*The Great Reset* read more
*Walmart Closing Locations Globally* [image: Closed Walmart Store] *Walmart announced it is closing 154 U.S. stores, according to a company press release, including the company’s 102 Walmart Express stores, the smallest format stores. It is part of a global downsizing that will shutter 269 stores around the world out of Walmart's nearly 11,600 stores. The smaller-format store format had been tested since 2011.In addition to all the Express stores, 23 Neighborhood Markets, 12 Supercenters, seven stores in Puerto Rico, six discount centers and four Sam’s Clubs will be close... read more
*The Tower Of Babel* *[image: The Tower Of Babel]* * (Gen. 11:1-9) Symbolizes the common effort of mankind to build a common political society. The Louise Weiss EU Parliamentary Building in Strassbourg that opened in December 2000 [image: Tower Of Babel]is said to have Pieter Brueghel's (Tower Of Babel) painting for its model. Also, on this promotional poster used by the EU there's a reproduction of The Tower of Babel with construction cranes above it and the caption 'Many tongues, one voice.' The myriad number of groups, governments, societies and interest groups who are working ... read more
*The Illuminati* read more
*America's Shopping Malls Are Dying A Slow Death* read more
*NSA Creating Spy System To Monitor Domestic Infrastructure* *The National Security Agency has begun work on an "expansive" spy system that will monitor critical infrastructure inside the United States for cyber-attacks, in a move that detractors say could end up violating privacy rights and expanding the NSA's domestic spying abilities.The Wall Street Journal cites unnamed sources as saying that the NSA has issued a $100-million contract to defense contractor Raytheon to build a system dubbed "Perfect Citizen," which will involve placing "sensors" at critical points in the comput... read more
* Global Control Through RFID Chips Or With Biometrics Biometric Hand/Vein Recognition An Inserted RFID Tracking Chip There is a possible global economic crises coming that will lead to a financial "melt down" that the elite could use in order to establish a Global Financial Economic System. This would give centralized power to the United Nation’s International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, creating a type of "Global Federal Reserve System". This is setting the stage for a cashless electronic currency with the use of a high tech surveillance RFID (Radio Frequency Ide... read more
* Electronic surveillance: it's everywhere and it's growing* *"Eye-in-the-sky" surveillance dome camera mounted on top of a tall steel pole.* * Has the demand for and use of electronic surveillance increased? The rapid changes in telecommunications technology has been accompanied by a growth in the potential intrusiveness of electronic surveillance and a steady increase in government surveillance activity. Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior of people, objects or processes within systems for conformity to expected or desired norms. Although the word surveillance literally m... read more
* America's Shopping Malls Are Dying A Slow Death* *[image: Closed Mall]The Canton Centre Mall in Canton, Ohio is boarded up and vacant* *All across America, once-vibrant shopping malls are being boarded up.* *Traffic-driving anchors like Sears and JCPenney are shutting down stores, and mall owners are having a hard time finding retailers large enough to replace them. With a fresh wave of closures on the horizon, the problem is set to accelerate, according to retail and real estate analysts.* [image: Closed Macy's] *About 15% of U.S. malls will fail or be converted into non-retai... read more
* Walmart Closing Locations Globally* [image: Closed Walmart Store] *Walmart announced it is closing 154 U.S. stores, according to a company press release, including the company’s 102 Walmart Express stores, the smallest format stores. It is part of a global downsizing that will shutter 269 stores around the world out of Walmart's nearly 11,600 stores. The smaller-format store format had been tested since 2011.In addition to all the Express stores, 23 Neighborhood Markets, 12 Supercenters, seven stores in Puerto Rico, six discount centers and four Sam’s Clubs will be clos... read more
Vaccination Cards Will Be Issued To Everyone Getting Covid-19 Vaccine, Health Officials Say
*Here's what you need to know about getting the Covid-19 vaccine* *The Department of Defense released the first images of a Covid-19 vaccination record card and vaccination kits Wednesday.* *Vaccination cards will be used as the "simplest" way to keep track of Covid-19 shots, said Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.* *A Department of Health and Human Services employee holds a Covid-19 vaccine record card November 13 in Washington, DC. * *"Everyone will be issu... read more
