Is the E.U. the Revived Roman Empire?

Daniel chapters 2 and 7 reveal a strong connection between the formation of the European Union and end-times scripture. The possible fulfillment of this scripture began in 1950 when the Roman Empire began to show signs of being revived. In 1950 the European Coal and Steel Community was proposed as a means of achieving economic unification in Europe following the war. The hope was that this would strengthen economic trade in Europe. This unified effort led to the signing of the treaties of Rome in 1957, which established the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Atomic Energy Council. That treaty was taken a step further with the signing of the Brussels Treaty in 1965. The Brussels Treaty began the process of rebuilding the old Roman Empire through reunification of European states under one political system, one economic system, and eventually under the protection of one military force. The treaty established a commission, council, parliament, and court for the union. The revived Roman Empire prophesied in the Bible was well on its way to becoming a reality.

More states were added to this growing union in 1973, 1981, and 1986, making up the 10 permanent member states of today's European Union. In 2002, the Euro was introduced as the first step toward a unified single currency in Europe. Upon adopting the Euro, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres raved, As Peter was the rock on which the church was built, so the Euro is the rock on which the European Union will be built.

The EU today is made up of over 25 countries, however the ten nations of the Western European Alliance have a separate status as full members, while those nations who joined subsequent to the original 10 have only associate membership, or observer status. This 10 nation military wing of the EU may very well fulfill the prophecy of the beast with 10 horns from Daniel 7:7-8 and Revelations 13:1. On this beast's back will ride the woman that symbolizes a global religious system that is to appear before Christ returns to set up His kingdom.

The purpose of the EU's creation was and is, ultimately, to create a European super-state or United States of Europe, as some have suggested naming it, that would eventually rival the United States in influence and military might. In 1999, Javier Solana became the High Representative for the EU's foreign and security policy, and through recommendation 666, he was given emergency powers over the military wing of the EU in 2000. All that currently remains to create a truly revived Roman Empire is the creation of a permanent executive branch of government and the full integration of the new Euro currency. With the introduction of the new EU constitution, the groundwork is being laid for just such an executive branch and economic system.

So how does this all relate to Bible prophecy? Let's start with the book of Daniel. Daniel chapter 2 records that the ancient Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream concerning the Last Days. No Babylonian could interpret the dream; however, Daniel, a captive of Judah, was able to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:25-30), as God had already revealed the dream to him (Daniel 2:19-23).

Daniel 2:25-30 says, You, O king, your thoughts came while you were on your bed about what would happen in the future, and the Revealer of Secrets informed you what will be. As for me, it is not because I possess more wisdom than any other being that this secret was revealed to me, but rather to make the interpretation known to the king, so that you may know what has occupied your thoughts.

Daniel recounted the dream to Nebuchadnezzar, and interpreted the king's dream of a huge statue by explaining the 4 major components of the statue.

1. A head of Gold

2. Breast and arms of silver

3. Belly and thighs of bronze

4. Feet of iron and clay

Most Bible scholars interpret these 4 components to represent the 4 major empires that have existed in the world's history. Daniel confirms that the first of these empires is Babylon, ruled by Nebuchadnezzar.

Daniel 2:37-38 Thou, O king, art a king of kings; for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of Gold.

Daniel goes on to identify the second and third empires that will emerge following the Babylonian empire.

Daniel 2:39 And after you will arise another kingdom inferior to you, and [then] another, a third kingdom, of copper, which will rule the whole earth.

History records the empires that followed Babylon were Medo-Persia and Greece. Daniel 5 tells us that Nebuchadnezzar's successor, Belshazzar, was conquered by Persia. The second empire of Nebuchadnezzar's dream was established from modern-day Iran to Asia Minor (Turkey).

The third empire to arise (Daniel 2:39b) and rule the earth was Greece, whose reign began at the time of Alexander the Great. The fourth empire will be a revived model of this Roman Empire. Daniel did, after all, tell Nebuchadnezzar that his vision was about what will be at the End of Days (Daniel 2:28). The fourth empire is described as follows:

Daniel 2:40 It will be strong, yet mixed. It will be a diverse empire (part of potters clay and part of iron, the kingdom will be divided), but will be strong (but there shall be in it of the strength of iron)

Prophecies elsewhere in the Bible also describe this fourth empire of the final days, and by studying these we can examine further any indications that would point to the European Union as the final world empire that will be ruled by the antichrist before Messiah returns.


Following Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Daniel also had a vision of these 4 kingdoms, but this time they were represented by 4 beasts. (Daniel 7:1-24)

The first beast in Daniel 7:4 is described as being like a lion, and it has eagles wings. Interestingly, the emblem of the ancient Babylon was a lion with eagles wings.

The second beast is described in Daniel 7:5 Then behold Another beast, a second one, similar to a bear; it was placed on one side, and there were three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and this is what they said to it, Arise, devour much flesh! The second beast in Daniel 7 is generally accepted as being Medo-Persia because Persia devoured much of the Middle East and Asia, and the Persian Empire had three capitals, Susa, Persepolis, and the conquered Babylon.

Of the third beast Daniel 7:6 says After this I was watching and behold Another beast, like a leopard, with four bird's wings on its back; the beast had four heads, and it was given dominion. This beast is symbolic of the empire of Greece left behind by Alexander the Great. When Alexander the Great died in 323 C.E., his empire was divided between and ruled by 4 of his generals.

