontaneous generation, Darwinism has faced a major obstacle to its unquestioned primacy. Recognizing this obstacle, scientific materialist Francis Crick presented a theory bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Sirius myth. According to Crick, technologically advanced extraterrestrials ‘seeded’ the earth with life billions of years ago. Whether Crick was privy to the occult doctrines of the elite or was simply following the natural course of Darwinism’s memetic metastasis, one thing is certain, he and other proponents of similar ‘extraterrestrial intervention’ theories are paving the way for the re-introduction of Freemasonic mysticism to mainstream science.

There is a distinct possibility that the agentur of the elite are already in the process of facilitating the re-introduction of this myth. With the voracity of Darwinism in question, the effectiveness of this meme has been declining and, with it, the influence of the ruling class. Of course, this is something that the elite cannot allow to happen. Consider the following account of Linda Moulton Howe. During a meeting with Richard Doty, an intelligence officer with the United States military, Howe was presented with a briefing paper regarding alien visitation. In its body, Howe read an interesting claim regarding the crumbling theory of Darwinism: ‘It stated that all questions and mysteries about the evolution of Homo sapiens on this planet had been answered and that project was closed’ (Howe, 151).

How convenient! By what means did these extraterrestrials facilitate the evolutionary process? Reiterating the basic contentions of Crick, the paper stated that:

    “’these ETs have come at various intervals in the earth’s history to manipulate DNA in already existing terrestrial primates and perhaps in other life forms as well. To the best of my memory, the time intervals for this DNA manipulation specifically listed in the briefing paper were 25,000, 15,000, 5,000, and 2,500 years ago.” (Howe, 151)

Faced with the impossibility of spontaneous generation and the inexorable collapse of Darwinism, the elite could now be invoking an ‘extraterrestrial intervention’ myth cribbed from their own doctrines. Given Richard Doty’s military intelligence connections, this remains a very real possibility. The Freemasonic doctrine of Sirius has circulated within military intelligence groups for quite some time. According to researcher James Shelby Downard, there exists a cult of Sirius adherents at the highest levels of the CIA (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49). Researcher Jim Keith elaborates:

    “He cites as one of their ritual locations the telescope viewing room of the Palomar Observatory in California. There, he says, the adepts of the Sirius-military intelligence cult enact rituals in the telescopically-focused light of the Dog Star, in imitation of the Egyptian priesthood, astral rays bathing the viewing chamber and the participants when the telescope is aimed Sirius-ward.”
    – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49

Keith proceeds to cite the case of military intelligence officer Michael Aquino:

    “Utter madness? Tell that to Colonel Michael Aquino of U.S. military intelligence, the admitted head of the satanic Temple of Set, a deity [Set] identified in occultism with Sirius. Aquino makes no bones about the fact that he is the head of his offshoot of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from military circles. Again, we see the strange conjunction of Sirius, occultism, and military intelligence.”
    – Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49

Those who comprise this ‘strange conjunction’ could also be responsible for the perpetration of a disinformation campaign, derivative of Masonic doctrine and designed to maintain the waning dominance of Darwinism.

Darwinism Dismantled

Providing a complete and comprehensive delineation of the various concepts constituting Darwinism is a daunting task. The theory itself is a dense amalgam of ‘isms,’ thinly veiled occult concepts, philosophical doctrines, and ideologies. Again, Tennenbaum’s statement that Darwinism ‘is based on absurdly irrational propositions, which did not come from scientific observations, but were artificially introduced from the outside, for political-ideological reasons’ seems succinct and accurate. Yet, with what outside sources do these ‘absurdly irrational propositions’ find their proximate origins?

One of the major influences on Darwin was Thomas Malthus, an Anglican clergyman who had received the blessings of French deist Jean-Jacques Rousseau and radical empiricist David Hume (Keynes, 99). Malthus authored Essay on the Principle of Population, a treatise premised upon the thesis: ‘Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetic ratio’ (Malthus, 6). Although Malthus articulated his observations in succinct mathematical equations, the labyrinthine and complex machinations comprising the natural order typically defy such overly simplistic reductionism. Nonetheless, Malthus concluded that society should adopt certain social policies to prevent the human population from growing disproportionately larger than the food supply.