Now Is The Time For A 'Great Reset'
* By: Klaus Schwab* *There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it... read more
Quantum Dot Digital Tattoo Implant To Track COVID-19 Vaccine Compliance
*Microsoft founder Bill Gates announced on March 18, 2020 during a “Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session” that he is working on a new, invisible “quantum dot tattoo” implant that will track who has been tested for COVID-19 and who has been vaccinated against it.According to BioHackInfo.Com: “The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. After the microneedles dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum ... read more
The Illuminati
*The Illuminati is a name that nowadays is used to talk of several groups characterized by secrecy, all groups working together, having one single goal, because they all share the same god. Historically however, it refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, founded on May 1 of 1776, a secret society of people who believed to be enlighten, by this same so called “god” who in the Bible is called Lucifer, who gave them knowledge hidden from the masses which they all use for the ultimate goal of global domination through a New World Order under Lucifer as god. Their first and main... read more
A Look At The 'Fascist' Agenda Behind The 'Great Reset'
*Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) managing director called for a “new Bretton Woods moment.” Meanwhile, the IMF is not the only entity pushing for a “great reset,” as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other mainstream entities have been promoting the financial reboot propaganda.The Status Quo Preps for the ‘Great Reset’ Via Intense PropagandaIn 2020 the world moved in lockstep in order to avoid the coronavirus outbreak. The government’s reaction to Covid-19 created a different world and the global economy has seen better days. The last report concerning the IMF’... read more
Australia & New Zealand: Test Ground for Techno-Fascism
*Mid-20th century fascism was woefully limited in its capacities and reach. The new technocratic-fascism, however, arrives at the new golden dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ready to extract the population for all the bio-capital information it can.It is imperative that people learn to tenaciously fight to defend fundamental freedoms like speech and religion, association, privacy, self-defence and refusal of medical treatment.Particularly in Australia and New Zealand, where the extents of this new technological tyranny are being displayed as a message to the rest of ... read more
After Covid-19, Will We Be Living In A big Brother World?
*Technologists have been warning us for years — long before the outbreak late last December of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) — about the sophisticated surveillance technology increasingly applied to our everyday lives, as businesses watch our every move, predict our behaviour, and sell us the products and services we rely upon. While this “surveillance capitalism” has already raised the ire and concern of privacy and civil liberty advocates, the global pandemic is ushering in a far more ominous trend in sacrificing personal privacy, in the name of allow... read more
A New World Order For The Few Left Behind
*End of the World structure* *The brilliant blue sky was interspersed with voluminous fluffy white clouds floating lazily above the monument. The stillness was broken only by the faint sound of a lawnmower in the far distance. The 90-degree temperature sounds hot, but a slight breeze kept it quite comfortable. Alone with nature on an elevated 5-acre knoll to view a very intriguing structure in northeastern rural Georgia. There stands a granite monument with chiseled instructions for those left behind if our present world is destroyed. A macabre thought indeed! * *The “Georgia Guid... read more
* The Tower Of Babel* *[image: The Tower Of Babel]* * (Gen. 11:1-9) Symbolizes the common effort of mankind to build a common political society. The Louise Weiss EU Parliamentary Building in Strassbourg that opened in December 2000 [image: Tower Of Babel]is said to have Pieter Brueghel's (Tower Of Babel) painting for its model. Also, on this promotional poster used by the EU there's a reproduction of The Tower of Babel with construction cranes above it and the caption 'Many tongues, one voice.' The myriad number of groups, governments, societies and interest groups who are workin... read more
* Panoptic Surveillance See-Thru 3D System* *A Panoptic Video Surveillance See-Thru 3D System could be loosely described as a formalised, scalable implementation of X-ray vision. The system enables one or more surveillance agents, using a single high resolution, auto-stereoscopic display, to remotely monitor the security situation of an arbitrarily large number of locations at-a-glance.The system would allow a single agent to monitor thousands of places at the same time without overwhelming them with the massive amount of information being processed and displayed. It enab... read more