The following verses describe the 4th beast, or kingdom of Daniel's dream.

Daniel 7:7-8 After this I was watching in night visions, and behold! A fourth beast, exceedingly terrifying, awesome and strong. It has immense iron teeth, and it was devouring and crumbling, and trampling its feet what remained. It was different from all the beasts that had preceded it, and it had ten horns. As I was contemplating the horns, behold! Another horn, a small one, came up among them, and three of the previous horns were uprooted before it. There were eyes like human eyes in this horn, and a mouth speaking haughty wordsпїЅ.

Daniel 7:23 Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it to peaces.

In the first verse we see a fourth beast with 10 horns. The small horn, speaking haughty words, rises up and conquers three of them. This represents the antichrist that will come to power through the 4th kingdom. The 10 horns, 3 of which are subdued, are the 10 kings that make up the rulers of the 4th kingdom. From this kingdom and the reign of antichrist will come a global system of government that will rule over the earth prior to the coming of Christ to establish his Kingdom.

Daniel 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise; and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

The three kings that are subdued will probably not approve of his rise to power or will object to his far-reaching powers.

In addition to creating an EU constitution, plans are being discussed for an EU presidency that will replace the current 6 month rotating presidency, creating a powerful international leader with great influence at the United Nations and on the global stage. The new president would be elected by government heads of EU members and would hold office for five years. Tony Blair believes this new president will become the public face and driving force of Europe. German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer has gone so far as to say that the Euro was the first step to a federation, and he went on to say that he wanted a powerful president of the EU as head of a European government with full legal and executive power. He welcomed the progress made in removing the sovereign rights of nations.

We're given a clue as to the identity of the little horn in Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and end thereof shall be [as swept away] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

We know that the people who destroyed Jerusalem (the city) and the temple (the sanctuary) were the Romans. From this people shall come the prince that is to come or the Antichrist. We can expect then for the Antichrist to rise up from a fourth kingdom that will be the revived Roman Empire.

Daniel 7:25 says, And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

The Antichrist will speak blasphemous words against God as he rules over the world, and there will be intense persecution of the tribulation saints. A time and times and the dividing of time refers to the three and a half years of the Great Tribulation (see Rev. 12:14; 135).

The EU is definitely becoming a world power of clay (diversity) and iron (power) with striking similarities to the fourth kingdom or fourth beast of Daniel's prophecies. A world power of so many ethnic groups and representing so many states could easily become a very influential leader at the United Nations and the world. It's possible that the U.N. is a beginning for this world government that will eventually be ruled by a revived Roman Empire and the Antichrist.

There are, however, other views on these prophesies that can be considered. Some think that the fourth kingdom is the revived Roman Empire (ten kings are the 10 nation military alliance of the EU) and the U.N. is the 4th beast (10 horns being the 10 bio-regions the UN has established for the globe). Only time will tell which is the case.

If the EU is the revived Roman Empire that will bring about the rise of Antichrist, then it is important to look at the religious symbolism of the EU. After all, riding on the beast's back will be the harlot that represents a global pagan religious system that will unite the world and play a part in the persecution of the tribulation saints (Rev. 17).

The EU flag has a circle of 12 stars on a blue background. These stars were inspired by the halo of 12 stars appearing around the Madonna as depicted in Catholic pictures of her. Leon Marchal, former secretary general of the Council of Europe, confirmed that the stars are representative of the woman of the Apocalypse. He expounded, it's wonderful that we have gotten back to the introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It's the corona stellarum duodecim of the woman of the Apocalypse. He is referencing the woman in Revelation 12 who appears with a crown of 12 stars. The Bible uses this symbolism to represent Israel, however the Catholic Church has always claimed that she represents the Virgin Mary, the mother of God. A leaflet titled Building Europe Together states that The European flag is a shared flag, blue with 12 gold stars symbolizing completeness. The number will remain 12 no matter how many countries there are in the European Union.

The anthem of the EU Ode to Joy also contains religious symbolism. Ode to Joy is the prelude to the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, which has religious implications. EU publications state that the anthem really is an ode to freedom, community, and peace, however the lyrics, by Friedrich von Schiller, are actually about the entering of the shrine of a pagan goddess and the uniting of all men in brotherhood, by the power of magic.

Further evidence of a religious side to the European Union is a poster that was issued by the EU, showing the tower of Babel. The poster carried the slogan Many tongues, one voice. As if the celebration of the pagan tower that led God to confuse the languages of a defiant people (Genesis 11) isn't enough, a crane in the background was shown rebuilding the tower. Now, once again, a rebellious people are rebuilding mystery Babylon. In a parliament building in Strasbourg, France, you will find an enormous replica of the unfinished tower of Babel that the secular press has named Eurobabel.

If that religious symbolism seems too obscure to be that significant, perhaps a snapshot of Revelation 17 will peak your interest in the religious symbolism of the EU. Revelation 17 depicts a great harlot riding on a beast. The beast in Revelation 17 represents the world government and the great harlot is a global religion that will ride in on its back. This harlot riding a beast was used when Britain issued a stamp to commemorate the first EU parliament election in 1979. It is now the official picture of the EU, and is painted on the dome of the parliament building in Brussels. It is also pictured on the same building that holds the Eurobabel.