Malthus’ genocidal policies specifically targeted the poor. For instance, one of his proposals suggested the implementation of the following measures:

    “Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.” (Malthus, 412)

Through the promotion of hygienically unsound practices amongst impoverished populations, Malthus believed that the ‘undesirable elements’ of the human herd could be naturally culled by various maladies. The spread of disease could be further assisted through discriminative vaccination and zoning programs. Yet, amongst one of Malthus’ most shocking proposals was his suggestion concerning children:

    “We are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor to support. To this end, I should propose a regulation be made declaring that no child born’ should ever be entitled to parish assistance’ The [illegitimate] infant is comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its place’ All children beyond what would be required to keep up the population to this [desired] level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths of grown persons.” (Malthus, 411, 430-1)

The dictum underpinning Malthus’ logic would later be reiterated as ‘survival of the fittest.’ According to researcher Ian Taylor, the metastasis of this dictum ‘can be traced from Condorcet to Malthus, to Spencer, to Wallace, and to Darwin’ (Taylor, 65).

Another one of the many constituent worldviews comprising Darwinism is Hegelianism. According to philosopher Georg Hegel, a pantheistic world spirit was directing ‘an ongoing developmental (evolutionary) process in nature, including humanity,’ which bodied itself forth as a ‘dialectical struggle between positive and negative entities.’ This conflict always resulted in a ‘harmonious synthesis’ (Taylor, 381-2). The same dialectical framework is present in Darwinism.

In Circle of Intrigue, occult researcher Texe Marrs reveals the Hegelian structure intrinsic to Darwinian evolution. The organism (thesis) comes into conflict with nature (antithesis) resulting in a newly enhanced species (synthesis), the culmination of the evolutionary process (Marrs, Circle of Intrigue, 127). Of course, in such a world of ongoing conflict, violence and bloodshed are central to progress. Thus, Darwin’s theory ‘gave credence to the Hegelian notion that human culture had ascended from brutal beginnings’ (Taylor, 386).

Yet, Darwinism’s roots go deeper than Hegelianism, returning to an esoteric source that has been there since the beginning. Hegel’s ideas did not originate with himself, but Fichte (Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment, 34). Who was Fichte? Antony Sutton reveals that he was a ‘Freemason, almost certainly Illuminati, and certainly promoted by the Illuminati’ (Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment, 34). In fact, Hegel’s dialectical logic reiterates the Masonic dictum :Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of chaos). Again, it seems that the bedrock upon which Darwinism rests is Freemasonry, a channel for elitist interests.

The French Revolution: An Abortive Scientific Dictatorship

According to academia’s officially sanctioned historians, the French Revolution was little more than a rebellion of the commoner against a corrupt aristocracy and religious institution. However, in Essays on the French Revolution, Lord Acton made an interesting observation:

    “The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.” (Reed, 136)

Who were the ‘studiously concealed and masked managers’ that orchestrated the French Revolution? In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike revealed that it was Freemasonry that ‘aided in bringing about the French Revolution’ (Pike, 24). Indeed, the French Revolution represented the first full-scale attempt to tangibly enact the Masonic vision of a ‘scientific dictatorship.’

The Lunar Society, which was the precursor to the Freemasonic Royal Society, was intimately connected to the revolutionary movement in France. Freemason Benjamin Franklin acted as the ‘shuttle diplomat between the French and English Utopian idealists.’ The son of James Watt was accused of being a French agent by Edmund Burke in the British House of Commons. Joseph Priestley had pledged his wholehearted support to the revolutionary French National Assembly. Fellow Lunar Society member James Keir hosted a dinner to commemorate the fall of the Bastille. Most notably, Freemason and Lunar Society founder Erasmus Darwin actively supported the Jacobins (Taylor, 56).

Who were the Jacobins? William Hoar reveals that they were ‘agents of the Bavarian-bred Illuminati who operated out of the Club Breton” (p. 2).

The French Revolution exhibited all of the hallmarks of a ‘scientific dictatorship’:

    A humanistic philosophy emphasizing man’s evolutionary ascent towards apotheosis: After the Legislative Assembly rejected God as the object of man’s worship and praise, the National Convention paraded a woman representing Athena from the convention hall to the chapel of Notre Dame. There, the Goddess of Reason took her place on the high altar (Scott, 306). In a Masonic context, this ritualistic enthronement of human reason represented the unification of man’s consciousness with the Omniscient, which is the ultimate end of evolution (Wilmhurst, 94). In other words, human reason became the ultimate source of moral precepts and man became God.