Blogger Buzz2 years ago
A better Blogger experience on the web
Since 1999, millions of people have expressed themselves on Blogger. From detailed posts about almost every apple variety you could ever imagine to a blog dedicated to the art of blogging itself, the ability to easily share, publish and express oneself on the web is at the core of Blogger’s mission. As the web constantly evolves, we want to ensure anyone using Blogger has an easy and intuitive experience publishing their content to the web. That’s why we’ve been slowly introducing an improved web experience for Blogger. Give the fresh interface a spin by clicking “Try the New Blog... read more
Mp3 Conspiracy Files
*The Rothschilds* Your browser does not support the audio element. *9/11 - The Pentagon* Your browser does not support the audio element. *JFK Assassination Part 1* Your browser does not support the audio element. *JFK Assassination Part 2* Your browser does not support the audio element. *Occult Symbolism - Freeman - Part 1* Your browser does not support the audio element. *Occult Symbolism - Freeman - Part 2* Your browser does not support the audio element. *Indianapolis Gateway to Hell - Part 1* Your browser does not support the audio element. *Indianapolis Gateway to Hell - Pa... read more
Blogger Buzz3 years ago
An update on Google+ and Blogger
Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019. *Google+ widgets:* Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs. *+1 buttons:* The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed. Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update ... read more
* NSA Creating Spy System To Monitor Domestic Infrastructure* *The National Security Agency has begun work on an "expansive" spy system that will monitor critical infrastructure inside the United States for cyber-attacks, in a move that detractors say could end up violating privacy rights and expanding the NSA's domestic spying abilities.The Wall Street Journal cites unnamed sources as saying that the NSA has issued a $100-million contract to defense contractor Raytheon to build a system dubbed "Perfect Citizen," which will involve placing "sensors" at critical points in the compu... read more
*The Order Of The Illuminati* *[image: Reptilian Possessed and Hybrids]* *Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events. The Order of the Illuminati is often at the center of debates about the impact of secret societies on human history. Is the Illuminati a myth or does it truly secretly rule the world? This article attempts to shed some factual light on the Order of the Illuminati by reviewing some of the most important documents on the subject. The world “Illuminati” is thrown around rather freely to describe the elite group that is secretly running the wor... read more
* Electronic surveillance: it's everywhere and it's growing* *"Eye-in-the-sky" surveillance dome cameramounted on top of a tall steel pole.Has the demand for and use of electronic surveillance increased? The rapid changes in telecommunications technology has been accompanied by a growth in the potential intrusiveness of electronic surveillance and a steady increase in government surveillance activity. Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior of people, objects or processes within systems for conformity to expected or desired norms. Although the word surveillance literally means ... read more
* The Plan* *Whether you believe in a spiritual war or not, you still need Salvation. It is all that will save you when this life on earth is finished.* *Do you know beyond the shadow of a doubt where you would go if you died tonight? If not, please consider the following, we pray it’s a blessing to you. The Bible says there is only one way to HeavenJesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” (John 14:6)Good works cannot save you.“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselve... read more
Blogger Buzz4 years ago
It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger
To make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our users. Changes to existing features in Blogger *(rolling out over the next few months)*: - *Google+ Integrations:* Throughout the next few months, Blogger will transform Google+ widget integrations into HTML widgets to give you more flexibility in how you share and see your followers. - *OpenID:* Blogger previously allowed users to comment on blogs using an existing third party OpenID identity provider and has also acted as ... read more
Global Economic Collapse, What Would Happen And How To Prepare