The EU constitution has also raised the ire of protestant leaders by banning the mention of Christianity as part of Europe's cultural heritage, while at the same time, including references to the civilizations of Greece and Rome, and the philosophical heritage of the Enlightenment. EU government representatives excused this revisionist view of history by claiming any mention of Christian values would upset the Muslim population of the EU.

As you can see, the stage is being set for the emergence of a global political system(the EU and the UN), a global economic system(the Euro and WTO), and a global religious system (the interfaith movement). The EU would seem to fulfill many of the prophesies of the fourth kingdom that is to come, from which will arise the Antichrist of the end-times.

By Jennifer Rast  
Clear Proof We're Fast Approaching a New World Order

The global elite have never been closer to their goal of a united world.

Thanks to a series of interlocking treaties and international agreements, the governance of this planet is increasingly becoming globalized and centralized, but most people don't seem alarmed by this at all.

In the past 30 days, we have seen some of the biggest steps toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion that we have ever witnessed, but these events have sparked very little public discussion or debate. So please share this article with as many people as you can. We need to wake people up about this before it is too late.

From Sept. 25-27, the United Nations launched a "new universal agenda" for humanity. Those are not my words, they actually come directly out of the core document for this new agenda. The pope traveled to New York City to give the address that kicked off this conference, thus giving his considerable endorsement to this new plan. Virtually every nation on the entire planet willingly signed up for the 17 goals that are included in this plan, but this stunning turn of events made very few international headlines.

The United Nations is promising that if we all work together that we can turn our planet into some kind of "utopia", but the truth is that all of this talk about "unity" masks a very insidious agenda. The following comes from a recent piece by Paul McGuire, the author of a groundbreaking new book titled The Babylon Code:

The U.N. is not asking permission, but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals and 169 sustainable development targets designed to radically transform our world by 2030. The U.N. 2030 plan promoted by the pope will advance Agenda 21 on steroids. Through a controlled media the mass populations will be told that this is all about saving the environment and "ending poverty." But that is not the true agenda of Agenda 21. The true agenda of Agenda 21 is to establish a global government, global economic system, and global religion. When U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon spoke of "a dream of a world of peace and dignity for all," this is no different than when the communists promised the people a "worker's paradise."

For the general population, "the 2030 Agenda" has been rebranded as "the global goals." On Sept. 26, some of the biggest names in the music world (including Beyonce) promoted these new "global goals" at the "Global Citizen Festival" that was held in Central Park. And you can watch a YouTube video where some of the most famous names on the entire planet urge all of us to get behind these new "global goals" right here.

None of this is by accident. We are being trained to think of ourselves as "global citizens" that belong to a "global community." Decades ago, most Americans would have been up in arms over something like this. But now most people just seem to accept these changes passively. Very powerful secret societies and international organizations have been moving us in this direction for a very long time, and most Americans simply have no idea what is happening. Here is more from McGuire:

The United Nations is a de facto global government and does not rule by the "consent of the governed." The United Nations is a global government to which American politicians of both parties have surrendered our Constitutional rights. If you look at the Republican Presidential debates you see the vast majority of those running are "bought men and women." They are there to do the bidding of their true masters, the international banking families and their interlocking secret societies. If a candidate has a different set of beliefs than the "Orwellian group think" which constitutes domestic and foreign policy, he is allowed to go only so far.

Who are these powerful elite groups and the secret societies that run them? As we extensively document in our new book, The Babylon Code, co-authored by this author and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, there exists a very real network of semi-secretive and secret groups. Groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, United Nations, Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, and others control presidents, prime ministers, media networks, politicians, CEO's, and entire nations. You will almost never hear any substantive analysis by the media, which is controlled by these groups, nor of attempts at holding them accountable by governments around the world.

Another way that our planet is being "united" is through the use of international trade agreements.

The ultimate goal is for the entire world to become a "single market" with uniform laws, rules and regulations. But as we merge our economy with the rest of the globe, the United States has been losing tens of thousands of businesses and millions of jobs as the monolithic corporations that now dominate our economy shift production to areas where labor is much cheaper. This is absolutely destroying the middle class, but very few people seem to care.

Negotiations for one of the biggest international trade treaties that the world has ever seen recently concluded. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, also known as "Obamatrade", would represent a giant step toward a truly unified global economy. The following is an excerpt from one of my previous articles:

We have just witnessed one of the most significant steps toward a one world economic system that we have ever seen. Negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership have been completed, and if approved it will create the largest trading bloc on the planet. But this is not just a trade agreement. In this treaty, Barack Obama has thrown in all sorts of things that he never would have been able to get through Congress otherwise. And once this treaty is approved, it will be exceedingly difficult to ever make changes to it. So essentially what is happening is that the Obama agenda is being permanently locked in for 40 percent of the global economy.

The United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam all intend to sign on to this insidious plan. Collectively, these nations have a total population of about 800 million people and a combined GDP of approximately 28 trillion dollars.

And do you want to know who pushed really hard to give Obama fast track negotiating authority so that these negotiations could be brought to a successful conclusion?

It was the traitorous Republican leadership in Congress. They did everything that they could to pave the way for Obamatrade.

We are also seeing some stunning moves in the direction of a one world religion.

In recent years, you may have noticed that it has become very trendy to say that all religions are just different paths to the same God. In fact, many prominent religious leaders are now openly proclaiming that the two biggest faiths on the entire planet, Christianity and Islam, worship the exact same deity.