    A Malthusian depopulation campaign: Under the direction of Illuminist Robespierre, the new revolutionary government began carrying out a massive depopulation campaign that became known as the Terror. While Robespierre’s goal of eliminating 15 million ‘useless eaters’ was never realized, the Terror was successful in claiming the lives of some 300,000 Frenchmen, 297,000 of which were members of the lower and middle working classes. It should come as little surprise that Thomas Malthus was educated under the combined tutelage of two supporters of the French Revolution: Gilbert Wakefield and Lunar Society member Joseph Priestley (Taylor, 59).

    A Hegelian framework: Recall the Hegelian structure intrinsic to evolution (Marrs, 127). In hopes of accelerating France’s evolution towards a ‘scientific dictatorship,’ the architects of the revolution promulgated a classic Hegelian dialectic: the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. The synthesis of these two polar extremes resulted in the subversion of individualism and the maintenance of class stratification.

Of course, the rest is history. The revolution swiftly degenerated into a bloodbath and many of the conspirators were slaughtered by the very mobs they had created. Yet, the esoteric symbol of this abortive ‘scientific dictatorship’ remains. Long after she was enthroned in the cathedral of Notre Dame, Athena was transplanted upon new shores. Occult researcher Texe Marrs explains in Dark Majesty:

    Today, statues of this Illuminist Goddess of Reason are found throughout the U.S.A.; one stands astride the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Another is atop the dome of the Capitol building in Austin, Texas. Her statue has been erected in town squares and city parks. But the most fantastic idol of the Goddess of Reason, the most majestic statue of the pagan lady who bears the torch of light, who illuminates, uplifts, and frees mankind, is found in New York’s harbor.

    Towering above the shimmering but polluted waters, she holds in her outreached arm and hand a torch of fire and light. A gift of the Masonic Order, the modern inheritors of the Illuminati heritage, the Statue of Liberty was sculptured by Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris, France. The statue is an esoteric idol of great significance to the secret societies plotting the New World Order.

Did the French Revolution truly end or did it simply change venues? Has America been designated the new headquarters of the elite’s next ‘scientific dictatorship?’ One thing is certain, although she is no longer worshipped in the cathedral of Notre Dame, the Goddess of Reason has never relinquished her crown.

The Rise of the Modern Scientific Dictatorship

Darwinism shares the Hegelian framework with two other belief systems. In The Secret Cult of the Order, Antony Sutton states: ‘Both Marx and Hitler have their philosophical roots in Hegel’ (Sutton, 118). It is here that one arrives at the Hegelian nexus where Darwin, Marx, and Hitler intersect. Recall that Nietzsche-ism, Darwinism and Marxism were all mentioned together in the Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion. This was no accident. Nazism (a variant of fascism) sprung from Nietzsche-ism (Carr, XIV). Communism sprung from Marxism. Both were based upon Hegelian principles. Moreover, both were ‘scientific dictatorships’ legitimized by the ‘science’ of Darwinism. Ian Taylor elaborates:

    “However, Fascism or Marxism, right wing or left – all these are only ideological roads that lead to Aldous Huxley’s brave new world [i.e. scientific dictatorship], while the foundation for each of these roads is Darwin’s theory of evolution. Fascism is aligned with biological determinism and tends to emphasize the unequal struggle by which those inherently fittest shall rule. Marxism stresses social progress by stages of revolution, while at the same time it paradoxically emphasizes peace and equality. There should be no illusions; Hitler borrowed from Marx. The result is that both Fascism and Marxism finish at the same destiny – totalitarian rule by the elite.” (Taylor, 411)

The interest of both Hitler and Marx in Darwinian evolution is a matter of history. While he was living in London, Karl Marx attended lectures on evolutionary theory delivered by T.H. Huxley. Recognizing the odd synchronicity between the communist concept of class war and the Darwinian principle of natural selection, Marx sent Darwin a copy of Das Kapital in 1873. Enamored of evolution, Marx asked Darwin the permission to dedicate his next volume to him six year later. Troubled by the fact that it would upset certain members of his family to have the name of Darwin associated with an atheistic polemic, Charles politely declined the offer (Taylor, 381).

Numerous authors have established firm connections between Darwinism and Hitler’s Nazism. Darwinian Arthur Keith documented the strong links between Hitler’s racialist goals and the doctrine of evolution (Taylor, 409). In fact, in Evolution and Ethics, Keith candidly stated: ‘The German Fuhrer as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution’ (Keith, Evolution and Ethics, 230).