*If an economic collapse occurs, it would happen quickly. No one would predict it. The surprise factor is, itself, one of the causes of a collapse. The signs of imminent failure are difficult for most people to see.Most recently, the U.S. economy almost collapsed on September 17, 2008. That's the day the Reserve Primary Fund broke the buck. Panicked investors withdrew a record $140 billion from money market accounts where businesses keep cash to fund day-to-day operations. If withdrawals had gone on for even a week, the entire economy would have halted. That meant trucks wo... read more
MIT Shows Off A Smart Tattoo That Can Turn Your Skin Into A Touchpad
*With DuoSkin, wearables are no longer just an accessory. They become part of your skin. * *The MIT Media Lab and Microsoft Research set out to create on-skin user interfaces using gold leaf, which is commonly found in craft stores, as a conductor. Piggybacking on the trend in body-art and metallic jewelry-like tattoos, the team decided to repurpose gold leaf because it is “robust to movements and skin deformations during motion…[and] both workable and aesthetic in appearance.” The smart tattoos, outlined in a paper that has been presented at the International Symposium on Wearab... read more
The World Is Accelerating Towards Digital IDs For All
*The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a new focus on a global ID system. But if we're unlucky, it could be an Orwellian nightmare.The coronavirus outbreak has accelerated initiatives focused on creating a global digital ID system.* *Governments and Big Tech are building surveillance apps to control the spread of COVID-19.* *But if the apps aren't built with privacy in mind they could be a dystopian disaster.* *The United Nations, World Economic Forum, and Big Tech have been working together to create global digital IDs since 2014, in an effort recognized by the World B... read more
Coronavirus Surveillance May Mean The End Of Personal Privacy
*Authorities around the world are launching increasingly intrusive mass surveillance systems to track COVID-19. But will they step back afterwards?Governments around the world are increasing surveillance.* *This surveillance will be used to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.* *But once over, will governments stop acting like Big Brother?* *Numerous governments around the world are beginning to roll out mass surveillance systems in an attempt to slow the pandemic.But privacy advocates are worried that when these measures have been introduced, there wil... read more
*The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that was set up by the winners of World War II to maintain global peace and security, foster friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and coordinate harmonic interactions between nations. The UN’s primary goal was to prevent future wars.Since its debut and in spite of its founders’ best intentions, the UN has become nothing short of a dictatorial body of New World Order totalitarian globalists. This elite consortium wants to micro-manage every human’s daily affair... read more
The "War On Terror" Is A Fraud
*[image: War On Terror Neocon's] The US is today, albeit temporarily, the world’s foremost power. It is a country whose people are blessed with wonderful qualities of the head and heart. They are honest, hardworking problem solvers, large-hearted and decent. The emergence of the US as a power with the greatest ever reaches in human history is the result of a past conscious and sustained effort on the part of Washington to make America a great power.Central to this nation-building process was the key emphasis on cultivating and creating knowledge... read more
Boston Bombing: Major Problems for Controlled Media
* [image: Boston Bombing]You’re a reporter for a TV news outlet. You’ve become aware of a disturbing trend. Thousands of private citizens are now analyzing video and photographs of crime scenes and posting their findings. They can’t be stopped. They’re looking at news footage, casual video, photos, and what they’re coming up with challenges the official story lines your network pushes. Some of their analysis is good. For example, video footage of the first bomb in Boston doesn’t appear to show any shrapnel dam... read more
The Goal Of The Illuminati Is A 'New World Order'
* [image: Illuminati Families]The perception is that our day-in day-out world is real. The truth is that this world is a hoax, an elaborate deception spun by an all-powerful Illuminati controlled secret society presided over by the global elite.There are certain methods of subjugation and control which are indispensable to these Illuminati' families or bloodlines. One is, of course, complete authority over all financial systems, especially borrowing and lending. With all banks under their direct supervision. At the highest ... read more
Was The San Bernardino Mass Shooting A False Flag Attack?