For example, just consider what the pope is saying publicly on this matter. The following is an extended excerpt from one of my recent articles on End of the American Dream:

What Pope Francis had to say at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan has received very little coverage by the mainstream media, but it was exceedingly significant. The following is how he began his address:

I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.

In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.

He did not choose those words by accident. In Islam, Allah is known as "the all-merciful one." If you doubt this, just do a Google search.

And this is not the first time Pope Francis has used such language. For instance, the following comes from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting as pope:

I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity.

The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs.

Pope Francis clearly believes that Christians and Muslims worship the exact same God. And so that helps to explain why he authorized "Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran" at the Vatican for the first time ever back in 2014.

What is happening is undeniable.

We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion.

Of course we will not get there overnight. It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way. In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there.

But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offer us will involve more globalization and more centralization. We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity.

For some, the goal of a "united planet" where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war and disease makes all the sense in the world.

For others, a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for "one world tyranny."

How the NWO Will Spread to Europe

This Awareness indicates that the conquest of the United States is not necessarily the beginning of the New World Order for Europe. The United States would need to be conquered if the New World Order were to be set up, but the purpose of conquering the United States is simply to get it diffused as an independent country so it cannot or does not wish to resist the implementation of the New World Order.

As for Europe, under the New World Order, the Bilderbergers are an organization that has been created, much as the Council Of Foreign Relation and Trilateralists in the United states was created, to bring these countries into the New World Order. The Bilderbergers as a great arm of the New World Order, to help secure Europe and those countries relating to the Bilderbergers into the New World Order.

You must understand that the New World Order is generally an outgrowth of the Rothschild banking and political powers, who set up or greatly set up with the help of other organizations, the Communist control of Russia, who also set up the control of the Nazis in Germany during World War II by helping to fund the Nazi movement along with others, such as Henry Ford and some other large financiers of the world.

This Awareness indicates that the Nazi movement and Communist movement, both being funded from these Rothschild wealth and power base, were but experiments and early efforts to establish some kind of purpose in bringing the great powers of Europe under control of the financial institutions owned by and controlled by the Rothschilds. The Rockefellers, who are often seen as competitors with the Rothschilds, are actually quite small in relation to the power and wealth of the Rothschilds, and could be squashed very easily by the Rothschilds powers.

This Awareness indicates the Rockefellers forces include the Council Of Foreign Relations and the Trilaterist organizations, and these are helping to promote the New World Order. The Rothschild are promoting the New World Order under Zionism, and Bilderbergers and certain Mafia contacts and through most of the banking establishments, and therefore, even regardless of what happens in the United States, and the various countries of Europe will have their own problems relating to the controls being established through the Rothschild forces and the European economic system.

The European community will be brought together as a large conglomerate of nations and will begin to have greater breakdown of boundaries as the nations are emasculated or diffused in terms of individuality. The definitions of each nation will begin to blur as the economics of Europe begin to spread and the boundaries are diminished whereby entities can travel from one country to another without passports or without excessive need for the usual customs evaluations that occurs at borders.

NWO Plans 10 Regions: "Ten Horns of the Beast"

This Awareness indicates that the same will eventually encompass many of the Russian and Eastern countries in Europe, and eventually it is planned to encompass all of Asia. This Awareness indicates that the plan calls for the establishment of ten regions of the world; these are what has been referred to in the Book of Revelation as the "Ten Horns of the Beast".

This Awareness indicates within the United States there will also be, according to the plan, Ten Regions, and these are that which is referred to in the Book of Revelation as the Smaller Beast that forces the masses to worship the larger beast. This Awareness indicates that in this sense, the UN, being funded mostly by United States money, is being promoted by the lesser beast, and when the lesser beast, the United Sates, becomes the New Republic, or the country having ten regions instead of 50 states, this country will then become more or less an enforcer of UN rules around the globe.

U.S. Taxpayers Will Fund NWO

There will be of course be cooperation from other countries who will help to supply troops, but much of the funding for such action of the UN will come from the United States. This Awareness indicates that it appears most of the funding, or the largest portion, will come from the United States, at least during the earlier stages of UN activity and world police enforcement.

This Awareness indicates that this does not mean that the United States will be sending troops into Europe to enforce the New World Order on all of the people in all of the countries; it does not mean that the United States will become a new form of Nazi Germany on world conquest for itself. It means rather, that the United States will help to fund the United Nations in its various global projects in trying to bring resistance nations under control of the UN, and Europe itself will be organized slowly and gradually by the Rothschild organizations and the various leaders of countries who are working with these Rothschild energies as they convert their countries into aspects of the New World Order.

Many of the countries of Europe will be asked to donate troops and money to the UN, and thus strengthen the UN as the centralized world-governing body to allow it greater power to conquer the rest of the world for the super-wealthy; there being approximately 13 families involved in this world conquest; the Rothschilds being the most notable of these families.

The European Union

This Awareness wishes to comment that the concept of a United Europe is not that different from the concept of a United States. The states in the United States Union were essentially and originally individual sovereign states that joined together in a kind of a union. To say "United States" is much like saying "Union of States." This Awareness indicates that the idea of a union of states was pure and could be very beneficial, but when the union of states get controlled from outside by the United States of America, Incorporated, in Washington D.C., whose jurisdiction in reality should only be its own ten square miles of territory, and when this union of states lets that corporation begin to rule them, because the corporation is capable of giving them large sums of money if they yield to their control, then a problem is developed.