In an analysis of Mein Kampf, contemporary author Werner Maser reveals that Darwin was the crucible for Hitler’s ‘notions of biology, worship, force, and struggle, and of his rejection of moral causality in history.’ Finally, researcher Alfred Kelly provides a comprehensive history of Darwinism’s popularization in Germany (Taylor, 409).

Returning to the Hegelian nexus that binds Darwinism, Marxism, and Nazism, both the fascist and communist ‘scientific dictatorships’ represented tangible enactments of the dialectical framework resident in evolutionary theory. Marx was greatly influenced by Hegel (Taylor, 381). The concept of class struggle, which paralleled Darwinian natural selection, resulted from Marx’s redirection of the Hegelian dialectic towards the socioeconomic realm. The proletariat (thesis) comes into conflict with the bourgeois (antithesis), resulting in a classless Utopia (synthesis). Marx, however, rejected the concept of a world spirit and relocated the revolution’s causal source within the proletariat itself.

The same Hegelian framework was resident within Hitler’s genocidal Final Solution. The German people (thesis) came into conflict with the Jew (antithesis) in hopes of creating the Aryan (synthesis). In both the case of communism and Nazism, the results were enormous bloodbaths. This is the natural consequence of Darwinian thinking and the legacy of the ‘scientific dictatorship.’

In applying the ideas of Darwin, both communists and fascists have murdered millions. Both of these groups find their origins in the elite (the Illuminati), who are still pursuing the same objectives today. According to the Darwinian mantra of ‘survival of the fittest,’ victory will demand bloodshed. Humanity may stand to inherit the ‘scientific dictatorship’s’ bloody legacy in the very near future.

Eugenics and the Coming Global Scientific Dictatorship

Integral to Aldous’ Brave New World is the practice of eugenics, which is closely aligned with Darwinism. Eugenics finds its origins with Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis Galton. Galton first introduced the concept of eugenics in Hereditary Genius, a racist polemic advocating a system of selective breeding for the purposes of providing ‘more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing over the less suitable’ (Galton, 24). In truth, Galton was not the originator of this concept. Sordid traditions of selective breeding and inbreeding had long been practiced by the ruling class to maintain the ‘genetic purity’ of their future stock. Galton merely assigned this tradition the appellation of ‘eugenics’ and popularized it as a legitimate science.

In fact, this very same tradition was practiced by Darwin himself. In hopes of maintaining the ‘genetic superiority’ of his bloodline, Darwin married the youngest granddaughter of his maternal father. Researcher Ian Taylor reveals the results of this inbreeding project:

    “Darwin’s idea of inbreeding to produce superior stock can be seen to be a complete disaster in the case of his own ten children. Of the ten, one girl, Mary, died shortly after birth; another girl, Anne, died at the age of ten years; his eldest daughter, Henrietta, had a serious and prolonged breakdown at fifteen in 1859. Three of his six sons suffered such frequent illness that Darwin regarded them as semi-invalids while his last son, Charles Jr., was born mentally retarded and died in 1858, nineteen months after birth.” (Taylor, 127)

Yet, in spite of eugenics’ historical failure, the concept was vigorously promulgated within the scientific community. In 1901, the statistics department of London’s University College became the headquarters for the Eugenics Education Society. Motivated by Galton’s vision of a future utopia ruled by a genetically engineered elite, the Eugenics Society would grow into a successful political movement. Aldous Huxley’s eugenically regimented ‘scientific dictatorship’ presented in Brave New World was drawing closer to realization. Given his role in the tangible approximation of Aldous’ roman a’ clef, it is appropriate that one of the many accolades the scientific community bestowed upon Galton was the Huxley medal (Taylor, 405).

However, the agenda of eugenical regimentation required an international machination by which it could be promulgated globally. That international machination was the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous, was the first director general of UNESCO and penned the organization’s manifesto in 1947. Entitled UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, this document presents the following mission statement:

    “Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” (Huxley, UNESCO)

As the unthinkable becomes thinkable, the fictional becomes factual and Brave New World becomes a reality. In 1977, author Claire Chambers clearly delineated the UN’s role as a global scientific dictatorship:

    “ Since its inception, the U.N. has advanced a world-wide program of population control, scientific human breeding [i.e., eugenics], and Darwinism.” (Chambers, 3)

In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley prognosticated: “the twenty-first century’ will be the era of World Controllers” (Huxley, 25). Aldous Huxley’s ‘scientific dictatorship’ may not be confined to the pages of classic literature for much longer.