*[image: The San Bernardino Mass Shooting] Breaking News: The San Bernardino Mass Shooting just occurred hours ago in San Bernardino, California, around 11:00am local time on December 2nd, 2015. It’s important to question everything right from the start. The odds are that this is yet another false flag operation with the same old purposes of scaring the public, justifying martial law (school and hospital lockdowns) and pushing the gun control agenda. [image: The San Bernardino Mass Shooting Getaway Car]The getaway car! Note the damage to the front windows & the dr... read more
*[image: George Bush signing the Patriot Act] The Reichstag fire (an act similar to 9/11), burning of the Reichstag (parliament) building in Berlin, Germany, on the night of Feb. 27, 1933 allowed the Nazis to pass the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933. This conferred dictatorial powers on Adolf Hitler. (Notice the "protecting the homeland" banner... (Isn't it interesting that they chose part of the very phrase Hitler used.) Hitler, "An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our ... read more
'They Live'
* [image: Book Page From The Movie 'They Live']Subliminal Messages Throughout Advertising!'They Live' is a 1988 American science fiction horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Roddy Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster. It follows a nameless drifter (called "John Nada" in the credits), who discovers the ruling class are in fact concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed, and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media. Based on Ray Nelson’s short story Eight O’Clock in the Morning, the movie ... read more
A Police State
[image: A Police State] *A Police State is when the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population.It typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive. In the police state, rights are non existent and laws are selectively enforced.The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, whi... read more
Full Body Scanners
* (A TSA Agent working for Homeland Security views naked full-body images.) What are full-body scanners? Remember the X-ray specs of science fiction comics that would let people see through walls and clothing? Full-body scanners are a bit like them. The scanners take advantage of the fact that at certain wavelengths, TSA Scan Or Invasive Patdown? electromagnetic waves can pass through clothes but not through the skin, metal or substances such as drugs and explosives. If your eyes were sensitive to these wavelengths like the scanners, every person you meet would appear nak... read more
The Financial New World Order
* (Towards a Global Currency and World Government.) Following the 2009 G20 summit, plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.” SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights, are “a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.” As the Telegraph reported, “th... read more
UN report calls for new global reserve currency to replace US dollar
* UN Says New Currency Is Needed to Fix Broken ‘Confidence Game’. The dollar’s role in international trade should be reduced by establishing a new currency to protect emerging markets from the “confidence game” of financial speculation, the United Nations said.UN countries should agree on the creation of a global reserve bank to issue the currency and to monitor the national exchange rates of its members, the Geneva-based UN Conference on Trade and Development said today in a report.Read more » The New World Order(The Illuminati/Global Elite are the ones controlli... read more
The Government Can Use GPS to Track Your Moves
* Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway — and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.That is the bizarre — and scary — rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the gove... read more
The North American Union
*Thomas Donohue (president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) on June 16, 2006 remarked that "for CEOs, North America is already a single market, and business decisions are no longer made with a Mexico strategy---or a Canada strategy---but, rather, with a North American strategy....I think it's pretty clear now that it no longer makes sense to talk about U.S. competitiveness and Mexican competitiveness---or, for that matter, about the competitiveness of Canada. We are all in this together---we, as North Americans." The Late Great USA - Link (pdf File) Y... read more
*[image: Tasers] "Taser" is an acronym for "Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle," a reference to juvenile adventure book character Tom Swift. A taser is a weapon that shoots two dart-like electrodes at its victims, then sending electric shocks through wire intended to stun a victim into submission, rendering him helpless and able to be controlled without excessive force. When the Taser electroshock weapon was introduced into widespread use in the early 1990s, it was touted as a "non-lethal" alternative to firearms, to be used to subdue criminals in situations... read more
Walmart Closing Locations Globally
[image: Closed Walmart Store] *Walmart announced it is closing 154 U.S. stores, according to a company press release, including the company’s 102 Walmart Express stores, the smallest format stores. It is part of a global downsizing that will shutter 269 stores around the world out of Walmart's nearly 11,600 stores. The smaller-format store format had been tested since 2011.In addition to all the Express stores, 23 Neighborhood Markets, 12 Supercenters, seven stores in Puerto Rico, six discount centers and four Sam’s Clubs will be closed. About 16,000 associates will be af... read more
* Roman Fascist Symbol (left) US House of Representatives chamber, United States Capitol (on the left and right of the podium)[image: Close Up of a Roman Fascist Symbol in the US House of Representatives chamber, United States Capitol] Close Up This symbol of absolute rule is commonly known as a fasces, and helped inspired the name of those who espoused such totalitarian power, the Fascists. The word comes from fascio (plural: fasci), which may mean bundle, as in a political or militant group or a nation, but also from the fasces (rods bund... read more
Globalization And A One World Economy
* [image: Globalization] Corporate citizenship in the world economy. Transnational Corporations exert a great deal of power in the globalized world economy. Many corporations are richer and more powerful than the states that seek to regulate them. Through mergers and acquisitions corporations have been growing very rapidly and some of the largest TNCs now have annual profits exceeding the GDPs of many low and medium income countries. Welcome To The "New World Order"Revelation 13: 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mar... read more
* HAVING been taught by nuns in grade school and later going through military boot camp, I have always disliked uniformed authorities shouting at me. So I was unhappy last week when some security screeners at’Hare International Airport in Chicago started yelling.“Opt out! We got an opt out!” one bellowed about me in a tone that people in my desert neighborhood in Tucson usually reserve for declaring, “Rattlesnake!”Read more »* *Biometric TechnologyBefore long, we may use fingerprints, iris scans, and voice recognition to log onto computers, buy groceries -- ev... read more
George Orwell’s '1984',   Do We Have Any Worries?