They are selling their souls to the devil, in a sense. The same can be said for Europe. If these countries, which are sovereign independent countries, join together, and if, in their joining together they allow some external corporation or country or organization or force to begin dictating to them, then they have lost something very important: their own sovereignty, their own right to make their own decisions. This Awareness indicates that first it may be very insignificant and unimportant. The decisions that are made may not be of great concern, but the time will come when the outside force begins to dictate heavier and heavier policies, imposing restrictions on these independent countries, so that freedoms, which were once commonplace, are no longer allowed.

This Awareness reminds you that in 1933, Adolf Hitler spoke of a New World Order, seeing that it was his destiny to bring about a New World Order. This Awareness indicates you should also know that George Bush's father was one who helped finance Adolf Hitler into power and that George Bush belonged to the Skull and Bones Society in Yale University, which was an offshoot of the Skull and Bones Society in Nazi Germany.

New World Order Will be Worse than Hitler

This Awareness indicates that the movement of the Nazis across Europe in Hitler's effort to promote the New World Order by force, by invading country after another, and by subjugating the various countries in different ways, should give you some indication as to what to expect in a New World Order, even though it will be much worse in modern times than in Hitler's times, because the equipment, the technology for mass control or mass murder, is much more advanced now than it was in Hitler's time.

This Awareness indicates that if indeed your United Europe could unite with a focus on freedoms and the preservation of freedoms under some kind of constitution that guaranteed these freedoms and the rights of individuals, it could be most beneficial. But if it is simply a joining together for economic purposes and political controls, be very wary, for it is quite likely that these political controls will begin to become imprisonment controls, keeping entities under greater and greater control for the purpose of certain individuals..

Rothschild's London Estate a Sovereign State!

This Awareness indicates that the Rothschild's headquarters are on a certain grounds that are independent of the British and of England. They are essentially sovereign territory areas so that the Rothschilds cannot be controlled by the English laws because they are on land that is sovereign or separate from that of England, much the way the areas know as Washington D.C. is separate from the states, and therefore technically, those committing crimes against the states, who live in Washington D.C., cannot be held for treason until they are brought back to their own state, or the neighboring states.

As long as they are on foreign land, Washington D.C., these are not under the laws of the U.S,. Constitution or the States Constitution. Likewise, the Rothschilds are on foreign land in England and cannot be hold accountable to English law. This Awareness indicates that this is a way by which they create their own empire in the middle of London and carry on their mischief in such a way that allows them to be immune to any prosecution from English law, regardless of their fraud or misinterpretation or other crimes.

Rothschilds: "The Head of the Beast"

This Awareness indicates that as long as entities understand this as being the Horn of the Beast or the Head of the Beast and can recognize the importance of staying separate from the Rothschild influence and creating a union of countries, they can do great things in the preservation of freedom in the future. But, you must realize too that the Rothschild agents are like cockroaches crawling around your home. These cockroaches crawl as over Europe; they are everywhere. They are all around the world: in the United States, in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, in Japan and the Orient. They are constantly maneuvering and working for the Rothschild purposes.

When this Awareness speaks of the Rothschild purposes, It refers also to those cohorts, the other 12 super-wealthy families that associate or ride the coat-tails of the Rothschilds There are many families, but there are essentially 13 major families.

There are approximately 300 families, but 13 major families that make up the international banking community, which is behind the organizations known as the Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, the various secret cults such as the Masonry and the Tong organization and the Mafia, -- all of these various organizations which are sub-orders of the international banking community families.