*Big Brother's Party Leader On A TelescreenOrwell’s '1984' A place where the world has become a totalitarian state: with perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation. Under this despotic rule there's never ending clashes between the super-states, each having a quasi-communist one-party system in which individual rights are routinely ignored. Posters are displayed everywhere bearing the caption "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU". Are we voluntarily embracing some of the same things that 1984 depicts as being forced on a ... read more
Electronic surveillance: it's everywhere and it's growing
*Has the demand for and use of electronic surveillance increased? The rapid changes in telecommunications technology has been accompanied by a growth in the potential intrusiveness of electronic surveillance and a steady increase in government surveillance activity. Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior of people, objects or processes within systems for conformity to expected or desired norms. Although the word surveillance literally means "watching over" the term is often used for all forms of observation or monitoring, not just visual observation. Such as the art of watch... read more
The Plan
*Whether you believe in a spiritual war or not, you still need Salvation. It is all that will save you when this life on earth is finished. Do you know beyond the shadow of a doubt where you would go if you died tonight? If not, please consider the following, we pray it’s a blessing to you. The Bible says there is only one way to Heaven Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) Good works cannot save you. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:... read more
The Coming Antichrist
*Like Hitler the antichrist will "have a mouth that will speak very great things, and his look will be more imposing than his fellows." He will think to change times and laws and is referred to as "The King of fierce countenance" who shall "have an understanding of dark sentences." Daniel 7:20, 25; 8:23 Because of this man all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will be forced to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, so that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev ... read more
The headlines stated "Europe Is United Again", May 2004
* 10 nations in eastern Europe and Mediterranean join bloc. Europe stood proudly reunited yesterday almost six decades after it was split in two by the Cold War, as 10 nations in eastern Europe and the Mediterranean took their places in the European Union. The once-communist states of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia officially joined the EU family. Mediterranean islands Cyprus and Malta joined them as well, rounding out what is indisputably the world’s biggest single economic bloc, and a fledgling political force, with a... read more
The Goal Of The Illuminati Is A 'New World Order'
* [image: Illuminati Families]The perception is that our day-in day-out world is real. The truth is that this world is a hoax, an elaborate deception spun by an all-powerful Illuminati controlled secret society presided over by the global elite.There are certain methods of subjugation and control which are indispensable to these Illuminati' families or bloodlines. One is, of course, complete authority over all financial systems, especially borrowing and lending. With all banks under their direct supervision. At the hig... read more
The Financial New World Order
* Following the 2009 G20 summit, plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.” SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights, are “a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.” As the Telegraph reported, “the G20 leaders have activated the IMF's power to cre... read more
They Live
*[image: Book Page From The Movie 'They Live']* *'They Live' is a 1988 American science fiction horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Roddy Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster. It follows a nameless drifter (called "John Nada" in the credits), who discovers the ruling class are in fact concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed, and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media. Based on Ray Nelson’s short story Eight O’Clock in the Morning, the movie is one of those rare subversive stories that forces ... read more
The Tower Of Babel