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The Absolute, Complete, And Final 'New World Order' Checklist Is Here   (Html page)
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USDA Wants RFID Tracking To Be Mandatory   (Html page)
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The Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Carnegies and the Masonic NWO   (Html page)
Carnegie Institute Calls For Spraying Aerosols   (Html page)
Problem-Reaction-Solution: False Flag Attacks   (Html page)
San Francisco And Pre-Crime Surveillance Cameras   (Html page)
An Article on the Freemasons  By Stanley Monteith, M.D.
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Elite's Goal Of Microchipped Population   (Html page)
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Freemasons, the Third Temple, and the Antichrist   (Html page)
Directed Energy Weapons   (Html page)
The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics   (Html page)
Globalization and Secret Societies Exposed   (Html page)
The Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory   (Html page)
NYPD's handheld fingerprint scanner   (Html page)
The House of Rothschild Conspiracy   (Html page)
The John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy   (Html page)
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation   (Html page)
Washington D.C. and Masonic/Luciferic Symbology   (Html page)
Popular Conspiracy Theories Or Facts   (Html page)
The Power Elite At The Bohemian Club   (Html page)
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Project MKULTRA - Mind Control  (Html page)
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Freemason Temple Pictures   (Html page)
A Rothschild Plan for World Government   (Html page)
Top 10 Most Infamous Dictators in History  (Html page)
An Analysis Of The Attack Of The Pentagon  (Html page)
Secret Societies, their influence and power in world history  (Html page)
NWO Plans Fulfill Bible Prophecy   (Html page)
The Shadow Government  (Html page)
21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300  (Html Page)
9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Collapse  (Html Page with Videos)
Global Control through the RFID Chip  (Html Page)
DHS America's new secret police  (Html page)
FEMA - The Secret Government  By Harry V. Martin   (Html Page)
Refuse Smart Meters  (Html page)
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (aka Chemtrails) Facts  (Html page)
Corporate Logo Symbolism   By Freeman Fly   (Html page)
The Illuminati Brotherhood  By Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston
New World Order Or Occult Secret Destiny  By Terry Melanson   (Html webpage)
The Structure Of Freemasonry  Chart detailing Scottish and York Rite degrees
Media Consolidation – The Illusion of Choice   (Image)
Bilderberg Chart   (Image)
101 Ways To Help Planet Earth  (Pdf file)
David Icke - The Biggest Secret  (Pdf file)
George Orwell - 1984  (Pdf file)
The Late Great USA  (Pdf file)
Bloodlines Of The Illuminati  - By Fritz Springmeier   (Pdf file)
Vatican Assassins  - By Eric Jon Phelps   (Pdf file)
The Coming New World Order  (Pdf File - ebook)
The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy  By R Cooke   (Pdf File)
How Did The Fluoride Scam Begin?  (Pdf file)
Secret Societies by Milton William Cooper  (Pdf file)
The New World Order Timeline  (Pdf file)
The New World Order By D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D   (Pdf file)
National Strategy For Homeland Security  (Pdf file)
America: Fallen, Fallen  (Pdf file)
Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula&nbsp By Fritz Springmeier   (Pdf file)
What caused the great depression?  (Pdf file)
The Secret History Of The Jesuits&nbsp (Pdf file)
One World Government And Signs Of The End  (Pdf file)
Who Are The Black Nobility?  (Pdf file)
Electronic Global Police State - New World Order?  (PDF file)
The New World Order  H. G. Wells   (PDF file)
The Dark Hand Of History  - Republic Magazine   (Pdf file)
Freemasonry Exposed  (Pdf file)
The New World Order  (Pdf file)
NWO Plans Exposed By Insider  (Pdf file)
Surviving The NWO  (Pdf file)
We The Peoples - A United Nations Report  (Pdf file)
9/11 Slide Presentation, 9/22/06   By Dr. Steven E. Jones   (pdf file)
Secret Signs, Symbols, And Hidden Codes of the Illuminati   (pdf file - ebook)
Mystery Babylon Series  By William Cooper   (Audio files)
The Final Warning   (Art Bell interviews the late Fr. Malachi Martin)   (MP3 File)
The NWO and Freemasonry  Mystery Babylon Series - William Cooper   (MP3 File)
Dr. Judy Wood - Directed energy weapons 9/11 discussion   (MP3 File)
Lucifer Worship  Mystery Babylon Series - William Cooper   (MP3 File)
Sun Worship   Mystery Babylon Series - William Cooper   (MP3 File)
Alan Watt on "The Freeman Perspective"   (MP3 File)
David Icke on "The Freeman Perspective"   (MP3 File)
Alex Jones interviews Eustace Mullins   (MP3 File)
Alan Watt on "The Edge AM" w/ Daniel Ott   (MP3 File)
Myron Fagan - The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations   (MP3 File)
9/11 - WTC Bldg 7   New World Out of Order Podcast   (MP3 File)
The Federal Reserve   New World Out of Order Podcast   (MP3 File)
The CFR   New World Out of Order Podcast   (MP3 File)
The Rothschilds   New World Out of Order Podcast   (MP3 File)
9/11 - The Pentagon   New World Out of Order Podcast   (MP3 File)
JFK Assassination   Podcast - 6.75 Hours   (MP3 File)
JFK Assassination   Part 1;   Part 2   Out There Radio   (MP3 File)
The Obama Deception   Patriot Truth Podcast   (MP3 File)
Bilderberg Conspiracy   Freedom Now Podcast   (MP3 File)
Rosa Koire On The UN And Agenda 21   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Occult Symbolism - Freeman - Part 1   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Occult Symbolism - Freeman - Part 2   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Indianapolis Gateway to Hell - Part 1   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Indianapolis Gateway to Hell - Part 2   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Waco, The Oklahoma City Bombing And More   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Secret Societies/World Mysteries   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Collapse of WTC Building 7   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Secret Society Plan To Rule The World   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
The Illuminati   Part 1;   Part 2   Texe Marrs - The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Signs, Symbols and Codes of the Illuminati   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
911: In Plane Site   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
The Moon Landing Hoax   Part 1;   Part 2   The Edge Radio   (MP3 File)
Doc Marquis;   Eric Jon Phelps;   Jerome Corsi;   Anthony Hilder   (MP3 File)
Jim Fetzer - Kennedy Assasination   (MP3 File) - Volume is low at the start
John Costella - The Zapruder Film   Black Op Radio   (MP3 File)
Doug Valentine - CIA, LSD & MKULTRA   Black Op Radio   (MP3 File)
Scott Stevens - Chemtrails   (MP3 File)
The Illuminati - Dr. Dennis Cuddy   Future Quake   (MP3 File)
Dr. Kevin Barrett - 9/11 INSIDE JOB EXPLAINED   (MP3 File)
Alan Watt on the NWO   Part 1;   Part 2;   Part 3   (MP3 File)
Eustace Mullins on the NWO   (MP3 File)
Jerome Corsi on the NWO   (MP3 File)
Bruce Gagnon on the NWO   (MP3 File)
The Occult Philosophy - Michael Hoffman   (MP3 File)
Secret Societies - 4 Speakers - Coast to Coast   (MP3 File)
Aaron Russo - Alex Jones - Rockefeller - World Government   (MP3 File)
Charles Key - Oklahoma City Bombing   (MP3 File)
Tony Gosling - Bilderbergers - Alex Jones   (MP3 File)
9/11 Interviews   Jim Marrs;   David Chandler   (MP3 File)
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(Watch Video)   Pandemic, Pandemonium, or “the Plan”
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(Watch Video)  Las Vegas Mandalay UNSEEN Phone Footage - Part 2
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(Watch Video)  BREAKING NEVER SEEN EVIDENCE - Mandalay Bay
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(Watch Video)  Ole Dammegård - Ole Exposes Assassination And False Flags.
(Watch Video)  Ole Dammegard: "Statue of Liberty – NYC Is Next NWO False Flag"
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(Watch Video)  Orlando Pulse Shooting (Illuminati False Flag Attack Exposed)