[image: The Tower Of Babel] *(Gen. 11:1-9) Symbolizes the common effort of mankind to build a common political society. The Louise Weiss EU Parliamentary Building in Strassbourg that opened in December 2000 [image: Tower Of Babel] is said to have Pieter Brueghel's (Tower Of Babel) painting for its model. Also, on this promotional poster used by the EU there's a reproduction of The Tower of Babel with construction cranes above it and the caption 'Many tongues, one voice.' The myriad number of groups, governments, societies and interest groups who are working toward a New World O... read more
New Rfid Technology
*RFID tags are miniscule microchips, which already have shrunk to half the size of a grain of sand. They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting their unique ID code. Most RFID tags have no batteries: They use the power from the initial radio signal to transmit their response. You should become familiar with RFID technology because you'll be hearing much more about it soon. Retailers adore the concept. Wal-Mart and the U.K.-based grocery chain Tesco are starting to install "smart shelves" with networked RFID readers. In what will become the largest test of the te... read more
Rfid Technology
* RFID Label MPI Label Company | Alien chip | 96-bit RFID tag UPM RAFLATAC | ShortDipole (ETSI) 96-bit Gen2 UHFRFID tag UPM RAFLATAC | Frog DualDipole 96-bit Gen2 UHF RFID tag UPM RAFLATAC | MiniDipole 96-bit Gen2 UHF Implantable RFID chips RFID, Inc | used for animal trackingRadio-frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. An RFID tag is an object that can be attached to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of ident... read more
*[image: George Bush signing the Patriot Act] The Reichstag fire (an act similar to 9/11), burning of the Reichstag (parliament) building in Berlin, Germany, on the night of Feb. 27, 1933 allowed the Nazis to pass the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933. This conferred dictatorial powers on Adolf Hitler. (Notice the "protecting the homeland" banner... (Isn't it interesting that they chose part of the very phrase Hitler used.) Hitler, "An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect ou... read more
The Government Can Use GPS to Track Your Moves
* Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway — and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.That is the bizarre — and scary — rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the gov... read more
UN report calls for new global reserve currency to replace US dollar
* UN Says New Currency Is Needed to Fix Broken ‘Confidence Game’. The dollar’s role in international trade should be reduced by establishing a new currency to protect emerging markets from the “confidence game” of financial speculation, the United Nations said.UN countries should agree on the creation of a global reserve bank to issue the currency and to monitor the national exchange rates of its members, the Geneva-based UN Conference on Trade and Development said today in a report.Read more » The New World Order(The Illuminati/Global Elite are the ones control... read more
Full Body Scanners
* (A TSA Agent working for Homeland Security views naked full-body images.) What are full-body scanners? Remember the X-ray specs of science fiction comics that would let people see through walls and clothing? Full-body scanners are a bit like them. The scanners take advantage of the fact that at certain wavelengths, TSA Scan Or Invasive Patdown? electromagnetic waves can pass through clothes but not through the skin, metal or substances such as drugs and explosives. If your eyes were sensitive to these wavelengths like the scanners, every person you meet would appear n... read more
A Police State
[image: A Police State] *A Police State is when the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population.It typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive. In the police state, rights are non existent and laws are selectively enforced.The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, wh... read more
Boston Bombing: Major Problems for Controlled Media
* [image: Boston Bombing]You’re a reporter for a TV news outlet. You’ve become aware of a disturbing trend. Thousands of private citizens are now analyzing video and photographs of crime scenes and posting their findings. They can’t be stopped. They’re looking at news footage, casual video, photos, and what they’re coming up with challenges the official story lines your network pushes. Some of their analysis is good. For example, video footage of the first bomb in Boston doesn’t appear to show any shrapnel damage to th... read more
Was The San Bernardino Mass Shooting A False Flag Attack?
*[image: The San Bernardino Mass Shooting]* * Breaking News: The San Bernardino Mass Shooting just occurred hours ago in San Bernardino, California, around 11:00am local time on December 2nd, 2015. It’s important to question everything right from the start. The odds are that this is yet another false flag operation with the same old purposes of scaring the public, justifying martial law (school and hospital lockdowns) and pushing the gun control agenda. * *[image: The San Bernardino Mass Shooting Getaway Car]The getaway car! Note the damage to the front windows & the drivers si... read more
The "War On Terror" Is A Fraud
*[image: War On Terror Neocon's] The US is today, albeit temporarily, the world’s foremost power. It is a country whose people are blessed with wonderful qualities of the head and heart. They are honest, hardworking problem solvers, large-hearted and decent. The emergence of the US as a power with the greatest ever reaches in human history is the result of a past conscious and sustained effort on the part of Washington to make America a great power.Central to this nation-building process was the key emphasis on cultivating and creating knowle... read more
[image: Close Up of a Roman Fascist Symbol in the US House of Representatives chamber, United States Capitol] * This symbol of absolute rule is commonly known as a fasces, and helped inspired the name of those who espoused such totalitarian power, the Fascists.The word comes from fascio (plural: fasci), which may mean bundle, as in a political or militant group or a nation, but also from the fasces (rods bundled around an axe). One might say the fasces embodies the essence of fascism: The people are the sticks, tied to the state to form a stro... read more
George Orwell’s '1984',   Do We Have Any Worries?
*Orwell’s '1984' A place where the world has become a totalitarian state: with perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation. Under this despotic rule there's never ending clashes between the super-states, each having a quasi-communist one-party system in which individual rights are routinely ignored. Posters are displayed everywhere bearing the caption "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU". Are we voluntarily embracing some of the same things that 1984 depicts as being forced on a world still reeling after atomic warfa... read more
Opt Out of a Body Scan? Then Brace Yourself
* HAVING been taught by nuns in grade school and later going through military boot camp, I have always disliked uniformed authorities shouting at me. So I was unhappy last week when some security screeners at’Hare International Airport in Chicago started yelling.“Opt out! We got an opt out!” one bellowed about me in a tone that people in my desert neighborhood in Tucson usually reserve for declaring, “Rattlesnake!”Read more »* *Biometric TechnologyBefore long, we may use fingerprints, iris scans, and voice recognition to log onto computers, buy groceries -- e... read more
Globalization And A One World Economy
* [image: Globalization] Corporate citizenship in the world economy. Transnational Corporations exert a great deal of power in the globalized world economy. Many corporations are richer and more powerful than the states that seek to regulate them. Through mergers and acquisitions corporations have been growing very rapidly and some of the largest TNCs now have annual profits exceeding the GDPs of many low and medium income countries. Welcome To The "New World Order"Revelation 13: 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a ... read more
Walmart Closing Locations Globally
[image: Closed Walmart Store] *Walmart announced it is closing 154 U.S. stores, according to a company press release, including the company’s 102 Walmart Express stores, the smallest format stores. It is part of a global downsizing that will shutter 269 stores around the world out of Walmart's nearly 11,600 stores. The smaller-format store format had been tested since 2011.In addition to all the Express stores, 23 Neighborhood Markets, 12 Supercenters, seven stores in Puerto Rico, six discount centers and four Sam’s Clubs will be closed. About 16,000 associates will be a... read more
*[image: Tasers] "Taser" is an acronym for "Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle," a reference to juvenile adventure book character Tom Swift. A taser is a weapon that shoots two dart-like electrodes at its victims, then sending electric shocks through wire intended to stun a victim into submission, rendering him helpless and able to be controlled without excessive force. When the Taser electroshock weapon was introduced into widespread use in the early 1990s, it was touted as a "non-lethal" alternative to firearms, to be used to subdue criminals in situatio... read more
The North American Union
*Thomas Donohue (president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) on June 16, 2006 remarked that "for CEOs, North America is already a single market, and business decisions are no longer made with a Mexico strategy---or a Canada strategy---but, rather, with a North American strategy....I think it's pretty clear now that it no longer makes sense to talk about U.S. competitiveness and Mexican competitiveness---or, for that matter, about the competitiveness of Canada. We are all in this together---we, as North Americans." The Late Great USA - Link (pdf File) ... read more