(Watch Video)  Orlando Shooting 100% Staged - Was a STAGED HOAX
(Watch Video)  Orlando Shooting HOAX (Redsilverj)
(Watch Video)  Orlando Shooting STAGED!! (Wakeus)
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(Watch Video)  CNN Fake News Cast
(Watch Video)  History of Secret Societies (Jordan Maxwell)
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(Watch Video)  Secrets of Kabbalah - Documentary
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(Watch Video)  Katy Perry Super Bowl Illuminati Half Time Show EXPOSED
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(Watch Video)  Boston Crisis Actors
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(Watch Video)  The United States Of America
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(Watch Video)  San Bernardino Massacre: A Lie, Hoax, False Flag, Staged Shooting
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(Watch Video)  Miley Cyrus And The Illuminati
(Watch Video)  Hollywood Mind Control
(Watch Video)  Hollywood Mind Control 2
(Watch Video)  Fingerprint Reader Biometric Face Recognition by IDTeck
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(Watch Video)  Prosperity Gospel: Secret Lives Behind the LIES
(Watch Video)  US to adopt new biometric surveillance system?
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(Watch Video)  Boston Terror Drills - City Wide Lock Down Test
(Watch Video)  Boston Bombing: What You Aren't Being Told
(Watch Video)  End Times By Rob Cartledge - Bible Prophecy Explained
(Watch Video)  FALSE PROPHET of Revelation
(Watch Video)  The Last Pope Has Arrived!
(Watch Video)  New Pope Is First Jesuit To Lead Catholic Cult
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(Watch Video)  After The Tribulation "The Truth Left Behind"
(Watch Video)  Jim Fetzer: What Happened To JFK And Why It Matters Today
(Watch Video)  JFK'S assassination 11/22/63 (WCCO-RADIO)   Part 1
(Watch Video)  JFK'S assassination 11/22/63 (WCCO-RADIO)   Part 2
(Watch Video)  JFK'S assassination 11/22/63 (WCCO-RADIO)   Part 3
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(Watch Video)  Project Sandy Hook Explained
(Watch Video)  What Really Happened At Sandy Hook?
(Watch Video)  Sandy Hook Conspiracy Fact! Proof It Was Setup
(Watch Video)  Sandy Hook Fully Exposed
(Watch Video)  Sandy Hook: A Startling Revelation
(Watch Video)  American COLLAPSE reveals FRAUD, LIES, & Corruption
(Watch Video)  It's COLLAPSING, So Now What?
(Watch Video)  Satanism in the Industry (Music, Hollywood, NWO) Part 2
(Watch Video)  The Batman Shooting - Illuminati Exposed
(Watch Video)  Was The Batman Massacre Staged Terror?
(Watch Video)  Aurora Batman Killings: Conspiracy or Coincidence?
(Watch Video)  911 Illuminazi by Anthony Hilder
(Watch Video)  Knowing Your Enemy - Illuminati History
(Watch Video)  The Illuminati Explained - Audio
(Watch Video)  EU: What's Really Happening
(Watch Video)  The False Prophet
(Watch Video)  Globalist Subliminally Prepared The Public for 9/11
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(Watch Video)  JFK Killed by Bankers
(Watch Video)  9/11: WTC sub-level explosions
(Watch Video)  Elite's Goal Of Microchipped Population
(Watch Video)  The Patriot Act - The Secret Law
(Watch Video)  The Coming American Police State
(Watch Video)  The Project for the New American Century
(Watch Video)  New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen
(Watch Video)  JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown
(Watch Video)  Face Scanning Cameras 2001
(Watch Video)  The Seething Energies of Lucifer
(Watch Video)  Chemical Spraying - Aluminum Raining Down On Us
(Watch Video)  New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection
(Watch Video)  World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes
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(Watch Video)  The Dark Side of Smart Meters
(Watch Video)  The NWO Social Control Agenda
(Watch Video)  Antichrist and false prophet
(Watch Video)  Antichrist and false prophet: One world religion
(Watch Video)  Taser Training Video
(Watch Video)  Cameras, Cameras, Everywhere
(Watch Video)  Big Brother (CCTV) is watching You
(Watch Video)  False Flag Attacks
(Watch Video)  A guide to the New World Order
(Watch Video)  New World Order Government Conspiracy
(Watch Video)  9/11 "KITE PLANE MUST HIT STEEL"
(Watch Video)  The Coming New World Order
(Watch Video)  New 9/11 photos prove WTC exploded from inside
(Watch Video)  9/11 Inside Job: Ten Years Later
(Watch Video)  Club Of Rome and The Committee of 300
(Watch Video)  Building 7 Controlled Demolition
(Watch Video)  Advanced knowledge of 9-11
(Watch Video)  WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter
(Watch Video)  The Illuminati
(Watch Video)  The Secrets of the Jesuits (Jim Arrabito)
(Watch Video)  The New World Order Is Here!
(Watch Video)  The Illuminati/AntiChrist All Seeing Eye
(Watch Video)  Ancient Mystery School Symbols of the Illuminati
(Watch Video)  Illuminati Symbolism: It's Everywhere
(Watch Video)  Signals, Signs & Symbols on the Occult
(Watch Video)  Secret Societies
(Watch Video)  What in the world are they spraying (Chemtrails)
(Watch Video)  Somark: RFID Tattoo
(Watch Video)  David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, and Alex Jones
(Watch Video)  The Mark Of The Beast / Biometrics
(Watch Video)  Positive ID and The Verichip
(Watch Video)  US-VISIT's Use of Biometrics Strengthens Security
(Watch Video)  The End Times And The Rfid Chip
(Watch Video)  Tri Card (Biometrics card setup and demo)
(Watch Video)  Pay by fingerprint- Fox News
(Watch Video)  AROBTV report on Radio Frequency Identification.
(Watch Video)  IBM RFID Commercial - The Future Market
(Watch Video)  The Microchip - Mark Of The Beast?
(Watch Video)  The National ID Card
(Watch Video)  Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in USA
(Watch Video)  Naomi Wolf - The End Of America
(Watch Video)  Coverup in Oklahoma City
(Watch Video)  Lindsey Williams - Tragedy Hope, and Reality
(Watch Video)  Michael Moore - Farenheit 911
(Watch Video)  Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined - By Jason Bermas
(Watch Video)  Corporate Logos By Freeman - The Freeman Perspective
(Watch Video)  9/11 Loose Change
(Watch Video)  Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy By Dr. Michael Parenti
(Watch Video)  Alan Watt : Cutting Through the Matrix
(Watch Video)  Fall Of The Republic By Alex Jones
(Watch Video)  ENDGAME- Blueprint for Global Enslavement By Alex Jones
(Watch Video)  Masters Of Terror - Globalists Plan For World Domination
(Watch Video)  Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove By Alex Jones
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(Watch Video)  General Ben Partin Speaks About Oklahoma City and Waco
(Watch Video)  Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings : Riddles in Stone
(Watch Video)  1984 (Movie) Based on George Orwell's novel.
(Watch Video)  Brave New World (Movie) Based on Aldous Huxley's novel.
New World Order Quotes from Politicians   (Watch Video)  Part 1;   Part 2;   Part 3
Illuminati Proof   (Watch Video)  Part 1;   Part 2;   Part 3;   Part 4
The Consequences Of Falling To A North American Union  (Pdf file)
The Real Threat of Fascism  By Paul Bigioni
Conspiracy Times "10 False Flag Operations"  By Joe Crubaugh
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Rebuilding America's Defenses - Project for the New American Century
Patriot Act Text of the Patriot Act   (PDF file)
Text of the REAL ID Act (as passed on May 11, 2005)   (PDF file)
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An Introduction To Biometrics   (PDF file)
Next Generation Biometrics   (PDF file)
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Martial Law Martial law is the system of rules that takes effect when the military takes control of the normal administration of justice. Usually martial law reduces some of the personal rights ordinarily granted to the citizen, limits the length of the trial processes, and prescribes more severe penalties than ordinary law. Wikipedia
North America Free Trade Agreement The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a commercial agreement among Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico which promised free trade and easier flows of capital among the signatory nations. Wikipedia

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Inside Kabbalah,            Owl Symbolism & Bohemian Grove,            Chemtrails,            The Georgia Guidestones,            America's Occult Foundation,            Albert Pike,            The Oklahoma City Bombing,            The False Left-Right Paradigm,            Bohemian Grove,            Skull And Bones,            The "War on Terror" is a Fraud,            The Federal Reserve Conspiracy,            Trilateral Commission,            The Bilderberg Group,            North American Union,            False Flag Operations,            Illuminati eye - Eye In The Pyramid,            Order Out Of Chaos,            What Is The Illuminati Conspiracy?,            New World Order - Occult Symbols,            Music Industry's Occult References And Symbolism,            End Time Prophecy,            Mystery Babylon,            The Antichrist,            One World Religion,            The Freemasons,            The Jesuits - Society of Jesus,            The Illuminati,            Secret Societies,            The New World Order,            Totalitarianism And World War III,            Global Currency,            Sun Worship,            The Statue Of Liberty,            War Is A Racket,            Council on Foreign Relations,            Timeline to Global Governance,            New World Order - Pyramids and Bloodlines,            USA PATRIOT Act,            Electronic Surveillance       

Bible Prophecy Links

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Facts they don't want you to know about the E.U. - 2003 By Despatch Magazine   (pdf file)
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Chart Of The Times Of The Gentiles   (Html webpage)
Daniel's Seventy Week   (Power point presentation)
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Is A Pope Going To Be The Antichrist?
The Roman Catholic Church The harlot (Mystery Babylon) of Revelation 17
What Does The Word Vatican Mean And Is The Catholic Church The Harlot?
Is America Mystery Babylon? Article implying that America might be the end time Mystery Babylon
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History Of Satan   (Html page)
The Mark Of The Beast  (Pdf File - ebook)
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We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order. - David Rockefeller